Building Your Curriculum - Senior Phase Clydebank High Introduction

Building Your Curriculum - Senior Phase
Clydebank High
This case study is based on a real school, Clydebank High. It represents the school’s current thinking
on implementing Curriculum for Excellence. In many areas they are well developed and this
document records their progress. In others, particularly in relation to the Senior Phase, they are still
very much at the planning stage. However, they have taken a thorough and rigorous approach to
developing their plans and have clear thoughts and ideas on how they intend to proceed. They will
continue to evaluate and debate their proposed structure and it is likely that it will evolve further over
the next few years. Thanks are due to Clydebank High, not only for their willingness to share their
thoughts but also for the time they have given to producing this case study.
School Context
Clydebank High School is a non-denominational school which serves Clydebank and the
surrounding area. It is a new school, formed from a merger with Braidfield High School in
2006, and it moved into a new building in 2009. It currently has an FME of 20.6 and
101.7 fte teaching staff. Its approximate roll at the start of session 2010/11 is given in the
table below.
Number of pupils
Development Process
The development of Curriculum for Excellence has been ongoing for several years. From the
beginning Clydebank High embraced the purpose and principles of Curriculum for Excellence and has
worked steadily to develop the four capacities in all of its pupils. The process described below relates
specifically to the development of a structure that will be in place for August 2013 when the first
cohort will begin its Senior Phase.
There was extensive consultation with staff during the development of the planned structure. A
Curriculum for Excellence Focus Group was established which included one representative from each
subject area and also Support for Learning. Its remit was to discuss and clarify issues relating to
Curriculum for Excellence, to set up appropriate sub-groups and to make recommendations regarding
its implementation to the Senior Management Team.
A full day involving all Principal Teachers Curriculum and Pastoral Care was dedicated to the
consideration of different models that had been identified by the Curriculum for Excellence Focus
Group. This generated good discussion and debate, sometimes in curricular areas. A preferred
framework emerged which Principal Teachers Curriculum then discussed with all teaching staff at
departmental meetings. Following on from this whole school consultation a further meeting took
place with all Principal Teachers to address some of the issues raised and to finalise period
allocations. The agreed structures are given in appendices 1, 2 and 3. Many staff commented
positively on this exercise. They felt that they had gained a better understanding of Curriculum for
Excellence and that they had been given an opportunity to express their views. They appreciated that
the school had taken a collegiate approach to making this major decision.
Building Your Curriculum: Senior Phase – Clydebank High
All S1 pupils were surveyed on the proposed framework for S1 to S3. They were presented with the
option form given in appendix 3 and asked what choices they would make at the end of S1. Although
this was done without the usual programme of support for subject choice, the results were interesting.
During the staff discussions some concern had been expressed that the end of S1 was too
early to ask pupils to start making course choices. However, from talking to the pupils, it
became clear that the majority of pupils had already made up their minds by the end of S1 as
to which subjects they would like to take forward.
80% of pupils felt clear in their minds about the differences between the three social subjects.
This figure reduced to 50% for the different sciences. It is likely that these figures will
improve significantly once the new structure is in place.
There was no significant impact on staffing when the resulting sections were considered.
The planned framework was explained to P6 and P7 parents at a Parents’ Evening in June 2010 as
their children would be the first pupils to experience the new structure. Parents were apprehensive
about Curriculum for Excellence and had fears that their children were being used as ‘guinea pigs’.
They were particularly worried about the Senior Phase and the lack of detail on certification. These
concerns were largely allayed after parents had taken part in workshop sessions and talked to pupils
about their experience of Curriculum for Excellence in Clydebank High. However, in recognition of
the anxiety felt by many parents it is planned to establish a Parent Teacher Working Group to involve
and support parents as these early cohorts progress through the new structure.
Clydebank High works with a wide range of partners such as; Careers, Social Work, Community
Learning Development, Tullochan Trust, Clydebank College, Police, local businesses and many
others. They have been involved in ongoing informal discussions on the implications of Curriculum
for Excellence. There will be more detailed discussions in the new session on how to deliver the most
effective partnership arrangements within the planned structure.
