Contributions Web [ C 14 ] IFA [C 14 ] Local [C 14 ] Received 2004-10-08 Source OFS [ C 13 ] [ C 12 ] [ C 11 ] [ C 10 ] [C9] [C 13 ] [C 12 ] [C 11 ] [C 10 ] [C 9] [C 8] [C 7] [C 6] [C 5] [C 4] [C 13 ] [C 12 ] [C 11 ] [C 10 ] [C9 ] [C8 ] [C7 ] [C6 ] [C5 ] [C4 ] 2004-10-08 2004-09-28 Quantum Bridge Communications Telenor Networks United States 2004-09-28 United States 2004-09-28 United States 2004-09-28 United States 2004-09-28 United States 2004-09-28 [C3] [C 3] [C3 ] 2004-09-22 [C2] [C 2] [C2 ] 2004-09-22 [C1] (Rev.1) [C 1] [C1 ] 2004-09-22 Corning Incorporated Corning Incorporated ZTE Corporation (P.R. China) ZTE Corporation (P.R. China) ZTE Corporation (P.R. China) WTSA-04 [C8] [C7] [C6] [C5] [C4] 2004-10-08 2004-09-28 2004-09-22 Title Proposed modification to G.650.2 Appendix II.5: Stimulated Brillouin Scattering G.983.VideoReturnPath Questions Q15/15 Fibre cable field loss measurements in a broad wavelength range Proposals for the revision of G.655 Q16/15, Q15/15 Q15/15 PMD: Revise G.650.2 to incorporate a generalized interferometric analysis Miscellaneous improvements to G.650.2 relative to PMD Improvements to the fixed analyzer method of measuring PMD Revision of G.652 Q15/15 SBS measurement: Proposal for text Q15/15 Proposal for modification of Appendix II.5 on SBS Mesh Network Protection Q15/15 Necessity of Out-of-band APS Signaling Architecture and Effects on Standards Related to Protection Switching Proposal on implementation of protection switching protocol in WDM optical networks Questions allocated to Study Group 15 (Optical and other transport network infrastructures) for the study period 20052008 Q9/15 Q2/15 Q15/15 Q15/15 Q15/15 Q9/15 Q12/15, Q9/15 QALL/15 Delayed Contributions Web [D 175 ] [D 174 ] [D 173 ] [D 172 ] [D 171 ] [D 170 ] [D IFA [D 175 ] [D 174 ] [D 173 ] [D 172 ] [D 171 ] [D 170 ] [D Local [D 175 ] Received 2004-11-23 Source Huawei Technologies Title Bidirectional MPLS protection switching Questions Q9/15 [D 174 ] 2004-11-22 Mitsubishi Electric Proposal of traffic descriptors in G-PON GEM Q2/15 [D 173 ] 2004-11-22 Nortel Networks Europe Diagrams for G.otf Scope Q16/15 [D 172 ] 2004-11-22 Metalink G.vdsl Proposed Agreement on Goals for Advanced Coding for VDSL2 Q4/15 [D 171 ] 2004-11-22 Metalink G.vdsl Form of VDSL2 Bandplan Proposals above 12 MHz Q4/15 [D 170 ] 2004-11-22 N/A WITHDRAWN Q4/15 [D 2004-11-22 Metalink G.vdsl Shaped mask for VDSL2 loop Q4/15 169 ] [D 168 ] [D 167 ] [D 166 ] [D 165 ] [D 164 ] [D 163 ] [D 162 ] [D 161 ] [D 160 ] [D 159 ] [D 158 ] [D 157 ] [D 156 ] [D 155 ] [D 154 ] [D 153 ] [D 152 ] 169 ] [D 168 ] [D 167 ] [D 166 ] [D 165 ] [D 164 ] [D 163 ] [D 162 ] [D 161 ] [D 160 ] [D 159 ] [D 158 ] [D 157 ] [D 156 ] [D 155 ] [D 154 ] [D 153 ] [D 152 ] 169 ] [D 151 ] [D 150 ] [D 151 ] [D 150 ] reach extension [D 168 ] 2004-11-22 Infineon G.shdsl.bis: Maintaining the structural alignment of Annex A and Annex B Q4/15 [D 167 ] 2004-11-22 Infineon VDSL2: Wide-band transmit power for different profiles Q4/15 [D 166 ] 2004-11-22 Infineon VDSL2: Overhead rate parameters in VDSL2 Q4/15 [D 165 ] 2004-11-22 Infineon VDSL2: Text proposal for the Interleaver Q4/15 [D 164 ] 2004-11-22 Infineon VDSL2: Bit rate capabilities for different profiles Q4/15 [D 163 ] 2004-11-22 Infineon G.shdsl.bis: Incorporating ETSI's Input into G.991.2 Q4/15 [D 162 ] 2004-11-22 Infineon VDSL2: Performance of US0 in EC mode Q4/15 [D 161 ] 2004-11-22 Alcatel Consideration on CFD values in G.dapp Q16/15 [D 160 ] 2004-11-22 Alcatel Applications codes for G.dapp with blacklink approach Q16/15 [D 159 ] 2004-11-22 BT G.TEST G.ADSL A simplified REIN test for DSL systems, using differential mode Q4/15 [D 158 ] 2004-11-22 BT G.VDSL - BT bearer channel requirements for VDSL2 Q4/15 [D 157 ] 2004-11-22 BT G.VDSL - Profiles for VDSL2 Q4/15 [D 156 ] 2004-11-22 BT G.adsl: INP requirements for ADSL2/ADSL2plus Q4715 [D 155 ] 2004-11-20 MCI 10 GbE LAN PHY Transport Requirements Prioritization Q12/15, Q11/15 [D 154 ] 2004-11-20 Deutsche Telekom Consideration of queuing delay and link utilization of 10 GbE LAN PHYs Q12/15, Q11/15 [D 153 ] 2004-11-20 Deutsche Telekom 10 GbE LAN over Och(r) Q12/15, Q11/15 [D 152 ] 2004-11-20 Telenor Networks Q16/15, Q15/15 [D 151 ] 2004-11-19 ZTE Corporation Application of a mathematical model for fibre attenuation in the field to curve fit OTDR measurements in a broad wavelength range Proposal for DSL CO In-band Management Standard [D 150 ] 2004-11-20 Lucent Technologies Germany Lucent position on FEC gain used for draft new G.dapp Q16/15 Q4/15 [D 149 ] [D 148 ] [D 147 ] [D 146 ] [D 145 ] [D 144 ] [D 149 ] [D 148 ] [D 147 ] [D 146 ] [D 145 ] [D 144 ] [D 149 ] 2004-11-20 VDSL2: Text proposal on VDSL2 framing Q4/15 2004-11-20 Infineon, Thomson Telecom, ST Microelectronics Alcatel [D 148 ] Proposals for G.pactiming Q13/15 [D 147 ] 2004-11-20 Alcatel Editorial modification proposal on G.813 Q13/15 [D 146 ] 2004-11-20 Hitachi Comment on Failure Condition for Y.17ethoam Q22/15 [D 145 ] 2004-11-20 Hitachi Comment on MIP/MEP for Y.17.ethoam Q22/15 [D 144 ] 2004-11-22 Editor Rec. G.8080 Q12/15 [D 143 ] 2004-11-19 Alcatel Draft revised Recommendation G.8080/Y.1304 (Version 0.4.01), Architecture for the Automatically Switched Optical Network (ASON) (for consent) EFM OAM in the functional model [D 143 ] [D 142 ] [D 141 ] [D 140 ] [D 139 ] [D 138 ] [D 137 ] [D 136 ] [D 135 ] [D 134 ] [D 133 ] [D 132 ] [D 131 ] [D [D 143 ] [D 142 ] [D 141 ] [D 140 ] [D 139 ] [D 138 ] [D 137 ] [D 136 ] [D 135 ] [D 134 ] [D 133 ] [D 132 ] [D 131 ] [D [D 142 ] 2004-11-19 G.vdsl: Receiver determined message exchange scheme Q4/15 [D 141 ] 2004-11-18 Sasken Communication Technologies Infineon ADSL: Proposal to maximize the achievable net bit rate for a given INP Q4/15 [D 140 ] 2004-11-18 Sparnex Line definition ambiguity in recommendation G.996.1 (02/2001) Q4/15 [D 139 ] 2004-11-18 Sparnex Loop insertion loss, group delay and impedance tables Q4/15 [D 138 ] 2004-11-18 Swisscom Analysis of modified VDSL2 downstream PSDs for FTTCab Q4/15 [D 137 ] 2004-11-18 Alcatel Support of non Optical Network Service Rate (ONSR) client signals by the OTN Q12/15, Q11/15 [D 136 ] 2004-11-18 Swisscom, NTT, Deutsche Telekom Text proposal for Appendix I / G.696.1 Q16/15 [D 135 ] 2004-11-18 Lucent Proposed text framework for G.8021 with respect to Ethernet Link Aggregation Q9/15 [D 134 ] 2004-11-18 Editor Rec. G.991.2 Draft Amendment 2 to Recommendation G.991.2 (for consent) Q4/15 [D 133 ] 2004-11-18 LM Ericsson AB Proposed agreements for Loop diagnostics mode Q4/15 [D 132 ] 2004-11-18 LM Ericsson AB VDSL: Proposal for test parameters to be available during showtime Q4/15 [D 131 ] 2004-11-18 Alcatel Bell G.VDSL: VDSL2 Seamless DRR using a Dynamic Interleaver Q4/15 [D 2004-11-18 Alcatel Bell G.VDSL: VDSL2 Seamless DRR Q4/15 Q12/15 130 ] [D 129 ] [D 128 ] [D 127 ] 130 ] [D 129 ] [D 128 ] [D 127 ] 130 ] [D 126 ] [D 125 ] [D 124 ] [D 123 ] [D 122 ] [D 121 ] [D 120 ] [D 119 ] [D 118 ] [D 117 ] [D 116 ] [D 115 ] [D 114 ] [D 113 ] [D 112 ] [D 111 ] [D 126 ] [D 125 ] [D 124 ] [D 123 ] [D 122 ] [D 121 ] [D 120 ] [D 119 ] [D 118 ] [D 117 ] [D 116 ] [D 115 ] [D 114 ] [D 113 ] [D 112 ] [D 111 ] Requirements [D 129 ] 2004-11-18 Alcatel Proposal on modifications of passive chromatic dispersion compensators for WDM in draft revised G.671 Proposal on modifications of single channel chromatic dispersion compensators in draft revised G.671 Proposal on modification of channel extinction definition for