Learning Community Programs in which students are enrolled in TWO OR MORE courses together: Program ACE1 Requirements, Benefits, Goal • • AMAP2 • • Puente • • • • REAL3 • • • SMP4 • • STARS5 • • • Transfer Pathways • • • • • Start Assess at Reading 205 or higher Curriculum focused on Social Justice, Leadership and Management or Integrated Science; opportunity for acceleration from English 255 to 1A Prepare in one semester to be successful in college‐level classes Commit to enroll full time in the Medical Assisting program for two years: successfully complete prescribed selection of courses each semester Timely completion of program with the skills employers require Finish Medical Assisting certificate and externship in two years Eligible to take English 100 in fall; plan to transfer to 4‐year university; enroll in English 1AMC in spring Designated counselor, professional mentor, university tours and other program activities; focus on U.S. Latino/a experience Increase transfer rate of underrepresented students Assess at English 255 AND Reading 255 Coordinated assignments between English 255 and the Reading 255 co‐ requisite class; in‐class meetings with academic counselor Improve and strengthen reading and writing skills Qualify for services from Migrant Education as high school junior or senior. (Seats for the general population may be available.) Improve English composition and reading skills in a computer lab setting Increase college attendance for migrant farmworker youth Have completed fewer than 12 units at Cabrillo; assess at 200 or 100 level in English AND math First Year Experience with career exploration; extra support in math Increase success of first year students taking pre‐transfer level classes Eligible to take English 1A and Math 12; be recommended by high school counselor; interest in transfer to 4‐year university; make satisfactory progress each semester Guaranteed seats for two years in classes necessary for AA degree and transfer (History or Anthropology) Transfer to 4‐year university in two years (History or Anthropology) Length Contact Fall or spring One Learning Communities Center semester Aptos office (501): (831) 477‐3340 Watsonville office (A100): (831) 786‐4764 Fall or spring Two years Fall Fall or spring (when offered) Summer Pamela Sanborn, MA Program Chair HW2146 (831) 479‐6438 pasanbor@cabrillo.edu One year Rudy Puente, Counselor Student Activities Center, Rm. 135 (831) 479‐6541 ropuente@cabrillo.edu One Business, English and Language Arts semester Division Office, rm. 301 (831) 479‐6400 Summer session SummerB ridge One year Fall 2012 Two years Vera Romandía, EOPS Outreach Specialist EOP&S office, rm 907 & 910 (831) 479‐6305 veromand@cabrillo.edu Eric Grabiel, FYE Coordinator Learning Communities Center, rm. 501 (831) 477‐3293 ergrabie@cabrillo.edu Cabrillo College counselors Enrollment Services, Building 100 Appointments: (831) 479‐6274 1 Academy for College Excellence. Inquiries may also be sent to ACE Program Director Vicki Fabbri at vifabbri@cabrillo.edu. Accelerated Medical Assisting Program 3 Reading and English Academic Learning 4 EOPS Summer Migrant Program 5 Students Transitioning in Academics and Reaching Success 2 Learning Community Programs in which students are enrolled in ONE OR MORE courses together: Program Name ACCESS6 Requirements, Benefits, Goal • • • Honors • • • MESA7 • • • STEM8 • • • Supernova • • • Enrollment in biology and/or chemistry classes; complete Chemistry 1A with C or better for summer program at UCSC Supplemental instruction, monthly talks by researchers & practitioners in sciences, summer and winter programs at UCSC Assist historically underrepresented students transfer to university in biology and chemistry; special focus on biomedical research Assess at transfer level in English; 3.5 high school GPA or 1900 SAT or 29 ACT test score, or 3.3 cumulative college‐level GPA; apply to Honors Transfer program Research, writing, seminar‐style courses which are more academically demanding and mirror the university experience; Honors Scholar designation on transcript with completion of 15 units of Honors courses Provide students with a competitive edge at transfer andpriority admission into the most‐ competitive UC’s Eligible to take intermediate algebra (math 152) or above, following a course of study toward transfer in a science major that involves at least one calculus class Academic excellence workshops, drop‐in tutoring, designated counselor, computer lab, speakers, scholarships, internships, field trips, student retreats and other activities Increase success and transfer rates in mathematics, engineering and science majors Complete an educational plan with a counselor for a STEM major (Science, Technology, Math or Engineering) Combined academic and counseling support services; assistance in applying for scholarships, financial aid and internships; SummerBridge program; visits to transfer universities, tours of STEM companies, and presentations by STEM professionals Increase transfer rate in STEM fields for underrepresented students GPA over 3.0, financial need based on FAFSA, application to program, full time enrollment as Physics major, completion of all requirements to transfer to UCSC in physics or astrophysics $5,000 in last year of Cabrillo and $10,000 per year for 2 years at UCSC to degree completion Increase number of underrepresented students completing BA in physics or astrophysics Advancing Community College Education for Science Mathematics, Engineering and Science Achievement 8 Science, Technology, Engineering & Math 6 7 Contact Pam D’Arcey, ACCESS Coordinator Room 619 (831) 477‐5620 padarcey@cabrillo.edu Carolyn Jackson, Director, Articulation & Honors Transfer Program Room 105 (831) 477‐3505 cajackso@cabrillo.edu Sue Tappero, MESA Director Room 714‐A (831) 479‐5785 sue.tappero@cabrillo.edu Kelli Horner, STEM Coordinator Room 715‐B (831) 477‐3235 kehorner@cabrillo.edu Joe McCullough, Physics Program Chair Room 826‐B (831) 479‐6521 jomccull@cabrillo.edu