CfE Communications and Stakeholder Engagement Plan for Community Learning & Development (CLD) CfE Management Board – 11 June 2013 – paper 5.2 CLD / CFE Communications Strategy and Communications Activity Plan Introduction As a national programme CfE attracts a wide and diverse range of stakeholders. Dedicated communications and engagement plans for practitioners and parents have been developed and implemented. There is now a requirement to develop and implement a similar plan for the CLD sector to ensure that CLD is implicit and explicit in all CfE communications. To ensure that the CLD sector is fully engaged in CfE strong, robust and targeted communications and engagements are vital to build a greater understanding and continue to embed the principles of CfE. To achieve this we must assess the wider understanding of the role of CLD in CfE; we must understand what information and level of involvement the CLD sector require; we must use approaches that reflect the climate and culture of the CLD audience; we must be clear in our expectations and we must blend traditional communications with new and emerging approaches to ensure the most effective reach and impact of our communications. It is also vital that CLD is embedded across the work of Education Scotland and its partners to ensure that all stakeholders are fully aware of the key role that CLD has in the delivery of CfE. Evidence and research to understand the stakeholders’ perceptions and attitudes towards our communications is essential. Ongoing evaluation and feedback form an integral part of our communications plan and will be used to assess impact and inform future strategies. There is also a need to ensure that we include strong internal communications in our plans and also ensure that other stakeholders are aware of the role of the CLD sector in supporting the delivery of CfE. Aims The Communications Strategy aims to:; - Improve understanding and promote the benefits of CfE to the CLD sector Improve understanding and promote the role that CLD plays in the wider CfE agenda Improve understanding by parents of the role that CLD plays in the wider CfE agenda These aims will be achieved through the effective and innovative application of responsive and dynamic communications. Objectives The following objectives have been identified:CfE Management Board – 11 June 2013 – paper 5.2 - To develop and deliver a communications strategy and plan that inspires and develops the confidence of CLD practitioners to contribute to CfE. To develop and deliver a communications strategy and plan that improves the understanding of teachers and promotes the role that CLD plays in delivering CfE. Demonstrate the widening positive impact that CLD can bring to Scotland’s learners. Ensure that messages are relevant to the audience, easily understood, inspiring and address any concerns that might arise around CfE in a CLD context. Create an open and transparent approach to communications which actively encourages stakeholder engagement. Measure the effectiveness and impact of our communications approaches and use this evidence to enrich our planning. Stakeholders Within the CLD sector there are many stakeholders to engage with and understanding and analysing the position and needs of stakeholders will inform our communications strategy and helps us identify stakeholders whose strong support we can call upon and those who may be more resistant. Part of the work on the Strategic Implementation Group (SIG) is to identify a complete stakeholder list for the CLD sector, with each stakeholder being allocated a key contact. Below are details of the organisations that are considered to be key stakeholders in the CLD sector. Organisation Area of Responsibility Communications Channels CLD All Strands CLD Standards Council for Scotland Professional standards body for CLD. Community Learning and Development Managers Scotland (CLDMS) Represents managers of CLD services in all 32 local authorities Website Monthly e-bulletin Twitter Facebook YouTube I-develop (national CPD framework) Website Website Fortnightly e-bulletin Youth Work YouthLink Scotland National Youth Work Agency CfE Management Board – 11 June 2013 – paper 5.2 Youth Scotland Network of youth groups in Scotland LBGT Youth Scotland Youth and community based organisation for LGBT people in Scotland Young Scot National youth information and citizenship charity Scottish Youth Parliament Young people’s parliament designed and led by young people. Twitter Facebook Project specific micro-sites Website Regular e-news 3 project specific eupdates Twitter Facebook Website Twitter Facebook YouTube Website Micro-sites for projects Regular e-updates Twitter Facebook YouTube Website Twitter Facebook YouTube Website Members e-bulletin Twitter LinkedIn Website Occasional emails Twitter Adult Learning Learning Link Scotland National organisation representing voluntary sector adult learning Worker’s Educational Association (WEA) Scotland Scotland’s Learning Partnership National provider of community and work based adult learning National partnership of adult learners and providers Community Development/Community Capacity Building Scottish Community Development Centre (SCDC) National lead body for community development Community Development Alliance Scotland (CDAS) Network promoting community development in Scotland CfE Management Board – 11 June 2013 – paper 5.2 Website Regular e-mails Twitter Facebook YouTube Website Monthly e-bulletin Other national organisations Black and Ethnic Minority Infrastructure in Scotland (BEMIS) Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations College Development Network Umbrella