USRG (UNIVERSITY SMALL RESEARCH GRANT) Cover sheet #________ DEADLINES: Spring, First Monday in March; Fall, First Monday in October by 5:00 p.m. ____________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________________/_____ Yrs Principal Investigator (Last/First) Position or Title Department, Years at K-State (as Asst Prof or above) 785-_______-________________ ____________________________________________ Email Address Phone Number Office Address ____________________________ Dept Account Rep’s Name (Last/First) Email Address 785-_________-______________ Phone Number ____________________________ ___________________________ ___________________________________/_____ Yrs Co-Investigator (Last/First) Position or Title Department, Years at K-State (as Asst Prof or above) RESEARCH PROJECT TITLE: USRG____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Provide Account Information: ____________ Project Number Total Amount of Any Supplemental Funding being given: ___2160____ Fund Source ___________ Org $_________________ $_________________ $_________________ COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST Does your research project involve any of the following (even if protocol is exempt)? Human subjects Radioactive materials Live vertebrates Biohazards including recombinant or synthetic nucleic acid molecules and infectious agents. Total USRG Amount Requested: $______________ ___________________________________ Supplemental Funder’s Name/ Dept. ___________________________________ Supplemental Funder’s Name/ Dept. ___________________________________ Supplemental Funder’s Name/ Dept. ____YES____NO ____YES____NO ____YES____NO ____YES____NO APPLICATION CHECKLIST: To be considered for funding, include the following documentation in your packet: 1. USRG cover sheet (this page) Abstract (1-page maximum): Include research project title. 2. Detailed Budget: Include pertinent backup documentation (Expedia, Orbitz, etc.) as well as how you arrived at your costs, if 3. estimated, and list any supplemental funding. Supplemental Funding information, if applicable; include documentation (e.g., department head’s letter) of department/college 4. commitment. Project Timeline (1/2-page maximum) Note: projects should be complete in one year. 5. 6. Narrative (5-page maximum): What is the significance of your project? Include clearly stated goals and objectives as well an approach section. Also explain the benefits to you and K-State of completing the proposed project and how the project fits into your overall career/research plan and discuss your plans for 1) obtaining extramural funding, 2) developing show or exhibition of your work, or 3) developing scholarly work for publication. Compliance Approval Letter (if already in place) OR Plans for Submitting Compliance Letter: Needed only if working with 7. human subjects (includes surveys), animals, biohazards including recombinant or synthetic nucleic acid molecules and infectious agents, or radioactive material. Denote plans to submit for approval in the project timeline as well. If using a survey, please attach it to the letter/plans. 8. Short Vita (2-page maximum) Funding History (applied, received, and/or declined) for past 3 years and status of funding received: Include FDA and USRG 9. funding. Department Head’s Letter of Support (required) 10. TO SUBMIT: 1. Create ONE PDF file of the items listed above (in the order listed) 2. Email the PDF as an attachment to by the deadline (first Monday in March for spring or October for fall) 3. Signatures will be obtained via the eSign system. You will receive an email from the system and should immediately log in through the link in the email and sign as PI. Your department head and dean/director will then receive emails requesting their signatures. Make sure your department head is aware that signing will be requested via eSign. ORSP must receive all signatures within a week of the proposal due date; otherwise, your proposal will be returned without review. You will NOT receive a reminder to complete this task. If you have any questions, call ORSP at 785-532-6195 or email INCOMPLETE PROPOSALS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED