Leaders & Managers in Education
Hope Fulton (Aspiring Secondary Head teacher)
Date of Review Meeting
June 2013
Individual Self Evaluation
GTCS Number
Which year in professional update?
You should complete this self-evaluation form and pass a copy, along with your Record of Staff Development from your CPD portfolio (part of the 5
yearly Professional Update), to your reviewer at least seven days ahead of your review meeting as it will form the basis for discussion at the meeting.
You should reflect upon your work during the past year against your own job description and your progress towards the outcomes in your CPD Plan
and the Improvement Plan, as well as revisiting your last review record. Be prepared for the Review Meeting to take around 1 hour.
Section 1
Progress against outcomes identified at previous review and impact at individual, team/base and local authority level.
Consider the following questions.
What do you feel has gone well in the last 12 months? You may want to include a page of highlights/”magic moments” of your year.
I feel I have built positive relationships as DHT with all stakeholders, including local residents.
Built a positive reputation for hard work, consistency, and dealing with difficult situations calmly, restoratively in addition to supporting
and challenging staff and pupils.
After conducting a 360° review on my performance to over 40 staff – comments /ratings were very positive.
Completion of SQH; graduation and Standard for Headship. Invited to continue academic study at Masters’ level.
Built positive relationships within teams: Senior Leadership Team and Principal Teachers, staff.
Built positive relationships with most PTs based on support, challenge and interactions with departments. There is a clear message
from some they feel challenged where previously not so.
Attention to detail –thorough and precise in completion of tasks pertaining or investigating difficult situations.
Meticulous record-keeping.
Dealing with new dilemmas/ taking reflection time when required but also thinking quickly in crisis/ new situations.
Coaching staff in whole school posts.
Led & implemented leadership development, building teams, ethos and developing capacity in others.
The membership and strategic work of working groups I lead.
Developing school ethos by supporting young people and their families, developing multi-agency working.
Managing & challenging change effectively.
Reaching short leet interviews for headship but unsuccessful in appointment so far.
Visible, approachable - knowing our community “wearing my heels down” on walkabouts around our school.
Work with Education Scotland, Scottish government consultation and working parties..
What do you feel has been challenging?
Time management: people and tasks/ protecting strategic time with increased staff absence and greater responsibility.
Relationships with some staff when tackling attendance, disciplinary and competence issues.
Adapting to change in remits.
The amount of time I spend on operational tasks and dealing with school discipline is disproportionate to colleagues.
Dependency culture –sought to deal with difficult situations.
Communication across school – as a completer / finisher I find it frustrating when jobs are incomplete or there is lack of consultation/
The stress of dealing with very challenging staffing and Human Resources issues, managing the effects of incompetence / industrial
tribunals/ grievance procedures across school and departments.
What could have been done by you or others that could have helped?
Ring fence my time to listen to pupil voice.
Clear communication / expectation on my part.
Need for continued administrative support and protected time.
Allocate time and stick to it.
Learn to manage time more effectively and prevent time being stolen for operational issues when dealing with strategic matters.
Improved support/ liaison from outside agencies.
Spend time on STACS data.
Clear expectations of others including their responsibility for discipline.
Equal distribution of workload.
Professional Values and Personal Commitment
This page should be used to reflect on Professional Values and Personal Commitment. All teaching employees are expected to adhere
to the GTCS Code of Professionalism and Conduct and to show Professional Values and Commitment. As such, all teaching
employees are asked to reflect on their professional values and commitment as part of this process.
