KEY Studen Equity Disproportionate Impact Index* * DII= subgroup rate/reference group rate. Proportion of the reference group 105% and above 95% to 104.99% 80% to 94.99% 70% to 79.99% below 70% DII Key High performer No concern Moderate concern Concern Great concern 10/27/2014 PRO A. ACCESS Student Equity PRO ACCESS Santa Cruz County Demographic Total Female GENDER Male Unknown African-American American Indian/Alaskan Native Asian Latino ETHNICITY Multi-Ethnicity Pacific Islander Unknown White, non-Latino AGE OTHER 19 or Less 20 to 24 25 to 29 30 to 34 35 to 39 40 to 49 50 + Unknown Disability Economically Disadvantaged Foster Youth Veterans Cabrillo College Percent Santa Cruz County Cabrillo, Disproportionate (Reference Percent Population Count Spring 2014 Impact Index* (DII) Group) DII Descriptor 262,382 100% 12,707 100% 131,469 130,913 0 50.1% 49.9% 0.0% 6,801 5,853 53 53.5% 46.1% 0.4% 106.8% 92.3% NA High performer Moderate concern 2,304 978 10,658 84,092 7,661 292 0 156,397 0.9% 0.4% 4.1% 32.0% 2.9% 0.1% 0.0% 59.6% 157 56 464 4,713 616 28 250 6,423 1.2% 0.4% 3.7% 37.1% 4.9% 0.2% 2.0% 50.6% 141.2% 118.0% 89.9% 115.7% 166.1% 197.7% NA 84.8% High performer High performer Moderate concern High performer High performer High performer 67,297 24,391 17,597 16,152 15,918 35,869 85,158 0 23,709 32,239 250 13,172 25.6% 9.3% 6.7% 6.2% 6.1% 13.7% 32.5% 0.0% 9.0% 12.3% 0.1% 5.0% 2,707 4,524 1,723 903 575 818 1,456 1 1,228 8,681 50 141 21.3% 35.6% 13.6% 7.1% 4.5% 6.4% 11.5% 0.01% 9.7% 68.3% 0.4% 1.1% 83.0% 383.0% 202.2% 115.5% 74.7% 47.1% 35.3% NA 106.9% 555.9% 413.0% 22.1% Moderate concern High performer High performer High performer Concern Great concern Great concern Moderate concern High performer High performer High performer Great concern Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, 2010; Calif. Community College Chancellors Office (CCCCO) Data Mart; 2012 American Community Survey; Cabrillo Financial Aid awards and headcount (18,312) for academic year 2013-14, and Family and Children's Services Foster Care and Adoptions Programs, a division of the Human Services Department, County of Santa Cruz. * DII= subgroup rate/reference group rate. Proportion of the reference group A. Access data for template 10/27/2014 A. ACCESS Student Equity PRO A. ACCESS TO EDUCATION Disproportionated Impact SC County vs. Cabrillo College 80% 68.3% 70% 60% 53.5% 50% 50.6% 46.1% 37.1% 40% 35.6% 30% 21.3% 20% 13.6% 10% 0.4% 1.2% 0.4% 3.7% 4.9% 7.1% 0.2% 2.0% 11.5% 4.5% 6.4% 9.7% 0.01% 0.4% 1.1% 0% Cabrillo Series4 Sources: U.S. Census Bureau, 2010; Calif. Community College Chancellors Office (CCCCO) Data Mart; 2012 American Community Survey; Cabrillo Financial Aid awards and headcount (18,312) for academic year 2013-14, and Family and Children's Services Foster Care and Adoptions Programs, a division of the Human Services Department, County of Santa Cruz. Bars colored "green" when Cabrillo is higher than the SC County A. Access data for template 10/27/2014 B. Course Success-Retention Student Equity PRO Cabrillo College Credit Course Completion/Success Rate Summary Report, Academic Year 2013-14, Primary Terms Only Basic Skills 2013-2014 POPULATION GROUP Cabrillo Total GENDER Female Male Unknown AfricanETHNICITY American American Indian/Alaskan Native Asian Latino Multi-Ethnicity Pacific Islander Unknown White NonLatino AGE 1 to 17 18 & 19 20 to 24 25 to 29 30 to 34 35 to 39 40 to 49 50 + Unknown Completion Enrollme Completi Success Completi Success Reference Disproportionate Completion DII nt Count on Count Count on Rate Rate Group Impact Index (DII) Descriptor * 3,947 3,350 2,344 85% 59% 2,230 1,706 11 1,915 1,424 11 1,356 978 10 86% 83% 100% 61% 57% 91% 64 48 24 75% 38% 23 132 2,511 140 10 60 19 121 2,148 114 8 51 16 101 1,454 84 8 38 83% 92% 86% 81% 80% 85% 70% 77% 58% 60% 80% 63% 1,007 841 619 93 1,437 1,121 430 288 149 256 173 0 78 1,208 941 367 261 118 225 152 0 54 739 657 286 215 93 180 120 0 84% 84% 84% 84% 85% 91% 79% 88% 88% N/A 61% 58% 51% 59% 67% 75% 62% 70% 69% N/A B. CourseSuccessRetention_data for template_2013-14-v2-NC-TM 10/27/2014 X 100% 97% 116% No concern No concern High performer 90% Moderate concern X X 99% No concern 110% 102% 98% 96% 102% High performer No concern No concern No concern No concern 100% No concern 93% 93% 93% 94% 100% 87% 97% 97% Moderate concern Moderate concern Moderate concern Moderate concern No concern Moderate concern No concern No concern Success Success DII Disproportionate Descriptor Impact Index (DII) * 100% No concern 94% Moderate concern 150% High performer 61% Great concern 113% High performer 124% 94% 98% 130% 103% High performer Moderate concern No concern High performer No concern 100% No concern 78% 69% 79% 89% 100% 84% 94% 93% Concern Great concern Concern Moderate concern No concern Moderate concern Moderate concern Moderate concern 1 B. Course Success-Retention Student Equity PRO Cabrillo College Credit Course Completion/Success Rate Summary Report, Academic Year 2013-14, Primary Terms Only Basic Skills 2013-2014 POPULATION GROUP Completion Enrollme Completi Success Completi Success Reference Disproportionate Completion DII nt Count on Count Count on Rate Rate Group Impact Index (DII) Descriptor * SPECIAL POPULATIONS 2,073 1,814 1,354 88% 65% CALWORKS NOT CALWORKS 55 2,018 52 1,762 36 1,318 95% 87% 65% 65% X ASC NOT ASC 184 1,889 163 1,651 125 1,229 89% 87% 68% 65% X EOPS NOT EOPS 130 1,943 116 1,698 80 1,274 89% 87% 62% 66% FOSTER YOUTH NOT FOSTER YOUTH 27 19 15 70% 56% 2,046 1,795 1,339 88% 65% VETERAN NOT VETERAN 35 2,038 29 1,785 25 1,329 83% 88% 71% 65% 100% 108% 100% 101% 100% No concern High performer No concern No concern No concern 102% No concern Success Success DII Disproportionate Descriptor Impact Index (DII) * 100% 100% 100% 104% 100% No concern No concern No concern No concern No concern 94% Moderate concern X 100% No concern 80% Moderate concern 100% No concern 85% Moderate concern X 100% No concern 100% No concern X 95% 100% No concern No concern 110% High performer 100% No concern Note: Basic Skills Special Population data includes all 200 Level Math, English and ESL sections. Source: CCCCO Data Mart for gender, ethnicity and age data; Cabrillo SOFIA database for Special Populations. * DII= subgroup rate/reference group rate. Proportion of the reference group B. CourseSuccessRetention_data for template_2013-14-v2-NC-TM 10/27/2014 2 B. Course Success-Retention Student Equity PRO Cabrillo College Credit Course Completion/Success Rate Summary Report, Academic Year 2013-14, Primary Terms Only, cont. Non-Basic Skills 2013-2014 POPULATION GROUP Cabrillo Total Enrollmen Completio t Count n Count Success Count Completio n Rate Success Rate 76,791 66,785 55,809 87% 73% 39,995 34,943 29,760 87% 74% 36,586 210 31,652 190 25,879 170 87% 90% 71% 81% 1,156 995 757 86% 65% Indian/Alaskan Asian Latino 380 2,713 28,975 323 2,395 24,961 261 2,085 19,736 85% 88% 86% 69% 77% 68% Multi-Ethnicity Pacific Islander Unknown White NonLatino 4,309 165 1,335 3,727 143 1,192 3,087 106 1,029 86% 87% 89% 72% 64% 77% 37,758 33,049 28,748 88% 76% 1,648 20,604 29,176 9,408 4,451 2,831 3,677 4,993 3 1,483 18,019 24,961 8,122 3,921 2,482 3,263 4,531 3 1,223 14,599 20,327 6,944 3,420 2,199 2,930 4,164 3 90% 87% 86% 86% 88% 88% 89% 91% 100% 74% 71% 70% 74% 77% 78% 80% 83% 100% GENDER Female Male Unknown AfricanETHNICITY American American AGE 1 to 17 18 & 19 20 to 24 25 to 29 30 to 34 35 to 39 40 to 49 50 + Unknown B. CourseSuccessRetention_data for template_2013-14-v2-NC-TM 10/27/2014 Completion Disproportionate Completion DII Reference Impact Index (DII) Descriptor * Group X X X Success Success DII Disproportionate Descriptor Impact Index (DII) * 100% No concern 100% No concern 95% No concern 95% No concern 109% High performer 75% Concern 86% Moderate concern 78% Concern 88% Moderate concern 78% Concern 90% Moderate concern 101% No concern 89% Moderate concern 82% Moderate concern 94% Moderate concern 73% Concern 88% Moderate concern 84% Moderate concern 101% No concern 87% Moderate concern 100% No concern 82% 78% 77% 81% 85% 86% 88% 92% 110% Moderate concern Concern Concern Moderate concern Moderate concern Moderate concern Moderate concern Moderate concern High performer 109% High performer 89% 85% 84% 89% 92% 93% 96% 100% 120% Moderate concern Moderate concern Moderate concern Moderate concern Moderate concern Moderate concern No concern No concern High performer 3 B. Course Success-Retention Student Equity PRO Cabrillo College Credit Course Completion/Success Rate Summary Report, Academic Year 2013-14, Primary Terms Only, cont. Non-Basic Skills 2013-2014 POPULATION GROUP SPECIAL POPULATIONS CALWORKS Enrollmen Completio t Count n Count 78,205 Cabrillo Total 67,278 Success Count Completio n Rate Success Rate 56,224 86% 72% Completion Reference Disproportionate Completion DII Group Impact Index (DII) Descriptor * 1,545 1,332 1,123 86% 73% NOT CALWORKS 76,660 65,946 55,101 86% 72% ASC NOT ASC 7,330 70,875 6,309 60,969 5,447 50,777 86% 86% 74% 72% X EOPS NOT EOPS 3,208 74,997 2,740 64,538 2,291 53,933 85% 86% 71% 72% X X FOSTER YOUTH NOT FOSTER YOUTH 687 525 365 76% 53% 77,518 66,753 55,859 86% 72% X VETERAN NOT VETERAN 1,521 76,684 1,327 65,951 1,052 55,172 87% 86% 69% 72% X Success Success DII Disproportionate Descriptor Impact Index (DII) * 100% 101% No concern No concern 100% No concern 101% No concern 100% No concern 100% No concern 104% 100% 99% 100% 73.7% No concern No concern No concern No concern Concern 104% 100% 99% 100% 74% 100% No concern 100% No concern 96% 100% No concern No concern 96% No concern 100% No concern No concern No concern No concern No concern Concern *Non-Basic Skills Special Population data excludes all 200 Level Math, English and ESL sections. Source: CCCCO Data Mart for gender, ethnicity and age data; Cabrillo SOFIA database for Special Populations. * DII= subgroup rate/reference group rate. Proportion of the reference group B. CourseSuccessRetention_data for template_2013-14-v2-NC-TM 10/27/2014 4 C. ESL and Basic Skills Metric Student Equity Disproportionate Cohort Size Cohort Rate 164 12.8% Female Male 101 61 11.9% 14.8% X 100% No concern AGE < 20 years old 21 23.8% X 100% No concern AGE 20 to 24 years old 35 17.1% 72% Concern AGE AGE 25 to 39 years old 70 38 11.4% 5.3% 48% Great concern 1 to 9 100.0% 800% High performer Category Group All GENDER GENDER Remedial ESL PRO 40+ years old ETHNICITY African American ETHNICITY American Indian/Alaska Native 0 N/A ETHNICITY Asian 16 12.5% ETHNICITY Filipino 1 to 9 0.0% ETHNICITY Latino 137 10.2% White Received ASC Services Did Not Receive ASC Services 0 1 to 9 Not Avail. Not Avail. N/A 60.0% 40.0% 12.0% Economically Disadvantaged Not Economically Disadvantaged Not Avail. Not Avail. 