body supporting the development of the ethnic minorities voluntary sector in Scotland National body for Scotland’s charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises Supports colleges to deliver learning Website Weekly e-update Website Third Force news website Goodmoves website Six regular ebulletins Twitter Facebook YouTube Websites Twitter Facebook In addition to the organisations listed above, there are many other organisations working in CLD and offering benefits to young people and communities across Scotland, these include voluntary organisations and 3rd sector organisations. Key messages The communications and engagement strategy is founded on the principle of establishing consistent and clear messages that can be shared with stakeholders. To build a framework of strong and effective communications a series of key messages will be established and used to inform communications across all channels. The key messages must address the following issues; What is CLD? CLD provides opportunities for all learners and is important for all practitioners and partners. It is the overarching description given to the wide range of programmes and activities, often delivered in partnership with educational establishments, that are aimed at improving life opportunities for learners, families and adults, and which help to build and strengthen communities. What are the different approaches to learning and the benefits available from CLD? There are many approaches available from CLD and partnership working which enhance the learning opportunities for young people. The benefits of engaging with CLD include opportunities for curriculum flexibility, learner journey and improving life skills and opportunities. How does wider achievement contribute to the overarching theme of attainment? CfE Management Board – 11 June 2013 – paper 5.2 CLD must be forward thinking CLD should continue to develop ways in which it can improve in the future through self-evaluation and planning. It is also about working together with partners to close the opportunity gap. Re-position CLD as a central part of CfE Reflect that CLD can provide opportunities and benefits for all young people The principles and themes of CfE can and should be applied to lifelong learning and are not restricted to learning from 3-18 High level messages must be broad to encompass the work and benefits of this diverse sector Further consultation with colleagues and partners, through the CLD Strategic Implementation Group (SIG) is required to ensure that the key messages are addressed and the issues identified above are fully considered. Approaches A range of approaches will be deployed to deliver the communications plan to support the CfE communications and engagement plan for CLD. 1. Develop a plan of communications activities to ensure that messages are delivered to the key audiences In consultation with colleagues/partners we will prepare a plan of communications activities to reach stakeholders using appropriate communications channels. These will include, amongst others, stakeholder engagement, e comms and media opportunities 2. Maximise the potential of partners’ communications channels to deliver coherent joined up messages to the various audiences This will be achieved by establishing a database of all partners’ communications channels and ensuring the key messages are used appropriately and effectively where relevant. 3. Plan specific media campaigns to proactively reinforce key messages and to counter act negative comments There has been a great deal of media coverage on CfE and the implementation in schools. We will use a proactive national and local media plan to promote the CfE communications and engagement plan for CLD. This would include interviews with key people from the CLD sector, case studies from the critical friend’s network delivered and possible Ministerial input through visits. CfE Management Board – 11 June 2013 – paper 5.2 4. Identify and prepare key critical friends from the CLD sector and build a bank of supportive evidence and case studies around successful approaches to CfE across CLD This will be achieved by establishing a database of case studies and supportive quotes, this information held on the database will then be used across the various activities described above. 5. Identify and prepare a stakeholder contacts plan This will be achieved by identifying the key stakeholder groups and allocating representatives from within Education Scotland to contact each group to share the key messages of the plan. Communications Channels Education Scotland has well established communications channels that are successful in reaching audiences within formal learning however there is a need to develop our communications channels for the CLD sector. The use of partners’ communications channels will be vital to ensure we are reaching audiences. This approach, coupled with the development of Education Scotland’s CLD channels, will ensure the messages are reaching the intended stakeholders. Key Communication Channels Press and media: Professional journals: TESS Rapal, etc Herald Scotsman Guardian Internal channels: Tabloids Staff briefing document Sundays Staff briefing session GTCS Magazine Staff newsletter, e-card All Scottish regional and local press Specialist press where appropriate Broadcast Advertising /Advertorial CfE Management Board – 11 June 2013 – paper 5.2 Partner channels: Social media: CLD Standards Council website/channels Facebook Scottish Government website Twitter Scotland’s Colleges website/channels YouTube Local Authority channels Advertising (Google, Facebook) i-Develop Education Scotland channels: External engagements/events: Education Scotland website Education Scotland Inspectors, Area Advisors and DOs Education Scotland News Service (daily and weekly) Practitioner Groups E-bulletins/campaigns CfE events CfE & Glow Newsletter SLF Education Scotland Newsletter Learning Blog Adult Literacies Online Connect Communications Activity Plan The communications activity plan is detailed at the end of this paper. This sets out how we will utilise the communications approaches and channels into a plan with timescales and resources required also noted. To ensure that we can deliver this plan a team of key people from across Education Scotland need to work together to support the implementation and delivery. Internal communications There is also a strong requirement to develop an internal communications plan to ensure that staff are fully aware of the wider external stakeholders plan. The internal communications plan should include a briefing document and briefing session with staff. Evaluation CfE Management Board – 11 June 2013 – paper 5.2 To ensure that the communications strategy and plan are effective an ongoing process of evaluation and feedback will be an integral part of the communications plan. This will take the form of seeking regular feedback from stakeholders through a number of channels including informal face-to-face meetings/discussions, online surveys and impact analysis. Findings from the evaluation will be used to inform future strategies and plans. CfE Management Board – 11 June 2013 – paper 5.2 Communications Activity Plan April - June Date Channel Activity Audience Status April June Communications Plan Develop a communications campaign and plan with all activities aligned to the key messages outlined in the Communications strategy. All stakeholders – teaching practitioners and CLD practitioners Complete April Education Scotland digital and social media channels Strategic Implementation Group (SIG) email. CLD practitioners Complete All stakeholders – teaching practitioners and CLD practitioners Complete Resources Required The SIG has been set up following the publication of the Strategic Guidance for Community Planning Partnerships in CLD to help manage the implementation of the assigned responsibilities and to ensure appropriate involvement of key delivery partners. The Group is made up of representatives from across the CLD sector in Scotland May Education Scotland digital and social media channels CfE Comms and Engagement Plan for CLD Publication and promotion of CfE briefing on CLD June 2013 April Education Scotland digital and social media channels CLD content in CfE Implementation Ebulletin Teaching practitioners Complete May Education Scotland digital and social media channels CLD content in CfE Implementation Ebulletin Teaching practitioners Complete Comms team to lead. June Internal Communications Notify staff of CLD/CfE communications plan and activities ES, SG and SQA Staff Ongoing Comms team to lead. June Education Scotland digital and social media channels Strategic Implementation Group (SIG) email CLD practitioners Comms team to lead. June Education Scotland digital and social media channels Promotion of CLD activities at SLF 2013, including CLD focussed seminars and how they support key campaign messages and CLD activities on ES stand and also within CLD village. Teaching practitioners CLD DT to identify activities. Comms team to promote as part of SLF comms plan. June Education Scotland digital and social media channels Promotion of CfE activities at SLF 2013, including CfE focussed seminars, CfE activities on ES stand and also within CLD village. CLD practitioners CLD DT to identify activities. Comms team to promote as part of SLF comms plan. CfE Comms and Engagement Plan for CLD June 2013 June Internal Communications Update staff of CLD/CfE communications plan and activities ES, SG and SQA Staff Comms team to lead. June Education Scotland digital and social media channels CLD content in CfE Implementation Ebulletin Teaching practitioners Comms team to lead. July - December July – Dec Promotional Campaign Development and implementation of a promotion campaign to promote the benefits of CLD for all learners. Campaign would include adverts, posters showcasing different learner journeys and the positive impact CLD has made on them. All stakeholders – teaching practitioners, CLD practitioners and parents CLD development team (CLD DT) and Comms team to work with design agency on development of campaign. Comms team to promote when finalised. August Education Scotland digital and social media channels Further promotion of CLD activities at SLF 2013, including CLD focussed seminars, CLD activities on ES stand and also within CLD village. Teaching practitioners CLD DT to identify activities. Comms team to promote as part of SLF comms plan. CfE Comms and Engagement Plan for CLD June 2013 August Education Scotland digital and social media channels Further promotion of CfE activities at SLF 2013, including CfE focussed seminars, CfE activities on ES stand and also within CLD village. CLD practitioners CLD DT to identify activities. Comms team to promote as part of SLF comms plan. Aug Education Scotland digital and social media channels CLD content in CfE Implementation Ebulletin Teaching practitioners Comms team to lead. Aug Internal Communications Update staff of CLD/CfE communications plan and activities ES, SG and SQA Staff Comms team to lead. Aug – Oct Case studies Collation of case studies for use throughout communications plan particularly to generate positive media stories and to raise awareness of CLD. All stakeholders – teaching practitioners and CLD practitioners CLD DT to identify/collate case studies. Comms team to prep for use in comms plan. Sept Education Scotland digital and social media channels CLD content in CfE Implementation Ebulletin Teaching practitioners Comms team to lead. Sept Internal Communications Update staff of CLD/CfE communications plan and activities ES, SG and SQA Staff Comms team to lead. Sept Events CLD activities at SLF 2013, including CLD focussed seminars, CLD activities on ES Teaching practitioners CLD DT to identify CfE Comms and Engagement Plan for CLD June 2013 stand and also within CLD village. Includes promotion during SLF using dedicated social media channels. activities. Comms team to promote as part of SLF comms plan. Sept Events CfE activities at SLF 2013, including CfE focussed seminars, CfE activities on ES stand and also within CLD village. Includes promotion during SLF using dedicated social media channels. CLD practitioners CLD DT to identify activities. Comms team to promote as part of SLF comms plan. Sept – Nov Media activity Promotion of CLD work through case studies in local media. All stakeholders – teaching practitioners and CLD practitioners Comms team to liaise with media. Support from CLD DT. Sept – Dec Ministerial visits Opportunities for Ministerial visits, suggested schedule would be 1 visit per month or bi-monthly. All stakeholders – teaching practitioners and CLD practitioners CLD DT to identify opportunities. Comms team to liaise with SG and media. Sept – Dec Media activity Develop a series of regular news pieces/stories for TESS that incorporates the key messages. The case studies and All stakeholders – teaching practitioners and CLD practitioners CLD DT to identify opps and Comms CfE Comms and Engagement Plan for CLD June 2013 supportive quotes would be used throughout the articles. team to liaise with media. Sept – Dec Media activity Develop a story for inclusion in Sunday papers to provide national coverage and raise awareness of and impact of CLD in supporting CfE. The case studies and supportive quotes would be used throughout the articles. All stakeholders – teaching practitioners and CLD practitioners CLD DT to identify opps and Comms team to liaise with media. Sept – Dec Media activity Develop a series of regular news pieces/stories for GTCS that incorporates the key messages. The case studies and supportive quotes would be used throughout the articles. All stakeholders – teaching practitioners and CLD practitioners CLD DT to identify opps and Comms team to liaise with media. Sept – Oct Education Scotland online service Revision and promotion of CLD section of ES online service to ensure the content reflects CLD input to CfE. Also to include CfE information for CLD practitioners. All stakeholders – teaching practitioners and CLD practitioners CLD DT to review content, provide updated content. Comms team to promote revised website. Sept – Dec Events Delivery for an event or series of regional events for CLD practitioners. The purpose of the events would be to improve the practitioners understanding of CfE. CLD practitioners CLD DT to plan and lead of events. Comms team to promote events to CLD community. CfE Comms and Engagement Plan for CLD June 2013 Sept – Dec Events Input at events (local or national) for teaching practitioners. The purpose would be to improve teaching practitioners understanding of the benefits of CLD. Teaching practitioners CLD DT to identify opps across ES. Comms team to promote events to school community. Sept – Dec Education Scotland digital and social media channels Publication and promotion of additional CfE briefings focussing on CLD All stakeholders – teaching practitioners and CLD practitioners CLD DT to identify areas to be covered in briefings and to provide content. Comms team to promote briefings. Oct Education Scotland digital and social media channels CLD content in CfE Implementation Ebulletin Teaching practitioners Comms team to lead. Oct Internal Communications Update staff of CLD/CfE communications plan and activities ES, SG and SQA Staff Comms team to lead. Oct – Nov Events Delivery of an event or series of events (possibly Glow meets) for guidance teachers to raise awareness of CLD/CfE links Teaching practitioners CLD DT to work with ES colleagues to identify content for events. Comms team to promote. CfE Comms and Engagement Plan for CLD June 2013 Oct Education Scotland digital and social media channels CLD content in CfE Implementation Ebulletin Teaching practitioners Comms team to lead. Oct Internal Communications Update staff of CLD/CfE communications plan and activities ES, SG and SQA Staff Comms team to lead. Nov Education Scotland digital and social media channels CLD content in CfE Implementation Ebulletin Teaching practitioners Comms team to lead. Nov Internal Communications Update staff of CLD/CfE communications plan and activities ES, SG and SQA Staff Comms team to lead. Nov Education Scotland digital and social media channels Strategic Implementation Group (SIG) email Teaching practitioners Dec Education Scotland digital and social media channels CLD content in CfE Implementation Ebulletin Teaching practitioners Comms team to lead. Dec Internal Communications Update staff of CLD/CfE communications plan and activities ES, SG and SQA Staff Comms team to lead. Dec Evaluation Collation of ongoing evaluation and feedback on communications activities implemented throughout the plan All stakeholders – teaching practitioners and CLD practitioners Comms team and CLD DT to work together to evaluate. CfE Comms and Engagement Plan for CLD To be issued after SIG meeting in November Comms team to lead. June 2013