Broad General Education
The approach to the Broad General Education has been to follow a traditional curriculum structure for
S1 with the introduction of a degree of choice in some curriculum areas at the start of S2 (appendix
2). Careful consideration has been given to ensuring that all pupils receive their entitlement of all the
experiences and outcomes across all curriculum areas up to and including the third level as is
consistent with their learning needs. Procedures to ensure this entitlement have been developed and
are described in more detail later in this document in the section on Principles and Entitlements.
Interdisciplinary Learning in the Broad General Education
In Clydebank High the Broad General Education includes a significant commitment to
interdisciplinary learning (appendix 3). In S1, S2 and S3 there are 4 weeks allocated to thematic
working within each curriculum area. In addition, there will be a number of integrated task afternoons
in rotation throughout the year (related to HWB projects) and there will 3 whole school themed weeks
across the year for S1, S2 and S3: subjects will be expected to opt in to at least one of these themed
weeks. Finally, there will be 2 interdisciplinary options in the ‘free choice’ columns for pupils
choosing their subjects for S2/3.
Building Your Curriculum: Senior Phase – Clydebank High
Senior Phase
During their Broad General Education, pupils in Clydebank High will have gained a firm foundation
for progress into the Senior Phase. At this stage the school remains committed to the principles of
Curriculum for Excellence and the continuing need to develop the 4 capacities in all of its pupils. It is
very aware of the wide range of needs and abilities of its senior pupils and has developed a structure
that will endeavour to ensure positive destinations for allof its young people.
Curriculum Model
In the Senior Phase pupils in S4 to S6 are timetabled as a single cohort. The main benefit of this
arrangement is that it allows for the creation of a wider range of viable classes at National 5 level and
below which can be accessed by S5 and S6 pupils. It should also bring timetabling efficiencies that
will ‘pay’ for the cost of introducing some course choice a year earlier at the start of S2.
On entering S4 there are a number of pathways that pupils can follow (appendix 1).
Route A involves up to 10 options with 3 period allocations and is intended for pupils
studying at levels Access 1, 2 or 3: pupils may also study at National 4 provided that their
prior experience from S1-S3 is appropriate. In some cases 2 of these courses could be
combined to provide a 6 period allocation for courses at National 4 or 5. It is likely that 1
option will be allocated as a ‘core’ column for PE, PSHE and RE
Route B allows for the choice of 5 courses at SCQF levels 4, 5, 6 and 7. Although 6 periods
have been allocated to these columns, only 5 periods will available to the course with the
remaining 1 period being used for other activities relating to achievement. It is intended that
S4 pupils following route B will undertake 2 year courses. There will be 1 year courses,
mainly for S6 pupils, but these could also be accessed by talented individuals in S4 and S5.
In practice, routes A and B represent 2 ends of the spectrum and many pupils will take a
combination of A and B courses as appropriate to their needs and abilities.
Pupils with additional support needs will be considered on an individual basis and it is
envisaged that the flexibility of the proposed structure and good partnership working will
result in imaginative and rewarding pathways with positive destinations.
The delivery of PE, PSHE and RE within this structure is still to be finalised but it is not
anticipated that this will cause any difficulty. Options being considered include a ‘core’
column in route A with PE, PSHE and RE, and use of the ‘achievement’ period in the route B
Most courses will be certificated using National Qualifications. However, the use of other
qualifications, especially to recognise achievement, is being developed. Good progress has
been made so far with ASDAN, Duke of Edinburgh and Sports Leadership, and other awards
are being investigated.
Clydebank High successfully introduced the Scottish Baccalaureate in Science during session
2009/10. It is fairly certain that this provision will continue as there is a strong tradition of studying
Science at Advanced Higher level in Clydebank High. Demand for Advanced Higher Languages is
low in Clydebank High and it is unlikely that it could offer the Language Baccalaureate on its own:
the possibility of working with other schools is being investigated.
Achievement in the Senior Phase
Clydebank High has a clear plan for increasing opportunities for achievement. It begins in the Broad
General Education by developing a culture of achievement. It builds on the achievements made by the
pupils in their primary schools and the passing on of that information is now an important part of the
primary/secondary transition. It recognises that, in the past, primary pupils have frequently been very
active in their community, but then take on a largely passive role in the secondary until they reach S6.
Building Your Curriculum: Senior Phase – Clydebank High
Consequently, they intend to encourage all pupils to be more actively involved in planning and
delivering school events. To support them in their aim to raise achievement Clydebank High are
pursuing the UNICEF Rights Respecting School Award.
A well developed citizenship programme has already been established for S6 pupils who generally
have a bit more ‘free’ time. S6 pupils are encouraged to opt into a range of activities that support the
community such as paired reading, S1 mentor, anti-bullying and many others (including relevant work
experience). These activities are formally recognised by a school certificate and external awards
agencies are also used where possible. In the new structure it is intended to extend this scheme into S4
and S5 using either a route A column or the ‘flexible’ period in the route B columns. Thus,
responsibility and opportunities for achievement will be increased and spread across the school.
Interdisciplinary Learning in the Senior Phase
As described earlier Clydebank High has made a big commitment to interdisciplinary learning in S1S3. It is expected that this commitment will result in a climate where interdisciplinary learning is
valued and enjoyed by both pupils and teachers. The new structure for the Senior Phase will reduce
the pressure to ‘complete the course’ and increase the likelihood that teachers will feel able to take the
time to make connections to other areas of learning confident in the belief that it will increase interest
and motivation with the ultimate result of improved attainment.
Assessment, reporting and qualifications
It is anticipated that the revised structure will contribute to a rise in attainment. Subject choice at the
end of S1 will increase motivation and remove the antipathy to particular subjects that some pupils
currently develop in S2. Two years of uninterrupted study in S2 and S3 will provide pupils with a
good foundation for the courses they take into the Senior Phase and certification. Pupils studying at
Access levels 1, 2 and 3 will have the opportunity to gain qualifications in up to 10 courses. Most
pupils who are working towards awards at SCQF levels 4, 5 and 6 will do so over 2 years and will
thus avoid the ‘two term dash’. The ability of S5 and S6 pupils to access S4 courses will reduce the
number of instances where pupils are studying at an inappropriate level.
Ultimately, attainment will be recognised through certification by SQA. The revised conditions and
arrangements for the new National Qualifications will determine the assessments that pupils will
require to take during their courses. In addition, full cognisance will be taken of the principles of
assessment outlined in Building the Curriculum 5.
It is expected that most courses will last for 1 or 2 years. However, some consideration is being given
to the situation for Christmas leavers. Previously, Clydebank College provided the only opportunity
for pupils leaving school at Christmas to gain qualifications. However, the fact that courses at Access
levels 1, 2, 3 and National 4 will not involve an external exam possibly presents an opportunity to
address this issue and this is being investigated. In addition, it is recognised that pupils have prior
learning from their Broad General Education that may provide a suitable foundation for ‘short’
certificated courses.
A well established programme for reporting to parents is already in place. Each year parents receive
an interim and a full report on their child’s progress. There is a Parents’ Evening for each stage. In
addition, the performance of pupils is closely monitored throughout the year and parents are contacted
on an ad hoc basis by Pastoral Care and SMT if there is anything of note to report. The current
arrangements will be reviewed in the light of new guidelines that are expected from the Scottish
Building Your Curriculum: Senior Phase – Clydebank High
Implementation Issues
Clydebank High has considered a number of key issues in relation to the implementation of
Curriculum for Excellence.
For technical reasons it was not possible to undertake a detailed timetabling analysis on the proposed
structure at the end of session 2009/10. Such an exercise will be a priority at the start of session
2010/11 so that the viability and implications of the new structure can be fully tested using realistic
data. Consequently, it is not possible at this stage to be definite about the impact on staffing although
it is expected that the overall effect will be neutral. Generally, it is anticipated that the new structure
will present more opportunities than threats, particularly in the areas of improved partnership working
and flexibility. It is felt that the development of good consortium arrangements with local schools and
colleges will be essential to ensure that pupils have access to the broadest possible curriculum.
Clydebank High moved into a new building in August 2009 and enjoys excellent facilities,
particularly in the areas of home economics, PE and technical. It also benefits from close proximity to
Clydebank College which is itself a new building.
In the current economic climate it goes without saying that funding is a concern. New courses will
invariably involve start up costs and new ways of working are often more expensive. In particular,
partners who previously offered their services for free are now looking for a contribution from the
school as their own budgets come under pressure. Clydebank High will continue to manage its
finances efficiently and will look to increase its own fund raising efforts so that pupils and staff have
the necessary resources. One example of this is that a number of interdisciplinary activities in S1-S3
with an enterprise theme are expected to be self-sufficient and generate a ‘profit’.
As in other curricular matters Clydebank High will identify its specific training needs for Curriculum
for Excellence through self-evaluation and professional review and development. The CPD
Committee will collate these identified development needs to determine whether they are at
individual, departmental, whole school, cluster or authority levels. Clydebank High, in partnership
with the local authority, will plan to meet these needs using a wide variety of professional
development activities. Generally speaking, the main priorities in the immediate future are:
To continue to promote the Professional Learning Community that has been developed in
Clydebank High and to encourage all staff to be actively involved in their own professional
development and that of their colleagues.
To improve learning and teaching with particular attention to the development of AifL
strategies across the school. Clydebank High sees Cooperative Learning as an approach that
effectively promotes the values and principles of Curriculum for Excellence and it has
embarked on an ambitious programme to train all staff.
To ensure that staff have the confidence and skills to develop, reinforce and extend learning
in the areas of Health and Wellbeing, Literacy and Numeracy.
To develop an understanding of the S3 profile: in particular, how staff contribute to the
assessment of Literacy and Numeracy.
To keep staff abreast of all developments relating to Curriculum for Excellence: in particular,
the new arrangements for National Qualifications.
Building Your Curriculum: Senior Phase – Clydebank High
Principles and Entitlements
In developing its proposed curriculum structure Clydebank High has taken cognisance of the key
principles of Curriculum for Excellence and the entitlements of its pupils.
Progression and coherence
Clydebank High has developed strong transition arrangements with its associated primaries so as to
ensure progression and coherence when pupils start their secondary education. Within Clydebank
High the Broad General Education and the Senior Phase have been designed with these principles
very much in mind.
Breadth, depth and challenge
Breadth, depth and challenge are an intrinsic part of the curriculum in Clydebank High from S1 to S6.
In S1 all pupils, in accordance with their needs and ability, follow courses up to level 3 in all of the
curriculum areas. It is recognised that pupils will not continue with all subjects in some curriculum
areas and Principal Teachers have redesigned their S1 courses to ensure that pupils encounter all the
level 3 experiences and outcomes. Pupils maintain breadth by continuing to follow courses in all of
the curriculum areas in S2 and S3. Those subjects that are continued from S1 are studied in greater
depth to consolidate level 3 and, where appropriate, progress to level 4. Interdisciplinary topics within
a curriculum area will be used judiciously to reinforce learning in those subjects that have not been
continued from S1. In the Senior Phase there will be less emphasis on breadth as pupils choose
courses to prepare for positive future destinations. The flexible structure of the proposed Senior Phase
curriculum will facilitate depth and challenge. In addition, this structure in conjunction with good
partnership working will provide a high degree of personalisation and choice.
Responsibility of all
Literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing will still be the responsibility of all in the Senior Phase.
All staff will be expected to develop, reinforce and extend learning in these areas regardless of the
level of study. Health and wellbeing will also be more specifically developed through use of
timetabled periods and events.
Support for pupils
Clydebank High has a well established programme for supporting pupils to make their subject choice
at the senior stages. The key issues are covered in PSHE, pupils are provided with a detailed
handbook for subject choice, and all pupils are interviewed by their Pastoral Care teacher. There is an
Information Evening for parents and pupils. The Careers Service makes a significant and valued
input. Full consideration is given to prior performance and good use is made of UPS scores to
determine the appropriate level of study. In addition, careful attention is paid to the hopes and
aspirations of all pupils.
Pupils are well supported in their courses. AifL strategies are encouraged and well used across the
school and assessment is used to support learning. Currently, pupils are set targets at the start of S3
for their examinations at the end of S4 based on their CAT scores and prior performance in S1 and S2.
In S5 and S6, UPS scores and the teacher’s judgement are used to set targets at this stage. These
targets are closely monitored throughout the year and action taken as necessary. This process will
continue with the new structure.
A high level of support is given to pupils with additional support needs often with the help of partners.
In particular, those pupils who are most at risk of exclusion are supported by a comprehensive More
Choices, More Chances programme that is provided in conjunction with West Dunbartonshire
Building Your Curriculum: Senior Phase – Clydebank High
Council. Clydebank High identifies pupils at risk as early as S2 and, working with a range of partners,
helps them to progress through their education to a positive and sustained destination.
Future considerations and next steps
To update the Curriculum for Excellence Focus Group on ongoing developments, especially
those issues identified during the case study discussions.
To look again in detail at the pathways S1-S6 for a range of pupils.
To draw up a mock timetable using current data based on the proposed curriculum structure
and conduct an impact analysis (staffing, accommodation and resources).
To develop a draft ‘course choice’ sheet for the Senior Phase and ensure whole staff
involvement in subsequent discussions (by Christmas).
To prepare the final version of the choice sheet for the end of S1 (by Christmas).
To enter into more detailed discussions with partners regarding their role in implementing
Curriculum for Excellence.
To continue to plan and support appropriate CPD.
To continue to monitor and evaluate S1 implementation.
To develop assessment and reporting procedures, following the guidelines of Building the
Curriculum 5 and subsequent advice from the Scottish Government and the West
Dunbartonshire Council.
To ensure active parental participation in all of the above, as previously described.
Building Your Curriculum: Senior Phase – Clydebank High
Appendix 1
“Labore et Scientia”
Proposed High Level Curriculum Map S1-S6
2 3 4
6 7 8
10 11
13 14 15
17 18
Soc St
Soc St
20 21
23 24 25
Option 1
Option 2 Option 3
Option 4
Option 5
Option 6
Option 7
Option 8
(These units/courses are at Access 1, 2, 3 and National 4 but could be combined for National 4 or National 5)
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Option 4
(These units/courses are at SCQF levels 4, 5, 6 and 7. They consist of 5 periods + 1 period wider achievement).
(A senior pupil could choose either A or B or a mixture of both)
Option 9
Designed to cover all the curriculum areas at the third level.
Introduces choice in some curricular areas: Expressive Arts, Sciences, Social Studies and Technologies. Free choice will include interdisciplinary courses.
28 29 30
Option 10
Option 5
Pupils continue to study in all curriculum areas, consolidating learning at level 3 and progressing to level 4 where appropriate.
Strong emphasis on interdisciplinary learning and making connections across learning.
Timetabled as a single cohort. Pupils in the Senior Phase will have access to the full range of courses from Access 1 to SCQF level 7.
A courses have a 3 period allocation, but may be combined to provide a 6 period allocation. These courses will mainly be at Access 1, 2 and 3 level, but pupils who have made
appropriate progress in a subject by the end of S3 may be able to study that subject at National 4 using a single A course.
B options have a 6 period allocation but only 5 periods will be given to the course with the remaining period being used for wider achievement.
The delivery of PE, PSHE and RE in the Senior Phase has still to be finalised. It is likely that one of the A options and some of the ‘achievement’ periods in the B options will be used
for this purpose
Building Your Curriculum: Senior Phase – Clydebank High
Appendix 2
“Labore et Scientia”
Clydebank High School: High Level Curriculum Map S1-S3
(Refinement of the broad general education available at the end of S1)
English (4)
Maths (4)
English (4)
Maths (4)
Health &
PE (2)
RME (1)
HWB (1)
PE (2)
RME (1)
Social Studies
Expressive Art
French (3)
German (3)
Social Studies (3)
Science (3)
Business Technology
Computing Science
Home Economics (1)
Technical (2)
Art (2)
Music (2)
French (3)
German (3)
Geography (3)
History (3)
Modern Studies (3)
Biology (3)
Chemistry (3)
Physics (3)
Science (3)
Admin (3)
Business (3)
Computing (3)
Graphics (3)
Hospitality (3)
Art (3)
Craft & Design
Fashion (3)
Music (3)
3rd Science (3)
* Departments are invited to put forward suggested options of an interdisciplinary nature to SY by the end of June 2010.