18.5% ETHNICITY ETHNICITY ACCESSIBILITY ACCESSIBILITY INCOME INCOME Pacific Islander 9.1% Reference Impact Index (DII) DII Descriptor Group * 80% Moderate concern 22% Great concern X 100% No concern 0% Great concern 82% Moderate concern 480% High performer 335% High performer X 100% No concern 204% High performer X 100% No concern For Remedial ESL, disproportionate impact is evident for ages 20 and older, and Filipinos (note the latter's small sample size). * DII= subgroup rate/reference group rate. Proportion of the reference group Metric Cohort Rate All 1716 42.8% GENDER Female Male 47.1% 38.0% X GENDER 754 721 100% No concern 81% Moderate concern AGE < 20 years old 992 48.8% X 100% No concern AGE 20 to 24 years old AGE 25 to 39 years old 255 165 31.4% 33.9% 64% Great concern 69% Great concern AGE 40+ years old 71 19.7% 40% Great concern ETHNICITY African American 32 37.5% 77% Concern ETHNICITY American Indian/Alaska Native 11 27.3% 56% Great concern ETHNICITY Asian 41 51.2% 105% High performer ETHNICITY Filipino 34 61.8% 127% High performer ETHNICITY Latino 677 36.5% ETHNICITY Pacific Islander ETHNICITY White 17 603 29.4% 48.6% Not Avail. Not Avail. 45.6% Not Avail. Not Avail. 38.8% All Remedial English Disproportionate Cohort Size Category Group ACCESSIBILITY Received ASC Services ACCESSIBILITY Did Not Receive ASC Services INCOME Economically Disadvantaged INCOME Not Economically Disadvantaged 42.4% 46.3% Reference Impact Index (DII) DII Descriptor Group * 75% Concern X 60% Great concern 100% No concern X 107% High performer 100% No concern X 84% Moderate concern 100% No concern For Remedial English, disproportionate impact is evident for males, students aged 20 and older, African Americans, Native Americans/Alaska Natives, Latinos, and Pacific Islanders. * DII= subgroup rate/reference group rate. Proportion of the reference group C. ESL and Basic Skills Completion_data for template 10/27/2014 1 C. ESL and Basic Skills Metric Student Equity Disproportionate Cohort Size Cohort Rate All 1716 32.9% GENDER Female 727 37.0% GENDER Male 593 27.7% AGE < 20 years old AGE 20 to 24 years old 675 315 36.1% 29.5% AGE 25 to 39 years old AGE 40+ years old 221 119 36.2% 17.6% 100% No concern 49% Great concern ETHNICITY African American 21 4.8% 13% Great concern ETHNICITY American Indian/Alaska Native 19 15.8% 41% Great concern ETHNICITY Asian 26 26.9% 70% Concern ETHNICITY Filipino 10 60.0% 157% High performer ETHNICITY Latino 479 25.7% 67% Great concern ETHNICITY Pacific Islander ETHNICITY White 14 672 42.9% 38.2% X 112% High performer 100% No concern 31.8% X 96% No concern 100% No concern Category All Remedial Math PRO Group ACCESSIBILITY Received ASC Services ACCESSIBILITY Did Not Receive ASC Services Not Avail. Not Avail. INCOME Economically Disadvantaged Not Avail. 32.6% INCOME Not Economically Disadvantaged Not Avail. 33.2% 33.1% Reference Impact Index (DII) DII Descriptor Group * X 100% No concern 75% Concern X 100% No concern 82% Moderate concern 98% No concern X 100% No concern For Remedial Math, disproportionate impact is evident for males, students over 40, African Americans, Native Americans/Alaska Natives, Asians and Latinos. * DII= subgroup rate/reference group rate. Proportion of the reference group C. ESL and Basic Skills Completion_data for template 10/27/2014 2 C2. Foster Youth Student Equity PRO 2012-2013 Class Group English 100 Foster Youth Not Foster Youth Math 152 Foster Youth Not Foster Youth Enrollment Completion Count Count Success Count Completion Rate Success Rate 16 13 7 81.3% 43.8% 1491 1290 974 86.5% 65.3% 14 10 5 71.4% 35.7% 1922 1466 895 76.3% 46.6% C2. Foster Youth_Engl100Math152FY_data for template 10/27/2014 Reference Group Completion Completion Disproportion Disproportionate ate Impact Impact Index Index (DII) (DII) 93.9% No concern X X Success Success Disproportionate Disproportionate Impact Index Impact Index (DII) (DII) 67% Great concern 100.0% No concern 100.0% No concern 93.6% No concern 77% Concern 100.0% No concern 100.0% No concern 1 D. Degree and Cert. Completion Metric Student Equity Category