OADM and dynamic channel equaliser in draft revised G.671 Proposal on modifications of dynamic channel equaliser in draft revised G.671 Q17/15, Q16/15 [D 128 ] 2004-11-18 Alcatel [D 127 ] 2004-11-18 Alcatel [D 126 ] 2004-11-18 Alcatel [D 125 ] 2004-11-18 USA GFP Octet mapping vs nibble mapping in DS3 Q11/15 [D 124 ] 2004-11-18 TranSwitch LCAS members in IDLE state are considered unequipped Q11/15, Q9/15 [D 123 ] 2004-11-18 TranSwitch SHDSL based VT1.5/TU11 transport, to be added to G.991.2 Q9/15, Q4/15 [D 122 ] 2004-11-18 TranSwitch SHDSL based VT1.5/TU11 transport, to be added to G.707 Q11/15, Q4/15 [D 121 ] 2004-11-18 Editor Rec. G.665 Draft new Recommendation G.665 (exG.raman) version 0.4 (for consent) Q17/15 [D 120 ] 2004-11-18 Editor Rec. G.692 Draft Corrigendum 3 to Recommendation G.692 (for consent) Q16/15 [D 119 ] 2004-11-18 Alcatel Bell Using PTM pre-emption with bonding Q4/15 [D 118 ] 2004-11-18 Marconi Q14/15 [D 117 ] 2004-11-18 Marconi [D 116 ] 2004-11-18 STMicroelectronics Modification to G.7713.2 in order to support migration from NMS created circuit to Control Plane and vice versa Requirements for Non-interrupted Interchangeability between SPC/SC and PC and vice versa in ASON Starting point for VDSL2 Initialization [D 115 ] 2004-11-18 STMicroelectronics ADSL2: Issues with constraints on SRA and DRR Q4/15 [D 114 ] 2004-11-18 STMicroelectronics Initialization for VDSL2 Q4/15 [D 113 ] 2004-11-18 Acting Editor Rec. G.957 Draft Amendment 2 to Recommendation G.957 (1999) (for consent) Q16/15 [D 112 ] 2004-11-18 Mitsubishi Draft Corrigendum 1 to Recommendation G.983.4 (for consent) Q2/15 [D 111 ] 2004-11-18 Editor Rec. G.693 Draft revised Recommendation G.693 (for consent) Q16/15 Q17/15, Q16/15 Q17/15, Q16/15 Q17/15, Q16/15 Q14/15 Q4/15 [D 110 ] [D 109 ] [D 108 ] [D 107 ] [D 106 ] [D 105 ] [D 104 ] [D 103 ] [D 102 ] [D 101 ] [D 100 ] [D 99 ] [D 110 ] [D 109 ] [D 108 ] [D 107 ] [D 106 ] [D 105 ] [D 104 ] [D 103 ] [D 102 ] [D 101 ] [D 100 ] [D 99 ] [D 110 ] 2004-11-18 NEC, Mitsubishi, Hitachi, Fujitsu Proposal on the transparent mapping of 10G-Ethernet LANPHY over OTN [D 109 ] 2004-11-18 Editor Rec. G.652 Draft revised Recommendation G.652 (for consent) [D 108 ] 2004-11-18 Huawei Proposal for studying multi-service MPLS ring Q9/15 [D 107 ] 2004-11-18 Lucent position on central frequency deviation parameter for draft new G.dapp Q16/15 [D 106 ] 2004-11-18 Lucent Technologies Germany Editor Rec. G.mta Draft New Recommendation G.mta (for consent) Q12/15 [D 105 ] 2004-11-18 Siemens AG Support of 10 GbE LAN in the OTN Q12/15, Q11/15 [D 104 ] 2004-11-18 Siemens AG Comments on G.mta Q12/15 [D 103 ] 2004-11-18 NTT, NICT, KDDI Proposal on the standardization of 10GEthernet services over transport networks [D 102 ] 2004-11-18 NTT [D 101 ] 2004-11-18 Hitachi Physical characteristics of future adaptive transport system (Proposed draft new Recommendation G.ats) Comment on Ethernet Loopback Q16/15, Q12/15, Q11/15 Q12/15, Q17/15, Q16/15 Q22/15 [D 100 ] 2004-11-18 Acting Editor Rec. G.671 Draft revised Recommendation G.671 (for consent) Q17/15 [D 99 ] 2004-11-18 10GE LANPHY: bit-transparent mapping proposal for OTN Q11/15 [D 98 ] [D 97 ] [D 98 ] [D 97 ] [D 98 ] [D 97 ] 2004-11-18 Lucent Technologies, TSystems International, Alcatel SEL Siemens 2004-11-18 PMC-Sierra Q12/15, Q11/15 Q11/15 [D 96 ] [D 96 ] [D 96 ] 2004-11-18 PMC-Sierra [D 95 ] [D 94 ] [D 93 ] [D 92 ] [D 95 ] [D 94 ] [D 93 ] [D 92 ] [D 95 ] [D 94 ] [D 93 ] [D 92 ] 2004-11-18 2004-11-18 Acting Editor Rec. G.691 Nortel Networks Europe Editor Rec. G.872 Alignment between transport network and data interfaces Proposed text for Appendix I of draft Recommendation G.motnni comparing HDLC and GFP framing Proposed text for section 11.2 of Recommendation G.8021 regarding the GFP-T mapping of Gigabit Ethernet into VC-4-Xv Draft Amendment 1 to Recommendation G.691 (2003) (for consent) OADM parameters for G.otf 2004-11-18 Alcatel [D 91 ] [D 91 ] [D 91 ] 2004-11-18 Alcatel Standard-compliant support of 10GE-LAN in OTH transport networks [D [D [D 2004-11-18 Ciena ADSL: Achieved net data rate for a given 2004-11-18 Draft Corrigendum 1 to Recommendation G.872 (for consent) Definition of a new transport entity ODU0 Q16/15, Q12/15, Q11/15 Q15/15 Q9/15 Q16/15 Q17/15, Q16/15 Q12/15 Q11/15, Q9/15, Q12/15 Q11/15, Q9/15, Q12/15 Q4/15 90 ] [D 89 ] [D 88 ] [D 87 ] 90 ] [D 89 ] [D 88 ] [D 87 ] 90 ] [D 89 ] [D 88 ] [D 87 ] [D 86 ] [D 86 ] [D 86 ] 2004-11-18 Nortel Networks Canada Ethernet over RPR for G.8012 [D 85 ] [D 84 ] [D 83 ] [D 82 ] [D 81 ] [D 85 ] [D 84 ] [D 83 ] [D 82 ] [D 81 ] [D 85 ] [D 84 ] [D 83 ] [D 82 ] [D 81 ] 2004-11-18 Spirent Communications Nortel Networks Canada Nortel Networks Canada Nortel Networks Canada Siemens AG G.test & G.vdsl: More Details on Proposed VDSL2 Test Loops (North America) Comments On G.8010v2 [D 80 ] [D 80 ] [D 80 ] 2004-11-18 Direct Mapping for IP/MPLS-Related Protocols over GFP [D 79 ] [D 78 ] [D 77 ] [D 76 ] [D 75 ] [D 74 ] [D 73 ] [D 72 ] [D 79 ] [D 78 ] [D 77 ] [D 76 ] [D 75 ] [D 74 ] [D 73 ] [D 72 ] [D 79 ] [D 78 ] [D 77 ] [D 76 ] [D 75 ] [D 74 ] [D 73 ] [D 72 ] 2004-11-18 Lucent, MCI, PMC Sierra, Agere Systems AMCC 2004-11-18 Texas Instruments 2004-11-18 Aktino 2004-11-18 NTT 2004-11-18 NTT 2004-11-18 Ikanos, Infineon 2004-11-18 Ikanos 2004-11-18 LM Ericsson AB [D 71 ] [D 71 ] [D 71 ] 2004-11-18 Editor Rec. [D 70 ] [D 70 ] [D 70 ] 2004-11-18 Editor Rec. [D 69 ] [D 69 ] [D 69 ] 2004-11-18 Editor Rec. [D 68 ] [D 67 ] [D 66 ] [D [D 68 ] [D 67 ] [D 66 ] [D [D 68 ] [D 67 ] [D 66 ] [D 2004-11-18 Infineon 2004-11-18 Infineon 2004-11-18 2004-11-18 2004-11-18 2004-11-18 2004-11-19 2004-11-18 2004-11-18 2004-11-18 2004-11-18 Nortel Networks Canada Nortel Networks Canada Nortel Networks Canada Impulse Noise Protection (INP) Traffic Conditioning Function for G.8011.1 Layer 2 Control Protocols Processing for G.8011.1 RPR layer network for G.8010 Q11/15 Q11/15 Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15 Q9/15, Q11/15, Q12/15 Q4/15 Q12/15 Moving Call State in ASON Q12/15 Proposal to add FC management as new work item in Q.14/15 Limitations of SDH TCM Q14/15 Q11/15, Q9/15, Q12/15 Q11/15 Information Transparent Transport of 10 GbE LAN Signals over OTN VDSL2: Specific Profiles Q11/15, Q9/15 Q4/15 A Proposal for a Two-Pair (or M-Pair) VDSL2 Mode OAM scenario examples without the CC function Comments to the CC function Q4/15 G.vdsl: VDSL2: Proposed initialization agreements G.vdsl: Ensuring US Capacity for VDSL2 Q4/15 Q4/15 Infineon ADSL: Proposed informative note of clarification to the draft G.992.3 Annex K.4 (64/65 based PTM-TC) Draft new Recommendation G.bondEthernet: Ethernet-based Multi-Pair Bonding (for consent) Draft new Recommendation G.bondATM: ATM-based Multi-Pair Bonding (for consent) Draft new Recommendation G.bondTDIM: Multi-Pair Bonding Using TimeDivision Inverse Multiplexing (for consent) VDSL2: On operation of VDSL2 over medium and long loops VDSL2: Proposal on pilot tones for VDSL2 VDSL2: Proposal on VDSL2 scrambling Infineon VDSL2: Text proposal for VDSL2 FEC Q4/15 Q22/15 Q22/15 Q4/15 Q4/15 Q4/15 Q4/15 Q4/15 Q4/15 Q4/15 65 ] [D 64 ] [D 63 ] [D 62 ] [D 61 ] [D 60 ] [D 59 ] [D 58 ] [D 57 ] [D 56 ] [D 55 ] [D 54 ] 65 ] [D 64 ] [D 63 ] [D 62 ] [D 61 ] [D 60 ] [D 59 ] [D 58 ] [D 57 ] [D 56 ] [D 55 ] [D 54 ] 65 ] [D 64 ] [D 63 ] [D 62 ] [D 61 ] [D 60 ] [D 59 ] [D 58 ] [D 57 ] [D 56 ] [D 55 ] [D 54 ] [D 53 ] [D 52 ] [D 51 ] [D 53 ] [D 52 ] [D 51 ] [D 50 ] 2004-11-18 Infineon 