1984-1985 BILLS TABLE OF CONTENTS Bill Number and Title Page Bill 84/85/1 Summer School Allocations, 1984 ........................................................................1 Bill 84/85/2 Student Government Identification Buttons ..........................................................2 Bill 84/85/3 Special Allocation to the FONE ............................................................................3 Bill 84/85/4 Tentative Allocations.............................................................................................4 Bill 84/85/5 Nichols Hall Artist, Commissioning of .................................................................6 Bill 84/85/6 Student Health Plan, 1984-1985 ............................................................................7 Bill 84/85/7 No Bill Due to a Numbering Error ........................................................................8 Bill 84/85/8 Campaign Expenditure Revisions (Expenditure Limits).......................................9 Bill 84/85/9 Standing Committees By-Laws Revisions ..........................................................10 Bill 84/85/10 Finance Committee By-Laws Revisions .............................................................11 Bill 84/85/11 Closing of 1983-84 Accounts ..............................................................................12 Bill 84/85/12 University Activities Board Constitutional & By-Laws Revisions .....................14 Bill 84/85/13 1984-85 Final Allocations: Associated Students of Kansas ................................15 Bill 84/85/13 1984-85 Final Allocations: Associated Students of Kansas @ KSU ..................15 Bill 84/85/13 1984-85 Final Allocations: Black Student Union ...............................................15 Bill 84/85/13 1984-85 Final Allocations: Coalition of Human Rights......................................15 Bill 84/85/13 1984-85 Final Allocations: College Councils .....................................................15 Bill 84/85/13 1984-85 Final Allocations: Consumer Relations Board ......................................15 Bill 84/85/13 1984-85 Final Allocations: Debate ......................................................................15 Bill 84/85/13 1984-85 Final Allocations: Early Childhood Laboratory ....................................15 Bill 84/85/13 1984-85 Final Allocations: Fine Arts Council ....................................................15 Bill 84/85/13 1984-85 Final Allocations: Honorariums ............................................................15 Bill 84/85/13 1984-85 Final Allocations: International Coordinating Council .........................15 Bill 84/85/13 1984-85 Final Allocations: K-State Union ..........................................................15 Bill 84/85/13 1984-85 Final Allocations: KSDB-FM Radio .....................................................16 Bill 84/85/13 1984-85 Final Allocations: Legal Services .........................................................16 Bill 84/85/13 1984-85 Final Allocations: MEChA ...................................................................16 Bill 84/85/13 1984-85 Final Allocations: Puerto Rican Student Organization .........................16 Bill 84/85/13 1984-85 Final Allocations: Recreational Services ..............................................16 Bill 84/85/13 1984-85 Final Allocations: Reserves for Maintenance of Long Standing Programs .............................................................................................................16 Bill 84/85/13 1984-85 Final Allocations: Sports Club Council ................................................16 Bill 84/85/13 1984-85 Final Allocations: Student Governing Association ...............................16 Bill 84/85/13 1984-85 Final Allocations: Student Publications ................................................16 Bill 84/85/13 1984-85 Final Allocations: Students for BACCHUS ..........................................16 Bill 84/85/13 1984-85 Final Allocations: Students for Handicapped Concerns .......................16 Bill 84/85/13 1984-85 Final Allocations: University for Man ..................................................16 Bill 84/85/13 1984-85 Final Allocations: U-Learn ...................................................................16 Bill 84/85/13 1984-85 Final Allocations: Withholding .............................................................16 Bill 84/85/13 1984-85 Final Allocations: Women’s Resource Center ......................................16 Bill 84/85/14 Special Allocation to Touchstone Magazine .......................................................17 Bill 84/85/15 Special Allocation to the Music Trip Fund .........................................................18 Bill 84/85/16 Special Allocation to SGA ..................................................................................19 Bill 84/85/17 Special Allocation to Coalition for Human Rights..............................................20 Bill 84/85/18 Flexible Review of Line Items ............................................................................21 Bill 84/85/19 Elimination of the Summer School Allocation Process ......................................22 Bill 84/85/20 SGA Election Date Revisions: SGA By-Laws, Campaign Regulations and Campaign Expenditure Regulations .............................................................23 Bill 84/85/21 SGA Purchase of Typewriter...............................................................................24 Bill 84/85/22 Student Health Fee Increase ................................................................................25 Bill 84/85/23 Bill 84/85/24 Bill 84/85/25 Bill 84/85/26 Senate Aide Program Revision ............................................................................26 Special Allocation to Agriculture Student Council .............................................28 Lafene Student Health Advisory Committee Revisions ......................................29 SGA By-Laws Revisions: Vice Chair’s Position ................................................30 1984-1985 BILLS INDEX Constitutional Amendments page Bill 84/85/12 University Activities Board Constitutional & By-Laws Revisions .....................14 By-Laws Amendments Bill 84/85/9 Standing Committees By-Laws Revisions ..........................................................10 Bill 84/85/10 Finance Committee By-Laws Revisions .............................................................11 Bill 84/85/26 SGA By-Laws Revisions: Vice Chair’s Position ................................................30 Elections Bill 84/85/8 Campaign Expenditure Revisions (Expenditure Limits).......................................9 Statutes Amendments Bill 99/00/02 Bill Name Bill Name Bill Name Bill Name Bill Name Bill Name Bill Name Bill Name Bill Name Bill Name Bill Name Bill Name .............................2 Allocations Bill 84/85/1 Summer School Allocations, 1984 ........................................................................1 Bill 84/85/4 Tentative Allocations.............................................................................................4 Bill 84/85/11 Closing of 1983-84 Accounts ..............................................................................12 Bill 84/85/13 1984-85 Final Allocations: Associated Students of Kansas ................................15 Bill 84/85/13 1984-85 Final Allocations: Associated Students of Kansas @ KSU ..................15 Bill 84/85/13 1984-85 Final Allocations: Black Student Union ...............................................15 Bill 84/85/13 1984-85 Final Allocations: Coalition of Human Rights......................................15 Bill 84/85/13 1984-85 Final Allocations: College Councils .....................................................15 Bill 84/85/13 1984-85 Final Allocations: Consumer Relations Board ......................................15 Bill 84/85/13 1984-85 Final Allocations: Debate ......................................................................15 Bill 84/85/13 1984-85 Final Allocations: Early Childhood Laboratory ....................................15 Bill 84/85/13 1984-85 Final Allocations: Fine Arts Council ....................................................15 Bill 84/85/13 1984-85 Final Allocations: Honorariums ............................................................15 Bill 84/85/13 1984-85 Final Allocations: International Coordinating Council .........................15 Bill 84/85/13 1984-85 Final Allocations: K-State Union ..........................................................15 Bill 84/85/13 1984-85 Final Allocations: KSDB-FM Radio .....................................................16 Bill 84/85/13 1984-85 Final Allocations: Legal Services .........................................................16 Bill 84/85/13 1984-85 Final Allocations: MEChA ...................................................................16 Bill 84/85/13 1984-85 Final Allocations: Puerto Rican Student Organization .........................16 Bill 84/85/13 1984-85 Final Allocations: Recreational Services ..............................................16 Bill 84/85/13 1984-85 Final Allocations: Reserves for Maintenance of Long Standing Programs .............................................................................................................16 Bill 84/85/13 1984-85 Final Allocations: Sports Club Council ................................................16 Bill 84/85/13 1984-85 Final Allocations: Student Governing Association ...............................16 Bill 84/85/13 1984-85 Final Allocations: Student Publications ................................................16 Bill 84/85/13 1984-85 Final Allocations: Students for BACCHUS ..........................................16 Bill 84/85/13 1984-85 Final Allocations: Students for Handicapped Concerns .......................16 Bill 84/85/13 1984-85 Final Allocations: University for Man ..................................................16 Bill 84/85/13 1984-85 Final Allocations: U-Learn ...................................................................16 Bill 84/85/13 1984-85 Final Allocations: Withholding .............................................................16 Bill 84/85/13 1984-85 Final Allocations: Women’s Resource Center ......................................16 Special Allocations Bill 84/85/3 Special Allocation to the FONE ............................................................................3 Bill 84/85/14 Special Allocation to Touchstone Magazine .......................................................17 Bill 84/85/15 Bill 84/85/16 Bill 84/85/17 Bill 84/85/24 Special Allocation to the Music Trip Fund .........................................................18 Special Allocation to SGA ..................................................................................19 Special Allocation to Coalition for Human Rights..............................................20 Special Allocation to Agriculture Student Council .............................................28 Privilege Fees Bill 84/85/18 Flexible Review of Line Items ............................................................................21 Bill 84/85/22 Student Health Fee Increase ................................................................................25 Funding Regulations and Guidelines Bill 84/85/20 SGA Election Date Revisions: SGA By-Laws, Campaign Regulations and Campaign Expenditure Regulations .............................................................23 Miscellaneous Bill 84/85/2 Bill 84/85/5 Bill 84/85/6 Bill 84/85/7 Bill 84/85/19 Bill 84/85/21 Bill 84/85/23 Bill 84/85/25 Student Government Identification Buttons ..........................................................2 Nichols Hall Artist, Commissioning of .................................................................6 Student Health Plan, 1984-1985 ............................................................................7 No Bill Due to a Numbering Error ........................................................................8 Elimination of the Summer School Allocation Process ......................................22 SGA Purchase of Typewriter...............................................................................24 Senate Aide Program Revision ............................................................................26 Lafene Student Health Advisory Committee Revisions ......................................29 BILL 84/85/l BY: SUMMER SCHOOL ALLOCATIONS, 1984 Hike Johnson WHEREAS the Summer School Allocations Board has met and reviewed carefully the budgets of all groups requesting summer allocations BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The following allocations be approved as final for the 1984 Summer School Session: K-State Union Recreational Services Student Publications KSDB-FM Radio Summer Artist Series Summer Repertory Theatre U-LearN University for Man FONE ALLOCATED 1983 $22,982 4,700 5,500 1,093 4,175 4,620 0.00 2,470 0.00 $45,540 PASSED 3/8/84 B-1 REQUESTED 1987 $25,000 4,700 6,500 1,316 4,510 5,675 1,297 2,582 330 $51,910 ALLOCATED 1984 $25,000 4,800 7,000 1,916 4,540 6,075 1,297 2,582 330 $53,510 BILL 84/85/2 BY: STUDENT GOVERNMENT IDENTIFICATION BUTTONS Brian O’Neill, Kendra Ponte, Kay Deever, Cath Sayler WHEREAS in the Spring of l983 Student Senate passed Senate Bill 83/84/4, Senator Identification Buttons, in the hope of fostering better communication between KSU students and their representatives in student government, and WHEREAS the intent of the bill was noble, but the effect of the Senator Identification Buttons in increasing representative-to-student communication has been questioned, and WHEREAS enforcement of the bill was extremely difficult, and therefore lax, and WHEREAS the goal of increased communication with students is one shared by all members of student government BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. All members of student government shall be encouraged to wear a button bearing the words “Student Government” while on campus. SECTION 2. For the purpose of this legislation, “members of student government” shall be defined as the Student Body President, the Chairperson of Student Senate, Student Senators, student members of Senate committees, and members of the Student Body President’s Cabinet. SECTION 3. Each year, Student Senate’s Communications Standing Committee shall select the appropriate color(s), wording, materials, and construction of the button, subject to approval of the Student Senate Executive Committee. SECTION 4. Each member of student government shall be required to pay for their own button, in a manner to be decided by the Communications Committee. The Communications Committee shall also be responsible for the procurement and distribution of the buttons. SECTION 5. Members of student government shall be encouraged to report instances of increased communication resulting from the button to the Communications Committee. SECTION 6. Senate Bill 83/84/4 is repealed. PASSED 3/22/84 B-2 BILL 84/85/3 BY: SPECIAL ALLOCATION TO THE FONE Finance Committee WHEREAS FONE Crisis Center, Inc. rents space from University for Man, and WHEREAS a misunderstanding arose between Finance Committee, the FONE, and U.F.M. concerning the rent contract binding of the above organizations, and WHEREAS Student Senate is the only significant source of funding for the FONE at this time, and WHEREAS the above mentioned misunderstanding led to a Finance Committee recommendation for funding and a Student Senate allocation that did not meet the amount of rent set by U.F.M. (the landlord) in the previous allocation year BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $165 to the FONE to remedy the rent deficit. SECTION 2. This money shall come from the Reserves for Maintenance of Standing Programs account. PASSED 3/8/84 B-3 BILL 84/85/4 BY: TENTATIVE ALLOCATIONS Finance Committee ALLOCATED 1983-84 REQUESTED 1984-85 TENTATIVE ALLOCATION Associated Students of Kansas $13,220.00 $.50 FTE ($.40 FTE) ($16,000 est) $.50 FTE, with $.10 of the $.50 coming from the Reserves for Maintenance of Standing Programs ($16,000 total, with $3,000 of the $16,000 coming from Reserves for Maintenance of Standing Programs) Associated Students of Kansas @ KSU Black Student Union (BSU) Coalition for Human Rights (CHR) College Councils Agriculture Architecture & Design Arts & Sciences Business Administration Education Engineering Graduate School Home Economics Veterinary Medicine 431.00 630.00 596.20 1,033.24 3,030.00 1,139.00 132.99 1,025.00 (withdrawn) 0.00 44,406.60 43,829.40 43,829.40 ($1.50 LI/full-time student & $.42 LI/part-time student) 4,908.60 2,239.68 11,820.36 6,816.48 2,779.68 7,128.00 4,262.16 2,622.60 1,251.84 Consumer Relations Board (CRB) 3,641.92 4,097.00 3,417.20 Debate 6,599.70 7,480.30 6,599.70 Early Childhood Laboratory 1,727.35 2,470.00 0.00 59,648.00 $2.75 LI Fine Arts Council ($2.00 LI) FONE Crisis Center 9,531.35 ($81,000 est) $2.00 LI ($58,500 est) 10,018.85 10,018.85 Honorariums 4,600.00 Black Student Union 2,500.00 Coalition for Human Rights 0.00 request withdrawn International Coordinating Council 1,400.00 MEChA 600.00 Puerto Rican Student Organization 800.00 Women’s Resource Center 0.00 9,200.00 5,300.00 International Coordinating Council (ICC) 7,192.41 3,506.46 3,653.23 B-4 ALLOCATED 1983-84 K-State Union 379,266.00 ($12 & $6 LI) REQUESTED 1984-85 TENTATIVE ALLOCATION $12 LI/full-time & $6 LI/part-time ($360,432 est) ($360,432 est) KSDB-FM Radio 12,663.35 12,027.94 10,813.51 Legal Services 18,748.65 22,696.00 19,885.40 5,869.69 ------------ 0.00 MEChA 648.50 618.00 383.56 Puerto Rican Student Organization 306.22 382.00 234.50 Long Range Reserves for Capital Outlay Recreational Services 77,232.25 $2.50 LI/full-time & $.75 LI/part-time ($2.50 LI & $.75 LI) ($75,090 est) ($75,090 est) Reserves for Contingencies Reserves for Maintenance of Long Standing Programs Sports Club Council Student Governing Association (SGA) Student Publications 2,504.76 ------------ 0.00 ------------- 2,707.50 4,228.50 3,113.00 30,241.00 31,558.24 31,253.78 93,035.00 ($3 & $1 LI) Students for BACCHUS $3 LI/full-time time student & $2 LI/part time student ($93,608 est) 0.00 (-$5,056.74, including the $3,000 to ASK above) $3 LI/full-time student & $1 LI/ part-time student ($90,108 est) 0.00 50.00 0.00 1,957.41 2,934.80 2,134.80 12,770.00* 12,770.00 10,523.80* U-LearN 9,845.48 10,145.08 10,006.68 Withholding (estimated) 6,500.00 6,500.00 6,500.00 475.20 475.20 471.90 $803,396.39 819,488.72 764,801.00 Students for Handicapped Concerns (SHC) University for Man (UFM) *represents a 10% cutback figured from the 80-81 base year of $15,034.00 Women’s Resource Center (WRC) TOTALS PASSED 4/26/84 B-5 BILL 84/85/5 BY: NICHOLS HALL ARTIST, COMMISSIONING OF Nichols Hall Art Committee WHEREAS the Nichols Hall Art Committee has begun the selection process for a piece of artwork for Nichols Hall, and WHEREAS the established timetable lists June 15, for the final selection of the artist to be commissioned, and WHEREAS the artist needs to be given sufficient time to complete the artwork for installation by the projected April 1985 completion of Nichols Hall, and WHEREAS Senate Bill 83/84/23, Section 5, states that the final recommendation of the Committee will be submitted to Finance Committee and Student Senate for final approval, and WHEREAS waiting until the first meeting of the Fall 1984 Semester would delay progress for the selected artist BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate grant power to the Student Body President, Student Senate Chair, and Coordinator of Finances to approve a binding contract with the selected artist on behalf of Student Senate. SECTION 2. A full report of the Committee’s selection process and results will be given at the first regular 1984-85 Student Senate meeting of the Fall Semester. PASSED 4/26/84 B-6 BILL 84/85/6 BY: STUDENT HEALTH PLAN, 1984-85 Lafene Student Health Advisory Committee WHEREAS the current student health insurance policy underwritten by Transamerica Occidental Life expires August 27, 1984, and WHEREAS the Lafene Student Health Advisory Committee submitted specifications for bid, and WHEREAS the Advisory Committee has evaluated and investigated the bids submitted, and WHEREAS the Advisory Committee found the proposal submitted by Keystone Life to be the lowest cost of all proposals submitted, and WHEREAS the Advisory Committee has, by consensus, determined the proposal submitted by Keystone Life best fits the needs of the entire student body, and WHEREAS the Advisory Committee recommends that maternity coverage be attached as a rider BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate adopt the Keystone Life policy for the 1984-85 academic year. SECTION 2. The annual rates will be as follows: Student only Student/Spouse Student/Spouse/Children Student/Children $ 390 $ 925 $1290 $ 895 The optional maternity rider will be an additional $40 to the quoted rates. SECTION 3. If the policy excluding maternity coverage is not acceptable according to the University’s interpretation of Title IX requirements, the following rates, which include maternity coverage, would go into effect: Student only Student/Spouse Student/Spouse/Children Student/Children $ 429 $1017 $1419 $ 984 PASSED 4/26/84 B-7 BILL 84/85/7 NO BILL DUE TO A NUMBERING ERROR B-8 BILL 84/85/8 BY: CAMPAIGN EXPENDITURE REVISIONS (EXPENDITURE LIMITS) Senate Operations Standing Committee, Ken Heinz WHEREAS the goal of student government is to provide an equal opportunity for all K-State students to get involved in the governing process, and WHEREAS potential student body president candidates may be discouraged or excluded from running because of the current expenditure limits, and WHEREAS the current student body president and past student body presidential candidates have been consulted regarding lowering the expenditure limits BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate revise Section 2-A of the Campaign Expenditure Regulations to read: The amount any candidate for Student Body President may spend in the general election will be equal to the tuition and fees paid by a full-time, in-state student for that semester. SECTION 2. Student Senate revised Section 2-B of the Campaign Expenditure Regulations to read: The amount any candidate for Student Senate or the Board of Student Publications may spend in an election will be equal to one-tenth (1/10) the tuition and fees paid by a full-time, in-state student for that semester. PASSED 10/4/84 B-9 BILL 84/85/9 BY: STANDING COMMITTEES BY-LAWS REVISIONS Tracy Turner, Kay Deever WHEREAS the Student Senate has been divided into standing committees as designated by Article IV, Section 6 of the KSU SGA By-Laws, and WHEREAS there is no specification in the By-Laws regarding standing committee power or authority over legislation pending before Student Senate, and WHEREAS questions have been raised as to the proper power or authority of standing committees when considering bills or resolutions BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate revise Article IV, Section 6 of the KSU SGA By-Laws by adding a new subsection B and down noting the present subsections. The new subsection B shall read: The Standing Committees shall consider all legislation (excluding all bills pertaining to allocations) referred to their committee by the Student Senate Chair or the Student Senate Executive Committee. Among the actions that the committee may take are: 1. Submit the legislation to the Student Senate with committee endorsement; 2. Submit the legislation as amended to the Student Senate; 3. Table the legislation for further study or consideration; 4. Hold the legislation in committee until reported out by a majority vote of the committee. Such legislation may be discharged and considered on the floor of the Student Senate by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Student Senate; or 5. Submit the legislation to the Student Senate without committee endorsement. PASSED 10/4/84 B-10 BILL 84/85/10 BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE BY-LAWS REVISIONS Finance Committee WHEREAS in reviewing the KSU SGA By-Laws, editorial revisions were found to be needed, and WHEREAS unsuccessful attempts were made to locate a faculty member, and WHEREAS Finance Committee has been operating efficiently with nine (9) voting members, and WHEREAS reserve accounts have not been formally defined, and WHEREAS Student Senate’s approval is needed for such revisions BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following revisions to Article 4, Section 6, Subsection C of the KSU SGA By-Laws: 1. Change the number of voting members on Finance Committee from ten (10) to nine (9). 2-d Delete this section which states that one (1) faculty member shall serve on Finance Committee. 4-i Amend to read: A Long Range Reserves for Capital Outlay account shall be set aside by the committee each year to be accumulated and used for large capital expenditures. 4-j Add a new section to read: A Reserves for Maintenance of Long Standing Programs account shall be set aside by the committee each year to be used only in times of declining revenue and only for maintaining programs of long standing. PASSED 10/4/84 B-11 BILL 84/85/11 BY: CLOSING OF 1983-84 ACCOUNTS Finance Committee WHEREAS the allocation of the student activity fee is for a period of one fiscal year, and WHEREAS the 1983-84 Fiscal Year ended June 30, 1984, and WHEREAS the groups listed in this bill had monies left in their accounts at the end of the fiscal year, and WHEREAS each group was notified of their account status, and WHEREAS appeals to keep the monies were accepted and hearings held BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate instruct the Comptroller’s Office to shift the following account balances from their respective accounts to the Reserves for Contingencies account: Association of Adults Returning to School Ag. Science Day Ag. College Council Arch. & Design College Council Arch. & Design Fine Arts Art Department Fine Arts Arts & Sciences College Council Coalition for Human Rights Dairy Cattle & Products Dance-Fine Arts Early Childhood Laboratory Education College Council FONE Graduate Student Association Honorariums Home Economics College Council Horse Judging Team International Coordinating Council KSDB-FM Radio Meats Judging MEChA Minority Cultural Programs Music Trip Fund Off-Campus Student Association Poultry Judging Team Puerto Rican Student Organization Sports Club Council Students for Handicapped Concerns B-12 .02 .46 .87 162.55 1.46 285.74 1,519.67 37.77 165.23 2.36 2.00 154.46 47.91 512.68 199.00 47.37 449.50 177.87 1,968.58 749.00 284.50 39.45 2.77 347.60 .01 6.76 564.80 330.29 University for Man Wool Judging Women’s Resource Center 85.38 89.00 61.07 8,296.13 SECTION 2. The following groups be allowed to retain the amounts listed below for the remainder of the 1984-85 Fiscal Year: Honorariums: International Coordinating Council Veterinary Medicine College Council PASSED 10/11/84 B-13 366.00 171.30 537.30 BILL 84/85/12 BY: UNIVERSITY ACTIVITIES BOARD CONSTITUTIONAL & BY-LAWS REVISIONS University Activities Board BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following revisions to Article II, Section 201 of the University Activities hoard Constitution: (revisions available in minutes booklet) SECTION 2. Student Senate approve the following revisions to the University Activities Board By-Laws to the Constitution: (revision available in minutes booklet) PASSED 10/25/84 B-14 BILL 84/85/13 BY: 1984-85 FINAL ALLOCATIONS Finance Committee REQUESTED Associated Students of Kansas TENTATIVE ALLOCATION 1984-85 $.50 FTE $.50 FTE ($16,000) with $.10 coming from Reserves for Maintenance of Standing Programs ($16,000) Associated Students of Kansas @ KSU FINAL ALLOCATION 1984-85 $.50 FTE with $.10 coming from Reserves for Maintenance of Standing Programs ($3,202.60 + $12,810.40 = $16,013.00) 630.00 596.20 596.20 Black Student Union (BSU) 3,030.00 1,139.00 1,209.00 Coalition for Human Rights (CHR) 1,025.00 0.00 (withdrawn) 0.00 College Councils Agriculture Architecture & Design Arts & Sciences Business Administration Education Engineering Graduate School Home Economics Veterinary Medicine 43,829.40 43,829.40 43,829.40 ($1.50 LI/full-time student & $.42 LI/part-time student) 4,908.60 2,239.68 11,820.36 6,816.48 2,779.68 7,128.00 4,262.16 2,622.60 1,251.84 Consumer Relations Board (CRB) 4,097.00 3,417.20 3,417.20 Debate 7,480.30 6,599.70 6,599.70 Early Childhood Laboratory 2,470.00 0.00 0.00 Fine Arts Council $2.75 LI $2.00 LI 57,526.00 ($81,000) ($58,500) ($2.00 LI) 10,018.85 10,018.85 10,018.85 Honorariums Black Student Union 2,500.00 International Coordinating Council 1,400.00 MEChA 600.00 Puerto Rican Student Organization 800.00 9,200.00 5,300.00 5,300.00 International Coordinating Council (ICC) 7,192.41 3,506.46 3,506.46 FONE Crisis Center B-15 K-State Union REQUESTED TENTATIVE ALLOCATION 1984-85 FINAL ALLOCATION 1984-85 $12 LI/full time student & $6 LI/part time student) ($360,432) $12 LI/full time student & $6 LI/part time student) ($360,432) 366,810.00 (same LI’s as listed under tentative allocation) KSDB-FM Radio 12,027.94 10,813.51 10,813.51 Legal Services 22,696.00 19,885.40 19,909.40 MEChA 618.00 383.56 468.26 Puerto Rican Student Organization 382.00 234.50 234.50 Recreational Services $2.50 LI/full-time student & $.75 LI/part-time student ($75,090) ($75,090) Reserves for Maintenance of Long Standing Programs 0.00 Sports Club Council Student Governing Association (SGA) Student Publications Students for BACCHUS 74,614.25 (same LI’s as listed under tentative allocation) 5,056.74, removed to cover deficit 1,647.19 4,228.50 3,113.00 0.00 (funded by Recreational Services Council 31,558.24 31,253.78 31,176.50 $3 LI/full $3 LI/full time student & $2 