Social Justice
 Embracing locally and globally the educational and social values of sustainability, equality and justice and recognising the rights and responsibilities of future as
well as current generations
 Committing to the principles of democracy and social justice through fair, transparent, inclusive and sustainable policies and practices in relation to: age, gender
and gender identity, race, ethnicity, religion and belief and sexual orientation
 Valuing as well as respecting social, cultural and ecological diversity and promoting the principles and practices of local and global citizenship for all learners
 Demonstrating a commitment to engaging learners in real world issues to enhance learning experiences and outcomes and to encourage learning out way to a
better future
 Respecting the rights of all learners as outlined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and their entitlement to be included in
decisions regarding their learning experiences and have all aspects of their well-being developed and supported
 Demonstrating openness, honesty, courage and wisdom
 Critically examining personal and professional attitudes and beliefs and challenging assumptions and professional practice
 Critically examining personal and professional attitudes and beliefs, values and practices to effect improvements and, when appropriate, being out
transformative change in practice
Trust and Respect
 Acting and behaving in ways that develop a culture of trust and respect through, for example, being trusting and respectful of others within the school, and with
all those involved in influencing the lives of learners in and beyond the learning community
 Providing and ensuring a safe and secure environment for all learners within a caring and compassionate ethos and with an understanding or wellbeing
 Demonstrating a commitment to motivating and inspiring learners, acknowledging their social and economic context, individually and specific learning needs and
taking into consideration barriers to learning
Professional Commitment
 Engaging with all aspects of professional practice and working collegiately with all members of our educational communities with enthusiasm, adaptability and
constructive criticality
 Committing to lifelong enquiry, learning, professional development and leadership as core aspects of professionalism and collaborative practice
Professional Values and Personal Commitment (continued)
I acknowledge that I am expected to maintain and enhance qualities of Professional Values and Personal Commitment throughout my career
I acknowledge and agree that I have read and adhered to the GTCS Code of Professionalism and Conduct
Area(s) for further development and anticipated outcome
Undertake appropriate leadership CPD/CLD in preparation for headship including Masters.
Improve network of colleagues and outside agencies.
Develop reputation nationally and at local authority level – including research work and participating in National initiatives.
Possible change of remits – more curricular work.
Maintain pedagogical engagement through classroom practice and up-to-date reading and discussion about Learning and Teaching.
Ensure extensive knowledge of Education Law and legal issues pertaining to all stakeholders.
Work with Business Manager to ensure Health & Safety is high profile and that all budgets/ processes, including DSM, are accurate.
The subsequent pages do not necessarily reflect all aspects of an individual’s job. This form can be customised to meet the needs of teams and
individuals by adding statements which reflect your job and that you feel are not covered by the statements listed. Blanks have been left at the
bottom of each section for this purpose. Pages 9 and 10 should be completed if you currently have a teaching commitment.
Please list the areas of performance with which you are particularly pleased under Key Strengths and Areas for development and anticipated
outcomes in each the professional areas of Strategic Vision; Meeting Learner’s Needs; Improving Performance; and Leadership Skills and Abilities. If
you are a leader or manager with a teaching commitment you should also complete the sections: Professional Knowledge and Understanding; and
Professional Skills and Abilities. You do not need to put in an area of development for each section. You should identify, in total, a maximum of three
areas for development and the outcomes you are aiming to achieve.
You should identify your own development needs with consideration to the needs of young people and the School Improvement Plan. Each of the
statements, against which you are self-evaluating, are cross-referenced to the GTCS Standards for Leadership & Management . Each of the
statements in the self-evaluation tool, has reference numbers alongside – each number relates to a part of the Standard for Leadership and
Management. You should use the Standard to gain a deeper understanding of each of the numerical references.
The self-evaluation cycle
In support of your self evaluation, think about where you are in your
development as a part of a cycle.
Change means we will all be starting to look at new areas of
development, working on them, thinking about how improvements
can be made, checking, testing and studying prior to integrating the
activity into practice and then from there, considering innovative
ways of using this before the cycle starts again. Innovative practice
may be also be considered at the beginning of the cycle.
Definitions to assist your thinking are offered as follows:
Innovating/Beginning (B) - the process of discovering new
knowledge or developing skills and considering new ways of
Emerging (E) – the process of beginning to put new
knowledge or skills into practice
Applying (A) – the process of reviewing use of new
knowledge or skills
Integrating (I) – embedding knowledge and skills into
everyday practice
Consider where you are in this cycle when you look at the statements against which you are self evaluating.