2004-11-18 Infineon 2004-11-18 Infineon 2004-11-18 Editor Rec. G.695 2004-11-18 2004-11-18 Huawei Technologies NTT, CLPAJ 2004-11-18 NTT, CLPAJ 2004-11-18 NTT, CLPAJ 2004-11-18 NTT, CLPAJ 2004-11-18 NTT, CLPAJ 2004-11-18 Alcatel Shanghai Bell [D 53 ] [D 52 ] [D 51 ] 2004-11-18 China Telecom 2004-11-18 MII P.R. China 2004-11-18 MII P.R. China [D 50 ] [D 50 ] 2004-11-18 MII P.R. China [D 49 ] [D 49 ] [D 49 ] 2004-11-18 MII P.R. China [D 48 ] [D 47 ] [D 46 ] [D 45 ] [D 44 ] [D 48 ] [D 47 ] [D 46 ] [D 45 ] [D 44 ] [D 48 ] [D 47 ] [D 46 ] [D 45 ] [D 44 ] 2004-11-18 P.R. China 2004-11-18 MII P.R. China 2004-11-18 MII P.R. China 2004-11-18 P.R. China 2004-11-18 China Unicom [D 43 ] [D 42 ] [D 41 ] [D 40 ] [D 39 ] [D 43 ] [D 42 ] [D 41 ] [D 40 ] [D 39 ] [D 43 ] [D 42 ] [D 41 ] [D 40 ] [D 39 ] 2004-11-18 SBC 2004-11-19 USA 2004-11-18 Ciena 2004-11-18 Conexant Systems, France Telecom Conexant Systems 2004-11-18 encoder VDSL2: Proposal for VDSL2 constellation encoder VDSL2: Trellis rule for 1-bit constellations VDSL2: Text proposal for VDSL2 trellis encoder Draft revised Recommendation G.695 (for consent) Further comments on crosstalk and CFD in G.dapp Proposed priorities for studies in Q.18/15 during this Study Period Comments on proposal for modification of Appendix II.5 on SBS Proposed priorities for studies in Q.15/15 during this Study Period Comments on proposals for the revision of Recommendation G.655 Comments on revision of G.652 proposed in COM15-07 MPLS Control plane and network management message encapsulation by GFP Feasibility analysis of IP/GFP/SDH Q4/15 Q4/15 Q4/15 Q16/15 Q16/15 Q18/15 Q15/15 Q15/15 Q15/15 Q15/15 Q12/15 Q11/15 Supplement of Clause 11 in G.8080 Amendment 1 Suggestion of Complementing an Appendix for the Architecture of Common Name Space based RA ID and the Scenario of RA Operations Proposal for restrictions on RA name space in case of SNPP with a common name space Proposal for adding Specifications on Information Flow between levels in G.7715.1 Some simulation results and analysis of MSR performance Explain of SNPP Common Name Space in Hierarchies Discussion of LRM to Remote RC Communication Mechanism Revision to Recommendation X.87/Y.1324 A Proposal on Draft Interconnection between ASON and Traditional Transport Networks Document VDSL2: Proposed Profiles Q12/15 Miscellaneous improvements to G.650.2 relative to PMD Proposed revision of Table 4/G.693 Q15/15 ADSL2: Initialization Sequence for Mask on Demand (MOD) VDSL2: 2D-TTCM VDSL Downstream Performance: Interleaved and Non Q4/15 Q14/15 Q14/15 Q14/15 Q9/15 Q14/15 Q14/15 Q9/15 Q14/15, Q12/15 Q4/15 Q16/15 Q4/15 [D 38 ] [D 37 ] [D 36 ] [D 35 ] [D 34 ] [D 33 ] [D 32 ] [D 31 ] [D 38 ] [D 37 ] [D 36 ] [D 35 ] [D 34 ] [D 33 ] [D 32 ] [D 31 ] [D 38 ] [D 37 ] [D 36 ] [D 35 ] [D 34 ] [D 33 ] [D 32 ] [D 31 ] 2004-11-18 Conexant Systems 2004-11-18 Conexant Systems 2004-11-18 Conexant Systems 2004-11-18 2Wire 2004-11-18 2Wire, BellSouth 2004-11-17 NTT 2004-11-17 2004-11-17 Corning Incorporated Fujitsu [D 30 ] [D 29 ] [D 28 ] [D 27 ] [D 30 ] [D 29 ] [D 28 ] [D 27 ] [D 30 ] [D 29 ] [D 28 ] [D 27 ] 2004-11-17 Aware 2004-11-17 Sparnex NV 2004-11-17 Italy 2004-11-17 Italy [D 26 ] [D 25 ] [D 24 ] [D 23 ] [D 22 ] [D 26 ] [D 25 ] [D 24 ] [D 23 ] [D 22 ] [D 26 ] [D 25 ] [D 24 ] [D 23 ] [D 22 ] 2004-11-17 Italy 2004-11-17 Mitsubishi Electric 2004-11-19 ZTE Corporation 2004-11-19 ZTE Corporation 2004-11-17 ZTE Corporation [D 21 ] [D 20 ] [D 19 ] [D 21 ] [D 20 ] [D 19 ] [D 21 ] [D 20 ] [D 19 ] 2004-11-17 ZTE Corporation 2004-11-17 N/A 2004-11-17 ZTE Corporation [D 18 ] [D 17 ] [D 18 ] [D 17 ] [D 18 ] [D 17 ] 2004-11-17 N/A 2004-11-17 ZTE Corporation [D 16 ] [D 15 ] [D 16 ] [D 15 ] [D 16 ] [D 15 ] 2004-11-17 Editors Rec. G.983.vrp Editor Rec. G.983.1 [D 14 ] [D [D 14 ] [D [D 14 ] [D 2004-11-16 2004-11-16 2004-11-17 Interleaved Modes VDSL2: Performance Impact of Upstream Band U2 VDSL2: Turbo Trellis Coded Modulation for VDSL2: Complexity VDSL2: Joint Outer-Inner iNTerleaver (JOINT) application to TTCM for VDSL2 VDSL2: Periodic Impulse Noise: How predictable is it? VDSL2: Profile Proposal A proposal of new scenarios and requirements for ASON management SBS measurement: Comparison of definitions Ethernet Transport Multiplexing Function ADSL, G.ploam: CRC counter normalization proposal for ADSL2 Resolving line definition ambiguity in recommendation G.996.1 (02/2001) Proposals of Text for some sub-clause of the Draft New Recommendation G.otf Revision of G.652: comments to the COM15 - C7 - E United States contribution PMD modifications proposed in document COM15 - C7 - E from the United States External Commands for Ethernet Protection Switching A Proposal To Realize OVPN Through Management Plane Proposal of Modifying G8080 related Standards to Support Optical Multicast The Proposal on Adding Optical Channel Shared Protection Ring (OCH-SPRING) in G.808.2 and G.873.2 A proposal to clarify Call procedure in G.8080 WITHDRAWN Q4/15 Q4/15 Q4/15 Q4/15 Q4/15 Q14/15 Q15/15 Q12/15, Q11/15, Q9/15 Q4/15 Q4/15 Q17/15, Q16/15 Q15/15 Q15/15 Q22/15 Q12/15 Q12/15 Q9/15 Q12/15 Q9/15 A proposal on drafting a new ITU-T recommendation on ultra long-haul multichannel optical line system WITHDRAWN Q16/15 Q12/15 Ericsson A Proposal For Maintaining Reachability Information of Control Plane in G.8080 ASON Architecture Draft new Recommendation G.983.VideoReturnPath (for consent) Draft consolidated Recommendation G.983.1: Broadband optical access systems based on Passive Optical Networks (PON) (for agreement) Proposals for G.pactiming Editor Rec. G.7718 Draft new Recommendation G.7718 Q14/15 Q9/15 Q2/15 Q2/15 Q13/15 13 ] 13 ] 13 ] [D 12 ] [D 11 ] [D 10 ] [D 9] [D 12 ] [D 11 ] [D 10 ] [D 9] [D 12 ] [D 11 ] [D 10 ] [D9 ] 2004-11-13 Draka Comteq 2004-11-13 Draka Comteq 2004-11-13 Draka Comteq 2004-11-13 [D 8] [D 8] [D8 ] 2004-11-13 MCI, Ciena Corporation, Siemens AG NTT [D 7] [D 6] [D 5] [D 4] [D 3] [D 2] [D 1] [D 7] [D 6] [D 5] [D 4] [D 3] [D 2] [D 1] [D7 ] [D6 ] [D5 ] [D4 ] [D3 ] [D2 ] [D1 ] 2004-11-19 Editor Rec. G.8080 2004-11-13 Marconi, UK 2004-11-13 Editor Rec. G.dapp 2004-11-13 Editor Rec. G.992.5 Editor Rec. G.992.5 Editor Rec. G.992.3 Editor Rec. G.992.3 2004-11-13 2004-11-13 2004-11-13 (v0.7), "Framework for ASON management" (for consent) Comments on COM15-C11 Q15/15 Comments to COM15-C7, COM15-C10 and COM15-C11 Fibre types as a means for cost optimization in optical access networks 10 GbE LAN PHY Transport Need Q15/15 Proposal of maximum optical crosstalk between SS and RS, central frequency deviation (CFD), and input power range at SS based on crosstalk discussion for G.dapp Draft Amendment 2 (0.2) to Recommendation G.8080 (for consent) G.7041 Table 6-4 Q16/15 Draft new Recommendation G.dapp (for consent) Draft new Amendment 4 to Recommendation G.992.5 (for consent) Draft new Amendment 3 to Recommendation G.992.5 (for consent) Draft new Amendment 6 to Recommendation G.992.3 (for consent) Draft new Amendment 5 to Recommendation G.992.3 (for consent) Q20/15 Q12/15 Q12/15 Q9/15, Q11/15 Q16/15 Q4/15 Q4/15 Q4/15 Q4/15 Reports Web [R5] IFA [R 5] Local [R5 ] Received 2005-01-27 Source SG 15 Title Report of the first meeting of Working Party 3/15 - OTN Structure - (Geneva, 29 November - 3 December 2004) - PART I - General [R4] [R 4] [R4 ] 2005-01-27 SG 15 [R3] [R 3] [R3 ] 2005-01-27 SG 15 Report of the first meeting of Working Party 2/15 - OTN Technology - (Geneva, 29 November - 3 December 2004) - PART IIA Stable text for the