STORY COUNTY COMMUNITY HOUSING CORPORATION a community land trust 130 S. Sheldon #307, Ames, IA 50014 • (515) 292-3676 • Making Affordable Housing a reality – By getting involved with Story County Community Housing Corporation ---------------------------------Please keep the top portion and send the bottom portion back to us… I am willing to… 1) Become a member by making an annual gift of support 2) Increase my annual financial support a) write and/or edit b) prepare for mailing 9) Assist with the Web Site 3) Host a house party for friends or neighbors to learn about SCCHC 4) Serve on the Board of Directors (one term is 3 years) 10) Assist with Office tasks, e.g. sending thank-you notes to donors Long Term 11) estate gifts of money or homes 12) Endowment gifts 13) Selling your home through the Land Trust Model 5) Work on an SCCHC committee --Residence --Finance --Outreach/Promotion --Housing Development On Going 6) Do maintenance on properties 14) Help identify potential home owners/renters 7) Prepare apartments / do yard Work 15) Help identify new SCCHC members and newsletter recipients 8) Help with the quarterly newsletter ---------------------------------Return this portion to SCCHC: Name:__________________________________________________________________ Phone: __________________________ Email: ________________________________ Indicate the number before the way(s) you can help: _____________________________