Cohort Rate 48.8% Reference Disproportionate Disproportionate Impact Index* Impact Description Group All 1716 Female 895 Male 52.1% 45.4% X 807 AGE < 20 years old 1716 51.8% X AGE 20 to 24 years old 117 26.5% 51% Great concern AGE 25 to 39 years old 81 40+ years old 30.9% 40.8% 60% Great concern 49 ETHNICITY African American 30 36.7% 67% Great concern ETHNICITY American Indian/Alaska Native 19 36.8% 67% Great concern ETHNICITY Asian 55 61.8% 113% High performer ETHNICITY Filipino 27 48.1% 88% Moderate concern ETHNICITY Latino 557 37.7% 69% Great concern ETHNICITY Pacific Islander 10 109% High performer ETHNICITY White 909 60.0% 54.9% ACCESSIBILITY Received ASC Services Not Avail. ACCESSIBILITY Did Not Receive ASC Services Not Avail. All GENDER GENDER AGE Completion Overall Cohort Size Group PRO INCOME INCOME Economically Disadvantaged Not Avail. Not Economically Disadvantaged Not Avail. 44.6% 49.1% 45.4% 52.8% 100% No concern 87% Moderate concern 100% No concern 79% Concern X 100% No concern 91% Moderate concern X 100% No concern 86% Moderate concern X 100% No concern For Completion Overall, disproportionate impact is evident for ages 20 and older, African Americans, Native Americans/ Alaska Natives, and Latinos. * DII= subgroup rate/reference group rate. Proportion of the reference group Metric Category Cohort Rate 69.9% Reference Disproportionate Disproportionate Impact Index* Impact Description Group All 542 Female 283 Male 73.1% 66.3% X 258 AGE < 20 years old 507 71.8% X AGE 20 to 24 years old 13 54% Great concern AGE 25 to 39 years old 13 38.5% 38.5% AGE 40+ years old 1 to 9 55.6% 77% Concern ETHNICITY African American 1 to 9 80.0% 112% High performer ETHNICITY American Indian/Alaska Native 1 to 9 33.3% 47% Great concern ETHNICITY Asian 20 75.0% 105% High performer ETHNICITY Filipino 1 to 9 66.7% 93% Moderate concern ETHNICITY Latino 82 62.2% 87% Moderate concern ETHNICITY Pacific Islander 1 to 9 ETHNICITY White 100.0% 71.5% All GENDER GENDER Completion Prepared Cohort Size Group 383 100% No concern 91% Moderate concern 100% No concern 54% Great concern 140% High performer X 100% No concern For Completion Prepared, disproportionate impact is evident for ages 20 and older, and Native Americans/ Alaska Natives (note small sample sizes). * DII= subgroup rate/reference group rate. Proportion of the reference group D.NEW D- Degree and Cert Completion 11/3/2014 1 D. Degree and Cert. Completion Metric Student Equity Category All 1716 GENDER Female 612 GENDER Male AGE AGE All Completion Remedial Cohort Size Group PRO Cohort Rate 39.0% Reference Disproportionate Disproportionate Impact Index* Impact Description Group X 549 42.3% 35.5% < 20 years old 961 41.2% X 20 to 24 years old 104 AGE 25 to 39 years old 25.0% 29.4% 61% Great concern 68 AGE 40+ years old 40 37.5% 91% Moderate concern ETHNICITY African American 25 65% Great concern ETHNICITY American Indian/Alaska Native 16 28.0% 37.5% ETHNICITY Asian 35 ETHNICITY Filipino 54.3% 42.9% 127% High performer 21 ETHNICITY Latino 475 33.5% ETHNICITY Pacific Islander 1 to 9 ETHNICITY White 55.6% 42.8% 526 100% No concern 84% Moderate concern 100% No concern 71% Concern 88% Moderate concern 100% No concern 78% Concern 130% High performer X 100% No concern For Completion Remedial, disproportionate impact is evident for ages 20-39 and African Americans. and Latinos. * DII= subgroup rate/reference group rate. Proportion of the reference group D.NEW D- Degree and Cert Completion 11/3/2014 2 D. Degree and Cert. Completion Metric Student Equity Category All 1716 GENDER Female 895 GENDER Male AGE All Cohort Rate 66.1% Reference Disproportionate Disproportionate Impact Index* Impact Description Group 807 65.9% 66.3% X 100% No