revision of ITU-T Rec. G.652 Report of the first meeting of Working Party 2/15 - OTN Technology - (Geneva, 29 November - 3 December 2004) - PART I General [R2] [R 2] [R2 ] 2005-01-27 SG 15 [R1] [R 1] [R1 ] 2005-01-27 SG 15 Temporary Documents (GEN) Report of the first meeting of Working Party 1/15 - Optical and metallic access network (Geneva, 29 November - 3 December 2004) PART I - General Report of the first meeting of Study Group 15 Optical and other transport networks (20052008) - (Geneva, 29 November - 3 December 2004) - General Questions Q14/15, Q13/15, Q12/15, Q11/15, Q9/15, Q3/15 Q7/15, Q6/15, Q5/15, Q10/15, Q8/15 Q10/15, Q8/15, Q7/15, Q6/15, Q5/15 Q4/15, Q2/15, Q1/15 QALL/15 Web [ TD 28GEN ] [ TD 27GEN ] [ TD 26GEN ] [ TD 25GEN ] [ TD 24GEN ] IFA [ TD 28GEN ] [ TD 27GEN ] [ TD 26GEN ] [ TD 25GEN ] [ TD 24GEN ] Local [ TD 28GEN ] [ TD 27GEN ] [ TD 26GEN ] [ TD 25GEN ] [ TD 24GEN ] Received 2004-12-02 Source TSB Title Final list of participants Questions QALL 2004-11-30 SG15 Representative to OIF on OTN issues SG 15 Management Team OIF liaison report to SG 15 Plenary November 29, 2004 QALL N/A QALL 2004-11-28 Acting SG15 Representative to IEEE 802.1 Update on IEEE 802.1 QALL 2004-11-28 Acting Rapporteur Q.3/15 Draft agenda/Work Schedule for Joint Question Meeting on Optical Transport Networks & Technologies (OTNT) Coordination [ TD 23GEN ] [ TD 22GEN ] [ TD 21GEN ] [ TD 20GEN ] [ TD 19GEN ] [ TD 18GEN ] [ TD 17GEN ] [ TD 16GEN ] [ TD 23GEN ] [ TD 22GEN ] [ TD 21GEN ] [ TD 20GEN ] [ TD 19GEN ] [ TD 18GEN ] [ TD 17GEN ] [ TD 16GEN ] [ TD 23GEN ] [ TD 22GEN ] [ TD 21GEN ] [ TD 20GEN ] [ TD 19GEN ] [ TD 18GEN ] [ TD 17GEN ] [ TD 16GEN ] 2004-11-26 SG15 Repressentative to INCITS T11.3 SG15 Representative to MEF Report on T11.3 recent and future activities related to Fibre Channel over SDH Q14/15, Q13/15, Q12/15, Q11/15, Q9/15, Q7/15, Q6/15, Q3/15 QALL Update on MEF QALL 2004-11-26 SG15 EDH (EWM) Coordinator Study Group 15 Pre-meeting report on Electronic Working Methods QALL 2004-11-22 Chairman WP 3/15 Proposal to combine Q.12/15 and Q.P/13(Q.21/15) Q21/15, Q12/15 2004-11-22 Chairman WP3/15 Proposed merger of Q.11/15 with part of Q.C2/17 (Q.23/15) Q23/15, Q11/15, Q9/15 2004-11-22 Chairman WP3/15 Proposal to combine Q.9/15 with Q.E2/13(Q.22/15) and part of Q.C2/17(Q.23/15) 2004-11-18 IEC SC86A Liaison Officer Liaison report from IEC SC86A Q23/15, Q22/15, Q11/15, Q9/15 QALL 2004-11-17 ITU-T SG13 LS from ITU-T SG13: Draft Recommendations on Ethernet OAM functions (Y.17ethoam) and Ethernet protection switching (Y.17ethps) [ TD 15GEN [ TD 15GEN [ TD 15GEN 2004-11-16 SG 15 Representative to SG4 on Report on SG4 Transport Network Management 2004-11-30 2004-11-26 Q22/15, Q12/15, Q11/15, Q9/15, Q2/15 QALL ] [ TD 14GEN ] [ TD 13GEN ] [ TD 12GEN ] [ TD 11GEN ] [ TD 10GEN ] [ TD 9GEN ] [ TD 8GEN ] [ TD 7GEN ] [ TD 6GEN ] [ TD 5GEN ] [ TD 4GEN ] [ TD 3GEN ] [ TD 2GEN ] [ TD 1GEN ] ] [ TD 14GEN ] [ TD 13GEN ] [ TD 12GEN ] [ TD 11GEN ] [ TD 10GEN ] [ TD 9GEN ] [ TD 8GEN ] [ TD 7GEN ] [ TD 6GEN ] [ TD 5GEN ] [ TD 4GEN ] [ TD 3GEN ] [ TD 2GEN ] [ TD 1GEN ] ] [ TD 14GEN ] [ TD 13GEN ] [ TD 12GEN ] [ TD 11GEN ] [ TD 10GEN ] [ TD 9GEN ] [ TD 8GEN ] [ TD 7GEN ] [ TD 6GEN ] [ TD 5GEN ] [ TD 4GEN ] [ TD 3GEN ] [ TD 2GEN ] [ TD 1GEN ] 2004-11-16 TNM SG15 Representative to IETF on TNM ITU-T SG13 2004-11-13 ITU-T SG9 2004-11-13 ITU-T SG9 LS from ITU-T SG9: SG 9 comment to TSAG and TSAG Restructuring Group QALL 2004-11-13 ITU-T SG4 LS from ITU-T SG4: SG 4 Report and Request in its role as Lead SG on TMN QALL 2004-11-13 FGNGN LS from FGNGN: Status of work in FGNGN QALL 2004-11-13 SSG LS from SSG to TSAG: Questions for study in the next Study Period QALL 2004-11-13 TSAG LS to IETF and ITU-T SGs: Countering SPAM QALL 2004-11-28 TSB Preparation of draft Recommendations, submission of contributions and Liaison Statement management QALL 2004-11-22 IPR Ad hoc Group Report of the TSB Director's Ad hoc Group on Intellectual Property Rights (Geneva, 9-10 July 2004) QALL 2004-11-22 TSB Report of the ITU-T Chairmen's meeting (Geneva, 6-8 July 2004) QALL 2004-11-28 TSB Meeting facilities and submission of documents QALL 2004-12-01 TSB Director Summary Record of Chairmen's meeting, 10 11 Nov 2004 QALL 2004-11-28 TSB Status of Recommendations consented at the SG15 April 2004 meeting QALL 2004-11-16 Report on IETF Transport Network Management QALL LS from ITU-T SG13: Reply to the liaison statement on 'Response to TSAG liaison statement on "ToR and action plan for continued ITU-T SGs restructuring group"' LS to TSAG from SG 9 on draft Questions for 2005-2008 ITU-T Study Period QALL QALL Temporary Documents (PLEN) Web IFA Local Received Source Title Questions [ TD 75PLEN ] [ TD 74PLEN ] [ TD 73PLEN ] [ TD 72PLEN ] [ TD 71PLEN ] [ TD 70PLEN ] [ TD 75PLEN ] [ TD 74PLEN ] [ TD 73PLEN ] [ TD 72PLEN ] [ TD 71PLEN ] [ TD 70PLEN ] [ TD 75PLEN ] [ TD 74PLEN ] [ TD 73PLEN ] [ TD 72PLEN ] [ TD 71PLEN ] [ TD 70PLEN ] 2004-12-03 SG15 Public Relations Coordinator Proposed SG15 "Other roles" representatives for the 2005 2008 study period QALL 2004-12-03 SG 15 Management Team Proposed Action plan for Promotion, Workshops and Coordination QALL 2004-12-03 Chairman SG15 Proposed structure for the new SG15 in the study period of 20052008 QALL 2004-12-03 SG15 EWM Coordinator Study Group 15 report on Electronic Working Methods QALL 2004-12-03 SG 15 EWM Coordinator LS to WP EWM/TSAG Electronic Working Methods Issues QALL 2004-12-03 Chairman WP2/15 List of texts for consent [ TD 69PLEN ] [ TD 68PLEN ] [ TD 67PLEN ] [ TD 66PLEN ] [ TD 65PLEN ] [ TD 64PLEN ] [ TD 63PLEN ] [ TD 62PLEN ] [ TD 61PLEN ] [ TD 69PLEN ] [ TD 68PLEN ] [ TD 67PLEN ] [ TD 66PLEN ] [ TD 65PLEN ] [ TD 64PLEN ] [ TD 63PLEN ] [ TD 62PLEN ] [ TD 61PLEN ] [ TD 69PLEN ] [ TD 68PLEN ] [ TD 67PLEN ] [ TD 66PLEN ] [ TD 65PLEN ] [ TD 64PLEN ] [ TD 63PLEN ] [ TD 62PLEN ] [ TD 61PLEN ] 2004-12-03 Editor Rec. G.pnt3 Proposed draft text for G.pnt3 (for Consent) Q10/15, Q8/15, Q7/15, Q6/15, Q5/15 Q4/15 2004-12-03 Editor Rec. G.994.1 Proposed new Amendment 3 to ITU-T Recommendation G.994.1 (for approval) Q4/15 2004-12-03 Chairman SG15 Proposed meeting agenda for the Study Group 15 closing plenary QALL 2004-12-03 TSB Initial list of TIES email reflectors for SG 15 QALL 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.992.3 Draft new Amendment 6 to Recommendation G.992.3 (for consent) Q4/15 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.992.3 Draft new Amendment 5 to Recommendation G.992.3 (for consent) Q4/15 2004-12-02 Editor Rec G.8810/Y.1370 A.5 Justifications for Draft New Recommendation G.8110/Y.1370 Q12/15 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.8810/Y.1370 Modifications to G.8810/Y.1370 (Previously G.mta) (for consent) Q12/15 2004-12-02 ITU-T SG15 LS to TSAG: Proposed mergers of Questions of SG 15 QALL [ TD 60PLEN ] [ TD 59PLEN ] [ TD 58PLEN ] [ TD 57PLEN ] [ TD 56PLEN ] [ TD 55PLEN ] [ TD 54PLEN ] [ TD 53PLEN ] [ TD 52PLEN ] [ TD 51PLEN ] [ TD 50PLEN ] [ TD 49PLEN ] [ TD 48PLEN ] [ TD 47PLEN ] [ TD 46PLEN ] [ TD [ TD 60PLEN ] [ TD 59PLEN ] [ TD 58PLEN ] [ TD 57PLEN ] [ TD 56PLEN ] [ TD 55PLEN ] [ TD 54PLEN ] [ TD 53PLEN ] [ TD 52PLEN ] [ TD 51PLEN ] [ TD 50PLEN ] [ TD 49PLEN ] [ TD 48PLEN ] [ TD 47PLEN ] [ TD 46PLEN ] [ TD [ TD 60PLEN ] [ TD 59PLEN ] [ TD 58PLEN ] [ TD 57PLEN ] [ TD 56PLEN ] [ TD 55PLEN ] [ TD 54PLEN ] [ TD 53PLEN ] [ TD 52PLEN ] [ TD 51PLEN ] [ TD 50PLEN ] [ TD 49PLEN ] [ TD 48PLEN ] [ TD 47PLEN ] [ TD 46PLEN ] [ TD 2004-12-02 Rapporteur Q.1/15 Draft ANT Standards work plan (v9) and draft ANT Standards overview (v10) - December 2004 QALL 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.8080 Changes to D.007 (G.8080 Amendment 2) Q12/15 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.8080 Draft Amendment 2 (0.2) to Recommendation G.8080 (for consent) Q12/15 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.7042 Amendment 1 to ITU-T Recommendation G.7042/Y.1305 (for consent) Q11/15 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.992.5 Revised ADSL2plus Recommendation G.992.5 (for consent) Q4/15 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.992.3 Revised ADSL2 Recommendation G.992.3 (for consent) Q4/15 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.7041 Draft Corrigendum 1 for G.7041Y.1303 (GFP) (for consent) Q11/15 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.8040 Amendment 1 to ITU-T Recommendation G.8040/Y.1340 (for consent) Q11/15 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.7043 Amendment 1 to ITU-T Recommendation G.7043/Y.1343 (for consent) Q11/15 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.7041/Y.1303 A.5 justification of references for G.7041/Y.1303 Amendment 2 Q11/15 2004-12-03 Acting Editor Rec. G.806 Proposed Corrigendum 2 to Recommendation G.806 (for consent) Q9/15 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.7041 Draft Amendment 2 for G.7041 (GFP) (for consent) Q11/15 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.8040 Corrigendum 1 to ITU-T Recommendation G.8040/Y.1340 (for consent) Q11/15 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.695 Changes to draft revised Recommendation G.695 (for consent) Q6/15 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.693 Changes to draft revised Recommendation G.693 (for consent) Q6/15 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. Issues List for Q4/15 45PLEN ] [ TD 44PLEN ] [ TD 43PLEN ] [ TD 42PLEN ] [ TD 41PLEN ] [ TD 40PLEN ] [ TD 39PLEN ] [ TD 38PLEN ] [ TD 37PLEN ] [ TD 36PLEN ] [ TD 35PLEN ] [ TD 34PLEN ] [ TD 33PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 32PLEN ] [ TD 31PLEN ] (Rev.1) 45PLEN ] [ TD 44PLEN ] [ TD 43PLEN ] [ TD 42PLEN ] [ TD 41PLEN ] [ TD 40PLEN ] [ TD 39PLEN ] [ TD 38PLEN ] [ TD 37PLEN ] [ TD 36PLEN ] [ TD 35PLEN ] [ TD 34PLEN ] [ TD 33PLEN ] 45PLEN ] [ TD 44PLEN ] [ TD 43PLEN ] [ TD 42PLEN ] [ TD 41PLEN ] [ TD 40PLEN ] [ TD 39PLEN ] [ TD 38PLEN ] [ TD 37PLEN ] [ TD 36PLEN ] [ TD 35PLEN ] [ TD 34PLEN ] [ TD 33PLEN ] [ TD 32PLEN ] [ TD 31PLEN ] [ TD 32PLEN ] [ TD 31PLEN ] 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.test Issues List for G.test Q4/15 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.985 G.985 Corrigendum Q2/15 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.983.1 Q2/15 2004-12-02 Editors G.983.VideoReturnPath BROADBAND OPTICAL ACCESS SYSTEMS BASED ON PASSIVE OPTICAL NETWORKS (PON), Revised G.983.2 Amendment 2 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.671 Draft revised Recommendation G.671 (for consent) Q7/15 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.983.4 Corrigendum 1 to Recommendation G.983.4 (for consent) Q2/15 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.991.2 Draft Amendment 2 to Recommendation G.991.2 (for consent) Q4/15 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.7718/Y.1709 Draft new Recommendation G.7718/Y.1709 (for consent) Q14/15 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.665 Summary for G.665 (for consent) Q7/15 2004-12-02 Acting Editor Rec. G.957 Draft amendment 2 to Recommendation G.957 (for consent) Q16/15 2004-12-02 Acting Editor Rec. G.691 Draft Amendment 1 to Recommendation G.691 (for consent) Q16/15 2004-11-24 Editor Rec. G.692 Correction of Corrigendum of G.692 on receiver sensitivity Q16/15 2004-11-24 Editor Rec. G.664 Draft Corrigendum 1 to Recommendation G.664 (for consent) Q16/15 2004-11-24 Editor Rec. G.650.2 Draft revised Recommendation G.650.2 (for consent) Q15/15 Q2/15 [ TD 30PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 29PLEN ] [ TD 30PLEN ] [ TD 30PLEN ] 2004-11-22 Editor Rec. G.997.1 Draft Amendment 2 to Recommendation G.997.1 (for consent) Q4/15 [ TD 29PLEN ] [ TD 29PLEN ] 2004-11-22 Chairman WP2/15 List of WP2/15 interim meetings [ TD 28PLEN ] [ TD 28PLEN ] [ TD 28PLEN ] 2004-11-22 Chairman WP2/15 Status of Recommendations [ TD 27PLEN ] [ TD 27PLEN ] [ TD 27PLEN ] 2004-11-22 Chairman WP2/15 Liaison Statements WP2/15 [ TD 26PLEN ] [ TD 26PLEN ] [ TD 26PLEN ] 2004-11-22 Chairman WP2/15 WP 2/15 Report (Part IIA) [ TD 25PLEN ] [ TD 25PLEN ] [ TD 25PLEN ] 2004-11-22 Chairman WP2/15 WP 2/15 Report (Part I) [ TD 24PLEN ] [ TD 23PLEN ] [ TD 24PLEN ] [ TD 23PLEN ] [ TD 24PLEN ] [ TD 23PLEN ] 2004-11-21 Chairman SG15 Proposed revision of Q.14/15, Management and control of transport systems and equipment Q10/15, Q8/15, Q7/15, Q6/15, Q5/15 Q10/15, Q8/15, Q7/15, Q6/15, Q5/15 Q10/15, Q8/15, Q7/15, Q6/15, Q5/15 Q10/15, Q8/15, Q7/15, Q6/15, Q5/15 Q10/15, Q8/15, Q7/15, Q6/15, Q5/15 QALL 2004-11-21 Chairman WP3/15 Liaison Statements To/From WP 3/15 [ TD 22PLEN ] [ TD 22PLEN ] [ TD 22PLEN ] 2004-11-21 Chairman WP3/15 WP3 Status of Recommendations [ TD 21PLEN ] [ TD 21PLEN ] [ TD 21PLEN ] 2004-11-21 Chairman WP3/15 Interim Activities planned for Questions of WP 3/15 Q23/15, Q22/15, Q21/15, Q14/15, Q13/15, Q12/15, Q11/15, Q9/15, Q3/15 Q23/15, Q22/15, Q21/15, Q14/15, Q13/15, Q12/15, Q11/15, Q9/15, Q3/15 Q23/15, Q22/15, Q21/15, Q14/15, Q13/15, Q12/15, Q11/15, Q9/15, Q3/15 [ TD 20PLEN ] [ TD 20PLEN ] [ TD 20PLEN ] 2004-11-21 Chairman WP3/15 WP3 Texts for Consent Q23/15, Q22/15, Q21/15, Q14/15, Q13/15, Q12/15, Q11/15, Q9/15, Q3/15 Q23/15, Q22/15, Q21/15, Q14/15, Q13/15, Q12/15, Q11/15, Q9/15, Q3/15 Q4/15, Q2/15, Q1/15 [ TD 19PLEN ] [ TD 19PLEN ] [ TD 19PLEN ] 2004-11-21 Chairman WP3/15 REPORT OF WORKING PARTY 3/15, OTN STRUCTURE (Geneva meeting, 29 November-3 December 2004) PART I - GENERAL [ TD 18PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 17PLEN ] [ TD 16PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 15PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 14PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 13PLEN ] [ TD 12PLEN ] [ TD 11PLEN ] +Add.1 [ TD 10PLEN ] [ TD 9PLEN [ TD 18PLEN ] [ TD 18PLEN ] 2004-11-21 Chairman WP1/15 List of WP1/15 interim meeting [ TD 17PLEN ] [ TD 16PLEN ] [ TD 17PLEN ] [ TD 16PLEN ] 2004-11-21 Chairman WP1/15 Liaison Statements from WP1/15 Q4/15, Q2/15, Q1/15 2004-11-21 Chairman WP1/15 Status of WP1/15 Recommendations Q4/15, Q2/15, Q1/15 [ TD 15PLEN ] [ TD 15PLEN ] 2004-11-21 Chairman WP1/15 WP1/15 texts for consent at SG15 plenary Q4/15, Q2/15, Q1/15 [ TD 14PLEN ] [ TD 14PLEN ] 2004-11-21 Chairman WP1/15 WP1/15 report Q4/15, Q2/15, Q1/15 [ TD 13PLEN ] [ TD 12PLEN ] [ TD 11PLEN ] [ TD 13PLEN ] [ TD 12PLEN ] [ TD 11PLEN ] 2004-11-17 Editors G.983.2vrp G.983.VideoReturnPath reference to SCTE 55-2 Q2/15 2004-11-17 Editors Rec. G.983.vrp G.983.VideoReturnPath reference to SCTE 55-1 Q2/15 2004-11-26 Editor Rec. G.pnt3 Draft new Recommendation G.pnt3 (for consent) Q4/15 [ TD 10PLEN ] [ TD 9- [ TD 10PLEN ] [ TD 9- 2004-11-30 Editor Rec. A.5 input for the IEEE802.3 Reference in the Draft G.bondEthernet Recommendation Q4/15 2004-11-30 Editor Rec. A.5 input for the IEEE802.3ah Reference in the Draft Q4/15 ] PLEN ] PLEN ] [ TD 8PLEN ] [ TD 8PLEN ] [ TD 7PLEN ] [ TD 6PLEN ] [ TD 5PLEN ] [ TD 4PLEN ] [ TD 3PLEN ] [ TD 