Building Your Curriculum: Senior Phase – Clydebank High
Free choice of 2 from :
Admin ; Art ; Biology ;
Business ; Chemistry ;
Computing; Craft &
Design ; Fashion ;
French ; Geography ;
German ; Graphics ;
History ; Hospitality ;
Modern Studies ; Music
; PE ; RME ; Spanish ;
an interdisciplinary
= (4)
Appendix 3
“Labore et Scientia”
Clydebank High School: High Level Curriculum Map S1-S3
Level 3
3 x 12 week
2 x 2 weeks
on a theme
3 x 12
week blocks
2 x 2 weeks
on a theme
Level 3 &
Level 4
3 x 12 week
2 x 2 weeks
on a theme
3 x 12
week blocks
2 x 2 weeks
on a theme
Level 3 &
Level 4
3 x 12 week
2 x 2 weeks
on a theme
Skills For
3 x 12
week blocks
2 x 2 weeks
on a theme
Skills For
Health &
Social Studies
3 x 12 week
2 x 2 weeks on
3 x 12 week
2 x 2 weeks on
a theme
3 x 12 week
2 x 2 weeks on
a theme
3 x 12 week
2 x 2 weeks on a
3 x 12 week
2 x 2 weeks
on a theme
3 x 12 week
2 x 2 weeks
on a theme
3 x 12 week
2 x 2 weeks on
3 x 12 week
2 x 2 weeks on
a theme
3 x 12 week
2 x 2 weeks on
a theme
3 x 12 week
2 x 2 weeks on a
3 x 12 week
2 x 2 weeks
on a theme
3 x 12 week
2 x 2 weeks
on a theme
Skills For
3 x 12 week
2 x 2 weeks on
Skills For Work
3 x 12 week
2 x 2 weeks on
a theme
Skills For Work
3 x 12 week
2 x 2 weeks on
a theme
Skills For Work
3 x 12 week
2 x 2 weeks on a
Skills For Work
3 x 12 week
2 x 2 weeks
on a theme
Skills For
3 x 12 week
2 x 2 weeks
on a theme
S1 Themed Weeks: November – Global Citizenship; January – Scotland; May – Health.
S2 Themed Weeks: To be determined.
S3 Themed Weeks: To be determined.
The end column in the curse choice will provide 2 interdisciplinary options, 2 periods per week each, for the majority of the year group in S2/3.
Building Your Curriculum: Senior Phase – Clydebank High
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The theme will
allow an
opportunity for
depth of study
There will be a
number of
integrated task
afternoons in
throughout the
year (related to
Appendix 4
Learner Journeys
Following the experience in S1 of all curriculum areas to at least level 3, John chooses to
continue with Biology, Chemistry, Computing, History, Music and Physics in S2 and S3.
English, Maths and a language (German) are compulsory for all pupils in S1 to S3.
John progresses extremely well through his broad general education. His S3 profile indicates
that he is secure in his learning at the fourth level across all his subjects and highlights his
independent learning. His profile also refers to his contribution to the wider school life where he
has performed in concerts. He is a talented musician and also plays with the local orchestra.
John wants to go to university to study medicine.
In S4 John starts 2 year Higher courses in English, Maths, Biology, Chemistry and Physics. In
and out of school he continues to be very active musically.
John makes excellent progress in S4 and continued with all his Higher courses into S5. As well
as studying for 5 Highers John maintains his interest in music and plays regularly with his
orchestras. He works in the local hospice for one afternoon per week, developing his confidence
and interpersonal skills, and his input his highly valued: John’s resolve to follow a career in
medicine is strengthened by this experience. John’s performance in the Higher examinations is
outstanding and he gains 5 A passes.
John returns for S6. It is expected that he will be successful in his application to study medicine
at Glasgow University. John opts to take Advanced Highers in Biology and Chemistry. He
would like to achieve a Science Baccalaureate and has selected ‘Is stem cell research right or
wrong?’ as his interdisciplinary project. John has also opted to take Advanced Higher Music. He
continues with his one afternoon per week placement in the local hospice and spends a week on
work experience in a city hospital.
At the end of S6 John gains A passes in his Advanced Higher Biology and Chemistry and also
in the interdisciplinary project, and is awarded a Scottish Baccalaureate in Science with
Distinction. He also achieves a B pass in his Advanced Higher Music. John goes on to study
medicine at Glasgow University.