concern < 20 years old 1716 66.1% X 100% No concern AGE 20 to 24 years old 117 65.8% 100% No concern AGE 25 to 39 years old 81 40+ years old 67.9% 65.3% 103% No concern 49 ETHNICITY African American 30 70.0% 106% High performer ETHNICITY American Indian/Alaska Native 19 47.4% 71% Concern ETHNICITY 96% No concern AGE Persistence Overall Cohort Size Group PRO 99% No concern 99% No concern Asian 55 ETHNICITY Filipino 27 63.6% 66.7% 101% No concern ETHNICITY Latino 557 65.2% 98% No concern ETHNICITY Pacific Islander 10 ETHNICITY White 909 70.0% 66.3% ACCESSIBILITY Received ASC Services Not Avail. ACCESSIBILITY Did Not Receive ASC Services Not Avail. INCOME Economically Disadvantaged Not Avail. INCOME Not Economically Disadvantaged Not Avail. 79.3% 65.1% 67.4% 64.6% 106% High performer X 100% No concern 122% High performer X 100% No concern 104% No concern X 100% No concern For Persistence Overall, above, disproportionate impact is evident for Native Americans/Alaska Native. * DII= subgroup rate/reference group rate. Proportion of the reference group Metric Category Cohort Size Cohort Rate 65.1% Reference Disproportionate Disproportionate Impact Index* Impact Description Group All 542 Female 283 Male 65.0% 65.1% X 258 AGE < 20 years old 507 66.1% X AGE 20 to 24 years old 13 46.2% AGE 25 to 39 years old 13 69.2% 105% High performer AGE 40+ years old 1 to 9 33.3% 50% Great concern ETHNICITY African American 1 to 9 60.0% 95% No concern ETHNICITY American Indian/Alaska Native 1 to 9 66.7% ETHNICITY Asian 20 55.0% ETHNICITY Filipino 1 to 9 66.7% 105% High performer ETHNICITY Latino 82 70.7% 112% High performer ETHNICITY Pacific Islander 1 to 9 158% High performer ETHNICITY White 100.0% 63.4% All GENDER GENDER Persistence Prepared Group 383 100% No concern 100% No concern 100% No concern 70% Concern 105% High performer 87% Moderate concern X 100% No concern For Persistence Prepared, disproportionate impact is evident for ages 20-24 and over 40 (note small samples). * DII= subgroup rate/reference group rate. Proportion of the reference group D.NEW D- Degree and Cert Completion 11/3/2014 3 D. Degree and Cert. Completion Metric Student Equity All 1716 Cohort Rate 66.6% GENDER Female 612 66.3% GENDER Male 549 66.8% AGE < 20 years old 961 66.1% AGE 20 to 24 years old 104 103% No concern AGE 25 to 39 years old 68 68.3% 67.6% AGE 40+ years old 40 72.5% 110% High performer ETHNICITY African American 25 72.0% 105% High performer ETHNICITY American Indian/Alaska Native 16 43.8% 64% Great concern ETHNICITY Asian 35 68.6% 100% No concern ETHNICITY Filipino 21 66.7% 98% No concern ETHNICITY Latino 475 64.2% 94% Moderate concern ETHNICITY Pacific Islander 1 to 9 66.7% 68.4% 98% No concern Category All Persistence Remedial PRO ETHNICITY Group White Cohort Size 526 Reference Disproportionate Disproportionate Impact Index* Impact Description Group X 100% No concern 101% No concern X 100% No concern 102% No concern X 100% No concern For Persistence Remedial, disproportionate impact is evident for Native Americans/Alaska Natives. * DII= subgroup rate/reference group rate. Proportion of the reference group D.NEW D- Degree and Cert Completion 11/3/2014 4 D. Degree and Cert. Completion Metric Student Equity Category All 1716 GENDER Female 895 GENDER Male AGE AGE All Cohort Rate 68.8% Reference Disproportionate Disproportionate Impact Index* Impact Description Group 807 68.8% 69.3% X 100% No concern < 20 years old 1716 70.6% X 100% No concern 20 to 24 years old 117 25 to 39 years old 81 51.3% 61.7% 40+ years old 49 67.3% 95% No concern ETHNICITY African American 30 66.7% 94% Moderate concern ETHNICITY American Indian/Alaska Native 19 82% Moderate concern ETHNICITY Asian 55 57.9% 67.3% ETHNICITY Filipino 27 70.4% ETHNICITY Latino 557 65.5% 93% Moderate concern ETHNICITY Pacific Islander 10 99% No concern ETHNICITY White 909 70.0% 70.6% ACCESSIBILITY Received ASC Services Not Avail. ACCESSIBILITY Did Not Receive ASC Services Not Avail. AGE AGE 30 Units Overall Cohort Size Group PRO INCOME Economically Disadvantaged Not Avail. INCOME Not Economically Disadvantaged Not Avail. 