2PLEN ] [ TD 1PLEN ] [ TD 8PLEN ] [ TD 7PLEN ] [ TD 6PLEN ] [ TD 5PLEN ] [ TD 4PLEN ] [ TD 3PLEN ] [ TD 2PLEN ] [ TD 1PLEN ] [ TD 7PLEN ] [ TD 6PLEN ] (Rev.1) [ TD 5PLEN ] [ TD 4PLEN ] [ TD 3PLEN ] [ TD 2PLEN ] [ TD 1PLEN ] Ethernet Recommendation and the Draft Recommendation A.5 input for the T1.424 Reference in the Draft G.bondEthernet Recommendation 2004-11-30 Editor Rec. Q4/15 2004-11-30 Editor Rec. Changes to the Draft new Recommendation as contained in D-70 Q4/15 2004-11-30 Editor Rec. Changes to the Draft new Recommendation as contained in D-69 Q4/15 2004-11-25 TSB QALL 2004-11-14 Chairman SG15 List of White and Delayed Contributions for SG15 meeting (Geneva, 29 November-3 December 2004) Proposed framework for studies for the first SG15 meeting 2004-11-14 Chairman SG15 Status report on interregnum activities in SG15 QALL 2004-11-14 Chairman SG15 Information on WTSA-04 to SG15 QALL 2004-11-14 Chairman SG15 Draft meeting agenda for the first SG15 meeting QALL QALL Temporary Documents (WP1) Web [ TD 37WP1 ] [ TD 36WP1 ] [ TD 35WP1 ] [ TD 34WP1 ] [ TD 33WP1 ] [ TD 32- IFA [ TD 37WP1 ] [ TD 36WP1 ] [ TD 35WP1 ] [ TD 34WP1 ] [ TD 33WP1 ] [ TD 32- Local [ TD 37WP1 ] [ TD 36WP1 ] [ TD 35WP1 ] [ TD 34WP1 ] [ TD 33WP1 ] [ TD 32- Received 2004-12-03 Source Editor Rec. G.hs Title G.hs: Updated Issues List Questions Q4/15 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.992.3 G.992.3 Annex C.B Ad Hoc report Q4/15 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.ploam Issues List of G.ploam.bis Q4/15 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.991.2 Revised Text to Draft Amendment 2 to Recommendation G.991.2 (for consent) Q4/15 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.992.3/5 Report of Ad Hoc meeting on the SRA and DRR issue with overhead PER Q4/15 2004-11-30 Editor Rec. G.991.2 Report of SHDSL Editing Ad Hoc Session Q4/15 WP1 ] [ TD 31WP1 ] [ TD 30WP1 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 29WP1 ] [ TD 28WP1 ] [ TD 27WP1 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 26WP1 ] [ TD 25WP1 ] [ TD 24WP1 ] [ TD 23WP1 ] [ TD 22WP1 ] [ TD 21WP1 ] [ TD 20WP1 ] [ TD 19WP1 ] [ TD 18WP1 ] [ TD 17WP1 ] WP1 ] [ TD 31WP1 ] [ TD 30WP1 ] [ TD 29WP1 ] [ TD 28WP1 ] [ TD 27WP1 ] [ TD 26WP1 ] [ TD 25WP1 ] [ TD 24WP1 ] [ TD 23WP1 ] [ TD 22WP1 ] [ TD 21WP1 ] [ TD 20WP1 ] [ TD 19WP1 ] [ TD 18WP1 ] [ TD 17WP1 WP1 ] [ TD 31WP1 ] [ TD 30WP1 ] [ TD 29WP1 ] [ TD 28WP1 ] [ TD 27WP1 ] [ TD 26WP1 ] [ TD 25WP1 ] [ TD 24WP1 ] [ TD 23WP1 ] [ TD 22WP1 ] [ TD 21WP1 ] [ TD 20WP1 ] [ TD 19WP1 ] [ TD 18WP1 ] [ TD 17WP1 2004-11-29 Chairman SG15 on behalf of ETSI TM6 Editor Rec. G.vdsl LS from ETSI TM6 on VDSL2 profiles Q4/15 G.vdsl: Updated Issues List Q4/15 2004-11-29 Editor Rec. G.vdsl G.vdsl: VDSL2 work program Q4/15 2004-11-29 Editor Rec. G.991.2 Draft Text to facilitate discussion for Amendment 2 to G.991.2 based on input to the November 29, 2004 SG 15 Meeting Q4/15 2004-11-29 Editor Rec. G.991.2 G.991.2 (SHDSL) Issues List Q4/15 2004-11-29 Editor Rec. G.985 G.985 corrigendum Q2/15 2004-11-28 Chairman SG15 on behalf of ETSI TM6 Rapporteur Q.2/15 LS from ETSI TM6: Relevant changes in TS 101 524 SDSL (SHDSL) Q4/15 LS from Rapporteur Q.2/15 to SG 4: Revision of Rec. G.983.2 Q2/15 2004-11-25 Rapporteur Q.1/15 Agenda for Q.1/15 meeting Q1/15 2004-11-22 Rapporteur Q.2/15 Revision of Recommendation G.983.2 Q2/15 2004-11-19 ITU-T SG15 Q.4/15 LS from ITU-T SG15 Q.4/15 to SG15 Q.12/15 and SG16 Q.21/16: Draft text for ITU-T Q4/15 communication to QB/SG16 Q21/16, Q4/15 2004-11-18 SG 15 Representative to IEC 86C PON systems: Verification of physical plant: IEC proposal for Technical Report Q2/15 2004-11-18 Editor Rec. G.984.4 Living List for Recommendation G.984.4 Q2/15 2004-11-18 Rapporteur Q.2/15 WITHDRAWN Q2/15 2004-11-29 Rapporteur Q.4/15 Proposed agenda for Q.4/15 Q4/15 2004-11-29 2004-11-25 [ TD 16WP1 ] +Add.1 [ TD 15WP1 ] [ TD 14WP1 ] [ TD 13WP1 ] [ TD 12WP1 ] [ TD 11WP1 ] [ TD 10WP1 ] [ TD 9WP1 ] [ TD 8WP1 ] [ TD 7WP1 ] [ TD 6WP1 ] [ TD 5WP1 ] [ TD 4WP1 ] [ TD 3WP1 ] [ TD 2WP1 ] (Rev.1) ] [ TD 16WP1 ] [ TD 15WP1 ] [ TD 14WP1 ] [ TD 13WP1 ] [ TD 12WP1 ] [ TD 11WP1 ] [ TD 10WP1 ] [ TD 9WP1 ] [ TD 8WP1 ] [ TD 7WP1 ] [ TD 6WP1 ] [ TD 5WP1 ] [ TD 4WP1 ] [ TD 3WP1 ] [ TD 2WP1 ] ] [ TD 16WP1 ] [ TD 15WP1 ] [ TD 14WP1 ] [ TD 13WP1 ] [ TD 12WP1 ] [ TD 11WP1 ] [ TD 10WP1 ] [ TD 9WP1 ] [ TD 8WP1 ] [ TD 7WP1 ] [ TD 6WP1 ] [ TD 5WP1 ] [ TD 4WP1 ] [ TD 3WP1 ] [ TD 2WP1 ] 2004-11-23 Editors Rec. G.983.2 Rev.2 Draft Recommendation G.983.2 Rev. 2 ONT management and control interface specification for B-PON Q2/15 2004-11-17 Editor Rec. G.983.2 Rev.2 Updated Living List for G.983.2 Rev 2 Q2/15 2004-11-17 Editor Rec. G.983.1 Updated Living List for G.983.1 rev. Q2/15 2004-11-17 DSL Forum LS from DSL Forum on Ethernet transport over DSL Q4/15 2004-11-13 ITU-T SG9 Q1/15 2004-11-13 ITU-D 2004-11-13 ITU-R WP9B LS from ITU-T SG9: Reply to ITU-T SG 15 on Optical Transport Networks & Technologies Standardization Work Plan, Issue 5 (COM 15-LS42) LS from ITU-D Rapporteur's Group for Q.20-1/2: Reply to liaison statement from ITU-T WP 5/15 - TD95(PLEN) dated 24-30 April 2004 LS from ITU-R WP9B: Access Network Transport Standardization (ANTS) - Plan and Work Plan 2004-11-13 ITU-R WP8A LS from ITU-R WP8A: The ANT Standardization Plan and Work Plan Q1/15 2004-11-13 ITU-R WP4B LS from ITU-R WP4B: Comments on the access network transport standards overview Q1/15 2004-11-13 ITU-R WP4B LS from ITU-R WP4B: New versions of the Access Network Transport (ANT) standards overview and work plan Q1/15 2004-11-13 Rapporteur Q.4/15 Report of Q.4/15 Rapporteur's meeting (October 2004, Stresa, Italy) Q4/15 2004-11-13 Rapporteur Q.4/15 Report of Q.4/15 Rapporteur's meeting (August 2004, Lake Tahoe, USA) Q4/15 2004-11-13 Rapporteur Q.4/15 Report of Q.4/15 Rapporteur's meeting (June 2004, Leuven, Belgium) Q4/15 2004-11-15 Editor Rec. G.992.3/5 Draft new G.992.3 Annex K.4 (64/65 based PTM-TC) Q4/15 2004-11-15 Editor Rec. G.992.3 & G.992.5 Issues list for ADSL related projects Q4/15 Q1/15 Q1/15 [ TD 1WP1 ] [ TD 1WP1 ] [ TD 1WP1 ] 2004-11-28 Chairman WP1/15 WP1/15 agenda and workplan Q4/15, Q2/15, Q1/15 Temporary Documents (WP2) Web [ TD 43WP2 ] IFA [ TD 43WP2 ] [ TD 42WP2 ] [ TD 41WP2 ] [ TD 40WP2 ] [ TD 39WP2 ] Local [ TD 43WP2 ] [ TD 42WP2 ] [ TD 41WP2 ] [ TD 40WP2 ] [ TD 39WP2 ] Received 2004-12-02 Source Rapporteur Q.6/15 Title Report of the Q. 6/15 meeting Questions Q6/15 2004-12-02 ITU-T SG15 LS to OIF - Response to liaisons from OIF PLL WG relating to EDC Q6/15 2004-12-02 Acting Rapporteur Q.10/15 Report of the Q.10/15 Meeting Q10/15 2004-12-02 ITU-T SG15 LS to IEC SC86B & SC86C on OTNT SWP updates Q7/15 2004-12-02 Chairman WP2/15 Liaison Statements [ TD 38WP2 ] [ TD 37WP2 ] [ TD 38WP2 ] [ TD 37WP2 ] 2004-12-02 Acting Rapporteur Q.7/15 Draft Q.7/15 Meeting Report Q10/15, Q8/15, Q7/15, Q6/15, Q5/15 Q7/15 2004-12-02 Chairman WP2/15 List of texts for consent [ TD 36WP2 ] [ TD 36WP2 ] [ TD 36WP2 ] 2004-12-02 Chairman WP2/15 Status of Recommendations [ TD 35WP2 ] [ TD 35WP2 ] [ TD 35WP2 ] 2004-12-02 Chairman WP2/15 WP 2/15 Report (Part I) [ TD 34WP2 ] [ TD 34WP2 ] [ TD 33WP2 ] [ TD 32WP2 ] [ TD [ TD 34WP2 ] [ TD 33WP2 ] [ TD 32WP2 ] [ TD 2004-12-02 Rapporteur Q.5/15 Request for liaison with IEC SC86C - for action 2004-12-02 Interim Rapporteur Q.5/15 Report of the Q5/15 meeting Q5/15 2004-12-01 Acting Rapporteur Q.8/15 Draft Meeting Report for Q.8/15 Q8/15 2004-12-01 Correspondence Daft text