Building Your Curriculum: Senior Phase – Clydebank High
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Appendix 4
Following the experience in S1 of all curriculum areas to at least level 3, Hazel chooses to
continue with Business Administration, Business Studies, Chemistry, History, Music in S2/3
and takes Spanish as a second language. English, Maths and a language (French) are
compulsory for all pupils in S1 to S3.
Hazel progresses extremely well through her Broad General Education. She copes well in her
subjects and is secure at level 4 in them all. Hazel really enjoys her Business courses and her
languages: she is keen to take these subjects further and has aspirations to go on to university or
college. Hazel is a very conscientious student and loves to get involved in the school
community. She is a member of the school orchestra and choir.
In S4 Hazel starts 2 year Higher courses in English, Maths, Business Admin, Business
Management and French. During the year Hazel achieves her Duke of Edinburgh Bronze
Hazel makes very good progress in S4 and continues with all of her Higher courses into S5. She
does very well in her Higher examinations gaining A passes in Business Admin and Business
Management, B passes in English and French, and a C pass in Maths. Hazel is pleased with her
results but doesn’t feel ready to go to university. Also, she is attracted to sixth year when the
examination pressures are not as great as they were in S5 and she has an opportunity to pursue
some of her other interests and get more involved in community/citizenship work.
In S6 Hazel puts together a good mix of courses and activities. She is keen to do Higher
Accounts & Finance but there is insufficient demand in the school for the course to go ahead.
However, it is available in a neighbouring school so she opts to take it there. She also opts to
study Higher Psychology at Clydebank College and is looking forward to experiencing a
different approach to her learning. Hazel also feels that going out of school for these 2 courses
will improve her confidence and help prepare her for going to university. Hazel was sorry that
she had to drop Music at the end of S3 and is delighted that she is now able to take the Higher in
Clydebank High. Hazel also decides to take an introductory course in Mandarin that the school
is offering for the first time as she believes that this will be helpful in the business line that she
intends to pursue on leaving school. Hazel signs up for a Duke of Edinburgh Silver Award to
build on the Bronze Award she received in S4. Hazel involves herself in a range of citizenship
activities including paired reading and managing the school’s Credit Union.
S6 is another good year for Hazel. She gains an A pass in her Accounts & Finance, and B passes
in her Music and Psychology. Hazel also comfortably passes her Mandarin class and achieves
her Duke of Edinburgh Silver Award. She thoroughly enjoys S6 and gains enormously in
confidence. She goes on to Strathclyde University to study for a degree in International
Business and French.
Building Your Curriculum: Senior Phase – Clydebank High
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Appendix 4
Following the experience in S1 of all curriculum areas to level 3, Stewart chooses to continue
with Chemistry, Computing, Craft & Design, Hospitality, Modern Studies and PE in S2/3.
English, Maths and a language (French) are compulsory for all pupils in S1 to S3.
Stewart has mixed success throughout his Broad General Education achieving well in some
areas but underachieving in others. By the end of S3 Stewart is working at level 4 in English,
Maths, Computing, PE and Modern Studies but is secure at level 3 in his other subjects. He is
very sporty and loves PE and all kinds of outdoor activities. Chris wants to teach PE but his S3
profile suggests that he may not achieve the necessary entry requirements to university by the
end of his school career.
In S4 Stewart starts 2 year Higher courses in Computing, English and PE. He also begins 2 year
National 5 courses in Maths and Modern Studies. During the year Stewart plays football several
times for the Glasgow Schools Under-16 team.
During S4 Stewart makes reasonable progress in most of his subjects with the exception of
English. Consequently, at the start of S5, he changes course to National 5 in English but
continues at the same level on all of his other courses. Stewart continues to enjoy success in his
football with Glasgow Schools and becomes an enthusiastic member of the newly formed
Basketball Club.
Stewart does not perform as well as he had hoped in his S5 examinations. He passes Higher PE
at a C and gains a D in Higher Computing. In his National 5 examinations he gains an A in
English, B in Maths and B in Modern Studies. Following detailed discussions with the school’s
Careers Officer, Stewart decides that he will return to school for a sixth year. He aims to
improve on his results to achieve 3 Highers that will give him the option of university entrance
at the end of S6. Stewart is still keen on working in sports and is also considering following a
HNC/HND route through Clydebank College. In S6 Stewart repeats Higher Computing and
takes Higher English. He chooses a Sport and Recreation course at National 5 in Clydebank
College and he also undertakes the Sport Leader Award in school. Robert spends 2 afternoons
per week in his old primary school doing sports development and he coaches the Junior
Basketball Club.