76.9% 68.2% 71.9% 65.0% 99% No concern 73% Concern 120% High performer 95% No concern 100% No concern X 100% No concern 113% High performer X 100% No concern 111% High performer X 100% No concern For 30 Units Overall, disproportionate impact is evident for students ages 20-24. * DII= subgroup rate/reference group rate. Proportion of the reference group Metric Category Cohort Size Cohort Rate 66.8% Reference Disproportionate Disproportionate Impact Index* Impact Description Group All 1716 Female 612 Male 67.8% 66.3% X 549 AGE < 20 years old 961 68.5% X AGE 20 to 24 years old 104 77% Concern AGE 25 to 39 years old 68 52.9% 64.7% AGE 40+ years old 40 65.0% 95% No concern ETHNICITY African American 25 64.0% 93% Moderate concern ETHNICITY American Indian/Alaska Native 16 91% Moderate concern ETHNICITY Asian 35 62.5% 68.6% 100% No concern ETHNICITY Filipino 21 76.2% 111% High performer ETHNICITY Latino 475 63.6% 92% Moderate concern ETHNICITY Pacific Islander 1 to 9 97% No concern ETHNICITY White 66.7% 68.8% All GENDER GENDER 30 Units Remedial Group 526 100% No concern 98% No concern 100% No concern 94% Moderate concern X 100% No concern For 30 Units Remedial, disproportionate impact is evident for ages 20-24. * DII= subgroup rate/reference group rate. Proportion of the reference group D.NEW D- Degree and Cert Completion 11/3/2014 5 D. Degree and Cert. Completion Metric Student Equity Category All 542 GENDER Female 283 GENDER Male AGE All 30 Units Prepared Cohort Size Group PRO Cohort Rate 73.1% Reference Disproportionate Disproportionate Impact Index* Impact Description Group X 258 71.0% 75.6% < 20 years old 507 74.6% X AGE 20 to 24 years old 13 38.5% 52% Great concern AGE 25 to 39 years old 13 62% Great concern AGE 40+ years old 1 to 9 46.2% 77.8% 104% No concern ETHNICITY African American 1 to 9 80.0% 109% High performer ETHNICITY American Indian/Alaska Native 1 to 9 33.3% 46% Great concern ETHNICITY Asian 20 65.0% 89% Moderate concern ETHNICITY Filipino 1 to 9 50.0% 68% Great concern ETHNICITY Latino 82 76.8% 105% High performer ETHNICITY Pacific Islander 1 to 9 100.0% 73.1% 137% High performer ETHNICITY 383 White 100% No concern 106% High performer X 100% No concern 100% No concern For 30 Units Prepared, disproportionate impact is evident for ages 20-39, Native Americans/Alaska Natives, and Filipinos. * DII= subgroup rate/reference group rate. Proportion of the reference group D.NEW D- Degree and Cert Completion 11/3/2014 6 D. Degree and Cert. Completion Metric Student Equity All 955 Cohort Rate 50.2% GENDER Female 485 50.1% GENDER Male 463 50.5% X 100% No concern AGE < 20 years old 326 57.4% X 100% No concern AGE 20 to 24 years old 227 57.3% AGE 25 to 39 years old 240 40+ years old 40.0% 40.7% 70% Concern 162 ETHNICITY African American 12 50.0% 98% No concern ETHNICITY American Indian/Alaska Native 14 42.9% 84% Moderate concern ETHNICITY Asian 18 50.0% 98% No concern ETHNICITY Filipino 15 80.0% ETHNICITY Latino 270 47.0% ETHNICITY Pacific Islander 1 to 9 ETHNICITY White 541 100.0% 51.0% ACCESSIBILITY Received ASC Services Not Avail. 57.4% ACCESSIBILITY Did Not Receive ASC Services Not Avail. 49.6% Category All AGE Career/Tech nical Education (CTE) PRO Cohort Size Group INCOME Economically Disadvantaged Not Avail. 57.8% INCOME Not Economically Disadvantaged Not Avail. 