for section 6: - Optical network Q8/15 [ TD 42WP2 ] [ TD 41WP2 ] [ TD 40WP2 ] [ TD 39WP2 ] [ TD 38WP2 ] [ TD 37WP2 ] [ TD 33WP2 ] [ TD 32WP2 ] [ TD Q10/15, Q8/15, Q7/15, Q6/15, Q5/15 Q10/15, Q8/15, Q7/15, Q6/15, Q5/15 Q10/15, Q8/15, Q7/15, Q6/15, Q5/15 Q5/15 31WP2 ] [ TD 30WP2 ] [ TD 29WP2 ] [ TD 28WP2 ] [ TD 27WP2 ] [ TD 26WP2 ] [ TD 25WP2 ] [ TD 24WP2 ] [ TD 23WP2 ] [ TD 22WP2 ] [ TD 21WP2 ] [ TD 20WP2 ] [ TD 19WP2 ] [ TD 18WP2 ] [ TD 17WP2 ] [ TD 16- 31WP2 ] [ TD 30WP2 ] [ TD 29WP2 ] [ TD 28WP2 ] [ TD 27WP2 ] [ TD 26WP2 ] [ TD 25WP2 ] [ TD 24WP2 ] [ TD 23WP2 ] [ TD 22WP2 ] [ TD 21WP2 ] [ TD 20WP2 ] [ TD 19WP2 ] [ TD 18WP2 ] [ TD 17WP2 ] [ TD 16- 31WP2 ] [ TD 30WP2 ] [ TD 29WP2 ] [ TD 28WP2 ] [ TD 27WP2 ] [ TD 26WP2 ] [ TD 25WP2 ] [ TD 24WP2 ] [ TD 23WP2 ] [ TD 22WP2 ] [ TD 21WP2 ] [ TD 20WP2 ] [ TD 19WP2 ] [ TD 18WP2 ] [ TD 17WP2 ] [ TD 16- leader on Section 6 Sup.dsnsub Editor Sup.dsnsub topology Draft Sup.dsnsub Q8/15 2004-12-01 Rapporteur Q.8/15 Study points for optical submarine cable systems and work plan Q8/15 2004-11-30 Editor Rec. G.671 Correspondence report on Revisions to Recommendation G.671 Q7/15 2004-11-29 Rapporteur Q.17/15 Draft agenda for Q.17/15 Q17/15 2004-11-28 Acting Rapporteur Q.20/15 Agenda for Q.20/15 meeting Q20/15 2004-11-28 Editor Rec. G.664 Next steps for revision of Recommendation G.664 Q16/15 2004-11-28 Rapporteur Q.18/15 Draft agenda for Q.8/15 Experts meeting Q18/15 2004-11-28 Rapporteur Q.18/15 Status report - Q. 8/15 (ex- Q.18/15) (Characteristics of optical fibre submarine cable systems) Q18/15 2004-11-26 Editor Rec. G.666 Version 1.0 of Draft Recommendation G.666 Q17/15 2004-11-26 Editor Rec. G.696.1 Version 1.5 of Draft Recommendation G.696.1 Q16/15 2004-11-26 Correspondence Coordinator for correspondence of F Correspondence Group Leader Correspondence report: Reducing equipment costs by relaxing specifications through the use of FEC Q16/15 Correspondence on CFD value for draft Recommendation G.dapp Q16/15 SG 15 Chairman on behalf of the OIF Editor G.dapp LS from OIF on OIF's work on EDC Q16/15 Ver. 0.52 of Application and parameter proposals for Recommendation G.dapp Q16/15 Rapporteur Q.15/15 Agenda for Question Q.15/15 Q15/15 2004-12-01 2004-11-26 2004-11-24 2004-11-24 2004-11-24 WP2 ] [ TD 15WP2 ] [ TD 14WP2 ] [ TD 13WP2 ] [ TD 12WP2 ] [ TD 11WP2 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 10WP2 ] [ TD 9WP2 ] [ TD 8WP2 ] [ TD 7WP2 ] [ TD 6WP2 ] [ TD 5WP2 ] [ TD 4WP2 ] [ TD 3WP2 ] [ TD 2WP2 ] [ TD 1WP2 ] WP2 ] [ TD 15WP2 ] [ TD 14WP2 ] [ TD 13WP2 ] [ TD 12WP2 ] [ TD 11WP2 ] [ TD 10WP2 ] [ TD 9WP2 ] [ TD 8WP2 ] [ TD 7WP2 ] [ TD 6WP2 ] [ TD 5WP2 ] WP2 ] [ TD 15WP2 ] [ TD 14WP2 ] [ TD 13WP2 ] [ TD 12WP2 ] [ TD 11WP2 ] [ TD 10WP2 ] [ TD 9WP2 ] [ TD 8WP2 ] [ TD 7WP2 ] [ TD 6WP2 ] [ TD 5WP2 ] [ TD 4WP2 ] [ TD 3WP2 ] [ TD 2WP2 ] [ TD 1- [ TD 4WP2 ] [ TD 3WP2 ] [ TD 2WP2 ] [ TD 1- 2004-11-24 Rapporteur Q.16/15 Draft Q. 16/15 meeting agenda Q16/15 2004-11-22 Editor Rec. G.fso Draft new Recommendation G.fso (v0.2) Q16/15 2004-11-18 Editor Rec. G.959.1 Application parameters for G.959.1 version 1.1 Q16/15 2004-11-18 Editor Rec. G.959.1 Draft Revised Recommendation G.959.1 version 8.2 Q16/15 2004-11-17 ITU-R WP3J LS from ITU-R WP3J: Development of a weather-model for free space optical propagation Q16/15 2004-11-16 Editor Rec. G.otf Draft New Recommendation G.otf-version 0.1 Q16/15 2004-11-16 OIF LS from OIF on new OIF project Q16/15 2004-11-26 Rapporteur Q.16/15 Correspondence to OIF regarding conclusions of Cambridge meeting relating to EDC Q16/15 2004-11-25 Editor Rec. G.dapp Summary of Correspondence on G.dapp "carrier frequency deviation" (a possible new parameter) Q16/15 2004-11-25 Editor Rec. G.dapp Summary of Correspondence on G.dapp crosstalk and some related parameters Q16/15 2004-11-24 Editor Rec. G.fso Q16/15 2004-11-13 Rapporteur Q.17/15 Correspondence document for defining 'Co-location Longitudinal Compatibility', 'Application Codes' specification and related issues in draft new Recommendation G.fso Report of Q.17/15 Experts meeting (September 2004, Cambridge, UK) 2004-11-13 Rapporteur Q.16/15 Report of Q.16/15 Experts' meeting (28 September-1 October 2004, Cambridge, UK) Q16/15 2004-11-24 Max. -20 dB width Correspondence Coordinator Chairman WP2/15 Modification to Maximum -20 dB width definition in G.693 and G.959.1 Q16/15 Agenda and workplan for WP2/15 meeting Q20/15, Q18/15, 2004-11-28 Q17/15 WP2 ] WP2 ] Q17/15, Q16/15, Q15/15 Temporary Documents (WP3) Web [ TD 73WP3 ] IFA [ TD 73WP3 ] Local [ TD 73WP3 ] Received 2004-12-02 Source Rapporteur Q.3/15 Title Optical Transport Networks & Technologies Standardization Work Plan, Issue 5.1 [ TD 72WP3 ] [ TD 72WP3 ] [ TD 71WP3 ] [ TD 70WP3 ] [ TD 69WP3 ] [ TD 68WP3 ] [ TD 67WP3 ] [ TD 66WP3 ] [ TD 65WP3 ] [ TD 64WP3 ] [ TD 63WP3 ] [ TD 62WP3 ] [ TD 61WP3 ] [ TD 72WP3 ] [ TD 71WP3 ] [ TD 70WP3 ] [ TD 69WP3 ] [ TD 68WP3 ] [ TD 67WP3 ] [ TD 66WP3 ] [ TD 65WP3 ] [ TD 64WP3 ] [ TD 63WP3 ] [ TD 62WP3 ] [ TD 61WP3 ] 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.707 Amendment 2 to ITU-T Recommendation G.707/Y.1322 2004-12-02 Acting Editor Rec. G.8021 Updated Draft of the Living List of G.8021 as per Results of SG15 Meeting Q9/15 2004-12-02 Editor Rec. G.8021 Updated Draft of G.8021 as per Results of SG15 Meeting Q9/15 2004-12-02 Editors Rec. Y.17ethps Living List: Draft Recommendation Y.17ethps (Ethernet Protection Switching) Q9/15 2004-12-02 Editors Rec. Y.17ethps Draft Recommendation Y.17ethps (Ethernet Protection Switching) Q9/15 2004-12-01 Acting Rapporteur Q.11/15 Draft Recommendation G.8011.2/Y.1307.2 Ethernet Virtual Private Line Service Q11/15 2004-11-30 ITU-T SG16 LS from ITU-T SG16 on information on draft Recommendation G.IP2IP Q13/15 2004-11-29 Acting Rapporteur Q.11/15 Draft meeting agenda and workplan for Q.11/15 Q11/15 2004-11-29 Acting Rapporteur Q.3/15 Agenda and workplan for Q.3/15 meeting Q3/15 2004-11-28 Rapporteur Q.9/15 Agenda and Workplan for Q.9/15 meeting Q9/15 2004-11-28 Rapporteur Q.12/15 Q.12 and Q.21 meeting agenda Q21/15, Q12/15 2004-11-28 Chairman of SG15 on behalf of IETF Report on status of work on ASON routing protocol Q14/15 [ TD 71WP3 ] [ TD 70WP3 ] [ TD 69WP3 ] [ TD 68WP3 ] [ TD 67WP3 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 66WP3 ] [ TD 65WP3 ] [ TD 64WP3 ] [ TD 63WP3 ] [ TD 62WP3 ] [ TD 61WP3 ] Questions Q14/15, Q13/15, Q12/15, Q11/15, Q3/15, Q9/15 Q11/15 [ TD 60WP3 ] +Add.1 [ TD 59WP3 ] [ TD 60WP3 ] [ TD 59WP3 ] [ TD 58WP3 ] [ TD 57WP3 ] [ TD 56WP3 ] [ TD 55WP3 ] [ TD 54WP3 ] [ TD 53WP3 ] [ TD 52WP3 ] [ TD 51WP3 ] [ TD 50WP3 ] [ TD 49WP3 ] [ TD 60WP3 ] [ TD 59WP3 ] [ TD 58WP3 ] [ TD 57WP3 ] [ TD 56WP3 ] [ TD 55WP3 ] [ TD 54WP3 ] [ TD 53WP3 ] [ TD 52WP3 ] [ TD 51WP3 ] [ TD 50WP3 ] [ TD 49WP3 ] 2004-11-26 [ TD 48WP3 ] [ TD 48WP3 ] [ TD 47WP3 ] [ TD 47WP3 ] [ TD [ TD 58WP3 ] [ TD 57WP3 ] [ TD 56WP3 ] [ TD 55WP3 ] [ TD 54WP3 ] [ TD 53WP3 ] [ TD 52WP3 ] [ TD 51WP3 ] [ TD 50WP3 ] [ TD 49WP3 ] [ TD ASON Routing So Editor Rec. G.8021 Draft revised Recommendation G.8021/Y.1341 Q9/15 2004-11-26 Editor Rec. G.8012 Draft revised Recommendation G.8012 Q12/15, Q11/15 2004-11-26 Rapporteur Q.13/15 Q.13/15 meeting agenda Q13/15 2004-11-26 Rapporteur Q.14/15 Agenda and Workplan of Q14/15 Q14/15 2004-11-26 CCAMP WG of the IETF Comparison of LMP and ASON Discovery Q14/15 2004-11-25 SG15 Chairman on behalf of the OIF ITU-T SG9 LS from OIF: New OIF project on interworking of ASON - GMPLS Network domains Q14/15, Q12/15 