At the end of S6 Stewart passes his Higher Computing at a C and also gains C passes in English
and Modern Studies. He also gains an A pass in his Sport and Recreation course and achieves
his Sport Leader Award. Stewart is pleased with his S6 performance and his coaching
experiences have fired him with enthusiasm for pursuing a career in sport. He goes on to
Clydebank College to study for an HNC in Sports Coaching with Development of Sport which
he hopes will provide him with a route into a degree course.
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Appendix 4
Following the experience in S1 of all curriculum areas to level 3, Sarah chooses to continue with
Art, Biology, Business Studies, Fashion, Geography and Hospitality in S2/3. English, Maths and a
language (French) are compulsory for all pupils in S1 to S3.
Sarah has mixed success in her broad education. She does not realise her potential in most areas but
underachieves because of her general lack of ambition. Sarah is highly sociable and is easily
distracted in classes. Her attendance and punctuality are poor. By the end of S3 Sarah is working at
level 3 in most of her subjects with the exception of English and Hospitality where she has
progressed to level 4. Her performance in Hospitality has been particularly strong and she has
shown a real enthusiasm and aptitude for the subject. Sarah has been involved in a number of
activities with the Tullochan Trust who are working with a group of similar pupils to raise their
aspirations and develop more positive attitudes. Sarah is a Christmas leaver.
In S4 Sarah studies English and Hospitality at National 5, both as B courses. Her remaining options
are all A courses: Art, Maths, PE (Performance), all at National 4 level; a National Progression
Award in Digital Literacy; Hospitality – Practical Cookery (at Clydebank College). Sarah continues
to work with the Tullochan Trust where it is felt that she is starting to show some leadership
qualities and has been very actively involved in fundraising for a local community centre.
At the end of S4 Sarah gains a C pass in English and a B pass in Hospitality. Sarah passes her Art,
Maths and PE courses, and gains a National Progression Award in Digital Literacy. Sarah’s biggest
success comes at college where she easily passes her hospitality course and develops a range of
skills: her attendance and punctuality at college are perfect.
At the start of S5, rather than come back to school until Christmas, Sarah leaves Clydebank High to
continue her education at Clydebank College studying for an NC Professional Cookery.
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Appendix 4
Joan has additional support needs and a Co-ordinated Support Plan involving health professionals.
Her parents have requested that she remain in a mainstream secondary until S5. Joan has found
school, particularly secondary, a challenge. Joan has regular input from a speech and language
therapist and also an occupational therapist and requires support in all of her classes. Joan’s needs
additional help with literacy and numeracy skills and she learns best within a practical context. Joan
likes routine and familiar surroundings. She has full attendance.
Joan follows a highly personalised programme during her broad general education. As much as
possible, Joan attends classes with her peers where she is given a great deal of support. She is also
extracted from some classes mainly to work with Support for Learning on her literacy and
numeracy. Life Skills has been an important part of her broad general education. At the end of S3
Joan is working at levels 1 or 2 in all of her subjects. Joan has been involved with a number of
outside agencies, such as Tullochan Trust and ENABLE, who have tried to improve her social skills
and prepare her for the adult world. These agencies continue to offer their support during the senior
During S4 and S5 Joan benefits from the blocking of S4 with S5/6 as a single cohort and has access
to a good range of courses at Access 1/2/3 level. The shorter period allocation of the A courses
allows greater flexibility and is well suited to Joan’s needs. She selects mainly practical courses and
attends Support for Learning to follow a programme aimed at developing her life skills including
numeracy and literacy. Joan passes all her courses at either Access 2 or 3 and also achieves a
Bronze ASDAN Award.
Joan’s transition to college involves independent travel and a half day at college studying media in
preparation for a full time placement. The school has been working closely on a transition
programme with all the agencies involved in Joan’s life in preparation for starting college at the end
of S5.
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