USRG & FDA Grants ERGP Matching Support Funds


USRG & FDA Grants and ERGP Matching Support Funds

The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs 2015 FDA and USRG Request for Proposals from Kansas State University faculty members ranked assistant professor and above who are interested in receiving assistance in their scholarly activities and professional development. Proposals for both USRG and FDA programs are due as a PDF attachment via email to ORSP by

Monday, October 5, 2015.

The University Small Research Grant (USRG) program is a "seed" grant program to support early research, scholarly activity, and other creative efforts. A University Small Research Grant (USRG) is designed as a seed grant to support small research projects, scholarly activity, and other creative efforts. These small grants can cover graduate or undergraduate student hourly assistance

(but not assistantships), small equipment, supplies, materials, services associated with the activity, computing for data processing, and travel to a site where the activity will occur (but not travel to meetings or conferences). Computer software can be requested to support scholarly activities in USRG applications; however, if the equipment already exists on campus, utilization of existing equipment is normally recommended.

The President's Faculty Development Awards (FDA) program provides support for travel to international meetings (primarily at international locations) or to meet with program officers from potential external sponsors. A Faculty Development Award (FDA) is primarily used for travel to present research/scholarly activity at a professional meeting. Priority is given to travel requests for international meetings held outside the United States. International meetings held within the United States are accepted but have a lower funding priority than others. National or regional meetings do not qualify for this opportunity. Travel to the office of a potential external sponsor can be funded under this program, but you must commit to submitting a proposal to an external funder within a year.

Proposals for both USRG and FDA programs are due as a PDF attachment via email to ORSP by Monday, October 5, 2015.

Matching Funds Available from ERGP for USRG & FDA Programs

The Engineering Research & Graduate Program (ERGP) Office will provide matching funds (with equivalent 1 to 1 match from department or faculty member).

USRG: up to $750 for untenured faculty and up to $500 for other engineering faculty

FDA: up to $750 for untenured faculty and up to $500 for other engineering faculty where graduate student recruitment is

part of the proposal

The transmittal sheet and PDF proposal will be routed through the eSign system by ORSP after the Monday, Oct 5 deadline.

The application will require eSign signatures including signatures for all matching parties as well as ERGP signature for approval of submission.

If the PI has not received approval in advance for ERGP matching, the proposal will not be approved by ERGP for submission.

Review the requirements carefully so that your proposal will be accepted.


ERGP policy requires that r equests for USRG or FDA matching must be made five (5) business days in advance of the

application deadline. Matching requests will accepted until Monday, September 28. For ERGP review and approval of matching funds email Noel Schulz, ERGP Director,, for review and approval. Be sure to use the

address so your request is not missed. See the ERGP policy page for additional information about matching amounts and requirements.


If you are planning to submit to either program and have questions about the application or process, please call the Office of

Research and Sponsored Programs , 2-6195, or contact Carole Lovin,


Fall 2015