LS from ITU-T SG9: Reply on Optical Transport Networks & Technologies Standardization Work Plan, Issue 5 (COM 15-LS42) Draft revised Recommendation G.8010 Q3/15 2004-11-25 2004-11-24 Editor Rec. G.8010 Q12/15 2004-11-24 IEC TC86 and its SCs Reply to LS from Q19/15 (on OTNT-SWP, Issue 4) Q3/15 2004-11-24 Editor G.asm Draft new Recommendation G.asm v0.1.0 Q12/15 2004-11-24 Editor Rec. G.7713 Draft G.7713 incorporating Amendment 1 Q14/15 2004-11-24 Editor Rec. G.870 OTN definitions defined in both Recommendation G.870/Y.1352 and other ITU-T Recommendations [ TD 48WP3 ] 2004-11-24 Acting Rapporteur Q.19/15 SDH definitions defined in both G.780/Y.1351 and other ITU-T Recommendations [ TD 47WP3 ] [ TD 2004-11-23 Editor Rec. G.7713 G.7713 Living List Recommendation G.7713 v4.0 Q14/15, Q12/15, Q11/15, Q9/15, Q3/15 Q14/15, Q12/15, Q11/15, Q9/15, Q3/15 Q14/15 2004-11-22 Editor Rec. Living List: G.8021/Y.1341 Q9/15 46WP3 ] 46WP3 ] [ TD 44WP3 ] 46WP3 ] [ TD 44WP3 ] [ TD 43WP3 ] [ TD 43WP3 ] [ TD 42WP3 ] [ TD 44WP3 ] G.8021 2004-11-21 Chairman WP3/15 Liaison Statements To/From WP 3/15 [ TD 43WP3 ] 2004-11-21 Chairman WP3/15 WP3 Status of Recommendations [ TD 42WP3 ] [ TD 42WP3 ] 2004-11-21 Chairman WP3/15 Draft 0.2 of G.motnni: MPLS over Transport NNI [ TD 41WP3 ] [ TD 41WP3 ] [ TD 41WP3 ] 2004-11-21 Chairman WP3/15 WP3 Texts for Consent [ TD 40WP3 ] [ TD 40WP3 ] [ TD 40WP3 ] 2004-11-21 Chairman WP3/15 REPORT OF WORKING PARTY 3/15, OTN STRUCTURE (Geneva meeting, 29 November-3 December 2004) PART I GENERAL [ TD 39WP3 ] [ TD 39WP3 ] [ TD 38WP3 ] [ TD 37WP3 ] [ TD [ TD 39WP3 ] [ TD 38WP3 ] [ TD 37WP3 ] [ TD 2004-11-22 Editor Rec. G.motnni Draft 0.1.1 of Recommendation G.motnni: MPLS over Transport NNI 2004-11-22 ITU-T SG4 LS from ITU-T, WP3/4 on the Management of EoT Q14/15, Q9/15 2004-11-19 ITU-T SG15 Q.14/15 LS to ITU-T SG4, Qs 12 & 14: Draft G.7718 Q14/15 2004-11-19 Chairman LS from IETF CCAMP WG on Crankback - Q14/15 [ TD 38WP3 ] [ TD 37WP3 ] [ TD Q23/15, Q22/15, Q21/15, Q14/15, Q13/15, Q12/15, Q11/15, Q9/15, Q3/15 Q23/15, Q22/15, Q21/15, Q14/15, Q13/15, Q12/15, Q11/15, Q9/15, Q3/15 Q23/15, Q22/15, Q21/15, Q14/15, Q13/15, Q12/15, Q11/15, Q9/15, Q3/15 Q23/15, Q22/15, Q21/15, Q14/15, Q13/15, Q12/15, Q11/15, Q9/15, Q3/15 Q23/15, Q22/15, Q21/15, Q14/15, Q13/15, Q12/15, Q11/15, Q9/15, Q3/15 Q11/15 36WP3 ] 36WP3 ] 36WP3 ] [ TD 35WP3 ] [ TD 35WP3 ] [ TD 34WP3 ] [ TD 33WP3 ] [ TD 32WP3 ] [ TD 31WP3 ] [ TD 30WP3 ] [ TD 29WP3 ] [ TD 28WP3 ] [ TD 27WP3 ] [ TD 26WP3 ] [ TD 25WP3 ] [ TD 24WP3 ] [ TD 23WP3 ] [ TD 22WP3 [ TD 35WP3 ] [ TD 34WP3 ] [ TD 33WP3 ] [ TD 32WP3 ] [ TD 31WP3 ] [ TD 30WP3 ] [ TD 29WP3 ] [ TD 28WP3 ] [ TD 27WP3 ] [ TD 26WP3 ] [ TD 25WP3 ] [ TD 24WP3 ] [ TD 23WP3 ] [ TD 22WP3 [ TD 34WP3 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 33WP3 ] (Rev.1) [ TD 32WP3 ] [ TD 31WP3 ] [ TD 30WP3 ] [ TD 29WP3 ] [ TD 28WP3 ] [ TD 27WP3 ] [ TD 26WP3 ] [ TD 25WP3 ] [ TD 24WP3 ] [ TD 23WP3 ] [ TD 22WP3 ] SG15 on behalf of IETF CCAMP WG on Crankb Editor Rec. G.8081 Crankback in GMPLS Systems ASON definitions defined in both G.8081/Y.1353 and other ITU-T Recommendations Q12/15, Q3/15 2004-11-17 Editor Rec. G.798 Formatting and editorial errors in prepublished G.798 (06/2004) Q9/15 2004-11-18 Editor Rec. G.7041 Current Living List for G.7041 (GFP) Q12/15, Q9/15, Q11/15 2004-11-17 DSL Forum LS from DSL Forum: Reply to "DSL Forum Liaison to ITU-T SG13" Q22/15 2004-11-16 ITU-T SG13 LS from ITU-T SG13 Q.3/13 on Ethernet OAM functions Q11/15, Q12/15, Q9/15 2004-11-15 Editors Rec. Y.17ethps Draft Rec. Y.17ethps - Ethernet Protection Switching Q22/15 2004-11-16 CCAMP WG on the IETF LS from CCAMP WG on the IETF: GMPLS MIB Modules Q14/15 2004-11-16 CCAMP WG on IETF LS from CCAMP WP on IETF: Procedures for Modifying the Resource reSerVation Protocol (RSVP) Q14/15 2004-11-16 TMOC LS from TMON: Announcement of New Standards Work: Security Management System (TMOC Issue 56) Q14/15 2004-11-16 OIF LS from OIF on Results from OIF World Interoperability Demo Q14/15, Q12/15 2004-11-16 TMF MTNM Team LS from TMF MTNM Team on Optical Control Plane Management Q14/15, Q12/15 2004-11-22 Editor Rec. G.atd Initial Draft of Recommendation G.atd Q12/15 2004-11-13 Editor Rec. G.798 ODU over SDH equipment functions Q9/15 2004-11-16 ITU-T SG13 LS from ITU-T SG13: Reply to LS on draft Rec. Y.17ethps on Ethernet protection switching Q9/15 2004-11-19 [ TD 21WP3 ] [ TD 20WP3 ] [ TD 19WP3 ] [ TD 18WP3 ] [ TD 17WP3 ] [ TD 16WP3 ] [ TD 15WP3 ] [ TD 14WP3 ] [ TD 13WP3 ] [ TD 12WP3 ] [ TD 11WP3 ] [ TD 10WP3 ] [ TD 9WP3 ] [ TD 8WP3 ] [ TD 7WP3 ] ] [ TD 21WP3 ] [ TD 20WP3 ] [ TD 19WP3 ] [ TD 18WP3 ] [ TD 17WP3 ] [ TD 16WP3 ] ] [ TD 21WP3 ] [ TD 20WP3 ] [ TD 19WP3 ] [ TD 18WP3 ] [ TD 17WP3 ] [ TD 16WP3 ] [ TD 15WP3 ] [ TD 14WP3 ] [ TD 13WP3 ] [ TD 12WP3 ] [ TD 11WP3 ] [ TD 10WP3 ] [ TD 9WP3 ] [ TD 8WP3 ] [ TD 7WP3 [ TD 15WP3 ] [ TD 14WP3 ] [ TD 13WP3 ] [ TD 12WP3 ] [ TD 11WP3 ] [ TD 10WP3 ] [ TD 9WP3 ] [ TD 8WP3 ] [ TD 7WP3 2004-11-16 ITU-T SG13 LS from ITU-T SGs13: Timing issues on TDM over packets -Response to liaison statement Q13/15 2004-11-16 ITU-T SG13 LS from ITU-T SG13: Description of interworking function - Response to liaison statement Q12/15 2004-11-16 ITU-T SG13 LS from ITU-T SG13: Ethernet - MPLS network interworking - Response to liaison statement Q12/15 2004-11-16 MEF LS from MEF to SG15 Q.13/15 Q13/15 2004-11-13 ATM Forum LS from ATM Forum: PNNI application to ASON Routing Q14/15 2004-11-13 ITU-T SG9 Q9/15, Q11/15 2004-11-13 ITU-T SG16 LS from ITU-T SG9 to ITU-T SG 15 and ITU-R WP6M on draft new Recommendation J.mcvif - Requirements for multi-channel video signal transmission over IP-based fibre network LS from ITU-T SG16: Further enhancement of Profile and Package Definition 2004-11-13 ITU-T SGS4 LS from ITU-T SG4: Management of EoT Q9/15, Q14/15, Q12/15 2004-11-13 ITU-T SG4 LS from ITU-T SG4: Reply on G.7718 Q14/15 2004-11-13 ITU-T SG4 LS from ITU-T SG4: Reply on Physical Port Object Definition Q14/15 2004-11-13 ITU-T SG4 LS from ITU-T SG4: Progressing ITU-T Security for the Management Plane Q14/15 2004-11-13 ITU-T SG4 Q14/15 2004-11-13 Rapporteur Q.3/13 LS from ITU-T SG4: Clarification of the scope and responsibilities for telecommunications management and OAM activities Report of Q.3/13 Experts meeting (20-24 September 2004, Sophia Antipolis, France) 2004-11-22 Rapporteur Q.14/15 Report of W.14/15 Interregnum meeting (1317 September 2004, Holmdel, USA) Q14/15 2004-11-13 Rapporteur Q.14/15 Report of Q.14/15 Rapporteur meeting (1-5 November 2004, Berlin, Germany) Q14/15 Q14/15, Q12/15 Q22/15 [ TD 6WP3 ] [ TD 5WP3 ] [ TD 4WP3 ] [ TD 3WP3 ] [ TD 2WP3 ] [ TD 1WP3 ] ] [ TD 6WP3 ] [ TD 5WP3 ] [ TD 4WP3 ] [ TD 3WP3 ] [ TD 2WP3 ] [ TD 1WP3 ] ] [ TD 6WP3 ] [ TD 5WP3 ] [ TD 4WP3 ] [ TD 3WP3 ] [ TD 2WP3 ] [ TD 1WP3 ] 2004-11-16 Rapporteur Q.13/15 Report of the SG15/13 Interregnum Meeting (21-23 September 2004, Rome, Italy) Q13/15 2004-11-13 Rapporteur Q.12/15 Report of Q.12/15 Experts meeting (25-29 October 2004, Ottawa, Canada) Q12/15 2004-11-13 Rapporteurs Q.9/15 and Q.12/15 Report of Qs9, 11 and 12/15 Experts meeting (18-22 October 2004, Milan, Italy) Q9/15, Q12/15, Q11/15 2004-11-13 Rapporteur Q.9/15 Report of Q.9/15 Experts meeting (20-24 September 2004, Sophia Antipolis, France) Q9/15 2004-11-15 Editor Rec. G.pactiming First draft of Recommendation G.pactiming Q13/15 2004-11-26 Chairman WP3/15 Agenda and workplan for WP 3/15 Q23/15, Q22/15, Q21/15, Q14/15, Q13/15, Q12/15, Q11/15, Q9/15, Q3/15