LI/part time student) ($93,608) time student & $1 LI/part time student) ($90,108) 89,898.00 (same LI’s as listed under tentative allocation) 50.00 0.00 0.00 2,934.80 2,134.80 2,134.80 University for Man (UFM) *represents a 30% cutback figured from the 80-81 base year of $15,034.00 12,770.00 10,523.80* 10,523.80* U-LearN 10,145.08 10,006.68 10,006.68 6,500.00 6,500.00 6,500.00 475.20 471.90 471.90 $819,488.72 764,801.00 770,022.00 Students for Handicapped Concerns (SHC) Withholding (estimated) Women’s Resource Center (WRC) TOTALS PASSED 10/25/84 B-16 BILL 84/85/14 BY: SPECIAL ALLOCATION TO TOUCHSTONE MAGAZINE Finance Committee WHEREAS Touchstone is a literary publication of Kansas State University in which one-half of the entries are from the K-State students, and WHEREAS Touchstone is designed to benefit the entire student body, either by publishing students’ work or by student readership, and WHEREAS Touchstone has made a conscientious effort to seek out additional funding through grants, patrons and other sources BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $800 to subsidize the publication of Touchstone magazine. SECTION 2. This will be a one-time allocation based on Touchstone’s acceptance into the Fine Arts Council, with the funds coming from the Reserves for Contingencies account. SECTION 3. The money is granted with the agreement that once the $1400 funding goal is reached, any additional outside funding will be used and the remainder of this allocation will be returned to SGA. at the end of the 1984-85 Fiscal Year. PASSED 11/8/84 B-17 BILL 84/85/15 BY: SPECIAL ALLOCATION TO THE MUSIC TRIP FUND Finance Committee WHEREAS the Music Trip Fund has been a highly successful recruiting tool for KSU, and WHEREAS the recruitment of potential students has been a University-wide goal and serves to benefit the student body as a whole, and WHEREAS the Music Trip Fund has consistently been funded in the past by the Arts & Sciences College Council through returning Council monies BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $1350 to the Music Trip Fund. SECTION 2. These monies will come from the Reserves for Contingencies account. PASSED 11/8/84 B-18 BILL 84/85/16 BY: SPECIAL ALLOCATION TO SGA Finance Committee WHEREAS the Student Governing Association’s budget was in the red at the end of the 198384 Fiscal Year, and WHEREAS the reasons for this deficit were due to unforeseen and unexpected costs, and WHEREAS these unforeseen and unexpected costs were: $28.95 under Data Processing for the SGA. elections, $58.11 under Repairs & Servicing of Equipment for the repair of the Sharp calculator, $297.95 under Repairs & Servicing of Equipment for the repair of the Roneo-Vickers Mimeograph Machine, and $30 under Secretary I Salary because not enough money was allocated in the 1983-84 final allocation, and WHEREAS SGA had money remaining in other categories to cover some of the deficit, and WHEREAS in no way can the 1984-85 Fiscal Year allocation to SGA absorb this deficit BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $246.88 to the Student Governing Association to cover the 1983-84 deficit. SECTION 2. This money shall be taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account. PASSED 11/8/84 B-19 BILL 84/85/17 BY: SPECIAL ALLOCATION TO COALITION FOR HUMAN RIGHTS Cath Sayler & Ali Nikaeen WHEREAS the preamble to the KSU SGA Constitution states that “The students of Kansas State University, united in the belief that the goals of a democratic community can be furthered only by the citizenship, habits, attitudes, skills and knowledge acquired through experience...”, and WHEREAS the preamble states that “. . . the degree to student development is likely to parallel closely the extent of responsibility which students carry for their own society...’, and WHEREAS Article I, Section 103, of the KSU SGA Constitution outlines the goal of the KSU SGA as “… the attainment of the greatest good for the greatest number...”, and WHEREAS the Coalition for Human Rights furthers the goals of a democratic community by providing enriching and varied experiences through its sponsorship of campus speakers, films and forums, and WHEREAS one of the goals of the Coalition for Human Rights is to encourage students to reason responsibly about issues involving their own society as well as other societies, thus promoting student development, and WHEREAS the Coalition for Human Rights is apolitical and nonpartisan and strives only to provide a well-balanced forum of issues, and WHEREAS all activities of and membership in the Coalition for Human Rights are open to all students and the Coalition actively encourages all students to participate, and WHEREAS the Coalition for Human Rights is a vital link in ensuring the constitutional goals of student development and attainment of a democratic community BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The Coalition for Human Rights be allocated $599.25 for administrative expenses and program development. SECTION 2. The Coalition for Human Rights be allocated $300 in Honorariums. SECTION 3. The total allocation of $899.25 will be taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account. PASSED 26/25 ON 11/29/84 B-20 BILL 84/85/18 BY: FLEXIBLE REVIEW OF LINE ITEMS Kirk Porteous, Tracy Turner, Ken Heinz, Finance Committee WHEREAS student senators should be accountable to their constituents for the student activity fee monies entrusted to them to allocate, and WHEREAS the need has arisen for student senators to be able to call for the review of a line item at any time, and WHEREAS there is also a need for these reviews to be based on justifiable programmatic problems, and WHEREAS there is a need for Finance Committee to have adequate time to gather information in review of the line items, and WHEREAS to curb vague, non-programmatic and hasty review requests and to limit the time commitment for Finance Committee, and WHEREAS line items need not be reviewed on a interval basis but according to need and request, and WHEREAS there is a need for line items to be able to budget long-term to a certain extent BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. A flexible review system will be established replacing the regular interval system. All legislation relating to the present system of line item review will be abolished. SECTION 2. The structure will be as follows: a. Any student senator may petition for a review of a line item. b. The petitioning student senator must submit a written request for review to the Coordinator of Finances. c. The Finance Committee will have a minimum of two weeks to review the funding of the line item and must make a recommendation within that time. d. No petitions will be accepted later than two weeks before the last meeting of tentative allocations. e. Line items also may petition for a review and must adhere to the above stipulations. f. The Coordinator of Finances may also call for a review of a line item. g. At least one, but not more than two line items will be reviewed in one fiscal year. h. If more than two line items are petitioned for review, Finance Committee will recommend and Student Senate will decide the priorities for review. DIED IN FINANCE COMMITTEE B-21 BILL 84/85/19 BY: ELIMINATION OF THE SUMMER SCHOOL ALLOCATIONS PROCESS Kirk Porteous, Ken Heinz Tracy Turner, Finance Committee WHEREAS a need for an increase in available funds for the allocation process of the student activity fee has arisen due to inflation and declining enrollment, and WHEREAS summer school students receive the same benefits as the students enrolled in the spring and fall semesters, and WHEREAS the Summer School Allocations Board has not been sufficiently reviewed since 1978-79 and has proven to foster inefficiencies and inconsistencies in the allocation of student money, and WHEREAS consistent allocation of our student activity fee can be achieved through complete control of student dollars BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate repeal Bills 72/73/39, 76/77/29 and 78/79/2 which establishes and amends the summer school allocation process. SECTION 2. All requests for money to be used during the summer semester will be channeled through the regular Student Senate allocation process. PASSED 12/6/84 B-22 BILL 84/85/20 BY: SGA ELECTION DATE REVISIONS: SGA BY-LAWS, CAMPAIGN REGULATIONS AND CAMPAIGN EXPENDITURE REGULATIONS Senate Operations Standing Committee and Elections Committee WHEREAS the Senate Operations Standing Committee and the Elections Committee have expressed concern over voter turnout during the SGA elections, and WHEREAS a two-day election would provide easier access to the polls, and WHEREAS easier access leads to increased voter turnout BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Article I, Section 2-A, of the SGA By-Laws be amended as follows: 1. The election date for the office of Student Body President, Student Senate and the Board of Student Publications shall be the Tuesday and Wednesday of the fourth (4th) full week of classes in the spring semester for a one-year term. 2. The run-off election will be held on the Wednesday, one week following the general election and will be held between the two (2) candidates for Student Body President receiving the most votes in the general election, providing that no candidate receives 50% of the vote. 3. The Student Senate shall set the date for all referendums. SECTION 2. Section 4 of the Campaign Regulations be amended as follows: A. Posting of campaign materials on campus, other than banners, may begin seven (7) calendar days prior to the days of the general election. B. Banners may be displayed on campus no sooner than 5:00 p.m., three (3) calendar days prior to the days of the general election. C. All campaign materials of Senatorial and Board of Student Publications candidates must be removed by 8:00 p.m. on the final election day prior to the release of election results. SECTION 3. Section 3-B of the Campaign Expenditure Regulations be amended as follows: 3. The third campaign expenditure report shall be due by 5:00 p.m. on the Monday that is one (1) day prior to the election. 4. The final campaign expenditure report shall be submitted by the time the election polls close on the final election day. PASSED 11/29/84 B-23 BILL 84/85/21 BY: SGA PURCHASE OF TYPEWRITER Jenny Johnson, Sally Routson Finance Committee WHEREAS the IBM Electronic 60 typewriter located in the SGS Office was purchased in 1979, and WHEREAS the cost of the annual maintenance agreement on the Electronic 60 typewriter is $291, and WHEREAS the annual maintenance agreement on the IBM Wheelwriter 5 typewriter is $108, and WHEREAS the memory capacity on the Electronic 60 is 750 characters compared to 7000 characters on the Wheelwriter 5, plus many other added features, and WHEREAS the trade-in value on the Electronic 60 is $420, if traded before February 1st, and next to nothing after that date BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $295 for the purchase of an IBM Wheelwriter 5 typewriter: $836 $420 $121 initial cost less trade-in less remainder of maintenance agreement SECTION 2. This money shall be taken from the Long Range Reserves for Capital Outlay account. PASSED 1/24/85 B-24 BILL 84/85/22 BY: STUDENT HEALTH FEE INCREASE Student Affairs Standing Committee WHEREAS Lafene Student Health Center currently has an unencumbered balance of $1,258,585, and WHEREAS students have contributed approximately $777,000 to this unencumbered balance over the past five years and should see the benefit of this balance before turning to a fee increase, and WHEREAS Dr. Robert Tout has assured us that plans for departmentalization are in effect, the results of which will allow us to see the cost/benefit ratios of the services offered at Lafene, and WHEREAS implementing a fee increase for Fiscal Year 1987 will provide time to see the results of departmentalization, while at the same time current services offered will be maintained BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. A $5 increase be enacted in Fiscal Year 1987, bringing the health fee to $60. PASSED 25/22 ON 2/7/85 B-25 BILL 84/85/23 BY: SENATE AIDE PROGRAM REVISION Senate Operations Standing Committee WHEREAS the Senate Aide Program has been an important influence and integral part of Student Senate for many years, and WHEREAS the Senate Aide Program allows non-senators to become involved with and learn the procedures of the KSU Student Governing Association, and WHEREAS senate aides have provided assistance to senators in the research of issues, student opinion, and other governing activities in which senators may need assistance, and WHEREAS in order to establish a more effective and consistent Senate Aide Program for the benefit of student government BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The Senate Aide Program shall consist of 14 members. SECTION 2. The Senate Aide Program will run from the beginning of the Spring Semester to the end of the Fall Semester. SECTION 3. Senate aides will be assigned to work with the Student Senate standing committees, as ex-officio members, to be used at the committee chair’s discretion. A. Two aides will be assigned to the following committees: Student Affairs, Academic Affairs, Finance, Senate Operations, Communications, State & Community Affairs. B. One aide will serve on each of the following committees: Social Services and Personnel Selections. SECTION 4. Senate aides will be eligible for one (1) hour of credit per semester, for a total of two (2) credit hours, from the Department of Speech upon completion of the requirements: A. Aides will be required to attend Student Senate meetings according to the Senate attendance policy. B. Aides will be required to write an evaluative paper about their assigned committee to be used as reference for future committee members. C. Aides will be required to attend a one-hour class designated by the faculty sponsor from the Speech Department. SECTION 5. The Senate Operations Standing Committee Chair shall appoint a Senate Operations Standing Committee member to serve as Senate Aide Coordinator. B-26 SECTION 6. A three-member panel shall be responsible for interviewing and selecting the Senate Aide Committee. The interview committee shall consist of: Student Senate Vice Chair Senate Operations Standing Committee Chair Senate Aide Coordinator SECTION 7. This legislation will go into effect at the beginning of the 1985-86 senate term. SECTION 8. This bill will repeal Senate Bill 83/84/20. PASSED 2/7/85 B-27 BILL 84/85/24 BY: SPECIAL ALLOCATION TO AGRICULTURE STUDENT COUNCIL Ag. Student Senators WHEREAS it is the goal of Kansas State University to attract new students to K-State and support from alumni and the community, and WHEREAS the departmental clubs within the College of Agriculture also help to achieve this end, and WHEREAS the Agriculture Student Council allocates all of their funds to the judging teams, awards assembly, and Agriculture Science Day, thus forcing the Agriculture departmental clubs to provide their own means of funding for recruitment and university activities, and WHEREAS the Agriculture Student Council has no further monies to allocate to these clubs BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate allocate $353.60 for various clubs requesting funds (Collegiate 4H and Ag. Communicators of Tomorrow), with these funds being allocated through the Agriculture Student Council. SECTION 2. This money will be taken from the Reserves for Contingencies account. FAILED 2/21/85 B-28 BILL 84/85/25 BY: LAFENE STUDENT HEALTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE REVISIONS Ken Heinz WHEREAS Senate Resolution 77/78/36 established the membership of the Lafene Student Health Advisory Committee as it is presently organized, and WHEREAS the need has arisen to provide more continuity on the committee BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. The Student Health Advisory Committee shall consist of nine (9) members: A. One (1) member of the professional staff of the Lafene Student Health Center (selected by the Vice President for Student Affairs) acting in the capacity of an advisor without voting rights. B. Six (6) student members of the Kansas State University student body. C. One (1) Student Senator acting in the capacity of Student Senate liaison with speaking privileges. D. One (1) faculty member, serving a two (2)-year renewable term upon review and approval of the Committee. The above replaces Article IV, Section 1 of the Committee’s Constitution. SECTION 2. A. The six (6) student members are to be appointed by the Student Body President. members shall serve two (2)-year staggered terms. B. The Student Senate liaison is to be appointed by the Student Senate Chairperson and is to serve a minimum of one (1) year. C. The faculty member is to be nominated by the Faculty Senate President to serve a two-year renewable term upon approval of the Student Body President. The above replaces Article VI, Section 1 of the Committee’s Constitution. SECTION 3. The chairperson shall be a student. The above is added to Article II as a Section 3 to the Committee’s By-Laws. PASSED 2/21/85 B-29 BILL 84/85/26 BY: SGA BY-LAWS REVISIONS: VICE CHAIR’S POSITION Kay Deever WHEREAS the office of Chairperson of Student Senate is an elected position, and WHEREAS the position of Vice Chairperson should lend itself to greater assistance to the Chairperson, and WHEREAS the duties of the Vice Chairperson tend to vacillate between active and inactive depending solely on those in office during any given term, and WHEREAS legislation would guarantee that greater responsibility would remain with the position of Vice Chairperson BE IT ENACTED THAT: SECTION 1. 1. The Vice Chairperson of Student Senate shall be in charge of scheduling open period speakers for the Student Senate meetings. 2. The Vice Chairperson shall act as a liaison to the groups requesting funds during the allocation process. A. The Vice Chairperson shall be available to meet with representatives from each group and shall familiarize then with the procedures which will take place during the allocation process. B. The Vice Chairperson shall be in a position to put groups in contact with supportive student senators, should the requesting group need a student senator to yield time or to sponsor legislation. C. The Vice Chairperson shall be available throughout student senate meetings to each group to answer questions which may come up during the allocation process. SECTION 2. Article IV, Section 3 (B) of the KSU SGA By-Laws to the Constitution be amended to read: The Vice Chairperson of Student Senate shall resume the duties of the Chairperson of Student Senate upon his/her absence or his/her request. He/she shall act as liaison to the groups requesting funding during the allocation process. PASSED 2/21/85 B-30 1984-1985 RESOLUTIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS Resolution Number and Title Page Res 84/85/1 Finance Committee, 1984-85 ................................................................................1 Res 84/85/2 Rick Forsyth, Commendation to............................................................................2 Res 84/85/3 Student Senate Standing Committee Chairs ..........................................................3 Res 84/85/4 At-Large Members on Student Senate Standing Committees and Social Services Standing Committee Chair .....................................................................4 Res 84/85/5 Support of Kansas Home Economics Week ..........................................................5 Res 84/85/6 Judicial Council & SGA Attorney General ...........................................................6 Res 84/85/7 The All-University Open House Committee, Commendation to ..........................7 Res 84/85/8 ASK Legislative Assembly Delegates...................................................................8 Res 84/85/9 Senate Aides ..........................................................................................................9 Res 84/85/10 Union Governing Board Student Members .........................................................10 Res 84/85/11 SGA Work-Study Secretary ................................................................................11 Res 84/85/12 Student Body President’s Cabinet .......................................................................12 Res 84/85/13 Commendation to Doug Lytle .............................................................................13 Res 84/85/14A Senate Credit Class ..............................................................................................14 Res 84/85/14B Commendation to KSU Band Day ......................................................................15 Res 84/85/15 ASK September Legislative Assembly Delegates ..............................................16 Res 84/85/16 Support of Establishment of Task Force on Academic Advising .......................17 Res 84/85/17 University Activities Board Chair .......................................................................18 Res 84/85/18 Alcohol Awareness Week ...................................................................................19 Res 84/85/19 1984-85 Basketball Ticket Sales Committee ......................................................20 Res 84/85/20 Women’s Resource Center’s Work-Study Position ............................................21 Res 84/85/21 FONE Crisis Center Assistant Coordinator .........................................................22 Res 84/85/22 Support for Earning Interest on Student Fee Monies ..........................................23 Res 84/85/23 KSU Recommendations Regarding Future Funding for the Associated Students of Kansas (ASK) ..................................................................................24 Res 84/85/24 ASK November Legislative Assembly Delegates ...............................................25 Res 84/85/25 1985 SGA Elections Committee Chair................................................................26 Res 84/85/26 1985 SGA Elections Committee .........................................................................27 Res 84/85/27 1985 Coordinator of Finances .............................................................................28 Res 84/85/28 Tribunal Member .................................................................................................29 Res 84/85/29 Recognition of Student Contributions .................................................................30 Res 84/85/30 Legislative Banquet in Topeka ............................................................................31 Res 84/85/31 ASK February Legislative Assembly Delegates .................................................32 Res 84/85/32 1985-86 Student Body President, Board of Student Publications, and Student Senate.....................................................................................................33 Res 84/85/33 Commendation to Ken Heinz & Tracy Turner ....................................................35 1984-1985 RESOLUTIONS INDEX Approval of Appointments Page Res 84/85/1 Finance Committee, 1984-85 ................................................................................1 Res 84/85/3 Student Senate Standing Committee Chairs ..........................................................3 Res 84/85/4 At-Large Members on Student Senate Standing Committees and Social Services Standing Committee Chair .....................................................................4 Res 84/85/6 Judicial Council & SGA Attorney General ...........................................................6 Res 84/85/8 ASK Legislative Assembly Delegates...................................................................8 Res 84/85/9 Senate Aides ..........................................................................................................9 Res 84/85/10 Union Governing Board Student Members .........................................................10 Res 84/85/11 SGA Work-Study Secretary ................................................................................11 Res 84/85/12 Student Body President’s Cabinet .......................................................................12 Res 84/85/15 ASK September Legislative Assembly Delegates ..............................................16 Res 84/85/17 University Activities Board Chair .......................................................................18 Res 84/85/19 1984-85 Basketball Ticket Sales Committee ......................................................20 Res 84/85/20 Women’s Resource Center’s Work-Study Position ............................................21 Res 84/85/21 FONE Crisis Center Assistant Coordinator .........................................................22 Res 84/85/24 ASK November Legislative Assembly Delegates ...............................................25 Res 84/85/25 1985 SGA Elections Committee Chair................................................................26 Res 84/85/26 1985 SGA Elections Committee .........................................................................27 Res 84/85/27 1985 Coordinator of Finances .............................................................................28 Res 84/85/28 Tribunal Member .................................................................................................29 Res 84/85/31 ASK February Legislative Assembly Delegates .................................................32 Res 84/85/32 1985-86 Student Body President, Board of Student Publications, and Student Senate.....................................................................................................33 Commendations Res 84/85/2 Rick Forsyth, Commendation to............................................................................2 Res 84/85/7 The All-University Open House Committee, Commendation to ..........................7 Res 84/85/13 Commendation to Doug Lytle .............................................................................13 Res 84/85/14B Commendation to KSU Band Day ......................................................................15 Res 84/85/33 Commendation to Ken Heinz & Tracy Turner ....................................................35 Resolution Regarding University Actions Res 84/85/18 Alcohol Awareness Week ...................................................................................19 Miscellaneous Res 84/85/5 Res 84/85/14A Res 84/85/16 Res 84/85/22 Res 84/85/23 Res 84/85/29 Res 84/85/30 Support of Kansas Home Economics Week ..........................................................5 Senate Credit Class ..............................................................................................14 Support of Establishment of Task Force on Academic Advising .......................17 Support for Earning Interest on Student Fee Monies ..........................................23 KSU Recommendations Regarding Future Funding for the Associated Students of Kansas (ASK) ..................................................................................24 Recognition of Student Contributions .................................................................30 Legislative Banquet in Topeka ............................................................................31 RESOLUTION 84/85/1 BY: FINANCE COMMITTEE, 1984-85 Jerry Katlin, Lori Leu, Heather Woodson, Kirk Porteous WHEREAS positions for Finance Committee were sufficiently advertised, and WHEREAS Interviews were conducted, and WHEREAS the decision was difficult due to the quality of applicants BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following students be approved as at-large members of the 1984-85 Finance Committee: Kathleen Daniels Lisa Rosenow Dan Schierling Glenn Taylor. SECTION 2. The following student senators be approved as member of the 1984-85 Finance Committee: Steve Cashman Kay Deever Monte Griffin Drew Hertel. PASSED 2/23/84 R-1 RESOLUTION 84/85/2 BY: RICK FORSYTH, COMMENDATION TO Doug Mann WHEREAS the enrollment in the College of Architecture and Design dropped considerably this year, and WHEREAS the College has had a growing concern for its enrollment figures, and WHEREAS the importance of the dedication and time spent in improving our recruitment programs is vital to the university in its efforts to stabilize our enrollment and funding levels, and WHEREAS Rick Forsyth, Assistant Dean of the College of Architecture and Design, has directed the implementation of an active ambassador program in the College, and WHEREAS he has received many letters of compliments from prospective students around the state for the impressive presentations BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate commend Rick Forsyth and the College of Architecture and Design for their efforts in improving our overall ambassador program. PASSED 2/23/84 R-2 RESOLUTION 84/85/3 BY: STUDENT SENATE STANDING COMMITTEE CHAIRS Tracy Turner, Kay Deever WHEREAS a number of qualified people applied for the positions of Student Senate Standing Committee Chairs, and WHEREAS interviews were held by the Student Senate Chair and Vice Chair BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following individuals be approved as Student Senate Standing Committee Chairs: Academic Affairs Communications Personnel Selections Senate Operations State & Community Affairs Student Affairs Laura Butler Mark Jones Steve Line Kendra Ponte Greg Pestinger Cindy Leighton PASSED 3/22/84 R-3 RESOLUTION 84/85/4 BY: AT-LARGE MEMBERS ON STUDENT SENATE STANDING COMMITTEES AND SOCIAL SERVICES STANDING COMMITTEE CHAIR Tracy Turner, Senate Exec. Committee WHEREAS the availability of at-large positions on Student Senate standing committees was sufficiently publicized, and WHEREAS there were a number of qualified applicants, and WHEREAS the power to appoint at-large members was properly delegated to the standing committee chairs, and WHEREAS said chairs held interviews to fill these positions BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following individuals be approved as at-large members of the respective standing committees: Academic Affairs Mike Jackson Doug Comfort David Severson Becky Klingler Beth Nemec Bill Carlton Rusty Clopine Connie Munk Communications Karl Seyfert Amy Ward Kelley Andersen Maribeth Gottschalk Steve Stanberry Brenda Kitchen Personnel Selections Join Crowl Mike Riley Senate Operations John Hummer Kevin Lilly Jeff Lyster Bill Long Steve Peters Curt Wilcox Social Services Pele Lammers Kathleen Barker State & Community Affairs. . Theresa Korst Jill Lair Jim Sterns Doug Chamblin Student Affairs Mark Hake Jeff Stokes Eric Kintigh Mark Davidson Bill Spillar SECTION 2. Jodi Hitchcock be approved as chair of the Social Services Standing Committee. PASSED 3/29/84 R-4 RESOLUTION 84/85/5 BY: SUPPORT OF KANSAS HOME ECONOMICS WEEK Kerry Jones, Home Economics Council WHEREAS the Kansas Home Economics Student Member Section is an educational and scientific organization affiliated with Kansas Home Economics and the American Home Economics Association, and WHEREAS the American Home Economics Association was established in 1900 (this year marks the 75th anniversary), and WHEREAS the American Home Economics Association is the only national professional association that addresses the totality of home economics, and thus provides direction, continuity, and uniformity of people throughout the profession, and WHEREAS the Kansas Home Economics Student Member Section is an organization of students who are committed to improve the quality of life for every person, with special emphasis on the family unit which nurtures, protects, and renews that individual, and WHEREAS these dedicated students are studying to enter a profession which prepares professionals for government agencies, privately and publicly owned firms, school systems, colleges and universities, community service agencies, media groups, the cooperative extension service and research agencies, and WHEREAS the 75th anniversary of this, our professional organization, provides an opportunity for the state association not simply to celebrate, but to shape its future in the spirit of professional and public service that is its heritage, and WHEREAS as a 75th anniversary tribute to its parent organization, the Kansas Home Economics Student Member Section identifies with the mission of Kansas Home Economists to act through individuals, committees, and communities to focus on the needs of individuals and families to help interest the complex society - what it really means to them and what it means in terms of the decisions they make to assure their economic, physical and emotional/psychological well-being, and WHEREAS the annual meeting of the Kansas Home Economics Association is set for April 12-14, 1984, in Topeka, Kansas BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. April 8-14, 1984, be considered as Kansas Home Economics Week and all Kansas State University students be urged to consider deeply and thoughtfully the impact of this profession on the citizens of this state. PASSED 3/29/84 R-5 RESOLUTION 84/85/6 BY: JUDICIAL COUNCIL & SGA ATTORNEY GENERAL Ken Heinz WHEREAS the positions open on judicial boards and position of the SGA Attorney General were sufficiently advertised, and WHEREAS a number of qualified students submitted applications, and WHEREAS interviews were conducted by the Student Body President, Attorney General and Chancellor of Tribunal, and WHEREAS the following individuals were best qualified for the positions BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following individuals be approved as student members of the respective judicial boards: Judicial Council Cary Rosencrans Glenn Sears Student Review Board Judy Harper, chair Mary Lynn Manning Brian Schwermann David Shurtleff Leslie Stokes Traffic Appeals Board Mark Bogina, chair Mark Dengel Jim Doull Gerald Johnson Doug Mitts Tribunal Jill Hummells, chair Kent Haverkamp John Hill Perry King Barry Shotts SECTION 2. Kurt Yowell be approved as the SGA Attorney General. PASSED 4/5/84 R-6 RESOLUTION 84/85/7 BY: THE ALL-UNIVERSITY OPEN HOUSE COMMITTEE, COMMENDATION TO Ken Heinz, Tracy Turner WHEREAS over 2500 students and faculty came together in a joint effort to display and promote their respective departments or activities, and WHEREAS it is an excellent opportunity for prospective students and their parents to be introduced to KSU, as well as for current K-Staters to learn more about other programs offered in campus, and WHEREAS Jane Miles served as student coordinator and organized a committee of over 50 students, faculty and staff, and WHEREAS Pat J. Bosco, Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs, chaired the AllUniversity Open House Coordinating Council which worked with the various colleges in setting up their displays, and WHEREAS both Pat and Jane far exceeded expectations in fulfilling the various duties necessary in the planning and promotion of this event BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate commend Pat J. Bosco, Jane Miles and the All-University Open House Committee for an outstanding All-University Open House on March 30 and 31, 1984. PASSED 4/5/84 R-7 RESOLUTION 84/85/8 BY: A.S.K. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY DELEGATES Brett Lambert WHEREAS the Associated Students of Kansas’ Legislative Assembly is to be held April 14, 1984, in Lawrence, and WHEREAS KSU is allowed 18 delegates, and WHEREAS the below mentioned individuals expressed desire and vigor to attend BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following people be confirmed as A.S.K. April Legislative Assembly delegates: Steve Jensen Kipp Exline Terry Hallauer Mark Jones Jane Herde Sonia Overholser Steve Angermeyer Mark Terril Glenn Sears Kay Deever Brett Lambert Kirk Porteous PASSED 4/12/84 R-8 Kendra Ponte Greg Pestinger Dave Severson Mike Hadel Connie Munk Dana Hawkins RESOLUTION 84/85/9 BY: SENATE AIDES Kendra Pone, Krista Lindgren, Senate Operations WHEREAS Senate Aide positions were sufficiently advertised, and WHEREAS a number of qualified students applied for the positions, and WHEREAS interviews were conducted by the Student Senate Chair, Student Senate Vice Chair, Senate Operations Standing Committee Chair, Personnel Selections Standing Committee Chair and the Senate Aide Coordinator BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following students be approved as 1984-85 Senate Aides: Steve Angermeyer Jerry Connet Debbie Fields Joel Hermes Christi Martinez Shelly Tully Dan Wagner Mike Aylward Kathy Connor Bert Frost Mike Kadel Mike Morris Chris Seetin Kim Wiesmann PASSED 4/12/84 R-9 Ed Bowman Randy Dooling Terry Hallauer Heather Kitt Randy Regehr Mike Wilson RESOLUTION 84/85/10 BY: UNION GOVERNING BOARD STUDENT MEMBERS Walt Bradbury, Tracy Turner WHEREAS four (4) student seats on the Union Governing Board are open due to the expiration of terms, and WHEREAS the interviewing committee held interviews for the positions and found the following individuals to be most qualified BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following students be approved as student members of the Union Governing Board: 2-year voting members Stewart Jeske Randy Regehr Athena Wong 1-year non-voting member Jerry McCabe PASSED 4/12/84 R-10 RESOLUTION 84/85/11 BY: S.G.A. WORK-STUDY SECRETARY Steve Line WHEREAS the S.G.A. work-study position became vacant in May due to the graduation of Jana Linenberger, and WHEREAS the individual named below was the most qualified of the three students who submitted applications BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve Susan (Susie) Wilkinson as the S.G.A. Work-Study Secretary. PASSED 9/6/84 R-11 RESOLUTION 84/85/12 BY: STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT’S CABINET Ken Heinz WHEREAS the positions on the Student Body President’s Cabinet were left open by the expiration of the previous Student Body President’s term, and WHEREAS the Cabinet must be approved by Student Senate, and WHEREAS the Cabinet positions were sufficiently advertised in the Kansas State Collegian, and WHEREAS interviews were held, and WHEREAS the following people proved to be best qualified and suited for these respective positions BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following individuals as members of the 1984-85 Student Body President’s Cabinet: Administrative Assistant A.S.K. Board Member Attorney General College Council Coordinator International Affairs Director Minority Affairs Director Public Relations Director Kim Moors Dana Hawkins Kurt Yowell Jim Sterns Kayed Khalil Glenn Taylor Corrine Nelson PASSED 9/6/84 R-12 RESOLUTION 84/85/13 BY: COMMENDATION TO DOUG LYTLE Ken Heinz, Tracy Turner WHEREAS the 1984 Summer Olympics developed a great sense of national pride, and WHEREAS by indirectly representing Kansas State University, Doug Lytle’s participation in the 1984 Summer Olympics brought recognition and pride to the university BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The Kansas State University Student Senate commend Doug Lytle for his participation in the 1984 Summer Olympics in the pole vault competition. PASSED 9/13/84 R-13 RESOLUTION 84/85/14-A BY: SENATE CREDIT CLASS Mark Jones, Communications Standing Committee WHEREAS student senators and senate executive committee can receive 2 hours of credit for senate participation, and WHEREAS representation of the student body is the primary goal of student senate, and WHEREAS one of the most effective ways of representing the student body is thru communication, and WHEREAS Dwayne Hemphill has agreed to focus the senate credit class around presentations to student groups BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. During the fall semester the senate credit class shall consist of presentations to “student groups” by each senator. A. A “student group” shall be defined as any registered University Activities Board organization and/or any organized living group. B. Participating senators will be grouped in pairs and each pair will sign up for presentations 2 weeks in advance. C. Each pair of senators is responsible for contacting the student group and sending a verification letter. A form letter for verification will be provided by the Communication Standing Committee. D. To receive an “A” for the credit class, a senator must give two presentations and turn in a brief summary of each to the class instructor. E. To receive an “B” for the credit class, a senator must give one presentation and turn in a summary to the class instructor. F. For each presentation, the student senator shall give a survey to the president or representative of the student group to be filled out during the presentation and given to the Communications Standing Committee. SECTION 2. During the spring semester the requirements for the course shall be determined by the instructor. PASSED 9/13/84 R-14 RESOLUTION 84/85/14-B BY: COMMENDATION TO KSU BAND DAY Tracy Turner, Ken Heinz WHEREAS the KSU Band Day was hosted by Stan Finck and The Pride of Wildcat land Marching Band on September 15, 1984, and WHEREAS this year’s Band Day saw over 3,144 participants from high school bands across the state, and WHEREAS the combined band formed a marching unit 16 feet wide and four blocks long, thus qualifying them for submission to the Guiness Book of World Records, and WHEREAS the former record was a 3,006 band members in the world’s longest marching band, and WHEREAS the feat brought recognition and pride to the Kansas State University Music Department and to the University as a whole BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The KSU Student Senate commend band director Stan Finck and The Pride of Wildcat land Marching Band for organizing and hosting the record-setting 1984 K-State Band Day parade. PASSED 9/20/84 R-15 RESOLUTION 84/85/15 BY: A.S.K. SEPTEMBER LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY DELEGATES Kipp Exline, Brett Lambert, Dana Hawkins WHEREAS the September Legislative Assembly for the Associated Students of Kansas is scheduled for September 29 and 30, 1984, at K-State, and WHEREAS each candidate expressed interest in attending the L.A., and WHEREAS Kansas State has 18 total votes at the L.A. BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following individuals be accepted as the voting delegation for the A.S.K. September Legislative Assembly: Dana Hawkins Kay Deever Shelly Henderson Dan Costello Sandi Schmidt Krista Lindgren Steve Angermeyer Sonia Overholser Kirk Porteous Mike Hadel Jim Wolf Lisa Crabtree Kathleen Daniels Andy Martin PASSED 9/27/84 R-16 Kipp Exline Lori Rock Mark Jones Dee O’Hair Greg Pestinger Glenn Sears RESOLUTION 84/85/16 BY: SUPPORT OF ESTABLISHMENT OF TASK FORCE ON ACADEMIC ADVISING Ken Heinz, Tracy Turner, Mark Jones WHEREAS Article V. Section 510, Subsection 6, of the KSU SGA Constitution grants that “the Student Senate shall have the power to charter committees of Student Senate...”, and WHEREAS undergraduate academic advising has been identified as an area of great student concern, and WHEREAS there presently is no uniform effort to improve the undergraduate academic advising situation BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate support the establishment of a committee to do a positive evaluation of undergraduate academic advising at KSU and then, if deemed necessary, to suggest methods of improving it. SECTION 2. The committee shall be selected by the Academic Affairs Standing Committee and shall be comprised of students and faculty with representation from each, college (with the possible exception of Veterinary Medicine and shall be cochaired by the Academic Affairs Standing Committee Chairperson and a faculty member. SECTION 3. The committee chair shall report to Student Senate on the progress of the committee on a regular basis. SECTION 4. The committee shall set a deadline of March 1, 1985, for completion of the evaluation and suggested methods of improvement. SECTION 5. Student Senate strongly urge full support of this committee from all areas of the University. PASSED 10/4/84 R-17 RESOLUTION 84/85/17 BY: UNIVERSITY ACTIVITIES BOARD CHAIR Ken Heinz BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Dennis Hulsing be approved as the 1984-85 University Activities Board Chairman. PASSED 10/4/84 R-18 RESOLUTION 84/85/18 BY: ALCOHOL AWARENESS WEEK Ken Heinz WHEREAS alcohol abuse has the potential of affecting the life of each and every student at KSU, and WHEREAS specifically great concern has been expressed regarding irresponsible behavior due to alcohol abuse at football games, and WHEREAS there is a need to confront and educate all people on the use and abuse of alcohol, and WHEREAS our campus leaders need to promote the awareness of positive alternatives to alcohol abuse, and WHEREAS October 6-12, 1984 has been proclaimed Alcohol Awareness Week BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate strongly support Alcohol Awareness Week and urge all students to explore ways to promote responsible drinking. PASSED 10/4/84 R-19 RESOLUTION 84/85/19 BY: 1984-85 BASKETBALL TICKET SALES COMMITTEE Tracy Turner WHEREAS Student Senate is responsible for managing the lines for basketball ticket sales per Senate Bill 81/82/31 and as amended per Senate Bill 82/83/15, and WHEREAS at-large positions for the 1984-85 Basketball Ticket Sales Committee were sufficiently advertised, and WHEREAS there were several qualified applicants BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following individuals be approved as members of the 1984-85 Basketball Ticket Sales Committee: Grant Wuellner, chair David Hermanns Kevin Pew Hisham Hawari PASSED 10/11/84 R-20 Chris Pravecek Krista Lindgren RESOLUTION 84/85/20 BY: WOMEN’S RESOURCE CENTER’S WORK-STUDY POSITION Steve Line, Personnel Selections Standing Committee WHEREAS the Women’s Resource Center’s work-study position was sufficiently advertised, and WHEREAS applications were taken and interviews were conducted BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Kay Quinn be approved to fill the work-study position with the Women’s Resource Center. PASSED 10/18/84 R-21 RESOLUTION 84/85/21 BY: FONE CRISIS CENTER ASSISTANT COORDINATOR Steve Line, Personnel Selections Standing Committee WHEREAS the following qualifications were met: 1. 2. 3. 4. a working knowledge of the FONE, knowledge of community social activities, ability to schedule on-call personnel and volunteer shifts, and ability to coordinate substance abuse-related programs and activities, and WHEREAS extensive interviews were held, and WHEREAS this person best meets the preceding qualifications BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Paul Nelson be approved as the Assistant Coordinator of the FONE Crisis Center. PASSED 10/18/84 R-22 RESOLUTION 84/85/22 BY: SUPPORT FOR EARNING INTEREST ON STUDENT FEE MONIES Tracy Turner, Ken Heinz WHEREAS the Associated Students of Kansas will hold its November Legislative Assembly in Pittsburg on the 17th, at which time they will formulate and prioritize their lobbying agenda for the upcoming terms of the Kansas Legislature, and WHEREAS A.S.K. Legislative Assembly Rules in Section 2, sub-point B-1, allow for resolutions to be placed on the agenda through an endorsement by a majority vote of a member student senate, and WHEREAS all student fee monies, including the $25.25 Activity fee, the $3 Student Services Support Fee for Holton Hall, and the $55 Student Health Fee are currently paid along with tuition, thus remaining in the custody of the state treasury, and WHEREAS these monies are accumulated in reserves and other unallotted accounts until the time of expenditure without earning an interest accrual, and WHEREAS even at conservative rates of return the potential earnings of idle student fee monies would be substantial, and WHEREAS other state student governments are similarly situated and thus would stand to gain from this proposal BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The KSU Student Senate support the concept of allowing idle student fee monies to earn interest at competitive rates. SECTION 2. All member A.S.K. institutions are urged to research this position and give it high priority on the 1985 legislative agenda for A.S.K. PASSED 11/15/84 R-23 RESOLUTION 84/85/23 BY: KSU RECOMMENDATIONS REGARDING FUTURE FUNDING FOR THE ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS (A.S.K.) Tracy Turner, Kirk Porteous, Monte Griffin, Dan Schierling, Sandi Schmidt, Brett Lambert WHEREAS the A.S.K. Board of Directors and the A.S.K. state staff have submitted budget projections through Fiscal Year 1990, and WHEREAS the A.S.K. board and state staff have solicited our suggestions and recommendations on the dues level for next fiscal year and beyond, and WHEREAS a task force was established to investigate future funding options for A.S.K. at Kansas State University, and WHEREAS concern was expressed over the number of years Kansas State could safely make a commitment, with a consensus forming for a three-year projection (through Fiscal Year 1988), and WHEREAS the accumulation of a carry-over account was seen as excessive in light of KSU’s fiscal strain over activity fee monies, yet the total expenses through 1988 could be met without it, allowing for program improvements such as new office space and 7% increases in salaries for both state staff and campus directors, and WHEREAS a recognition that upward pressures on the dues level has been coming from the other A.S.K. member institutions and that such pressure necessitates the following dues schedule BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The KSU Student Senate recommend the following dues schedule through Fiscal Year 1988, which, if pursued by the A.S.K. Board, we fully intend to provide upon adequate review by each years Finance Committee: FISCAL YEAR 1986 1987 1988 DUES LEVEL $.50 Headcount $.55 Headcount $.60 Headcount KSU ESTIMATED CONTRIBUTION $17,678 $18,861 $19,942 PASSED 11/15/84 R-24 RESOLUTION 84/85/24 BY: A.S.K. NOVEMBER LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY DELEGATES Brett Lambert WHEREAS the November A.S.K. Legislative Assembly is scheduled for Saturday, November 17th, at Pittsburg State University, and WHEREAS Brett Lambert, as K-State’s A.S.K. Campus Director, is responsible for filling KState’s seats at the A.S.K. Legislative Assembly, and WHEREAS said appointments are to be approved by Student Senate BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following individuals be approved as the KSU delegates to the A.S.K. Legislative Assembly to be held November 17, 1984, at Pittsburg State University: Kay Deever Kathleen Daniels Kipp Exline Brett Lambert Tracy Turner Mark Heimer Dana Hawkins Ken Heinz Sandi Schmidt Mike Kadel Dee O’Hair Greg Pestinger Sonia Overholser Glenn Sears San Costello Bob Avery PASSED 11/15/84 R-25 RESOLUTION 84/85/25 BY: 1985 S.G.A. ELECTIONS COMMITTEE CHAIR Senate Operations Standing Committee BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Kay Deever be approved as the 1985 S.G.A. Elections Committee Chair. PASSED 11/15/84 R-26 RESOLUTION 84/85/26 BY: 1985 S.G.A. ELECTIONS COMMITTEE Tracy Turner, Ken Heinz, Kendra Ponte, Kay Deever WHEREAS positions for the 1985 Elections Committee were sufficiently advertised, and WHEREAS the quality of applicants was outstanding, and WHEREAS interviews were held and selections made after much deliberation BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate approve the following individuals as the 1985 S.G.A. Elections Committee: Scott Bush Maribeth Gottschalk Joe Slaven Ann Woodward David Ediger Kristen Johnson Mahthri Srinath PASSED 11/29/84 R-27 RESOLUTION 84/85/27 BY: 1985 COORDINATOR OF FINANCES Tracy Turner, Kay Deever, Kirk Porteous, Steve Line WHEREAS the KSU SGA Constitution mandates that the Coordinator of Finances shall be appointed by the Student Senate Chair in consultation with the Student Senate Vice Chair, present Coordinator of Finances, and Personnel Selections Standing Committee Chair, and WHEREAS qualified applicants were sought and interviewed BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Mark Galyardt be approved as the 1985 Coordinator of Finances. PASSED 12/6/84 R-28 RESOLUTION 84/85/28 BY: TRIBUNAL MEMBER Ken Heinz WHEREAS a vacancy has occurred on Tribunal, and WHEREAS the following individual was the best qualified application BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Terry Still be approved as the KSUARH representative on Tribunal. PASSED 1/17/85 R-29 RESOLUTION 84/85/29 BY: RECOGNITION OF STUDENT CONTRIBUTIONS Scott Coppenbarger & Cath Sayler WHEREAS the students of Kansas State University have contributed over $7 million to the construction of the Fred Bramlage Coliseum, and WHEREAS this amount is an unprecedented gift toward the betterment of K-State, and WHEREAS the name of the coliseum offers a permanent way to recognize student efforts toward the realization of the coliseum BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The KSU SGA make a formal request to President Duane Acker and the Kansas Board of Regents to change the name of the Fred Bramlage Coliseum to the Fred Bramlage Student Coliseum. FAILED 16/29/2 ON 2/7/85 R-30 RESOLUTION 84/85/30 BY: LEGISLATIVE BANQUET IN TOPEKA Tracy Turner, Sandi Schmidt, Brett Lambert WHEREAS the KSU Legislative Banquet has been an annual event for the past four years, and WHEREAS this event provides an excellent opportunity for students to exert their rights as a legitimate constituent group and to convey their concerns to their respective legislators, and WHEREAS such issues as interest on fee monies and appropriations to higher education are important issues to discuss with our representatives and senators, and WHEREAS the State & Community Affairs Standing Committee has done some preliminary planning for the event, which includes holding it in Topeka instead of Manhattan, and WHEREAS this event requires the student senators to contact their legislators, provide their own transportation to Topeka, and pay for the meal BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The State & Community Affairs Standing Committee shall pursue the idea of having the Legislative Banquet in Topeka in late February or early March. SECTION 2. This event shall be considered a joint effort of the 1985-86 Student Senate and the K-State A.S.K. organization. PASSED 1/31/85 R-31 RESOLUTION 84/85/31 BY: A.S.K. FEBRUARY LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY DELEGATES Brett Lambert WHEREAS the February A.S.K. Legislative Assembly is scheduled for February 10th in Topeka, and WHEREAS Brett Lambert, as K-State’s A.S.K. Campus Director, is responsible for filling KState’s seats at the A.S.K. Legislative Assembly, and WHEREAS said appointments are to be approved by Student Senate BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The following individuals be approved as the KSU delegates to the A.S.K. Legislative Assembly to be held February 10, 1985 in Topeka, Kansas: Mark Buyle Russ Pugh Shelly Henderson Monte Griffin Sandi Schmidt Brett Lambert Mike Kadel Dee O’Hair Kipp Exline Doug Chamblin John Rode PASSED 2/7/85 R-32 RESOLUTION 84/85/32 BY: 1985-86 STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT, BOARD OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS, AND STUDENT SENATE Elections Committee WHEREAS the General Election on February 12 & 13, 1085 (the first year for a two-day general election), and the Run-Off Election for Student Body President on February 20, 1985, were run in a fair and equitable manner by the rules set out in the S.G.A. Constitution BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. Student Senate accept and approve the results of the 1985-86 SGA Elections as shown below: Student Body President Steve Brown Board of Student Publications Sherri Hager Tammy Rickerson Chris Stewart Glenn Zimmerman Agriculture Student Senators George Heid Steven Johnson Steve Ligon Bruce Ney Kelly Welch Architecture & Design Student Senators Tulin Artan David Dakin Kent Williams Arts & Sciences Student Senators Susan Baird Lisa Crabtree Kevin Eickmann Dan Fischer Gretchen Hagen Martin Monto Mike Riley Sandi Schmidt Lori Shellenberger Chris Steineger Lawrence Tsen Tona Turner Virgil Wiebe Brett Bromich Steve Cashman Jim Crutchfield Business Administration Student Senators R-33 Debbie Fields Monte Griffin Krista Lindgren Russ Pugh Lori Rock Education Student Senators Lisa Hale Marcia Muller Becky Yeary Engineering Student Senators Bob Avery Eric Ireland Brian Johnson Mark Mathewson Dennis Shields Robert Stuart Bob Tretter Jeff Vander Laan Graduate Student Senators Daniel Grubb Ben Lange Marita Peak Justin Sanders Home Economics Student Senators Lisa Fisher Kerry Jones Angie Rowland Veterinary Medicine Student Senator Catherine Sayler SECTION 2. A total of 3108 ballots were cast in the General Election (for a university enrollment of 15,832 students, this is a voter turnout of 20%). A total of 2572 ballots were cast in the Run-Off Election between student body presidential candidates Steve Brown and Keith Westervelt (a voter turnout of 16%). PASSED 2/28/85 R-34 RESOLUTION 84/85/33 BY: COMMENDATION TO KEN HEINZ & TRACY TURNER 1984-85 Student Senate WHEREAS under the leadership of Ken Heinz, 1984-85 Student Body President, and Tracy Turner, 1984-85 Student Senate Chairman, the Student Governing Association of Kansas State University received dedicated and inspired leadership, and WHEREAS both of these positions require a great commitment of time, energy and dedication to serve the students of Kansas State University, and WHEREAS Ken Heinz has done an outstanding job of communicating the concerns and needs of KSU students to faculty, administrators and the Kansas Board of Regents (examples being his representation of students on the task force studying reorganization of student services and the search committee for a new athletic director), and WHEREAS Tracy Turner has displayed a continued concern for students and student senate, while bringing issues that concern students to the attention of student senate (examples being in the form of speakers and in aiding the formation of a committee to study academic advising BE IT RESOLVED THAT: SECTION 1. The 1984-85 Kansas State University Student Senate express its gratitude to Ken Heinz and Tracy Turner and commend them for jobs very well done. PASSED 2/28/85 R-35 1984-1985 Student Senate Minutes Date Page February 23, 1984 ............................................................................................................................1 March 1, 1984 ..................................................................................................................................3 March 8, 1984 ..................................................................................................................................5 March 22, 1984 ................................................................................................................................7 March 29, 1984 ................................................................................................................................9 April 5, 1984 ..................................................................................................................................12 April 10, 1984 ................................................................................................................................15 April 12, 1984 ................................................................................................................................18 April 19, 1984 ................................................................................................................................22 April 24, 1984 ................................................................................................................................25 April 26, 1984 ................................................................................................................................28 September 6, 1984 .........................................................................................................................33 September 13, 1984 .......................................................................................................................36 September 20, 1984 .......................................................................................................................38 September 27, 1984 .......................................................................................................................40 October 4, 1984 ..............................................................................................................................43 October 11, 1984 ............................................................................................................................46 October 18, 1984 ............................................................................................................................48 October 25, 1984 ............................................................................................................................50 November 1, 1984 ..........................................................................................................................52 November 8, 1984 ..........................................................................................................................54 November 15, 1984 ........................................................................................................................56 November 29, 1984 ........................................................................................................................59 December 6, 1984 ..........................................................................................................................61 January 17, 1985 ............................................................................................................................63 January 24, 1985 ............................................................................................................................65 January 31, 1985 ............................................................................................................................67 February 7, 1985 ............................................................................................................................69 February 14, 1985 ..........................................................................................................................71 February 21, 1985 ..........................................................................................................................73 February 28, 1985 ..........................................................................................................................75 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM FEBRUARY 23, 1984 8:35 PM - 9:30 PM The first meeting of the 1984-85 Student Senate was called to order by Chairperson Lori Leu. There were 49 Senators present. Cashman was late. Meldrum was excused. Martina and Nikaeen were absent. (We have a total of 53 Student Senators, not counting the chair.) SWEARING IN Kurt Yowell, Chancellor of Tribunal, swore in the 1984-85 Student Senators. Andy Martin, Linda Meldrum and Ali Nikaeen will be sworn in at a later date. ANNOUNCEMENTS Lori Leu - Senate will begin at 6:00 the next two weeks. Will be having 5-minute presentations by groups requesting funds from the student activity fee. Standing committee preferences need to be in by 5:00 next Friday. Please note if you are interested in the chair position. Kirk Porteous - Tentative allocations are scheduled to begin April 10. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Senate Resolution 84/85/1 - 1984-85 Finance Committee Kirk Porteous explained the resolution and introduced the students present. Bill Sullivan objected to consideration. Failed. Questions were asked, There was no debate. Kendra Ponte called the question. NEW BUSINESS Nominations were taken for Student Senate Chair: Mark Jones was nominated by Kipp Exline Tracy Turner was nominated by Becky Marshall Further nominations will be taken next week, also. Each candidate; will be given 3 minutes to speak and 3 minutes to answer questions. They will then leave the room and debate will begin. Doug Mann moved to introduce Senate Resolution 84/85/2 - Commendation to Rick Forsyth. It was debated whether to bring the resolution on the, floor. Kay Deever called the question. Passed. There were no questions and no debate. Kirk Porteous called the question on the resolution. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Lori Leu spoke on commendations. Jerry Katlin introduced Dr. Earl Nolting, Dean of Students, and Chester Peters, Vice President for Student Affairs. The meeting was adjourned. M-1 Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-2 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM MARCH 1, 1984 6:00 PM – 9:30 PM The meeting was called to order by Chair Lori Leu. There were 45 senators present. Berbohm, Garfoot and O’Neill were late. Burgess, Meldrum and B. Miller were excused late. Martin and Stenstrom were excused. The minutes of both meetings on February 23, 1984 were approved as written. ANNOUNCEMENTS Lori Leu - All committee applications will be due March 9th. Faculty Senate Representative must be a Student Senator, must have taken 45 hours to date, and be taking 12 hours this semester (per the Faculty Senate Constitution). COMMITTEE REPORTS FINANCE - Kirk Porteous, chair - Hearings will begin Sunday at 6:00 p.m. DIRECTORS REPORTS STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Jerry Katlin - The Nichols Hall Art Committee was formed during the 1983-84 term to determine how the $10,000 allocated in 197576 to show student support for the renovation of Nichols Gym should be spent. The 1975-76 legislation called for the money to go toward the art gallery. However, since an art gallery will not be located in Nichols Hall, the committee has decided to use the money to purchase an art piece to be placed in the lobby. The tentative goal is have the art work in place by the Fall of 1985. Bill Sullivan is the senator serving on the Nichols Hall Art Committee. The cost of renovating Nichols Hall is $4.7 million. OLD BUSINESS Further nominations were taken for Student Senate Chair. Kendra Ponte nominated Steve Line. Bill Sullivan moved that nominations cease. Passed. Those up for the position are: Mark Jones, Steve Line, Tracy Turner. Each were allows to 5 minutes to speak to the body. Then each were given 5 minutes to answer questions. Finally, debate was entered into. Bill Sullivan called the question. TRACY TURNER IS THE STUDENT SENATE CHAIR. He received a majority of the votes cast. Tracy took over the chair from Lori Leu. There was a 5-minute recess. NEW BUSINESS Nominations were taken for the Student Senate Vice Chair. Doug Mann nominated Kay Deever Kirk Porteous nominated Lawrence Tsen. M-3 Nominations will continue next week and a vote will be taken. Nominations were taken for Faculty Senate Representative. Greg Pestinger nominated Keith Westervelt. Nominations will continue next week and a vote will be taken. If you are interested in being Parliamentarian, contact Tracy. 5-MINUTE PRESENTATIONS Senators were asked to write down questions, and they will be asked of the groups by Finance Committee at the hearings. KSDB-FM - Lee Buller, station manager Puerto Rican Student Organization - Maritza Segarra, president Student Governing Association - Jerry Katlin, student body president Early Childhood Laboratory - Marjorie Stith, director Students for Handicapped Concerns - Craig Perbeck, president Legal Services - Dianne K. Urban, students’ attorney U-LearN - Susan Welsch, coordinator Consumer Relations Board - Kim Hefley, director Women’s Resource Center - Sue Rieger, assistant director FONE - Jody Hackerott, assistant coordinator University for Man - Julie Coates, director Student Publications - Dave Adams, director Student Publications was given 15 minutes to speak, because they are up for review this year. FIRST READINGS Senate Bill 84/85/1 - 1984 Summer School Allocations. Mike Johnson explained the bill and introduced the representatives present. K-State Union - Walt Smith Recreational Services - Raydon Robel Student Publications - Dave Adams KSDB-FM Radio - Will Perry Summer Artist Series - Jack Flouer Summer Repertory Theater - Lou Shelton U-LearN - Susan Welsch University for Man - Julie Coates FONE - no rep. present Questions were asked. Tracy to general issues. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Brett Lambert - Issues the Associated Students of Kansas (A.S.K.) has testified on came out of the House Ways and Means Committee looking real good. He also spoke to raising the drinking age. A face sheet will be out Monday on the drinking age issue. Bill Sullivan moved to adjourn. Passed Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-4 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM MARCH 8, 1984 6:00 PM – 9:30 PM The meeting was called to order by Tracy Turner, Chair, with 42 Senators present. Berbohm, Burgess, Mann and Treadway were absent. McMillen and Rinner were excused. Cheng, Hager, Hinkel, Sullivan and Traeger were excused late. APPROVAL OF MARCH 1, 1984 MINUTES Under Jerry’s Directors Report, they hope to have to art work in place by Fall of 1985, not Fall of 1983. Under First Readings, the rep. for KSDB-FM was Will Berry, not Will Perry. ANNOUNCEMENTS Tracy - Applications for at-large positions on standing committees are due March 23. He went over the attendance policy. A liaison program will be set up before the allocation process. DIRECTORS REPORTS STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Ken Heinz - The Long Range Planning Committee met and discussed closing of a couple of campus streets. Gretchen Holden was concerned this would hinder the shuttle service. SWEARING IN Kurt Yowell, Chancellor of Tribunal, swore in Ken Heinz as Student Body President, Tracy Turner as Student Senate Chair, and Ali Nikaeen, Linda Meldrum and Andy Martin were Student Senators. OLD BUSINESS ELECTION OF STUDENT SENATE VICE CHAIR There were no further nominations, and Bill Sullivan moved that nominations cease. This motion passed. The nominees are: Kay Deever & Lawrence Tsen Each nominee spoke to the body and answered questions. Debate was entered into. Bryan Miller called the question. Vote was taken by secret ballot, and KAY DEEVER is the new STUDENT SENATE VICE CHAIR. ELECTION OF FACULTY SENATE REPRESENTATIVE There were no further nominations, and Bill Sullivan moved that nominations cease. Passed. KEITH WESTERVELT is the FACULTY SENATE REPRESENTATIVE, by a vote of acclamation. 5-MINUTE PRESENTATIONS K-State Union - Jack Sills, Assoc. Director M-5 International Coordinating Council - Artoosh Mnassaghanians, President Associated Students of Kansas - Mark Tallman, State Executive Director Associated Students of Kansas at KSU - Kipp Exline, KSU Board Member Black Student Union - Richard Horton Coalition for Human Rights - John Carrasco, President Sports Club Council - Mark Young Debate - Dwaine Hemphill, Coach MEChA - Gary Sepulveda Off-Campus Student Association - no rep. present Students for BACCHUS - Diane Johnson, President Recreational Services - Raydon Robel, Director Fine Arts Council - Bill Feyerharm, Asst. Provost, and Vincent Bly Fine Arts Council as given 15 minutes because their line item is up for review this year. FIRST READINGS Senate Bill 84/85/2 - Student Government Identification Buttons Brian O’Neill and Kendra Ponte explained the bill and answered questions. Section 3 was amended to add “Each year,” at the beginning. Section 5 was amended by changing “be” to “is”. Kelly Miller moved to close questions. Passed. Senate Bill 84/85/3 - Special Allocation for the FONE Kirk Porteous explained the bill and answered questions. Bill Sullivan moved the bill special orders. Passed. Questions continued, and debate was entered into. Drew Hertel called the question NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 84/85/1 - 1984 Sumer School Allocations Mike Johnson further explained the bill There were no questions and no debate. Lawrence Tsen called the question. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Tracy spoke to the attendance policy again and also spoke to asking of questions. Don’t debate with questions!! Cheng encouraged student senators to attend International Film Festival. Greg Pestinger moved to adjourn. Passed Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-6 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM MARCH 22, 1984 7:00 PM – 8:41 PM The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Tracy Turner. There were 51 Senators present. Mealy was absent. Sullivan was late. The minutes of the March 8, 1984 meeting were approved as written. OPEN PERIOD Charles Hein, Director of Communications at KSU, spoke to the closing of the University during inclement weather. The Governor can close the University or the President of the University can, with the Governor’s approval. Mr. Hein also answered questions. ANNOUNCEMENTS Tracy - Brian O’Neill has been selected as parliamentarian. The parliamentarian is not a member of Senate Exec. and does not need Senate’s approval. Applications for atlarge members on standing committees are due tomorrow at 5:00. University committee choices are due March 28th at 5:00. COMMITTEE REPORTS STUDENT SENATE VICE CHAIR - Kay Deever - She went over the responsibilities of a liaison. All liaisons need to contact their respective group. It is important that the liaison attend Finance Committee hearings for their group. If you cannot attend the hearing, you MUST contact Kay personally and not anyone else. FINANCE COMMITTEE - Kirk Porteous - The committee is in the middle of hearings. The tentative allocations bill will be available around April 5th. The next meeting is Sunday at 1:00. DIRECTORS REPORTS STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Ken Heinz - The Student Advisory Committee to the Kansas Board of Regents met last week in Topeka. The Board of Regents is requesting a 8% increase in tuition. It is being proposed that the academic service fee be abolished and replaced with a $12 increase in tuition. It is also being proposed by the Legislature that the increase must be included in the universities budgets. The S.A.C. is concerned that students have a voice as to where this $12 goes, as they did with the academic service fee. University committee applications are due April 4th. ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Brett Lambert - Spoke to correspondence regarding the drinking age legislation. The Legislative Assembly will be held in Lawrence on April 14th. Contact him if you are interested in attending. The Board meeting will be held Sunday at Wichita State University. FACULTY SENATE - Keith Westervelt - Met March 20th. Revising the blanket grade policy. Discussed the mid-term grading system and sent it back to the Academic Affairs Committee. Proposing changing letter grades to satisfactory/unsatisfactory. Approved a proposal to improve our library. Speeding M-7 on campus will not be reported downtown or go on your record. It will stay on campus, as will be fine money. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Senate Resolution 84/85/3 - Student Senate Standing Committee Chairs Tracy Turner spoke to the resolution. Laura Butler and Cindy Leighton had to leave earlier, but they were present. He spoke to the candidates’ qualifications. Social Services Chair will be up for approval next week. There were no questions and no debate. Came to an immediate vote. NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 84/85/2 - Student Government Identification Buttons There were no further questions, and debate was entered into. Kirk Porteous moved to refer to Communications Committee for two weeks. Kay Deever objected to consideration of Kirk’s motion. Failed. There were no questions on Kirk’s motion and debate was entered into. Larry Hinkel called the question on Kirk’s motion. Failed. Debate continued on the original bill. Brian called the question on the bill. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Mark Jones - June 10-13 there will be a leadership conference for high school sophomores and juniors this year. You are encouraged to contact your high school principal and encourage sending reps. The Kansas rotary Club is sponsoring this through the Master Teacher program. Dr. Steinbauer is our contact person. Applications are being taken for supervisors. They are available at the Continuing Education Conference Center on Anderson Ave. (532-5575). An informational meeting will be held Tuesday, March 27th, at 7:00 at 224 Dension. Tracy Turner - Spoke on courtesy to outside speakers. The Faculty Senate Academic Affairs Committee will also be considering the Re-Take Policy and Drop-Add. The meeting was adjourned by Tracy. Jenny Johnston, Secretary II M-8 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM MARCH 29, 1984 7:00 PM – 8:40 PM Tracy Turner called the meeting to order with 50 senators present. Hager was late. Jones and Salts were excused. OPEN PERIOD Brice Hobrock, Dean of Libraries at KSU, spoke on what the libraries are trying to accomplish, the editorial that recently appeared in the Collegian and extended library hours. Questions were asked. APPROVAL OF MARCH 22, 1984 MINUTES Approved as distributed. ANNOUNCEMENTS Tracy Turner - Hill be talking applications for senate aides next week. He went over the Senate Credit Class. If there are questions, speak with Dwaine Hemphill in Speech in E. Stadium at 532-6875. There is a job open in the K-State Union for Student Building Manager. Pay is $4.10/hour for 15-20 hours/week. Specific hours are 2-3 shifts on the weekends. Employment is for at least two years. Applications are being accepted for employment starting in the Fall of 1984. Contact person is Jack Connaughton, Asst. Dir. of the Union, in the Director’s Office on 2nd floor (532-6591). Job description/qualifications: responsible for: all scheduled events and non-scheduled activities within the building during evening hours and on weekends; meeting room set-ups; proper conduct of customers; building manager’s change fund; working with other departments and supervisors in regard to problems in their areas; public address systems; and overall security of the building. Requires sound judgment and ability to work with Union staff and customers. Senators’ applications for University committees are due tonight before you leave the room. COMMITTEE REPORTS FINANCE - Kirk Porteous - Finished up hearings last night. Will start balancing the budget Sunday at Noon. COMMUNICATIONS - Mark Jones - Need people to work the Open House table on Saturday. He spoke to the leadership conference sponsored by the University and the Manhattan Rotary Club with the Master Teacher staff. SENATE VICE CHAIR - Kay Deever - The liaison program is going well. SENATE OPERATIONS - Kendra Ponte - Krista Lindgren will be in charge of the Senate Aide Program. Deadline for applications for senate aides will be April 6th at 5:00. DIRECTORS REPORTS STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Ken Heinz - Judicial interviews were finished up last night. Applications are being accepted for at-large members on University committees. Cabinet positions will be announced next week. M-9 I ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Brett Lambert - Direct quote: I come to you this evening in a spirit of dismay. For in the last forty-eight hours I have witnessed the unfolding of one of the most disgraceful, cowardly and degrading actions taken by the Kansas Legislature in recent years. I have written my report on paper this evening because I do not wish to miss any point. The students of this university have a right to know all the events that pertain to the passage today of a Senate House Conference Committee report asking that the minimum age to consume 3.2 beer in this state be raised to 19. Some may recall that I came before this body some eight months ago to tell you that we felt confident that the drinking issue was behind us. We are mistaken. In November the fight was on. Rev. Taylor, feeding off the fears of many, as seems to be his style, pushed harder than ever for an increase. The challenge was presented. A.S.K. accepted. We began to feel out the waters. We questioned members of both parties and from both houses as to the chances of passage. And from all corners of the Capitol the message was the same. “Too much pressure. Something has to be passed. Doesn’t much matter what.” At that point A.S.K. had to make a decision. We could either reside ourselves to the periphery, and let the legislation move ahead unmolested, or we could fight. After long meetings and careful consideration to all possible outcomes and ramifications, it was the decision of the A.S.K. leadership to fight. And fight we did. I am proud to say that, unlike many of our adversaries, we fought a fair battle. We were sincere in our efforts, honest in our speech and sure of our facts. But, as I have painfully discovered in the last several days, sincerity, honesty and a consideration for facts are NOT the ingredients to a successful fight in the Kansas Legislature. It is important to recall that a vote, as is the normal process, was never taken in either house before the conference committee was formed. It is important to remember that the conference committee, a supposedly unbiased body, was comprised of extremely biased men. It is important to remember that this is an election year and that students seldom exercise their responsibility to vote. It is important to recall that there is a possibility that the Open Meetings Law has been either violated or molested by this hoax of a committee. At any rate, morals and perhaps even laws aside, the Conference Committee voted out this afternoon an increase. They did so much to the dismay and frustration of many people, including myself, who once believed in the process. On Monday or Tuesday the bill will go before the Senate. Sen. Doyen and his cohorts have vowed that passage shall occur. And although if a vote were to have been taken today I would have felt confident of a sure and defeat, it is difficult to say what will transpire in the next several days. For if enough pressure is brought to bear by the Senate leadership, many of our votes will surely collapse. In conclusion I simply want to state how political, in the worst sense of the word, this action has been. If the Senate was truly anxious to save the lives which this bill is purportedly capable of doing, then it should be passed, at 21, immediately, and it should be put into effect April. But no, that is not the case. For most of the members of the Senate are not voting to save lives, they’re voting to save themselves. M-10 This is obvious by the grandfather clause which is part of the bill. In other words the bill would not affect anyone for over a year, until after the election. This cowardly action, more than any other, underscores the ridiculous nature and motivation behind this legislation. And although the fate of this bill may be unchangeable, myself and others in the Association, will continue to fight, we will continue to write and petition and call until every last hope for defeat is lost. I am now open for any questions. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Senate Resolution 84/85/4 - At-Large Members of Student Senate Standing Committees and Social Services Standing Committee Chair Tracy Turner spoke to the resolution. The chairs introduced their members present. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Came to an immediate vote. FIRST READINGS Senate Resolution 84/85/5 - Support of Kansas Home Economics Week Jeanine Mealy explained the resolution. There were no questions. Greg Pestinger moved the resolution special orders. Passed. There was no debate Came to an immediate vote. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Tracy spoke generally to various topics. Cindy Leighton - Student Affairs will meet at 4:30 on April 10th in the office. Greg Pestinger - State & Community Affairs will meet at 3:00 on April 2nd in the office. Mark Jones - Communications will meet at 4:00 on Sunday in the office. Kendra Ponte - Senate Operations will meet at 4:00 on April 3rd in the office. Steve Line - Personnel Selections will meet after the meeting to set up a meeting time. Laura Butler - Academic Affairs will meet after the meeting tonight. Brett Lambert - Talked to Education Council about the teacher scholarship program. Governor Carlin will be speaking in the Catskellar at 1:30 Saturday about Election ‘84. The A.S.K. Legislative Assembly will be held April 14th at K.U. Brian O’Neill read a letter he wrote to President Acker regarding the inclement weather conditions and the closing of the university. Kay Deever - The State College Republican Convention will be held April 7 and 8. If you are interested in attending, contact Jill Lair at 539-2334. Jenny Johnston, Secretary M-11 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM APRIL 5, 1984 7:00 PM – 9:25 PM Tracy Turner, Student Senate Chair, called the meeting to order with 44 senators present. Chamblin was absent. Hager & Hinkel were excused late. Jirak, Martin & Miller were excused. Mealy, Stenstrom & Tsen were late. OPEN PERIOD Art Loub, Executive Vice President of the KSU Foundation, spoke on the coliseum fund drive and the responsibilities of the Foundation. Questions were asked. MARCH 29, 1984 MINUTES Approved as distributed. ANNOUNCEMENTS Tracy Turner - Senate Credit Class starts to meet next week. Senate Executive will meet at 5:00 on Sunday at Hunam’s. Senators appointment to University committees are: (with last year’s reps.) Fine Art Council K. Miller and L. Tsen (Tina Rather and Kay Deever) Judicial Council S. Schmidt (Kendra Ponte) Long Range Planning D. Mann (Chris Athanasiou) of Physical Facilities Parents Programming Comm. A. Martin (Stephanie Stanberry) Sports Club Council H. Hawari and S. Hummell (Bob Ohmes and Bryan Brauer) Student Health Advisory M. Morgan (Sue Humphrey) Student Services Support Fee Allocation Board G. Pestinger Union Governing Bd. L. Meldrum (Lynn Grunwald) University Activities Bd. M. Galyardt (Teri Lukens) University Library Comm. K. Jones and K. Lindgren (Cathy Carlson and Kay Deever) Use of Facilities Comm. K. Ponte and B. Ney (Chuck Voelker and Teri Lukens) Housing Council L. Rock (Paul Carter) COMMITTEE REPORTS TASK FORCE ON SHUTTLE SERVICE FOR TEMPORARILY HANDICAPPED Lori Leu, chair - The task force was established in the Fall of 1983 to research possible funding alternatives for the operation of the shuttle service for temporarily handicapped from outside groups and agencies and the feasibility of instituting a user fee. A phone survey was conducted to assess the possible success of a user fee. The Kansas Easter Seal Society was approached for funding. Notification of funding will not be received until later this month. The executive director projected a maximum grant of $2000. The task force M-12 recommends a $1/day user fee and calculated that if the shuttle averaged 5 riders/week the service could generate almost $800/year. The user fee would be collected at the SGS Office in the K-State Union. Ideally, the service could be expanded to operate off-campus and during evenings and weekends. Also, the goal of self-maintenance in terms of funding may be possible in the future. An evaluation of the fee structure should be conducted after 2 semesters by everyone involved. COMMUNICATIONS - Mark Jones - Will have a table in the Union Monday and Tuesday. PERSONNEL SELECTIONS - Steve Line - Will meet Tuesday at 4:00. STUDENT AFFAIRS - Cindy Leighton - Will meet Tuesday at 4:30. STATE & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS - Greg Pestinger - Will meet Tuesday at 5:15. SENATE OPERATIONS - Kendra Ponte -Will meet Tuesday at 4:00. Aides will be selected by, next Tuesday. FACULTY SENATE ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Laura Butler - Discussed the Retake Policy and Drop/Add Policy last Tuesday. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Laura Butler - Will meet Sunday at 8:30. DIRECTORS REPORTS ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Brett Lambert - Explained what was happening with the bill to increase the drinking age to 19. He answers questions. The 60% graduate fee waiver was passed today. Teacher scholarship bill will not be out of committee this year due to the fiscal note that is attached. , STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Ken Heinz - Had a meeting regarding raising the fee for transcripts from $1 to $2. It was delayed until next fall. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Senate Resolution 84/85/6 - Judicial Boards and SGA Attorney General Ken Heinz explained the resolution and introduced those present. Sears, Dengel, Mitts, Haverkamp and King were not present. There were no questions, and no debate Bill Sullivan called the question. FIRST READINGS Senate Resolution 84/85/7 - Commendation to the All-University Open House Committee Ken Heinz explained the resolution. Bill Sullivan moved the resolution special orders. Passed. Questions were asked of Ken & Tracy, and there was no debate. Keith Westervelt called the question. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Kirk Porteous gave a brief overall look at the allocation process. We have to have approximately $764,801 to allocate beginning next Tuesday. Last year at final allocations we had $797,612.52 to allocate. Informal guidelines Finance Committee followed in balancing the budget are: Conferences: 2 conferences/group, 2 people, 1 car, mileage, Registration: none Newsletter: 1 /semester Advertising: 1 2x3 ad/event, 2 - 2x3 ad/major event, only in Collegian M-13 He also spoke in general to the process and the budget Finance Committee arrived at. Don’t be redundant on asking questions. A lot of questions can be answered before we get to the Senate floor. The balanced budget presented by Finance Committee was a decision of the committee, not one person’s or Kirk’s. Bring your guidelines. The next Finance Committee meeting will be Monday at 9:30. Tracy- Spoke to the conduct of the body while speakers are here during open period. Tentative allocations guidelines: 1. Finance Committee will give their recommendations. 2. Each person with speaking privileges will be allowed 2- 3-minute question periods. 3. Each person with speaking privileges will be allowed 2 - 3-minute debate periods per item. You can yield your time to someone without speaking privileges. He urged liaisons to yield time to the group representatives. Don’t leave the room during the presentation of a group. The 26th will be the night for reconsiderations. They are due to Tracy, in writing, by 5:00 on the Wednesday, April 25th. Must know who will 2nd the motion also on the amendment form. Brian O’Neill - spoke to the funding of the coliseum and read a letter he received from President Acker in answer to his 7-question letter regarding the school closing policy. Tracy - asked for discussion on what or who should be commended. There is no policy on this. Kay Deever - Liaisons should have formal meeting with their groups before next Tuesday. Kirk Porteous moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-14 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM APRIL 10, 1984 6:00 PM – 11:45 PM Student Senate Chair Tracy Turner called the FIRST TENTATIVE ALLOCATIONS MEETING to order with 49 Senators present. Coppenbarger and Mealy were late. Chamblin & Knight was excused late. OPEN PERIOD Jerry Katlin - 1983-84 Student Body President, spoke on student input into the naming of the coliseum, planning and future input. Lee Buller - KSDB-FM Advisor, spoke to what KSDB-FM is and does and the funding of KSDB-FM (specifically in the categories of telephone and advertising). A female student spoke to the International Coordinating Council and the 15 organizations it represents. They need more in advertising. ANNOUNCEMENTS Tracy Turner went over the procedures to be followed during tentative allocations. Senate Credit Class meets in 108 E. Stadium. The April 23rd class will not meet. Kirk Porteous went over the tentative allocation schedule and what is presently in the reserve accounts: $14,666.32 – Reserves for Contingencies, $9,190.60 – Long Range Reserves for Capital Outlay, $8,315.00 – Reserves for Maintenance of Standing Programs. THE BUDGET IS BALANCED, before we begin tonight! Tracy Turner - Academic Affairs will meet at 7:30 Sunday in the SGS Office. NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 84/85/4 - 1984-85 Tentative Allocations Bill Sullivan moved to divide the question by group. Passed FONE Kay Deever gave Finance Committee’s recommendation. Representatives present were Katie Andre, Jody Hackerott and Dr. Bob Sinnett. $9,531.35 - Received last year, $10,081.85 - Requested this year, $10,081.85 Recommended this year. Questions were asked, but there was no debate. Bill Sullivan called the question on Finance Committee’s recommendation. Passed PUERTO RICAN STUDENT ORGANIZATION Lisa Rosenow gave Finance Committee’s recommendation. Representative present was Maritza Segarra. $306.22 - Received last year, $382.00 - Requested this year, $234.50 - Recommended this year. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. S.S. Cheng moved to decrease Printing from $100 to $86.40, a $13.60 decrease. There were questions and debate. The question was called on the amendment. Failed. M-15 Brian O’Neill moved to increase Advertising from $82.50 to $99.00, a $16.50 increase. There were questions and debate. The question was called on the amendment. Failed. Bill Sullivan called the question on Finance Committee’s recommendation. Passed. DEBATE Kathleen Daniels gave Finance Committee’s recommendations. Representative present was Dwaine Hemphill, Coach. $6,599.70 - Received last year, $7,480.30 - Requested this year, $6,258.40 Recommended this year. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Ali Nikaeen moved to decrease Private Car from $506.40 to $241.08, to decrease Entry from $2,420 to $2,310, to increase Subsistence from $3,002 to $4,035.90, an increase of $659.80. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Kendra Ponte called the question on a Ali’s amendment. Passed. Brian O’Neill moved to increase Private Car from $241.08 to $506.40, to increase Subsistence from $4,035.90 to $4,223.90 and to increase Entry from $2,310 to $2,420, making the total read $7,480.30 (same as requesting). Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Bruce Ney moved to amend Brian’s amendment by funding them at the same rate as in 1983-84, $6,599.70. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Lori Rock called the question on Bruce’s amendment. Passed. Bill Sullivan called the question on Brian’s amendment, as amended by Bruce’s amendment. Passed. Debate continued on the amended figure of $6,599.70, with no category breakdown. Passed. INTERNATIONAL COORDINATING COUNCIL Kathleen Daniels gave Finance Committee’s recommendation. Representatives present were Donna Davis, Allen Brettell and Artoosh Mnassaghanians. $3,653.23 – Received last year, $7,192.41 – Requested this year, $3,506.46 – Recommended this year. Cath Sayler moved to divide the question. Failed. Questions were entered into, and debate was entered into. Greg Pestinger moved to increase Advertising from $346.50 to $616.00 (a $269.50 increase). Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Kerry Jones called the question on Greg’s amendment. Failed. S.S. Cheng moved to increase Films from $1,500 to $1,000 (a $500 increase). Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. The question was called on the amendment. Failed. Ali Nikaeen moved to increase Professional Services from $120 to $300, (a $180 increase). Questions were asked. Brian O’Neill moved to limit questions and debate to 2 1-minute periods. Passed. M-16 Debate was entered into on Ali’s amendment. The question was called. Failed. Cath Sayler moved to increase the total figure from $3,506.46, to $3,653.23. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Bill Sullivan called the question on Cath’s amendment. Failed. Bill Sullivan called the question on Finance Committee’s recommendation. Passed. ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS Kirk Porteous gave Finance Committee’s recommendation. Mark Tallman, State Exec. Director, was the representative present. $.40 FTE – Received last year, $.50 FTE – Requesting this year, $.50 FTE – Recommending this year. The Finance Committee is recommending that $.40 be taken from the monies we are presently working with and $.10 be taken from the Reserves for Maintenance of Standing Programs account. ($13,000 and $3,000) Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Bill Sullivan called the question on Finance Committee’s recommendation. Passed INFORMAL DISCUSSION A lot of general discussion. Kay apologized for the manner in which spoke regarding ICC being uncooperative. The meeting was adjourned at 11:45. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-17 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM APRIL 12, 1984 6:00 PM – 1:00 AM The 2nd meeting of tentative allocations was called to order by Chair Tracy Turner. There were 48 senators present. Charlton & Galyardt were excused late. Hager was excused. Luginsland was late. Mealy was absent. OPEN PERIOD Artoosh Mnassaghenians, ICC president, spoke to ICC’s hearing last Tuesday evening. APPROVAL OF APRIL 5, 1984 MINUTES Approved as distributed. APPROVAL OF APRIL 10, 1984 MINUTES Tracy seated that Diane Chamblin was excused late, not unexcused late. Brian O’Neill asked that it be placed in the minutes that Kay Deever apologized for the manner in which she spoke regarding the I.C.C. being uncooperative. ANNOUNCEMENTS Tracy Turner - The SGA Constitutional revisions have been ratified by six of the nine college councils. Updates are available in the office. Student Affairs will not meet Tuesday. Kirk Porteous - The following groups will be heard April 19th: Early Childhood Lab, Consumer Relations Board, Students for Handicapped Concerns, Black Student Union, Women’s Resource Center The next Finance Committee meeting will be Wednesday at 8:00. COMMITTEE REPORTS COMMUNICATIONS - Mark Jones - The Basketball Ticket Sales Committee is thinking about lowering ticket prices for next year. They are interested in finding out if the demand for tickets will be sufficient for the lottery to be used again next year. Please take a straw poll of your living group. The information needs to be returned to Mark by Tuesday of next week. * How many people bought tickets last year when the price was $42.50. * How many people would buy them this year at the same price. * How many people would buy tickets at $35.00. * How many people would buy tickets at $30.00. * Would the demand be sufficient for the lottery to be used next year The Communications Comm. met Tuesday and discussed visitations. They will probably begin in 2 weeks. Will meet Tuesday at 10:00. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Laura Butler Will meet Sunday at 7:30. Faculty Senate Academic Affairs will meet Tuesday. The committee has been meeting with Faculty Senate Academic Affairs Committee member on the retake policy and drop/add policy. There will be a December commencement ceremony. M-18 SENATE OPERATIONS Kendra Ponte - Senate Aides were selected last evening. Will meet Tuesday at 4:00. FACULTY SENATE - Keith Westervelt - Met Tuesday. Discussed items pertinent mostly only to faculty members. Records of the Mahaffey hearings are now open to the public and are available in the Faculty Senate Office. DIRECTORS REPORTS ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Brett Lambert - The drinking age bill will be debated the morning of April 25h. A.S.K. will be circulating a petition across the campus. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Senate Resolution 84/85/8 - A.S.K. Legislative Assembly Delegates. Brett Lambert explained the resolution. There were no questions and no debate. Bill Sullivan called the question. Senate Resolution 84/85/9 - Senate Aides Kendra Ponte introduced those present, and questions were asked. Interviewed approximately 48 students. There was no debate. Creg Pestinger called the question. Senate Resolution 84/85/10 - Union Governing Board Student Members Tracy Turner explained the resolution. There were no questions and no debate. Keith Westervelt called the question. NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 84/85/4 - 1984-85 Tentative Allocations U-LEARN Glenn Taylor gave Finance Committee recommendation. Representative present were Susie Welsch and Susan Angle. $9,845.48 - Received last year, $10,145.08 - Requesting this year, $9,585.48 Recommended his year Questions were asked. It was friendly amended by Bill Sullivan and accepted to increase work-study to $3,304.08, making the total read $10,006.68. There was no debate. Bill Sullivan called the question on Finance Committee’s recommendation, as friendly amended. Passed. ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS AT KSU Monte Griffin gave Finance Committee’s recommendation. Brett Lambert was the representative present. $431 - Received last year, $630 - Requesting this year, $444.40 - Recommended this year There were questions and debate. Kelly Miller moved to increase Advertising from $132 to $198, a $65 increase. M-19 There were no questions, but debate was entered into. Bill Sullivan called the question. Passed. Kelly Miller moved to increase Private Car Travel from $290.40 to $376.20 a $85.50 increase. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Kerry Jones called the question. Passed. Bill Sullivan called the question on a tentative allocation of $596.20. Passed. KSDB-FM RADIO Lisa Rosenow gave Finance Committees recommendation. Representatives present were Lee Buller and Will Perry. $12,663.35 - Received last year, $12,027.94 - Requesting this year, $10.813.51 Recommended this year There were questions and debate. Scott Coppenbarger moved to increase Telephone from $1,654.40 to $2,356.40, a $702 increase. There were questions and debate. Bill Sullivan called the question. Failed. Linda Meldrum moved to increase Telephone from $1,654.40 to $2,106.40, a $452 increase. The increase is for the installation of a 4th phone, but no increase in Kans-a-n Line funds. Kirk Porteous moved to overrule the chair, saying Linda’s amendment is redundant. Bill Sullivan called the question on overruling the chair. Passed. Brian O’Neill moved to increase Advertising from $231 to $330, a $99 increase. There were questions and debate. Kendra Ponte called the question. Failed. Bill Sullivan called the question on Finance Committee’s recommendation. Passed UNIVERSITY FOR MAN Drew Hertel gave Finance Committee’s recommendation. Julie Coates was the representative present. $12,770 * - Received last year, $12,570 - Requesting this year, $10,523.80 * Recommended this year * Represents a 10% cutback on the 1982-83 budget. This is figured from the 1980-81 base year of $15,034. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Sandi Schmidt called the question on Finance Committee’s recommendation. Passed MECHA Monte Griffin gave Finance Committee’s recommendation. Gary Sepulveda was the representative present. $648.50 - Received last year, $618 - Requesting this year, $379.56 - Recommended this year There were questions and debate. S.S. Cheng moved to decrease Telephone from $88 to $39.60, a $48.40 decrease. There were questions and debate. Kendra Ponte called the question. Failed. Brian O’Neill moved to decrease Telephone from $88 to $66, $22 decrease. M-20 There were questions and debate. Larry Hinkel called the question. Failed. Came to an immediate vote on Finance Committee’s recommendation. Passed. STUDENT GOVERNING ASSOCIATION Steve Cashman gave Finance Committee’s recommendation. Representatives present were: Ken Heinz, Tracy Turner, Jerry Katlin, Lori Leu, Jenny Johnston. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. The following amendments were made to the Advertising budget, but failed: Kelly Miller moved to increase from $412.50 to $1,535. (failed by a roll call vote of 21-31, with 1 absence) Lori Rock moved to increase to $1,000. Kelly Anderson moved to increase to $1,323. Ali Nikaeen move to increase to $990. Caroline Peine moved to increase to $1,412.20. (failed by a roll call vote of 25-27, with 1 absence) Kelly Miller move to increase to $1,468.50. Bruce Ney moved to increase Advertising from $412.50 to $1,237.50. There were questions and debate. Kirk Porteous called the question. Passed. Finance Committee accepted a friendly amendment to increase Dues, Memberships & Subscription from $79 to $139, because the student body president cannot attend the Manhattan Chamber of Commerce meetings without being a member. Brian O’Neill called the question on a tentative allocation of $31,253.78. INFORMAL DISCUSSION There was general discussion. The meeting was adjourned by Tracy Turner. Jenny Johnston, Secretary M-21 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM APRIL 19, 1984 6:00 PM – 11:30 PM The third meeting of tentative allocations was called to order by Tracy Turner. There were 40 senators present. Charlton, Martin and Stenstrom were late. Mealy was excused. Mann was unexcused. OPEN PERIOD Tom Carlin, Director of Communications for the KSU Foundation, spoke to the body on the telefund and how it progressed. A male and female student spoke in opposition to the Women’s Resource Center’s budget cut. Jodi Hitchcock read a letter from a female student against the Women’s Resource Center’s budget cut. MINUTES The April 12, 1984 minutes were approved as distributed. ANNOUNCEMENTS Tracy Turner - The SGA BUTTONS are available for 75¢. The Senate Credit Class is #24260. Have two more meetings left this semester, April 24th and 26th .He instructed committee chairs to keep minutes of their meetings. No committee will meet during Dead Week. As student leaders, we should encourage all groups not to have meetings during Dead Week, COMMITTEE REPORTS ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Tracy Turner for Laura Butler - Faculty Senate Academic Affairs met but did not discuss the Retake Policy. The Drop/Add Policy was discussed and it was proposed to change it to the 30th day. TRAFFIC & PARKING COUNCIL - Mark Galyardt - He spoke to the towing policy which has been a controversy on campus lately. He read a letter from Gene Cross regarding the towing policy. STATE & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS - Greg Pestinger - Will meet Tuesday at 5:15. SENATE OPERATIONS - Kendra Ponte - Will meet Tuesday at 4:00 at Last Chance. COMMUNICATIONS - Mark Jones - Wet and discussed visitations. Will meet again Tuesday at 5:00. Kendra Ponte was 22 years old this week. SOCIAL SERVICES - Jodi Hitchcock - Will meet Thursday at 4:30. PERSONNEL SELECTIONS - Steve Line - Have been working with Ken Heinz on filling the at-large positions on the university committees. Tie appointments will be posed by Noon next Wednesday. FINANCE - Kirk Porteous - Will consider Withholding and College Councils on Tuesday rather than waiting until Thursday. Have over spent the budget $1,527.87 to date. NICHOLS HALL ART COMMITTEE - Bill Sullivan - Met again today. The deadline for the art competition submission is April 26th. He went over the brochure that was sent out to prospective competitors. M-22 SENATE AIDES - Krista Lindgren - Spoke to the program in its entirety. A request form has been printed up and available by the mailboxes in the office. Anyone requesting an aide should fill out one of the forms and place it in her box. She will then assign an aide and place the request form in your box with the aides name and phone number on it. If the aide is needed immediately, she will contact you by phone. DIRECTORS REPORTS ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Brett Lambert - He went over the events of the Legislative Assembly held his past weekend. We had one of the finest delegation. A petition has been circulated on campus regarding the drinking age sill. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Ken Heinz is at the Board of Regents meeting at Emporia State University today and tomorrow. NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 84/85/4 - 1984-85 Tentative Allocations EARLY CHILDHOOD LABORATORY Kay Deever gave Finance Committee’s recommendation. Dr. Marjorie Stith represented the group. $1,727.35 - Received last year, $2,470.00 -Requesting this year, $ 0 - Recommended this year The charge per student if $2.75 per day for a 3-hour day. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Kelli Anderson moved to increase the “0” recommendation to $1,701 (162 days x 3 hours per day x $3.50/hour). Questions and debate were entered into. Bill Sullivan called the question on Kelli’s amendment. Failed. Bill Sullivan moved to increase the “0” recommendation to $864.50, the amount equal to work-study funding. Questions and debate were entered into. Bill called the question on his amendment. Failed. Kendra Ponte called the questions on Finance Committee’s Recommendation. Passed. CONSUMER RELATIONS BOARD Steve Cashman gave Finance Committee’s recommendation. Kim Hefley, director, was the representative present. $3,641.92 - Received last year, $4,097.00 - Requesting this year, $3,386.00 Recommended this year Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Bruce Ney moved to increase Advertising from $132 to $165, a $33 increase. Questions and debate were entered into. Bill Sullivan called the question on Bruce’s amendment. Passed. Bill Sullivan called the question on a tentative allocation of $3,417.20. Passed. STUDENTS FOR HANDICAPPED CONCERNS Drew Hertel gave Finance Committee’s recommendation. Gretchen Holden and Craig Perbeck represented the group. M-23 $1,957.41 - Received last year, $2,934.80 - Requesting this year, $2,134.80 Recommended this year The Kansas Easter Seal Society grant was not awarded to KSU, it was found out today. The reason for the denial will be known at a later date. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Matt McMillen moved to increase Advertising from $99 to $165, a $66 increase. There were questions, but no debate Came to an immediate vote on Matt’s amendment. Failed. Bill Sullivan called the question on Finance Committee’s recommendation. Passed. BLACK STUDENT UNION Dan Shierling gave Finance Committee’s recommendation. Shirley Turner and Richard Horton represented the group. $1,033.24 – received last year, $3,030.00 - Requested this year, $830.00- recommended this year Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Mike Morgan moved to increase Advertising from $165 to $297, a $132 increase. Questions and debate were entered into. Came to an immediate vote on Mike’s amendment Failed. Brian O’Neill moved to increase Advertising from $165 to $181.50, a $16.50 increase. Questions and debate were entered into. Bill Sullivan called the question on Brian’s amendment. Passed. Mike Morgan moved to increase Printing from $50 to $100, a $50 increase. Questions and debate were entered into. Brian O’Neill called the question on Mike’s amendment. Failed. Drew Hertel called the question on a tentative allocation of $1,139. Passed. WOMEN’S RESOURCE CENTER Kay Deever gave Finance Committee’s recommendation. Sue Rieger and Caroline Peine represented the group. $475.20 - Received last year, $475.20 - Requesting this year, $0 - Recommended this year Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Tracy Turner will get together a study committee over the summer to investigate alleged duplication of Women’s Resource Center’s services. Lawrence Tsen moved to increase the Work-Study Salary from “0” to $374.40 and Advertising from “0” to $97.50, a total of $471.90. Questions and debate were entered into. Brian O’Neill called the question on Lawrence’s amendment. Passed. Sally Traeger called the question on a tentative allocation of $471.90. Passed. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Tracy Turner congratulated Cindy Leighton on being designed a Truman Scholar. Mark Jones asked that the basketball ticket sales surveys back to him immediately. There was a lot of general discussion. Scott Coppenbarger moved to adjourn. Passed, Jenny Johnston, Secretary M-24 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM APRIL 24, 1984 6:00 PM – 10:45 PM The 4th meeting of tentative allocations was called to order by Tracy Turner, chair. There were 41 senators present. Hager, Hawari, Martin, Stenstrom and Tsen were excused late. Berbohm, Luginsland, Mann and Sullivan were unexcused late. Marshall, D. Miller and Westervelt were unexcused absent. OPEN PERIOD John Carrasco, the Coalition for Human Rights president, spoke to the recommendation of Finance Committee of “0” funding for the 1984-85 fiscal year. He withdrew the request from the tentative allocation process and hope to bring it back up in the fall at final allocations. A graduate student, spoke to the “0” allocation to Early Childhood Laboratory and asked that their budget be reconsidered, if not this year then next Mark Young spoke on the shortage of library hours. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The April 19, 1984 minutes were approved as corrected. Lori Rock requested that the friendly amendments to the Black Student Union recommendation be placed in the minutes, They are: State Car Travel changed from $102 to $425.50, Food - Subsistence changed from $20 to “0”, Lodging changed from $11 to “0”, Total recommendation changed from $830 to $1,122.50. ANNOUNCEMENTS Tracy Turner - Reconsiderations are due tomorrow (Wed.) at 5:00 in writing and must have a second. Senators serving on university committees need to write a report to Tracy regarding the committee functions, meetings, etc. by the end of the semester. DIRECTORS REPORTS ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Brett Lambert - The drinking age bill will be discussed tomorrow, and the, Senate will vote Thursday. The Governor has 10 days to sign the bill. NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 84/85/4 - 1984-85 Tentative Allocations STUDENTS FOR BACCHUS Glenn Taylor gave Finance Committee’s recommendation of “0” funding. No representative from Students for BACCHUS was present. This is the first year the group has been organized and has requested funds. Mark Charlton spoke on behalf of the group and stated that they go along with the recommendation of “0” funding, because they did not understand the allocation process, since this was their first year. There were no questions and no debate. M-25 Bill Sullivan called the question on Finance Committee’s Recommendation Passed. FINE ARTS COUNCIL Kirk Porteous gave Finance Committee’s recommendation. They are requesting a $2.75 line item (approximately $81,000). Last year they received a $2 line item ($59,648) and Finance Committee is recommending the $2 line item again this year (approx. $58,500). They felt that such an increase was not feasible this year. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Bill Sullivan moved to increase the line item from $2 to $2.05 to try to keep them at the $59,648 figure they received last year. There were no questions, but debate was entered into. Bill Sullivan called the question on his amendment. Failed. Brian O’Neill called the question on Finance Committee’s recommendation. Passed. LEGAL SERVICES Drew Hertel gave Finance Committee’s Recommendation. Dianne Urban, the attorney, represented the service $18,748.65 - Received last year, $22,696.00 - Requested this year, $19,885.40 Recommended this year Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Kendra Ponte moved to increase Printing from $50 to $462, a $412 increase to cover the printing of 10,000 copies of a renters’ survival manual. Questions and debate were entered into. Brian O’Neill called the question on Kendra’s amendment. Failed. Came to an immediate vote on Finance Committee’s recommendation. Passed. COLLEGE COUNCILS Kirk Porteous gave Finance Committee’s Recommendation and explained the line item for college councils. In the past years they have received a line item of $1.50/full-time student and $.42/parttime student. This is what Finance Committee has recommended this year. Last year the amount was $44,406.60, and this year it comes to $43,829.40. Questions were asked, but there was no debate. Bill Sullivan called he question on Finance Committee’s recommendation. Passed. WITHHOLDING Kirk Porteous gave Finance Committee’s recommendation and explained what withholding entails. There were no questions and no debate. The amount is approximately $6,500, which was approximately what was allocated last year. Kendra Monte called the question on Finance Committee’s recommendation. Passed. SPORTS CLUB COUNCIL Dan Shierling gave Finance Committee’s recommendation. Representatives from the Sports Club Council included Mark Terril, Bill Roy, Mark Young and Janna Lee. $2,707.50 - Received last year, $4,228.50 - Requested this year, $3,063.00 Recommended this year. M-26 The $3,063.00 includes a friendly amendment which cut Rent of Space from $170 to $100. The groups represented by Sports Club Council include: Rugby Football, Soccer, Crew, Parachute, Sailing, Ski, Racquetball Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Three groups were added to the Council from last year’s budget. Kelly Miller moved to decrease the recommendation to “0”. Questions and debate were entered into. Cath Sayler moved to postpone consideration of Sports Club Council until Thursday evening after Rec Services has been considered. Questions and debate were entered into. Brian O’Neill called the question on Cath’s motion. Failed. Mark Galyardt called the question on Kelly’s amendment. Failed. Kerry Jones moved to decrease Repairs & Servicing of Buildings or Equipment from $1,915 to $1,430, a $485 decrease. Questions and debate were entered into. Kendra Ponte called the question on Kerry’s amendment. Failed. Hisham Hawari moved to increase Professional & Scientific Equipment Supplies from. $113 to $163, a $50 increase. Question and debate were entered into. Brian O’Neill called the question on Hisham’s amendment. Passed. Debate continued on $3,113. Questions were allowed of Mark Young, and debate was continued. Cath Sayler moved to decrease Professional Services from $935 to $835, a $100 decrease. Questions and debate were entered into. Kerry Jones called the question on Cath’s amendment. Passed. Hisham Hawari moved to increase Professional and Scientific Equipment & Supplies from $163 to $263, a $100 increase. Questions and debate were entered into. Mark Jirak called the question on Hisham’s amendment. Passed. The question was called on a tentative allocation of $3,113. Passed: 43/7/1, with 2 senators being absent with no proxy designated. Those voting NO were: Berbohm, Jones, K. Miller, Nikaeen, Peine, Sayler and Sullivan. ABSTAINING was Traeger. Those absent were Marshall and B. Miller. INFORMAL DISCUSSION General. The meeting was adjourned by the chair. Jenny Johnston, Secretary M-27 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM APRIL 26, 1984 6:00 PM – 2:45 AM The final meeting of tentative allocations and the semester was called to order by Tracy Turner, Student Senate Chair. There were 46 senators present. Jirak was late. Hinkel, Meldrum and Stenstrom were excused late. Berbohm, Garfoot and McMillen were unexcused absent. OPEN PERIOD Mike Alyward spoke on “Friends of the Library”. There will be an organizational meeting on May 3rd, at 7:00 p.m., in Room 101 of the Library. A $5 donation by a student will make him/her a “Friend of the Library”. APRIL 24, 1984 MINUTES Approved as distributed. ANNOUNCEMENTS Tracy Turner - If you missed a Senate Credit Class it will meet again Wednesday, May 2nd, at 7:00 p.m. in 108A E. Stadium. Papers are due before finals. He attended a Basketball Ticket Sales ad Hoc Committee meeting. Several recommendations were made for the student season ticket sales. For example, there will be a lower price next year. Recommended they keep the lottery system. Recommended they keep 2 non-reserve sections. Sales will begin October 1, so as to gage sales by November 1. Tickets will be sold on a first come-first serve basis. University committee reports need to be to Tracy before you leave. Brian O’Neill resigned as a Graduate Senator to take a job in Phillipsburg, Kansas as station manager for KQMA. COMMITTEE REPORTS SOCIAL SERVICES - Jodi Hitchcock - Met today to find out what direction to take next fall. COMMUNICATIONS - Mark Jones - Met today. Working on ways to get back to the students. DIRECTORS REPORTS ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Brett Lambert - Testified yesterday on the drinking age bill. The committee recommended the issue be studied over the summer by a committee. The Kansas Senate has not voted on it yet. Has until midnight Saturday night. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Ken Heinz - Attended a Board of Regents meeting last week. Replacement I.D. will cost $5. Received approval for the renovation of Van Zile Hall. Tuition fee increase was recommended. Administrative Council met yesterday. The architect was selected for the coliseum. Met with Dr. Feyerharm today about the tentative grade policy. FIRST READINGS Senate Bill 84/85/5 - Commissioning of Nichols Hall Artist M-28 Jerry Katlin (after getting back at 5:00 this evening from Phoenix, Arizona with a great tan) explained the brochure that was mailed out to 200-250 institutions. Are receiving slides back of artists’ work. Today was the deadline for submission. The final artist will be selected June 15th. Lori Leu explained the bill. Kay Deever moved the bill special orders. Passed. Questions were asked of Jerry and Lori. Debate was entered into. Came to an immediate vote. Senate Bill 84/85/6 - Student Health Insurance Plan Mike Turner and Lisa Heiniger explained the bill. Questions were asked. Kay Deever moved the bill special orders. Passed. Debate was entered into. Lori Rock moved to strike Section 2 and amend Section 3 to read: Section 2. The annual rates, including maternity coverage, will be as follows: There were no questions, but debate was entered into. Kay Deever called the question on Lori’s amendment. Failed: 12-39-0, with 2 absent. Bill Sullivan requested a roll call vote. Those voting YES were: Cheng, Coppenbarger, Garfoot, Henderson, Krotz, Ney, Nikaeen, Peine, Rock, Sayler, Sullivan, and Treadway. Those ABSENT were Berbohm and McMillen. Came to an immediate vote on the original bill. NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 84/85/4 - 1984-85 Tentative Allocations STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Kirk Porteous gave Finance Committee’s recommendation. Dave Adams was the representative present. They received $3 line item per full-time student and $1 line item per part-time student for 1983-84, and that is what Finance Committee is recommending for 1984-85. They requested a $3 and $2 line item increase. The amount for 1983-84 was $93,035. The recommendation would total approximately $90,108, and the request totals approximately $93,608. Discussing a possible merger with KSDB. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Came to an immediate vote on Finance Committee’s recommendation. Passed. K-STATE UNION Kirk Porteous gave Finance Committee’s recommendation. Representatives were Walt Smith and Jack Sills. The line item they received last year, requested this year and that was recommended this year is $12 per full-time student and $6 per part-time student. They received $379,266 for 1983-84, and the request and recommendation would generate approximately $360,432. Questions were asked, but there was no debate. Came to an immediate vote on Finance Committee’s recommendation. Passed. REC SERVICES Kirk Porteous gave Finance Committee’s recommendation. M-29 Chester Peters and Charlie Knight represented Rec Services. Raydon Robel is out of state. The line item they received last year, requested this year, and that was recommended this year is $2.50 per full-time student and $.75 per part-time student. They received $77,232.25 for 1983-84, and the requested and recommendation would generate approximately $75,090. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Cath Sayler moved to decrease the $2.50 to $2.40 and the $.75 to $.70, yielding approximately $72,086.40. Lori Rock objected to consideration. Failed Questions were asked on Cath’s amendment. Brian O’Neill moved to limit debate to 2 4-minute periods. Failed. Debate was entered into on Cath’s amendment. Lori Rock called the question on Cath’s amendment. Failed: 17/34/1, with one absence. Kay Deever requested a roll call vote. Those voting YES were: Charlton, Cheng, Coppenbarger, Hawari, Hummel, Jones, Knight, Martin, Miller, Nikaeen, O’Neill, Peine, Rinner, Sayler, Sullivan, Traeger and Tsen. ABSTAINING was Anderson. McMillen was ABSENT. Debate continued on the original recommendation. Bill Sullivan called the question on Finance Committee’s recommendation. Passed HONORARIUMS Dan Shierling gave Finance Committee’s recommendation. It was moved to divide the question. Passed. “Black Student Union” - Received: $1000, Requesting: $4500, Recommended: $2500 Questions and debate were entered into. Greg Pestinger called the question on Finance Committee’s recommendation. Passed. “International Coordinating Council” - Received: $1800, Requested: $2400, Recommended: $1000 Donna Davis and Artoosh were present to represent ICC. Questions and debate were entered into. Hisham Hawari moved to increase from $1000 to $1400. There were questions and debate. Bill Sullivan called the question on Hisham’s amendment. Passed. Bill Sullivan called the question on a tentative allocation for Honorariums for I.C.C. of $1400. Passed. “MECHA” - Received: $1000, Requested: $1000, Recommended: $1000 Questions and debate were entered into. Bill Sullivan moved to decrease from $1000 to $600. There were no questions, but debate was entered into. Kendra Ponte called the question on Bill’s amendment. Passed. Bill Sullivan called the question on a tentative allocation for Honorariums for MEChA of $600. Passed. “Puerto Rican Student Organization” - Received: $500, Requested: $800, Recommended: $800 Questions and debate were entered into. Kendra Ponte called the question on Finance Committee’s recommendation. Passed. “Women’s Resource Center” - Received: $0, Requested: $200, Recommended: $0 M-30 Caroline Peine represented the group. Brian O’Neill moved to increase from $0 to $200. Drew Hertel objected to consideration. Failed Questions and debate were entered into. Bill Sullivan called the question on Brian’s amendment. Failed. Bill Sullivan called the question on Finance Committee’s recommendation. Passed Greg Pestinger called the question on a tentative allocation of $5300 for Honorariums. Passed. Kelly Miller moved to reconsider the budget of the International Coordinating Council. Questions and debate were entered into on reconsideration. Kay Deever called the question on Kelly’s motion. Passed: 27/25 Lori Rock requested a roll call vote. Roll call vote was taken but no record was kept. Donna Davis and Artoosh were present to represent the I.C.C. Kelly Miller moved to increase Advertising from $346.50 to $544.50, a $198 increase to fund 12 2x3 ads. Questions and debate were entered into. Kay Deever called the question on Kelly’s amendment. Failed. Kerry Jones moved to reconsider the budget of Early Childhood Laboratory. Questions and debate were entered into on reconsideration. Kerry Jones called the question on her motion. Passed. Two representative were present for Early Childhood Laboratory. Kelli Anderson moved to increase Salaries from $0 to $864. Questions and debate were entered into. The question was called. The vote was 26-26, with one absence. Tracy Turner broke the tie with a NO vote. Therefore the amendment FAILED by a vote of 2627, with one absence. A roll call vote was requested. Those voting NO were: Berbohm, Bromich, Cashman, Chamblin, Charlton, Deever, Galyardt, Garfoot, Griffin, Hawari, Henderson, Hertel, Hinkel, Hummel, Lindgren, Luginsland, Marshall, Meldrum, B. Miller, Morgan, Ponte, Porteous, Schmidt, Stenstrom, Tsen, and Westervelt. McMillen was ABSENT. Cath Sayler moved to increase $0 to $864.50. Tracy Turner ruled Cath’s motion out of order. Greg Pestinger moved to overrule the chair. Failed. Cath Sayler moved to increase from $0 to $864. Again, Tracy Turner ruled Cath’s motion out of order. And, again it was moved to overrule the chair. Failed. Andy Martin moved to increase $0 to $800. Tracy ruled Andy’s motion out of order. RESERVES Finance Committee, after a friendly amendment, recommended placing $0 in any of the reserve account. Questions and debate were entered into. The question was called. Passed. Kirk Porteous moved to take $2056.74 from the Reserves for Maintenance of Standing Programs to cover the deficit faced at the end of tentative allocations. After the removal of the A.S.K. allocation and this amendment, $3,258.36 would remain in this account. Questions were asked, but there was no debate. Sally Traeger called the question on his amendment. Passed. M-31 Bill Sullivan called the question on Senate Bill 84/85/5, 1984-85 Tentative Allocations. Passed. COPY OF BILL IS AT THE BACK OF THESE MINUTES INFORMAL DISCUSSION Tracy Turner spoke to reconsiderations, proxies and raising of hands. He thanked Lisa Rosenow for timing until 2:10 in the morning. He thanked Brian O’Neill for his service to student government over the last year and a half. He thanked Jenny for her service to student government. He explained why he stepped down and spoke earlier on Rec Services. General discussion was held on the allocation process. Brian O’Neill thanked Tracy for being a great Student Senate leader. He spoke to what Student Senate needs and needs to do for the allocation process in the future and for student government. Finance Committee was commended for their work over the last few months. Tracy was commended for doing an excellent job. Kirk Porteous thanked Senators for making his job as tough as possible. All senators should be proud of themselves, as it made Finance Committee think. Greg Pestinger thanked those who went to Topeka yesterday. The meeting was adjourned. Jenny Johnston, Secretary M-32 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM SEPTEMBER 6, 1984 7:00 PM – 8:35 PM The first meeting of the semester was called to order by Chairman Tracy Turner. There were 40 senators present. Burgess, Deever, Galyardt, Ney and Sayler were absent. Chamblin was excused late. Hertel, Nikaeen, Ponte and Salts were excused. Jirak and Tsen were late. We have one vacancy in the Graduate School due to Brian O’Neill’s departure. OPEN PERIOD Two ladies with the Arthritis Foundation were present to request volunteers to help solicit money door-to-door the week of September 15th. September is Arthritis Month. Mark Tallman, Associated Students of Kansas Executive Director, spoke to A.S.K. in general and passed out several handouts, one being the 1983-84 annual report. Angie Wood, A.S.K. Alumni Association Director, spoke to the function and purpose of the association. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The April 26, 1984 minutes were approved as written. ANNOUNCEMENTS Tracy Turner - Turn in your class schedules to Jenny ASAP. He went over those senators appointed to various University committees. Contact the head of your committee next week. If anyone is interested in investigating the funding of A.S.K. and women’s Resource Center contact Tracy. He will meet with Julie Coates from U.F.M. tomorrow regarding their budgetary conditions. Bill Sullivan is our parliamentarian. The Leadership Workshop will be held September 22 from 8:30-11:25 a.m. Topics include: K-State And The New Student, Motivating Growth Through Leadership, Legal Issues And Student Organizations, Communication Skills And Leadership Styles, How To Run An Effective Meeting, You Want It When?, Religion And K-State, Delegation Of Authority, Committees, Administrative Offices And Other Bureaucracies, How To Receive SGA Funds And Once You Get Them, How To Use Them, Alcohol, Peer Pressure And You (or) How To Party With A Plan, Stress Management For Students, Student Organizations: What You Heed To Know To Live By The Rules, Program Planning And Promotion . COMMITTEE REPORTS STUDENT AFFAIRS - will meet Sunday at 5:00 in the office. SENATE OPERATIONS - will meet Tuesday at 6:30 in the office. FINANCE COMMITTEE - Kirk Porteous -.Closing of Accounts will be September 27th. Final Allocations will be in late, October. He went over three issues that were worked on over the summer: Sports Clubs & Rec Services Funding Changing a line item budget when it is not their review year Elimination of the Summer School Allocations Board. Will meet Tuesday at 8:00 in the office. M-33 COMMUNICATIONS - Mark Jones - The Activities Carnival will be Sunday from 5:00 8:00.U-LearN has been conducting several surveys for us. Plan on running some surveys in the Collegian also. Will have a bill up soon on visitations/Credit Class. Will meet Tuesday at 10:00 in the office. SOCIAL SERVICES - Jodi Hitchcock - Will meet Tuesday at 4:00 in the office. Will set up a. task force on U.F.M. STATE & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS - Greg Pestinger - Will meet Wednesday at 5:00 at Kites. Have several things to discuss. FACULTY SENATE - Keith Westervelt - Met three times over the summer. However, he could only attend the last meeting. Vet. Med. students have been reduced from 105 to 100. Tuition will increase the Fall of 1985. DIRECTORS REPORTS A.S.K. - Brett Lambert - Task Force ‘84 is the voter registration drive. Registered 400 people at registration. Hope to have debates in October in the Union Courtyard. The first student BACCHUS Conference will be held September 28-29 here at KState. The Legislative Assembly will be September 29-30 here at K-State. He is working on getting a door put on his office. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Ken Heinz - He went over issues that happened over the summer. The Board of Regents met twice. The recommended a tuition increase to reach a goal so that students pay for 25% of the education). Friends of the Library is a newly formed organization for the betterment of the library. Sat on three different coliseum committees. Dick Towers will be here in a couple of weeks to speak on the issue. Met numerous times on Holton Hall renovation. The project will be done in three stages: 1st floor - constructed in 1987, 2nd floor constructed in 1990, basement - constructed in 1993. Housing Council met and Putnam Hall was closed due to the decreased number of housing contracts. An ad hoc task force was formed to investigate the renovation of Van Zile Hall. The Task Force on Student Services was formed. Ken read a letter from President Acker explaining its function and purpose. Would like to meet with standing committee chairpersons in the near future. Ali Nikaeen is in Germany presenting a paper. He fears that the U.S. will not let him back into the country upon his return. Contracted an artist for Nichols Hall. He is Eric J. Bransby, a professor in Art and Art History at the University of Missouri. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Senate Resolution 84/85/12 - Student Body President’s Cabinet Ken Heinz, the sponsor, went over the resolution, and there were no questions and no debate. Keith Westervelt called the question. Senate Resolution 84/85/11 - S.G.A. Work-Study Secretary Tracy Turner explained, the resolution, and there were no questions and no debate. Bill Sullivan called the question. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Tracy Turner - Kathy Treadway got married this summer - Kathy Holen. Sally and Roger Routson are the proud parents of a boy, Lucas Lane, born August 1st. Sally will be back in the office full-time on September 17th. . M-34 Earl Nolting - The issue has been raised to keep offices on campus open over the noon hour to better serve students. M-35 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM SEPTEMBER 13, 1984 7:00 PM – 8:15 PM The meeting was called to order by Tracy Turner, chairman, with 48 senators present. Cheng and Morgan were absent. Nikaeen was excused. Pestinger was late. OPEN PERIOD Brent Bowman and Mike Blaske, the architects in charge of the Holton Hall renovation project from Bowman and Associates, spoke to the renovation in general. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the September 6, 1984 meeting were approved as written. ANNOUNCEMENTS Tracy - Need a senator to serve on the U.F.M. Task Force. The Faculty Senate/Student Senate Banquet is tentatively scheduled for October 8, Monday, from 5:30 - 7:30 in the Flint Hills Room of the K-State Union. COMMITTEE REPORTS FINANCE - Kirk Porteous - The U.F.M. Task Force consists of Kathleen Daniels, chair; Becky Marshall; Jodi Hitchcock; Pat Bosco; and Kay Deever. COMMUNICATIONS - Mark Jones - Next meeting is Tuesday at 10:00. SENATE OPERATIONS - Kendra Ponte - Next meeting is Monday at 4:30. STUDENT AFFAIRS - Sandi Schmidt - Next meeting is Wednesday at 4:30. FACULTY SENATE - Keith Westervelt - Met Tuesday at 3:30. The retake policy is coming back up. Need a lot of student input. DIRECTORS REPORTS A.S.K. - Brett Lambert - The Legislative Assembly will be held here at K-State on September 20 and 30. Still have 5 slots open. FIRST READINGS Senate Resolution 84/85/13 - Commendation to Doug Lytle The resolution was explained, and questions were asked. There was no debate. Bill Sullivan moved the resolution special orders. Passed. Bill Sullivan called the question on the resolution. Senate Resolution 84/85/14 - Senate Credit Class The resolution was explained and questions were asked. Dwayne Hemphill, the instructor, was present to answer questions. Bill Sullivan moved the resolution special orders. Passed. Debate was entered into. Bill Sullivan moved the question on the resolution. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Tracy - $145,231 has accumulated in the Holton Hall account. Sally will be in the office full-time Monday. M-36 Kendra Ponte - TDK at Aggie Station after the meeting. Keith Westervelt moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary M-37 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM SEPTEMBER 20, 1984 7:00 PM – 8:15 PM Terry Turner, chairman, called the meeting to order with 46 senators present. Burgess, Chamblin and Charlton were late. Tsen was excused. K. Miller and Schmidt were absent. OPEN PERIOD Dick Towers, KSU Athletic Director, spoke on the Fred Bramlage Coliseum and the plans for it. The plans will be finalized at the next meeting. Ground should be broken next spring before school ends, and should be playing basketball in it in 1988. The building will have 16,000 seats, with 5,000 of them being chairbacks. The building will be 80 ft. (about 7 stories) above ground and 30 ft. below ground. The building will be connected to the south end of the football stadium in order to make better use of the restroom. There will be 4 entrances, with the south two being for students. There will be 4 permanent concession stands. This will be the largest facilities in the conference at the present time. In order to host a regional game, the minimum seating in the structure must be 16,000. Will be a lot better than Kemper. The outside of the building will look like stone but will be a fabricated steel, as is Kemper and the Devaney Center in Lincoln. Utilities will run a minimum of $200,000. The bleachers will be taken out of Ahearn Fieldhouse and the track will become one of the best. NOTE: basketball tickets will cost $32. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The September 13, 1984 minutes were approved after being correct. Pestinger was late, not Ponte. ANNOUNCEMENTS Tracy - The Faculty Senate/Student Senate Banquet will be held Monday, Oct. 8th, from 5:30 - 7:00. The cost will be $6, which is due by Noon on Oct. 3rd. It will be a dress occasion. President Acker will be our guest speaker. A reception will be at 5:30 and the banquet at 7:00. The Student Senate Royal Purple will be taken October 8th at 7:15 p.m. in Calvin 102. Closing of Accounts will be next week. Final Allocations will be October 18 and 25. Appeals to tentative allocations must be made to Finance Committee, in writing, by 5:00 p.m. on October 5. Any amendments not submitted to Finance Committee must be to Tracy, in writing, by 5:00 p.m. on October 17. The Leadership Workshop will be this Saturday morning. There will be a program on Egypt this coming Saturday and a program on Morocco next Wednesday. S.S. Cheng will be graduating in mid-October. Ali Nikaeen made it back from Germany safe and sound. M-38 COMMITTEE REPORTS ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Laura Butler - Will meet Sunday at 8:30 p.m. in the Vista backroom. STATE & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS - Greg Pestinger - Will meet Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. at Aggie Station. COMMUNICATIONS - Mark Jones - Will meet Tuesday at 10:00 p.m. in the office. SENATE OPERATIONS - Kendra Ponte - Met Monday and discussed a lot of things for the semester. Will be working on the election expenditure ceiling. It is felt that the amount needs to be lowered. Also looking at changing polling places. Will meet Monday at 4:00 p.m. in the office. DIRECTORS REPORTS A.S.K. - Brett Lambert - The Legislative Assembly will be next weekend here at K-State. He introduced the student body president from Emporia State University, Lenny Mullin. FIRST READINGS Senate Resolution 84/85/7 - Commendation to KSU Band Day Tracy Turner read the resolution. Bill Sullivan moved the resolution special orders. Passed. Debate was entered into. Drew Hertel called the question. INFORMAL DISCUSSION There was general discussion on the retake policy. Ken Heinz - He gave a presentation on Tuesday to the Governor’s Budget Staff on student salary increases. Sheri Hager adjourned the meeting, with Kirk Porteous seconding her motion, as did Krista Lindgren. Jenny Johnston, Secretary M-39 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM SEPTEMBER 27, 1984 7:00 PM – 8:40 PM Chairman Tracy Turner called the meeting to order with 39 senators present. Chamblin was late. Cashman, Garfoot & McMillen were absent. Anderson, Burgess, Griffin, Holen, Hinkel, K. Miller, Stenstrom & Traeger were excused. OPEN PERIOD Brian Rassette, Administrative Assistant in the Athletic Dept., and Carol Adoph, Athletic Ticket Manager, explained the basketball ticket sales policy. Basketball ticket season price went from $42.25 to $32 (for 12 games). Four games will not be included in the season ticket. There will be 5000 seats for students. Will have 3600 seats in the lottery There will be 2 non-reserved sections rather than 3. The total allotted tickets for the reserved section will be divided into 85% for group reserve and 15% for individual reserve. There are 3 types of basketball tickets: group reserved, individual reserved and non-reserved. One ticket will be sold per fee card with the exception of buying for a non-student spouse, then two may be purchased with one fee card. A married student with a student spouse may be two tickets but a fee card for both student and student spouse is required. Tickets for the group reserved will be applied for on October 9 & 10 in which a lottery system will be in effect. Students may go to the ticket window in Ahearn where they fill out an application for no more than 20 tickets and leave the respective fee cards & money. There will be no guarantee all 20 tickets will be together. While students are applying for group reserved tickets, they will also be asked to draw a number which will be placed on their envelope. This number will be this group’s number for lottery purposes. At the end of the two-day period the distribution of tickets will begin, starting with the lowest numbered applications and moving to higher numbers until the entire 85% of the reserved tickets are allotted. Tickets for individual reserved and group reserved will be allocated on a 50/50 preference basis, until individual reserved are all sold. The Collegian will be notified for publication on October 11, the highest numbered application that will receive tickets. Students with numbers lower than the number printed will know that they will receive tickets. Students with numbers higher than the published number can pick up their fee cards from 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. on Oct. 11 & 12. On Oct. 14 the individual reserved and non-reserved tickets will be sold. Only one ticket/person with each fee card, unless a married student who may purchase for the spouse. Non-reserved tickets will be sold at the east ticket window of Ahearn from 2 - 4 p.m. on Oct. 14. M-40 Individual reserved tickets will be sold at the north ticket window of Ahearn from 2 - 4 p.m. on Oct. 14. Any type of roll call or line system will be the responsibility of the SGA Basketball Ticket -Sales Comm. Caroline Peine introduced Susan Boswell, the graduate assistant in the Women’s Resource Center. SEPTEMBER 20, 1984 MINUTES Approved as written. ANNOUNCEMENTS Tracy Turner - Deadline for applying for the Basketball Ticket Sales Committee is October 5 at 5:00 p.m. Be sure and pay your $6 to Jenny by Noon on October 3rd. Be sure and sign the sheet and mark the time you wish to take the Senate Credit class. Give prior notice of absence from Student Senate meetings and contact your proxy in advance. The Academic Assistance Center is looking for Learning Skills Seminar Leaders. Kirk Porteous announced that Ali Nikaeen is the new I.C.C. president. COMMITTEE REPORTS FINANCE - Kirk Porteous - 20th day enrollment figures are in. Finance Committee’s recommendations on appeals to tentative allocations will be posted by Oct. 15. COMMUNICATIONS - Mark Jones- Will hold a conference for campus living group presidents and registered group presidents in November. Will have a table in the Union Wednesday. SENATE OPERATIONS - Kendra Ponte - Will meet Monday at 3:45. STATE & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS - Sandi Schmidt. - Will be presenting a position paper to the A.S.K. Legislative Assembly this weekend. Will have a United Way fund drive table Oct. 10-12. Also hope to sell balloons at the-Oct. 13th football game. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Laura Butler - Will meet Tuesday at 6:30 in Stateroom #3. Dr. Nolting went over the BACCHUS Conference to be held Saturday. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Senate Resolution 84/85/15 - A.S.K. September Legislative Assembly Delegates Tracy Turner went over the resolution. There were no questions and no debate. Bill Sullivan called the question. FIRST READINGS Senate Bill 84/85/11 - Closing of 1983-84 Accounts Kay Deever went over the bill. Had three groups appealing for returning monies: Graduate Council, Fine Arts Council: Fine Arts Dept., and Honorariums: I.C.C. The committee decided to only approve requests from those group who had 1983-84 debts. There were no questions. Senate Bill 84/85/8 - Campaign Expenditure Revisions (Expenditure Limits) Kendra Ponte explained the bill. Questions were asked. M-41 Senate Bill 84/85/9 - Standing Committee By-Laws Revision Kay Deever explained the bill. Questions were asked. Senate Bill 84/85/10 - Finance Committee By-Laws Revisions Kirk Porteous explained the bill. Question were asked. Senate Resolution 84/85/16 - Establishment of Task Force on Academic Advising Tracy Turner went over the resolution. Dean Rathbone from Engineering will co-chair the task force. Mark Jones further explained the resolution and stated that we have the President’s blessings on this project. Mike Lynch in the Academic Assistance Center in Holton Hall has prepared a survey to be returned by mid-October. The task force will consist of approximately 10 members. INFORMAL DISCUSSION General. Tim Luginsland moved the adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary M-42 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM OCTOBER 4, 1984 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Tracy Turner, Student Senate Chairman, called the meeting to order with 48 senators present. Deever & Hummel were absent. Tsen was excused late. The minutes of the September 27, 1984 meeting were approved as distributed. ANNOUNCEMENTS Tracy - Appeals to tentative allocations are due in writing by 5:00 tomorrow to Finance Committee. The Buildings and Utilities Review Committee is looking for student representatives. Applications for the basketball Ticket Sales Committee are due at 5:00 tomorrow. Don’t forget, the Faculty Senate/Student Senate Banquet will be next Monday beginning at 5:30 in the K-State Union Cats Pause. COMMITTEE REPORTS STATE & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS - Shelly Henderson - Will meet Monday at 5:00 in the office before the banquet and again after pictures are taken at Bocker’s. Will have a United Way table in the Union October 10, 11 & 12. Will also sell balloons at the football game on the 13th. Next week is Alcohol Awareness Week. There will be an Alcohol Awareness Fair in the Union Courtyard on Wednesday from 10:00 - 3:00. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Laura Butler - Will meet Tuesday at 6:30. She went over the retake policy as it now stands, some of the changes that are being discussed, and some statistics of past retake figures. SENATE OPERATIONS - Kendra Ponte - Will meet Monday at 3:45. Will be working on changing the S.G.A. election’s polling places to try and get a better voter turnout. COMMUNICATIONS - Mark Jones - Will not meet next week. DIRECTORS REPORTS STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Ken Heinz - The Task Force on Student Affairs has completed the initial hearings with each group and will divide into subcommittees tomorrow. The Chester E. Peters Lectures in Student Development will present Dr. Alexander Astin on October 16th at 3:30 in McCain Auditorium. Holton Hall bonding is being investigated by Ken. Increasing the student health fee is being discussed by the Lafene Student Health Advisory Committee. Irresponsible behavior at football games due to alcohol abuse is a problem that should be discussed by student leaders at visitations, etc. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Senate Resolution 84/35/17 - University Activities Board Chair A question was asked of Ken. There was no debate. Came to an immediate vote. FIRST READINGS M-43 Senate Resolution 84/85/18 - Alcohol Awareness Week Ken went over the resolution, and questions were asked. The bill was moved special orders. Passed. Debate was entered into. Greg Pestinger moved that we accept the resolution by acclamation. Passed. NEW BUSINESS Senate Resolution 84/85/16 - Support of Establishment of Task Force on Academic Advising Ken explained the changes from last week, and questions were asked. Section 2 was friendly amended by adding the word “possible” before “exception” in the 3rd line. There was no debate. Came to an immediate vote. Senate Bill 84/85/11 - Closing of 1983-84 Accounts Questions were asked of Kirk Porteous. Mark Skeels representing the Vet. Med. College Council was introduced by Cath Sayler. Debate was entered into. Cath Sayler moved to remove the $171.30 for Vet. Med. College Council from Section 1. to Section 2. to repay travel expense to the Vet. Med. Endowment. Questions were asked. Kirk Porteous moved to table the bill until next week. A straw vote was taken to give I.C.C. an indication of Student Senate’s feeling on giving I.C.C. the $366 in Section 2. before this weekend. The majority was in favor of this. Cath removed her amendment until next week. A vote was taken on Kirk’s motion to table. Passed. Senate Bill 84/85/8 - Campaign Expenditure Revisions (Expenditure Limits) Kendra Ponte friendly amended the bill by adding Ken Heinz as a sponsor. There was no debate. Lawrence Tsen called the question. Senate Bill 84/85/9 - Standing Committees By-Laws Revision The bill was friendly amended by striking “or reports” throughout and adding “(excluding all bills pertaining to allocations)” after “legislation” in the first line of B. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Kendra Ponte stated that Senate Operations endorses this bill. Kirk Porteous moved to add a “C” to read: All legislation must be referred to a standing committee before a vote is taken. Questions were asked on Kirk’s amendment, and debate was entered into. Kendra Ponte moved the question on Kirk’s amendment. Failed: 11/39. The question was called on the bill. Senate Bill 84/85/10 - Finance Committee By-Laws Revisions Kirk Porteous went over the rationale behind the bill. There were no questions and no debate. The question was called. M-44 INFORMAL DISCUSSION Tracy Turner thanked the committee chairs for their work and especially Laura Butler. Krista Lindgren announced that their will be a voter registration table in the K-State Union tomorrow and Monday from 9:00 – Noon. Greg Pestinger has a 30-minute presentation he gives to living groups on alcohol awareness. Greg is a representative for Campbell Distributors. Greg Pestinger moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-45 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM OCTOBER 11, 1984 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM Chairman Tracy Turner called the meeting to order with 42 senators present. Berbohm, Charlton, Mann, Miller, Pestinger and Schmidt were absent. Deever, Galyardt and Ponte were late. OPEN PERIOD Elaine Spencer-Carver, Director of Alcohol & Other Drug Education Services, spoke on Alcohol Awareness Week and the services offered by the ADES. She is located in room 102 of Holton Hall (532-6436). Alcohol treatment is available through Lafene at no cost. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The September 10, 1984 minutes were approved as distributed. ANNOUNCEMENTS Tracy Turner - RSVP on the leadership breakfast by next Tuesday in the SGS Office. The Faculty Senate/Student Senate Banquet last Monday evening was a big success. The Chester E. Peters Lectures in Student Development presents Alexander W. Astin next Tuesday at 3:30 in McCain Auditorium. He is an expert on retention. Need two at-large members for the Sports Club Council. Blue Key needs help cleaning the painted windows on Sunday, Oct. 21, from 2:00 - 5:00. The Coordinator of Finances will move into the Committee Chairs Office. Ken Heinz - A reception will be held at 1:30 next Tuesday for Dr. Astin and Dr. Peters. Dr. Peters will unveil his newest sculpture at that time. Wednesday at 8:30 a.m., Dr. Astin will have an informal discussion session in Bluemont Hall, room 217. COMMITTEE REPORTS FINANCE - Kirk Porteous - Hearings on appeals to tentative allocations are completed. Final allocations will only be held one evening. COMMUNICATIONS - Mark Jones - Will meet at 10:00 p.m. Tuesday in the office. SENATE OPERATIONS - Kendra Ponte - Will meet Monday at 3:45 in the office. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Laura Butler - Will meet Tuesday at 6:30 in Stateroom #3. She met with Dean Coffman of the College of Veterinary Medicine. Laura thinks Vet. Med. will be excluded from Senate Resolution 84/85/16. STUDENT AFFAIRS - Cindy Leighton - Will have a table in the Union next Wednesday on campus lighting. Will meet Sunday at 7:00 p.m. at Godfather’s to eat. STATE & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS - Roger Garfoot - Working on the United Way drive. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Senate Resolution 84/85/19 - 1984-85 Basketball Ticket Sales Committee Tracy went over the resolution. There were no questions and no debate. Bill Sullivan called the question. M-46 DIRECTORS REPORTS ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Brett Lambert - Had the Legislative Assembly last weekend. Thanked Dana Hawkins for all her help. The 2nd week in November will be the next Legislative Assembly. Had a very successful voter registration drive which was headed up by Sonia Overholser. FIRST READINGS Senate Bill 84/85/12 - UAB Constitutional By-Laws Revisions Sally Routson went over the bill and explained it in detail. The UAB approved these revisions Wednesday. Questions were asked. OLD BUSINESS Senate Bill 84/85/11 - Closing of 1983-84 Accounts, was brought off the table. Kirk Porteous friendly amended the bill by switching the $171.30 under Vet. Med. College Council from Section 1 to Section 2. This changes the totals in Section 1 to read $8,296.13 and Section 2 to read $537.30. There were no questions and no debate. Bill Sullivan called the question. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Tracy Turner welcomed Brian O’Neill. Brian presented Tracy with a t-shirt from his radio station, KQMA, in Phillipsburg, Kansas. Voter registration deadline is Tuesday, October 16th. Kerry Jones moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-47 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM OCTOBER 18, 1984 7:00 PM – 9:40 PM Chairman Tracy Turner called the meeting to order with 44 senators present. Sullivan, Jirak and Ponte were absent. Chamblin and Hinkel were excused. Bromich, Galyardt, and Ney were late. We still have one vacancy from the Graduate School. OPEN PERIOD Dave Fiser, Mayor of Manhattan; Terry Ray, representing the Aggieville merchants; and Al Johnson, Riley County Policy Chief, spoke to the body on the events of last Saturday evening in Aggieville and preventative measures that will be taken in the future. Tracy thanked Mark Jones for representing the students in meetings, etc. Rick Mann, a city commissioner, has been appointed to serve as the chairman of the task force to investigate why the situation happened Saturday night. It will meet every Wednesday at 4:00 for some time, and will also have some evening meetings. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The October 11, 1984 minutes were approved as distributed. ANNOUNCEMENTS Tracy Turner introduced the new Graduate Senator, Phil Howard. Lori Rock announced that tomorrow is Roger Garfoot’s 22nd birthday. COMMITTEE REPORTS COMMUNICATIONS - Mark Jones - He went over the things that had transpired over the last week at various meetings he had attended. NO CONTAINERS WILL BE ALLOWED IN THE STADIUM AT HOME FOOTBALL GAMES. Mark and Ken Heinz will serve on the task force that is being chaired by Rick Mann. If you have any input, let them know. FINANCE - Kirk Porteous - He went over some figures as they relate to final allocations. The committee will meet on Monday, the 29th, at 6:30 in the office. DIRECTORS REPORTS ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Brett Lambert - The Kansas Voice was available for pick up. Nancy Kassebaum will be here October 31st for an open forum, as per her request by phone. All the candidates for that position will be notified of the forum and invited. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Senate Resolution 84/85/20 - Women’s Resource Center’s Work-Study Position Mike Riley, a member of Personnel Selections Committee, spoke to the resolution and explained it. There were no questions and no debate. Came to an immediate vote. M-48 Senate Resolution 84/85/21 - FONE Crisis Center Assistant Coordinator Mike Riley went over the resolution and explained it. There were no questions and no debate. Jim Rinner called the question. FIRST READINGS Senate Bill 84/85/13 0 - 1984-85 Final Allocations Kirk Porteous explained the bill and went over those groups that appealed their tentative allocation amount: Legal Services, MEChA, Black Student Union, S.G.A. Questions were asked. INFORMAL DISCUSSION General Drew Hertel moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-49 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM OCTOBER 25, 1984 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM The Final Allocations meeting was called to order by Chairman Tracy Turner. There were 44 senators present. Burgess, Cashman, Griffin and Stenstrom were excused. Hawari and Traeger were excused late. K. Miller and Pestinger were absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the October 18, 1984 meeting was approved after being corrected with Sullivan being absent not late. ANNOUNCEMENTS Tracy Turner - Talk to Cath Sayler if you would like to write for the Collegian in the SGA Editorial. Senators need to check their boxes weekly. Senate Executive will have their R.P. picture taken November 1 at 5:00 in Calvin 102. The Duarte Lecture will be held in McCain Auditorium and not Ahearn Fieldhouse due to the Chicago Concert. The contract signed by UPC states Chicago can begin setting up at 8:00 a.m. If the lecture was held in Ahearn they could not begin setting up until Noon or 1:00 and that is not enough time. COMMITTEE REPORTS COMMUNICATIONS - Mark Jones - Will have a table in the Union next week. He conducted a survey for the Lafene Student Health Advisory Committee among the senators. SENATE OPERATIONS - Kendra Ponte - Will meet Monday at 3:45 in the office. FINANCE - Kirk Porteous - Will meet Monday at 6:30 in the office. PARTENT’S DAY COMMITTEE - Andy Martin - Need held manning the information booth from 9-11 on November 3. DIRECTORS REPORTS ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Brett Lambert - Board meeting was held Friday Looking at going to “head count” rather than “FTE” for A.S.K. funding. Some campuses have already done this. Next legislative assembly will be November 7 at Pittsburg. Let Brett know if you would like to attend. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Ken Heinz - He discussed the Board of Regents’ education study team’s recommendations and some of their effects. The Board passed discontinuation of B.S. degrees in Adult & Continuing Education and discontinuation of PhD program in Education, both at KSU. KSU favored these moves. The amount paid to the state architect can now be negotiated. A full commencement will be held December 15 for December graduates. Housing Council voted to increase the housing rates by $80/semester. KSU is still the lowest cost housing in the state. Housing Council recommended that the requirement that freshmen live in a residence hail or Greek housing be changed to a strong recommendation. NEW BUSINESS M-50 Senate Bill 84/85/12 - U.A.B. Constitutional and By-Laws Revisions Will require a 2/3 majority vote to pass. There were no questions, but debate was entered into. Jim Rinner called the question. Senate Bill 84/85/13 - 1984-85 Final Allocations Kirk Porteous moved to increase Legal Services by $24 in printing. There were no questions and no debate. Bruce Ney called the question. Passed. Kirk Porteous moved to increase MEChA by $84.70 in Travel There were no questions and no debate. Came to an immediate vote. Passed. Kirk Porteous friendly amended the S.G.A. budget under Secretary’s Salary by decreasing it by $77.28. The amount tentatively allocated was too much. Kirk Porteous moved to increase the following categories under Black Student Union: Telephone by $20, Office Supplies by $25 and Printing by $25. There were no questions and no debate. Hisham Hawari called the question. Passed. Kirk Porteous moved to decrease Sports Club Council from $3,113 to $0, with the understanding that Rec Services will fund them by $3,113. This $3,113 will be placed in the Unallotted Account at the present time. Questions were asked, but there was no debate. Keith Westervelt called the question. Passed. Kirk Porteous moved to place $1,647.19 in Reserves for Maintenance of Standing Programs. There were no questions and no debate. Jim Rinner called the question. Passed. Sally Traeger called the question on Senate Bill 84/85/13, 1984-85 Final Allocations. Sally’s motion was seconded by Drew Hertel. The motion passed. The bill is located at the end of these minutes. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Tracy Turner thanked this year’s Finance Committee on the time and work they put in on the 1984-85 budget. Kerry Jones moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-51 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM NOVEMBER 1, 1984 7:00 PM – 7:50 PM Tracy Turner, Student Senate Chairman, called the meeting to order with 41 senators present. Chamblin, Coppenbarger, Holen, Meldrum, Stenstrom & Tsen were excused. Hawari, Henderson, Knight & Schmidt were late. Salts was absent. There is still a vacancy for a Graduate Senator. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the October 25, 1984 meeting were approved after Kirk Porteous made the following correction to the UFM explanation in the final allocation bill: Represents a 30% cut back figured from the 1980-81 base year of $15,034.00. ANNOUNCEMENTS Tracy Turner - The U.F.M. Task Force met today, with Kathleen Daniels as the chair. The A.S.K. Task Force is being chaired by Kirk Porteous and is looking at funding procedures for A.S.K. in the future. The Holton Hall Ad hoc Committee met today regarding doing the construction all at one time. Deadline for applying for Elections Committee and Coordinator of Finances is Friday, Nov. 9th, at 5:00, in the SGS Office. COMMITTEE REPORTS A.S.K. TASK FORCE - Kirk Porteous - Will meet Wednesday at 3:00. FINANCE - Kirk Porteous - Will meet Monday at 6:30. COMMUNICATIONS - Mark Jones - Ready to start signing up for living group presentations. Will meet Monday at 10:00. AGGIEVILLE TASK FORCE - Mark Jones - Will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, Nov. 7th, at 7:00 p.m., at City Hall. SENATE OPERATIONS – Kendra Ponte - Working on a new Senate Aide Program. Will meet Monday at 3:45. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Tracy Turner for Laura Butler - The Retake Policy will be an issue at the Faculty Senate Academic Affairs Committee meeting on Tuesday at 3:30. FIRST READINGS Senate Bill 84/85/14 - Special Allocation to Touchstone Magazine Kirk Porteous explained the bill & answered questions. Jim Stein, the editor of Touchstone, was present & answered questions. Senate Bill 84/85/15 - Special Allocation to the Music Trip Fund Monte Griffin & Kirk Porteous explained the bill. Brett Lambert, Arts & Sciences Council Treasurer, explained the Music Trip Fund further & answered questions. Senate Bill 84/85/16 - Special Allocation to S.G.A. Dan Schierling explained the bill. M-52 A question was asked of Kirk Porteous. INFORMAL DISCUSSION General. Krista Lindgren moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-53 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM NOVEMBER 8, 1984 7:00 PM – 9:10 PM Chairman Tracy Turner called the meeting to order with 36 senators present. Berbohm, Bromich, Hawari, Henderson & Lawrence were late. Garfoot, Holen, Hinkel, Hummel, Luginsland, K. Miller, Ney & Westervelt were excused. Knight, Martin, & Mealy were absent. NOVEMBER 1, 2984 MINUTES Corrections: On page 1, Kendra Ponte gave the Senate Operations Committee report, not Kirk Porteous. On page 2, Krista Lindgren moved to adjourns not Lundgren. ANNOUNCEMENTS Tracy Turner - Council on Student Affairs met last week. They narrowly passed changing the Parietal Rule so that it strongly suggests that freshen live in an organized living group. COMMITTEE REPORTS FACULTY SENATE ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Tracy Turner - Met Tuesday a 3:30. The Retake Policy was the topic of discussion. Will have their next meeting in two weeks on November 20th to discuss cost, which will have a big factor in the decision. COMMUNICATIONS - Mark Jones - Went over the Visitation Outline. Mark Jirak was named College of Ag. Student of the Month for October. SENATE OPERATIONS - Kendra Ponte - Still working on a new Senate Aide Program. Looking at the idea of going back to offering credit. Will lower it to 14 aides and assign two to each standing committee, with the exception of Personnel Selections and Social Services which will get one each. Will meet Monday at 3:45. FINANCE - Kirk Porteous - Will have a hearing with the Lafene Student Health Advisory Committee a week from Monday. Will met at 6:30 on Monday. DIRECTORS REPORTS A.S.K. - Brett Lambert - Spoke to the voter registration problem that arose November 6th. FIRST READINGS Senate Resolution 84/85/22 - Support for Earning Interest on Student Fee Monies Tracy Turner explained the resolution and answered questions. This subject was approved by the Council of Presidents in Salina last week and it will now pass on to the Board of Regents. Senate Resolution 84/85/23 - KSU Recommendations Regarding Future Funding for A.S.K. Brett Lambert & Tracy Turner presented “Proposed 5-Year Plan Budget Projections”, which were for Fiscal Years 1985 through 1990. Kirk Porteous & Tracy Turner spoke to the resolution and what came out of the A.S.K. Task Force meetings. M-54 Questions were asked. NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 84/35/14 - Special Allocation to Touchstone Magazine Jim Stein, Touchstone Editor, was present. Questions were asked of Jim and Kirk Porteous. They are anticipating printing 400 copies. There was no debate. Sally Traeger called the question. Senate Bill 84/85/15 - Special Allocation to the Music Trip Fund Brett Lambert, Arts & Sciences Council Treasurer, was present to answer further questions. The Council returned $1,519.67 to S.G.A. Debate was entered into. Kerry Jones called he question. Senate Bill 84/85/16 - Special Allocations to SGA Questions were asked, but there was no debate. Jim Rinner called the question. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Tracy Turner - Anyone interested in sponsoring a special allocation bill for the Coalition for Human Rights should see Tracy or Kirk Porteous. Tracy asked if anyone was interested in establishing a quorum rule. Lawrence Tsen read a resolution the Arts & Sciences College Council passed regarding Concerned Broadcasting Students. The Ag. and Arts & Sciences Colleges are sponsoring a lecture series. Ali Nikaeen - Allen Brettell is retiring, and there will be a reception for him December 5 from 4:00 - 5:30. Everyone is welcome. Sheri Hager moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-55 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM NOVEMBER 15, 2984 7:00 PM – MIDNIGHT Chairman Tracy Turner called the meeting to order with 38 senators present. Chamblin & Jones were excused late. Howard, Hawari, Martin, K. Miller & Salts were absent. Jirak, Meldrum, Ney, Rock, Stenstrom & Tsen were late. Holen & Rinner were excused. OPEN PERIOD Dr. Robert Tout, Director of Lafene Student Health Center, gave some background information on Lafene in-light of a possible health fee increase. Lafene is only funded by the health fee students pay and any other charges. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the November 8, 1984 meeting were corrected by Tracy Turner: K. Miller was excused, not absent. ANNOUNCEMENTS Tracy Turner - The Student Affairs Committee will hold a meeting with the Lafene Student Health Advisory Committee rather than the Finance Committee. He introduced Rob Raine; past student body president at Wichita State, and Dave Ramsey, student body president at Pittsburg State University. COMMITTEE REPORTS STATE & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS - Greg Pestinger - Met Monday and discussed the resolutions that are up for 1st reading tonight. Will meet November 29th after senate at Bockers. STUDENT AFFAIRS - Cindy Leighton - Will meet Monday. Attended a Commencement Committee meeting and would like any input or gripes anyone has on the present commencement ceremonies, etc. FACULTY SENATE - Keith Westervelt - Met Tuesday and the Retake Policy never came up. A very interesting report has been made on faculty salaries. COMMUNICATIONS - Mark Jones - Spoke on visitations. On December 1st from 9:00 11:30 a.m. there will be a workshop entitled “Let’s Talk About It” for all living group presidents. Dr. Peters will be the speaker, and there will also be a panel discussion. Hope you can all attend. SENATE OPERATIONS - Kendra Ponte - Still working on the senate aide program and changing the polling places. Will meet November 26th at 3:45. LAFENE STUDENT HEALTH ADVISORY COMMITTEE - Mike Morgan - He gave some background on the committee and what it does. Dr. Peters announced a tour of Lafene at 4:00 on November 27th. Anyone interested, should be at Lafene. DIRECTORS REPORTS STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Ken Heinz - He introduced Jeff Carr and Reid Hinkel, newly-elected student body president and student body vice-president from Wichita State University. The Aggieville Task Force should have a final report M-56 out soon. The Student Affairs Task Force is moving along and a report will soon be finalized. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Senate Resolution 84/85/24 - A.S.K. November Legislative Assembly Delegates There were no questions and no debate. Bill Sullivan called the question. Senate Resolution 84/85/25 - 1985 SGA Elections Committee Chair There were no questions & no debate. Kelli Anderson called the question. FIRST READINGS Senate Bill 84/85/17 - Special Allocation to Coalition for Human Rights Cath Sayler explained the bill and changed the $600 to $599.25 and changed the $900 to $899.25. John Carrasco, CHR president, was present to answer questions. Budget breakdown: $64 - Postage - 150 ea. x 2 semesters for newsletters = 300 x 2 = $60 10 contacts x 2 for contacts = $.20 x 20 = $4 $30 - Telephone - 6 long distance calls @ $5/10-min. call $121.25 - Printing - (what was given us at the meeting didn’t add up to $121.25) $198 - Advertising - 6 Collegian ad at $33/ad $136 - Rent of Space - $50 x 2 for rental of Catskellar & Little Theatre $36 x 3 events for projectionist $50 - Rent of Equipment - $25 x 2 for video rental Glenn Taylor gave Finance Committee’s recommendation of $0 funding. Questions were asked. CHR plans to have 4 fund-raisers over the 84-85 Fiscal Year. Keith Westervelt moved the bill special orders. There were questions & debate. Bill Sullivan called the question on Keith’s motion. Failed: 20/25. The Honorarium will be used on speaker in the following areas: South Africa, veterans in the U.S., refugees in 3 different countries, senior citizens in the U.S. & poverty & the homeless in the U.S. Have 6 major events planned. Members are asked to pay $2.50/semester but it is not mandatory. Greg Pestinger moved the bill special orders. Bill Sullivan objected to consideration stating that significant progress had not been made such Keith’s earlier motion. Tracy Turner agreed with Bill and overruled Greg’s motion. Keith Westervelt moved to overrule the decision of the chair. There was debate. Bill Sullivan called the question to overrule the chair. Passed: 36/12: Greg’s motion is on the floor. There were questions & debate. Kay Deever called the question on Greg’s motion. Failed: 28/22. Kay Deever moved to cease questions. Passed. M-57 Senate Bill 84/85/18 - Flexible Review of Line Items Kirk Porteous explained the bill. Questions were asked. NEW BUSINESS. Senate Resolution 84/85/23 - KSU recommendation Regarding Future Funding for A.S.K. Brett Lambert explained the handout. Questions were asked. Rob Raine and Dave Ramsey spoke on the issue and answered questions. Tim Luginsland moved to end questions. Passed. Debate was entered into. Lori Rock moved to limit debate as per tentative allocations. Passed. Sandi Schmidt called the question. Senate Resolution 84/85/22 - Support for Earning Interest on Student Fee Monies Greg Pestinger explained the bill. Questions were asked & debate was entered into. Mark Galyardt called the question. INFORMAL DISCUSSION General Greg Pestinger & Mark Galyardt were election president of their living groups last evening. Steve Hummel moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-58 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM NOVEMBER 29, 1984 7:00 PM – 11:00 PM Chairman Tracy Turner called the meeting to order with 42 senators present. Jirak & K. Miller were late. Cashman, Griffin & Traeger were excused late. Burgess, Hawari & Ponte were excused. Anderson & Garfoot were absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the November 15, 1984 meeting were approved as distributed. OPEN PERIOD A number of people spoke in favor of the funding of Coalition for Human Rights. ANNOUNCEMENTS Tracy Turner - The Coordinator of Finances will be selected by next Tuesday and will be voted on December 6th. The health fee increase bill will be up in January, as will the Sports Club funding bill. December 6th will be our last meeting of the semester. A.S.K. voted favorably on the interest on student fee Honey issue. Ali Nikaeen - There will be a reception for Dean Allen Brettell, who is retiring as the Foreign Student Advisor, on December 5th from 4:00-5:30 at the International Student Center. COMMITTEE REPORTS COMMUNICATIONS - Mark Jones - Deadline for turning in the visitation summaries and questionnaires is December 13th. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Laura Butler - The Academic Affairs Committee of Faculty Senate met and heard the report front the Ad hoc Forgiveness Committee, and the Retake Policy was discussed. Drop/Add will stay the same. The Academic Affairs Committee will meet Tuesday at 6:30 in Stateroom #3. STUDENT AFFAIRS - Cindy Leighton - Will meet Sunday at 7:00 in the K-State Union Stateroom with the Lafene Student Health Advisory Committee. SOCIAL SERVICES - Jodi Hitchcock - Will meet Monday at 4:30. SENATE OPERATIONS - Bruce Ney - Will meet Monday at 3:45. DIRECTORS REPORTS ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Brett Lambert - Had a very successful L.A. He went over what came out of it. The next L.A. will be in February, and there will be a “March in Topeka”. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Ken Heinz - The Student Advisory Committee to the Kansas Board of Regents met and an increase in student salaries is a top priority. He will meet with Stan Koplik, Regents’ executive Director, Friday morning. The Manhattan Task Force had their last meeting last evening. An extensive report will be presented to the Manhattan City Commission Tuesday evening. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Senate Resolution 84/25/26 - 1985 SGA Elections Committee. M-59 Kay Deever read over the bill and introduced Mahthri & Ann. There were no questions and no debate. Krista Lindgren called the question. Bill Sullivan moved to suspend the rules to consider Senate Bill 84/85/17, Special Allocation to Coalition for Human Rights, at this time. Passed: 40/5. NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 84/85/17 - Special Allocation to Coalition for Human Rights There were no questions, and debate was entered into. Bill Sullivan moved to decrease the $599.25 to $314.90 in Section 1 and to decrease the $899.25 to $614.90 in Section 2. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Bill Sullivan stated that this was a compromise that both Student Senate and the Coalition can live with. Bill Sullivan called the question on his amendment. Failed: 18/32. Debate continued on the original bill. Bill Sullivan called the question. The vote was a 25/25 tie. Tracy Turner, as Student Senate Chairman, had to break the tie vote. He did so with a YS vote, making the final vote read 26-25 in favor of funding Coalition $899.25. Tracy explained his reasons for his vote. Bill Sullivan had requested a roll call vote. YES – Berbohm, Chamblin, Charlton, Coppenbarger, Howard, Holen, Hawari, Henderson, Hinkel, Hummel, Krotz, Martin, McMillen, Miller, Miller, Nikaeen, Peine, Rinner, Rock, Salts, Sayler, Schmidt, Sullivan, Traeger, Tsen. NO – Anderson, Bromich, Cashman, Deever, Galyardt, Griffin, Hager, Hertel, Jirak, Jones, Knight, Lawrence, Lindgren, Luginsland, Mann, Marshall, Mealy, Meldrum, Morgan, Ney, Pestinger, Ponte, Porteous, Stenstrom, Westervelt. ABSENT – Burgess, Garfoot. FIRST READINGS Senate Bill 84/85/19 - Elimination of the Summer School Allocation Process Kirk Porteous explained the bill, questions were asked. Senate Bill 84/85/20 - SGA Election Date Revisions: SGA By-Laws, Campaign Regulations and Campaign Expenditure Regulations Kay Deever explained the bill, and questions were asked. Mark Galyardt moved the bill special orders. Passed. There was no debate. Mark Stenstrom, called the question. INFORMAL DISCUSSION There was a lot of discussion regarding the allocation toCoa1iion for Human Rights. Drew Hertel commended Senate Operations Standing Committee and Elections Committee on coming together on pushing for greater voter turnout. Larry Hinkel moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-60 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM DECEMBER 6, 1984 7:00 PM – 8:50 PM Chairman Tracy Turner called the meeting to order with 43 senators present. Krotz Tsen were late. Garfoot & Hinkel were excused. Hummel, Marshall, Pestinger, Ponte & Stenstrom were absent. The minutes of the November 29, 1984 meeting were approved. OPEN PERIOD Joe Knopp, State Representative from the 67th District, spoke on what is happening in the Kansas House and what will be coming up in the future. Numerous questions asked. ANNOUNCEMENTS Tracy Turner - Need a replacement for Mark Galyardt on the University Activities Board. Your schedule must be open at 3:30 on Wednesdays. Dead Week Policy and Examination Policy are both posted in the SGS Office. Strongly considering having our first meeting January 17th. This will give us 4 full meetings before elections. COMMITTEE REPORTS COMMUNICATIONS - Mark Jones - He handed out a survey being done for a small discussion group on the Aggieville incident. The “Let’s Talk About It” session on Saturday was very successful even though not a lot of people attended. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Senate Resolution 84/85/27 - 1985 Coordinator of Finances Tracy Turner went over the resolution. There were questions asked, but there was no debate. Jim Rinner called the question. NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 84/85/18 - Flexible Review of Line Items Kirk Porteous explained the bill and questions were asked Bill Sullivan moved to postpone until after consideration of Senate Bill 84/85/19. Passed. Senate Bill 84/85/19 - Elimination of the Summer School Allocation Process Kay Deever explained the rationale behind the bill. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Mark Galyardt called the question. Senate Bill 84/85/18 was back on the floor. The bill was friendly amended by striking entire section c. and changing d. to read: The Finance Committee will have a minimum of two week to review the funding of the line item and must make a recommendation. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. M-61 Cath Sayler moved to amend g to read: At least one but not more than two line items will be reviewed in one fiscal year. There were no questions, and debate was entered into. Came to an immediate vote on Cathy’s amendment. Passed. Debate continued. Mark Jirak moved to send the bill back to Finance Committee, Kerry Jones called the question on Mark’s motion. Passed. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Kirk Porteous made a presentation to Mark Galyardt, as the new Coordinator of Finances. There was general discussion. Mark Jones feels the University needs to look into umbrella liability insurance coverage for campus organizations in light of parties, alcohol, etc. Due to graduation Jim Rinner and Kendra Ponte will not be here next semester. G.V. Salts will not be here next semester due to an internship. Mark Galyardt attended a meeting regarding basketball ticket sales, and he thinks student basketball tickets will be sold for just the Big 8 games. Kay Deever moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-62 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM JANUARY 17, 1985 7:00 PM – 7:30 PM Chairman Tracy Turner called the first meeting of the semester to order with 41 senators present. Bromich, Cashman and Hager were excused. Charlton, Garfoot, Hinkel, B. Miller and Porteous were absent. SPECIAL GUEST Ryan Routson, Sally’s 3 year old son, was present and provided a bit of entertainment. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The Minutes of the December 6, 1984 meeting were approved as distributed. ANNOUNCEMENTS Tracy Turner - The Student Affairs Task Force has finalized its report. Copies are available for review in the office. A session on “How to Get Involved” will be held tomorrow from 11:30 - 1:00 in Union 208 and Tuesday in Union 207 from 11:30 - l:00. Election filing forms are available in the SGS Office and are due at 5:00 p.m. in Holton 102 on January 30th. COMMITTEE REPORTS COMMUNICATIONS - Mark Jones - Kay will make get well cards to be signed at a table in the Union next Wednesday and Thursday and sent to Coach Hartman. ELECTIONS - Kay Deever - A schedule of debates will be available in the SGS Office. Will need poll workers. Elections will be held two days, February 12th and 13th. Ag. students will vote in Waters Hall, Vet. Med. students will vote in the Vet. Complex, and all other colleges will vote in the Union. SENATE OPERATIONS - Bruce Ney - Will meet Monday at 4:00 in the SGS Office. The Student Senate Retreat will be held February 24th. STUDENT AFFAIRS - Cindy Leighton - Dr. Tout will be here next Thursday regarding the health fee increase, and the bill will be up for first reading. Will meet Monday at 7:00 in the SGS Office. FINANCE - Mark Galyardt - Will meet Monday at 6:00 in the SGS Office. DIRECTORS REPORTS STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Ken Heinz - The Board of Regents reviewed the student services a K-State and made their report today. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Senate Resolution 84/85/28 - Tribunal Member Ken Heinz explained the resolution. Terry was not present. There were no questions and no debate. Kerry Jones called the question. FIRST READINGS M-63 Senate Bill 84/85/21 - SGA Purchase of Typewriter Tracy Turner read the bill. Jenny Johnston and Sally Routson answered questions. Senate Resolution 84/85/29 - Emergency Resolution on Senate Operations Tracy Turner read the resolution. The bill was moved special orders. INFORMAL DISCUSSION General. The meeting was adjourned to the backroom at Kite’s. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-64 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM JANUARY 24, 1985 7:00 PM – 9:20 PM Chairman Tracy Turner called the meeting to order with 40 senators present. Chamblin, Luginsland, McMillen & Stenstrom were absent. Griffin, Hummel, Mealy & Westervelt were late. K. Miller was excused. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the January 17th meeting were corrected by Caroline Peine. Under Elections Committee report, the SGA elections will be held February 12 & 13, not January 12 & 13. OPEN PERIOD Virgil Wiebe spoke on a different representation system for Student Senate and the coalition or party system. ANNOUNCEMENTS Tracy Turner - Senators were asked to encourage people to run for positions in the upcoming SGA General Election. The deadline for filing is January 30th at 5:00 p.m. in Holton Hall, room 102. The all-campus leadership workshop is scheduled for February 2nd. The 9:00 a.m. Candidate Information Session is mandatory for those running for positions in the SGA Election. He passed around a report on the new coliseum. Ground will be broken in August. COMMITTEE REPORTS ELECTIONS - Kay Deever - The deadline for filing and the deadlines for expenditure reports will be closely adhered to. Ballot positions will be drawn for at the Candidate Information Session on February 2nd. She went over the “Important Dates Sheet” that is available in the SGS Office. SENATE OPERATIONS - Bruce Ney - Will meet Tuesday at 2:30 in the SGS Office. The Student Senate Retreat is scheduled for February 24th at the Holidome from 11:00 - 3:00. The cost will be around $8. This is mandatory for those senators elected in the February General Election. DIRECTORS REPORTS ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Brett Lambert - A.S.K. is getting a lot of name recognition by the Kansas Legislature. The Legislature is trying to push the bill through in a 2-week period that would raise the legal drinking age to 21. The bill passed out of the House today had everything in it A.S.K. wanted. Looks like there is a consensus it will be grandfathered in. February 11 is Lobby Day in Topeka. February 10 will be the Legislative Assembly. . FIRST READINGS Senate Bill 84/85/22 - Student Health Fee Increase Lisa Heiniger, Lafene Student Health Advisory Committee Chair, explained the bill. Dr. Robert Tout, Director of Lafene Student Health Center, made a presentation. M-65 Lafene has been reduced to a 10-bed hospital. They have decided not to eliminate any available services at the present time. The services are the same during the summer as in the fall and spring semesters. The Athletic Dept. pays $28/hr. for any physician services needed. The original increase request by Dr. Tout to the Advisory Committee was $10, $10 & $10 over a 3-year period. They cannot tell which services are losing money because they are not departmentalized. That should be done within a year. Dr. Coleman, the head of the mental health section, was also present. Lawrence Tsen moved to suspend the rules to continue questions on January 31st and hear debate on February 7. Passed. NEW BUSINESS Senate Bill 84/85/21 - SGA Purchase of Typewriter Mark Galyardt stated that Finance Committee recommends this purchase. There were no questions & no debate. Bill Sullivan called the question. INFORMAL DISCUSSION General. Bill Sullivan moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-66 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM JANUARY 31, 1985 7:00 PM – 9:40 PM Chairman Tracy Turner called the meeting to order with 40 senators present. Anderson, Hinkel & Pestinger were excused. Traeger was absent. Henderson, Jones, Marshall, Mealy & Sullivan were late. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the January 24, 1985 meeting were approved as distributed. OPEN PERIOD Lisa Heiniger, Chair of the Lafene Student Health Advisory Committee, gave her report on the requested health fee increase and the committee’s workings and findings. ANNOUNCEMENTS Tracy Turner - The SGA basketball team won 47-37 Monday evening. He read a card received from Jim Rinner who has graduated and is skiing in the Alps. COMMITTEE REPORTS ELECTIONS - Kay Deever - In any advertisement in which a student body president’s name appears, he must account for the full cost on his expenditure report; advertisements in which two or more senators names appears, the cost will be divided equally on the expenditure report. FINANCE - Mark Galyardt - Will meet Sunday at 7:00 in the office. DIRECTORS REPORTS ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Doug Chamblin, State Board Member from KSU - The bill on raising the drinking age is the big issue in the legislature. A.S.K. is more than happy on the way things are going. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Ken Heinz - Doug Chamblin is our liaison, between the SGA and the Manhattan Chamber of Commerce. The SGA basketball team plays again Monday night at 10:00. A new University planning committee has been formed - Vision, Mission & Goals Committee. He went over the landmark map (cartoon map) of the City of Manhattan. FIRST READINGS Senate Resolution 84/85/29 - Recognition of Student Contributions Scott Coppenbarger explained the resolution. There were questions. Senate Bill 84/85/23 - Senate Aide Program Revision Bruce Ney & Krista Lindgren explained the bill Questions were asked. Kirk Porteous friendly amended the bill by striking “Personnel Selections Committee Chair” and changing “four-member” to “threemember” in Section 5. M-67 Cath Sayler friendly amended Section 3 by adding after “semester”, for a total of two (2) credit hours. Bruce Ney friendly amended the bill by adding a Section 7 to read: This bill will repeal Senate Bill 83/84/20. Senate Resolution 84/85/30 - Legislative Banquet in Topeka Sandi Schmidt explained the bill. Questions were asked. Sherri Hager moved the resolution special orders. Passed. There was no debate. Mark Jirak called the question. NEW BUSINESS Senate 31l1 84/85/22 - Student Health Fee Increase Cindy Leighton, Chair of the Student Affairs Standing Committee, stated the committee recommends no increase next year. She explained why. Basically the recommendation was based on new figures and information obtained from Dr. Tout. Dr. Tout stated that fiscal problems will begin arising in 1986-87. The Student Affairs Committee recommends: $0 - 85-86, $5 - 86-87 Questions were asked. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Kay Deever - Need poll workers! Drew Hertel moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-68 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM FEBRUARY 7, 1985 7:00 PM – 8:35 PM Chairman Tracy Turner called the meeting to order with 37 senators present. Chamblin, Jirak, Knight, Tsen and Westervelt were late. Garfoot, Hinkel, K. Hiller, Morgan, Pestinger and Stenstrom were absent. B. Miller was excused. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the January 31, 1985 were approved as distributed. ANNOUNCEMENTS Tracy Turner - February 12th Stan Koplik, the Executive Director of the Kansas Board of Regents, will be in the Big 8 Room at 3:30. Two new Regents members were on campus this week: Richard Reinhardt and Larry Jones. The S.G.A. basketball team took it on the chin Monday night. COMMITTEE REPORTS ELECTIONS - Kay Deever - Need poll workers on the 12th & 13th badly. The Collegian urges all student body president candidates to set up press conferences. Posters have to be down Wednesday night, the 13th, before the committee will start calling anyone. STATE & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS - Sandi Schmidt - The Legislative Banquet will be Tuesday, March 19th, in the State House Cafeteria in Topeka. DIRECTORS REPORTS ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Doug Chamblin - Teacher scholarship bill will be upcoming. APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENTS Senate Resolution 84/85/3 - A.S.K. February Legislative Assembly Delegates There was one question on how old Kipp Exline is, but there was no debate. Bill Sullivan called the question. NEW BUSINESS. Senate Bill 84/85/22 - Student Health Fee Increase Bill Sullivan moved to substitute the legislation sponsored by the Lafene Student Health Advisory Committee with the legislation sponsored by the Student Affairs Standing Committee. Passed. Cindy Leighton went over the legislation sponsored by her committee. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Kay Deever called the question and requested a roll call vote. YES – Anderson, Berbohm, Bromich, Chamblin, Charlton, Coppenbarger, Deever, Garfoot, Griffin, Howard, Hawari, Henderson, Jirak, Knight, Krotz, Marshall, Martin, McMillen, K. Miller, Morgan, Ney, Rock, Sullivan, Tsen, Westervelt, NO - Burgess, Cashman, Galyardt, Holen, Hager, Hertel, Hinkel, Hummel, Jones, M-69 Lawrence, Lindgren, Luginsland, Mann, Mealy, Meldrum, Nikaeen, Peine, Porteous, Sayler, Schmidt, Stenstrom, Traeger, ABSENT- B. Miller, Pestinger. Senate Resolution 84/85/29 - Recognition of Student Contributions Scott Coppenbarger answered some questions that were brought up last week. There were no further questions, so debate was entered into. Kay Deever called the question. Scott Coppenbarger requested a roll call vote. YES – Burgess, Coppenbarger, Garfoot, Hawari, Hinkel, Hummel, Knight, Krotz, Luginsland, martin, Mealy, Nikaeen, Porteous, Rock, Sayler, Stenstrom, NO – 29, ABSTAIN – Chamblin, Lawrence, ABSENT – B. Miller, Pestinger. Senate Bill 84/85/23 - Senate Aide Program Bruce Ney went over the friendly amendments from last week, plus the committee made another one by adding a new Section 2 and down noting remaining clauses. There were no questions, but debate was entered into. Kay Deever called the question. INFORMAL DISCUSSION Tracy Turner - He went over the use of proxies and their abuse. Kelli Anderson - The Dairy Judging Team placed first last week in Houston. Andy Martin - Concert Choir is scheduled to go to Europe, so Support their, fund raiser, Treat Your Sweetie. General. Kerry Jones moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-70 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM FEBRUARY 14, 1985 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Chairman Tracy Turner called the meeting to order with 43 senators present. Chamblin & Traeger were excused. Howard & Pestinger were absent. Henderson & Stenstrom were late. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The February 7, 1985 minutes were approved as distributed. OPEN PERIOD Brice Hobrock, Dean of Libraries, spoke on the Friends of the KSU Library and extended library hours. ANNOUNCEMENTS Tracy Turner - Encouraged newly elected senators to come into the SGS Office and get acquainted. He introduced Chester Peters, Vice President for Student Affairs, and Sally Routson, Coordinator of Student Activities, to the newly elected senators. February 21 - Will take nominations for Student Senate Chair & Vice Chair. February 28 - Newly elected senators will be sworn in. Further nominations will be taken for Student Senate Chair & Vice Chair. Vote will be taken on Student Senate Chair & Vice Chair. February 22 - Should have 20th day enrollment figures. February 24 - Mandatory Student Senate Retreat: Holidome, 11:00 - 4:30. $8.25 is due in the SGS Office by Noon on February 22. Make checks payable to S.G.A. March 8 - Applications will be due for standing committee chair positions. March 19 - Legislative Banquet will be held in the evening in Topeka at the Statehouse Cafeteria. Senate Executive will meet next Thursday at 3:45. Ken Heinz, Laura Butler, Kayed Khalil and Tracy met with President Acker yesterday about possible review of the Student Affairs division and Assistant Provost division. The SGA basketball team had a bye last Monday. COMMITTEE REPORTS ELECTIONS - Kay Deever - Congratulations to everyone on their recent election. The run-off for student body president will be held next Wednesday from 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. in the K-State Union Courtyard. All colleges except Vet. Med. will vote in the Union. The Vet. Med. students will vote at the Vet. Med. Complex from 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Need poll workers again. 3108 students voted yesterday in the general election. This was down from 3423 last year. The 2-day election did not help voter turnout. Encourage people to vote in the run-off. STATE & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS - Sandi Schmidt. - The Legislative Banquet will be held the evening of March 19 in the Statehouse Cafeteria in Topeka. SENATE OPERATIONS - Bruce Ney - Will meet Sunday at 1:30 in the K-State Union. He went over what Tracy said under announcements about the Retreat on the 24th. M-71 COMMUNICATIONS - Mark Jones - Need names & info, on old senators for the “certificates”. He is the Student Senate representative on the Academic Advising Task Force. Come watch the SGA basketball team play Monday at 11:00. FINANCE - Mark Galyardt - Will meet Sunday at 6:00 in the SGS Office. Applications for at-large members are due tomorrow at 5:00. Applications for student senate members will be due Feb. 22 at 5:00. DIRECTORS REPORTS ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF KANSAS - Doug Chamblin - The Legislative Assembly was held this weekend in Topeka. Will oppose the federal budget cuts regarding financial aid. Lobby Day didn’t work out well due to the weather. It will be rescheduled and may incorporate it with the Legislative Banquet on March 19. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Ken Heinz - The Student Advisory Committee to the Kansas Board of Regents met Monday with some legislators. He introduced Dave Ramsey Pittsburg State Student Body President. Accreditation was discussed. The Athletic Director Search Committee met last week. Have received 70 applications. Hope to have the selection made by March 1. Need a student to serve on the Director of General Services Search Committee. FIRST READINGS Senate Bill 84/85/24 - Special Allocation to Ag. Student Council Kelli Anderson explained the bill. Questions were asked. Have $19,646.32 in Reserves for Contingencies. The bill was friendly amended by changing the amount requesting to $1,078.32. Grain Science Club withdrew their request. Mike Torrey represented Ag. Ambassadors, Rachel Vining represented Ag. Communicators of Tomorrow and Kelli Anderson represented Dairy Science Club and Collegiate 4-H. Senate Bill 84/85/25 - Lafene Student Health Advisory Committee Revision Ken Heinz explained the bill. Questions were asked. INFORMAL DISCUSSION General Bruce Ney thanked Kay Deever and the Elections Committee on a job well done last Tuesday and Wednesday. Cath Sayler stated that approximately 90 people belong to Friends of the Library. Bill Sullivan moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-72 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM FEBRUARY 21, 1985 7:00 PM – 8:40 PM Chairman Tracy Turner called the meeting to order with 43 senators present. Chamblin & Howard were absent. Garfoot & Holen were excused. Hager & B. Miller were late. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The February 14, 1985 minutes were approved as distributed. OPEN PERIOD William McKey, a student in Electrical Engineering, spoke on Ethopia. ANNOUNCEMENTS Tracy Turner - Retreat payment is due tomorrow. He introduced Dr. Earl Nolting, Dean of Students and the Director of the Center for Student Development, to the newly elected senator. The SGA basketball team was victorious Monday evening. They play again Monday at 10:00. COMMITTEE REPORTS SENATE OPERATIONS - Bruce Ney - He outlined the Retreat again. Applications for Senate Aides will be due March 1st at 5:00 p.m. Aides will get 1 hour of credit each semester. ELECTIONS - Kay Deever - Elections are over. Thanked both candidates for a well-run campaign in the run-off election. 20% of the student body voted in the general election. The voter turnout in the run-off election was 4th highest in the past 16 run-off elections. Will have a full report in 2 weeks. STATE & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS - Sandi Schmidt - Will meet Sunday at 9:00 p.m. STUDENT AFFAIRS - Cindy Leighton - She went over what the committee does, since she won’t be able to attend the Retreat on Sunday. FINANCE - Mark Galyardt - He went over the allocation figures for 1985-86 that were just received. FIRST READINGS Senate Bill 84/85/26 - By-Laws Revisions: Vice Chair’s Position Kay Deever explained the bill and answered questions. Lawrence Tsen moved the bill special orders. Passed. Bruce Ney stated that Senate Operations Standing Committee gave the bill a favorable recommendation. Further questions were asked, but there was no debate. Steve Hummell called the question. Senate Bill 84/85/24 - Special Allocations to Agriculture Student Council Kelli Anderson went over several friendly amendments. 2nd WHEREAS - change “helps” to “help” 3rd WHEREAS - strike “must” and change “allocate” to “allocates” M-73 Section 1 change “1078.32” to $444.60, strike “Ag. Ambassadors” and “Grain Science”, add at the end “with these funds being allocated through the Agriculture Student Council”. Section 2 - strike completely and change Section 3 to 2. Mark Galyardt stated that Finance Committee recommends not to pass this legislation. Questions were asked, and debate was entered into. Bill Sullivan moved to strike the $90.42 under Dairy Science Club, which would change the total of $353.60. There were no questions, but debate was entered into. Bill Sullivan called the question on his amendment. Passed. Debate continued on the bill, as amended. Kay Deever called the question on the bill, as amended. Senate Bill 84/85/25 - Lafene Student Health Advisory Committee Revisions There were no questions. Cindy Leighton stated that she, as Student Affairs Standing Committee Chair, recommends passage of this bill. There was no debate. Kirk Porteous called the question. NOMINATIONS FOR STUDENT SENATE CHAIR The newly-elected 1985-86 senators made the following nominations: Mark Jones by Brett Bromich Monte Griffin by Jim Crutchfield Sandi Schmidt by Angie Rowland Lawrence Tsen by Robert Stuart Kerry Jones by Dennis Shields Bruce Ney by Lori Rock NOMINATIONS FOR STUDENT SENATE VICE CHAIR The newly-elected 1985-86 senators made the following nominations: Krista Lindgren by Steve Cashman INFORMAL DISCUSSION Tracy Turner stated that his door is open this week to new senators. Keith Westervelt congratulated Steve Brown and wished him the best of luck in the upcoming year. Mark Jones stated that the Manhattan City Commission voted to leave the bars open til 1:00 a.m. No beer will be sold after midnight and no more than 12 ounces/person may be a table after midnight. General discussion. Kay Deever moved to adjourn. Passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-74 STUDENT SENATE MINUTES KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY K-STATE UNION BIG 8 ROOM FEBRUARY 28, 1985 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM The last meeting of the 1984-85 Student Senate was called to order by Chairman Tracy Turner. There were 42 senators present. Berbohm, Howard. Hinkel, Luginsland, Mann, K. Miller and Pestinger were absent. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The February 21, 1985 minutes were approved as distributed. OPEN PERIOD Hark Tallman, Associated Students of Kansas Executive Director, spoke on what A.S.K. is and what we need to be thinking of for the Legislative Banquet on March 19th. Questions were asked. COMMITTEE REPORTS ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Laura Butler - She went over how the Executive Committee of Faculty Senate would like to have the Retake Policy read. She also went over the Drop/Add Policy changes. The Advising Task Force, made up of 13 members and co-chaired by Dean Rathbone from Engineering and Laura, will meet with President Acker and, Provost Koeppe tomorrow morning. The Board of Regents is pushing to get advising back on track by next fall. SENATE OPERATIONS - Bruce Ney - The Retreat went real well this past weekend. FINANCE: - Mark Galyardt – In the process of filling the committee. STATE & COMMUNITY AFFAIRS - Sandi Schmidt - She went over information on the Legislative Banquet. The way it looks now, the cost will be $9.50. She & Tracy Turner conducted a letter-writing period, where letters were written to the legislators being invited. DIRECTORS REPORTS STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT - Ken Heinz - The SGA basketball team won again Monday night in over-time. The new Athletic Director is Larry Travis from Georgia Tech. He will officially begin March 15th. He read a draft of the vision statement composed by the Visions, Missions, Goals and Objectives University Committee. He went over the restructuring plan for the Student Services Unit. The Vice President for Student Affairs will be changed to the Vice President for Education & Student Services, and this will technically eliminate the position of Assistant Provost. FIRST READINGS Senate Resolution 84/85/32 - 1985-85 Student Body President, Board of Student Publications and Student Senate Sherri Hager moved the resolution special orders and made a correction under the Board of Student Publications: Rickson should read Rickerson. Passed. There were no questions & no debate. Steve Hummell called the question. M-75 Bruce Ney went over Senate Resolution 84/85/33 - Commendation to Ken Heinz & Tracy Turner. Bill Sullivan moved to resolution special orders. Passed. There were no questions and no debate. Krista Lindgren moved the resolution by acclamation. PRESENTATION OF CERTIFICATES The certificates were presented by Mark Jones, Sherri Hager and Linda Meldrum to the 1984-85 Student Senators. INFORMAL DISCUSSION General. Tracy Turner announced that Laura Butler and Gary Wesche are engaged. Ken Heinz moved to adjourn to Mel’s Tavern. Passed. Jenny Johnston, Secretary I M-76