41.1% Reference Disproportionate Disproportionate Impact Index* Impact Description Group 99% No concern 100% No concern 71% Concern 157% High performer 92% Moderate concern 196% High performer X 100% No concern 116% High performer X 100% No concern 141% High performer X 100% No concern For CTE, disproportionate impact is evident for students aged 25 and older. * DII= subgroup rate/reference group rate. Proportion of the reference group D.NEW D- Degree and Cert Completion 11/3/2014 7 E. Transfer Student Equity Cohort Year = 2007-08; Years to transfer = 6 years Cabrillo Total GENDER ETHNICITY Female Male Unknown African-American American Indian/Alaskan Asian Fillipino Latino Pacific Islander Unknown White Non-Latino 1 to 17 18 & 19 20 to 24 25 to 29 AGE 30 to 34 35 to 39 40 to 49 50 + Unknown Acquired Brain Injury Developmentally Delayed Learner Learning Disabled Mobility Impaired DISABILITY Other Disability Psychological Disability Speech/Language Impaired None NO AID RECEIVED Received BOG (Brd. of ECONOMICALLY Governor) Aid DISADVANTAGED Received Loans Received Other Financial Aid (FINANCIAL AID) (Except BOG or Pell) Received Pell Grant Received Scholarship Received Workstudy Aid PRO Cohort Transfer Transfer Count Count Rate 1,330 713 605 12 21 11 37 24 381 6 97 753 580 600 69 25 16 11 15 13 1 2 458 266 188 4 8 3 13 6 102 5 32 289 215 211 13 6 6 1 4 1 1 0 34% 37% 31% 33% 38% 27% 35% 25% 27% 83% 33% 38% 37% 35% 19% 24% 38% 9% 27% 8% 100% 0% 1 56 6 20 6 2 1,237 604 0 24 1 5 2 0 426 240 0% 43% 17% 25% 33% 0% 34% 40% 676 52 192 21 270 463 181 15 84 136 77 6 Reference Group X Disproportionate Transfer Index* 100% 83% 89% Disproportionate Transfer Descriptor 99% 71% 92% 65% 70% 217% 86% 100% 99% 94% 50% 64% 100% 24% 71% 21% 267% No concern Moderate concern Moderate concern No concern Concern Moderate concern Great concern Great concern High performer Moderate concern No concern No concern Moderate concern Great concern Great concern No concern Great concern Concern Great concern High performer 124% 48% 73% 97% High performer Great concern Concern No concern 100% 100% No concern No concern 28% 40% 71% 102% Concern No concern 31% 29% 43% 40% 78% 74% 107% 101% Concern Concern High performer No concern X X X X Source: CCCCO Data Mart, Transfer Velocity Cohort Tracker (excludes Foster Youth & FY comparison) *Foster Youth Source: SOFIA Faculty Inquiry System; due to lack of availability of Foster Data prior to Fall 2013 and short time-totransfer window, counts are based on "Transfer Directed" figures, not actual transfer counts. Transfer directed = students who successfully completed transfer-level math or English at Cabrillo. * DII= subgroup rate/reference group rate. Proportion of the reference group E. Transfer-AllGroups_data for template 10/27/2014 1 E. Transfer Student Equity Cohort Year = Fall 2013; Years to transfer directed = 1 year* Foster Youth 43 14 33% 68% FOSTER YOUTH* First Time Students - Foster 1,262 606 48% X 100% Youth Status Unknown PRO Great concern No concern Grey text box indicates groups with fewer than 10 students in starting cohort. Red bold text indicates disproportionate impact based on 80% rule. Source: CCCCO Data Mart, Transfer Velocity Cohort Tracker (excludes Foster Youth & FY comparison) *Foster Youth Source: SOFIA Faculty Inquiry System; due to lack of availability of Foster Data prior to Fall 2013 and short time-totransfer window, counts are based on "Transfer Directed" figures, not actual transfer counts. Transfer directed = students who successfully completed transfer-level math or English at Cabrillo. * DII= subgroup rate/reference group rate. Proportion of the reference group E. Transfer-AllGroups_data for template 10/27/2014 2