Strategic Vision
Refer to Page 4 for explanation of cycle
 I create and share the strategic vision, ethos and aims (2.1, 4.4.1, 3.3.1)
 I keep abreast of social and environmental trends and developments and consider implications for my leadership (2.2.3)
 I understand the dynamics of political power locally and nationally (2.3.4)
 I use my political awareness to influence my decision making (2.3.4)
 I value and contribute to cross sector working, both locally and nationally, to impact improvements (4.2.6)
Key strengths with source of supporting evidence
I would like to become a Headteacher (HT) who provides equality of
opportunity, personal achievement and lifelong learning skills. My
values include a purposeful work ethic facilitating inclusive learning
for all young people. Therefore the governments’ Recognising
Achievement initiative (Building the Curriculum 3 – (BtC3)) is the
perfect vehicle to drive this forward. The school I aspire to lead
would inspire integrity and confidence in others (2.1, 4.4.1), creating
a democratic environment of mutual respect. It would value conflict
resolution – the rights of young people, and their proposals would be
integral to school planning. Young peoples’ contributions must be
considered to inform debate on curriculum, learning and teaching
(L& T) and impact on the wider school community.
Area(s) for development and anticipated outcome(s)
Develop cross sector projects which will deliver on my vision, values
and aims.
Continue to politically aware and media “savvy” – intend to attend a
national CPD course on dealing with media attention as a Head teacher.
Sustain the positive profile of our school in the local community and with
Maintain links with elected members, inviting them to school regularly to
discuss and problem solve community focused issues.
Continue to keep abreast of educational, social and environmental
trends through academic reading including:
• Allee, V (1997) The Knowledge Evolution – expanding
organizational intelligence Newton, MA: ButterworthHeinemann;
• Bollington, R. (2004) in Brundrett, M & Terrell, T (2004) Learning
to Lead in the Secondary School. London: RoutledgeFalmer;
• Davies, B (2009). The Essentials of School Leadership – 2nd
Edition. London: Sage Pubs.
Davies, L (2004)
Education & Conflict – complexity and chaos Oxon:
Davies, B & Ellison,
L (2003) The New Strategic Direction & Development of the
School London: RoutledgeFalmer.
Fullan, M. (2009)
The Challenge of Change – Start school Improvement Now (2nd
Ed) California: Corwin Press.
Hargreaves, A.
Sustainable Leadership in Davies,B (2009) The Essentials of
School Leadership – 2nd Ed London: Sage Publications.
Harris, A. (2008)
Distributed School Leadership. Oxon: Routledge.
Meeting Learners’ Needs
Refer to Page 4 for explanation of cycle
 I commit to and model career-long learning as a “leading learner” including leadership and management concepts (2.1, 4.3.5)
 I collaboratively work with all stakeholders to strategically plan the curriculum to meet learning and pastoral needs of all learners
(3.3.2, 4.3.2, 3.4.2, 4.4.2)
 I establish, sustain and participate in processes to support pedagogic practices across the establishment (4.3.3, 4.3.4, 3.3.3, 3.3.4,
 I work collaboratively with other professionals to meet the needs of all learners (3.4.4, 4.4.4)
 I work collaboratively with parents / carers to meet the needs of all learners (4.3.3, 3.4.3)
Key strengths with source of supporting evidence
Working in conjunction with the Support Faculty, challenging
pupils are re-integrated to pave their way for inclusion in our
school (National Priorities 1-5). This entitles all pupils to a
safe and structured learning experience, providing “More
Choices & More Chances” for alternative curriculum pupils
and presentation for National 2 or 3 awards. This has aided
these pupils to gain 5+ level 3 SCQF passes to improve post
school opportunities. Therefore, a degree of success has
been achieved in improving L & T experiences and meeting
learners’ needs (HGIOS 3 – 5.9). In my work with ASN &
other pupils I am described as a “skilled practitioner in
dealing with conflict”.
As DHT with pastoral responsibility for one third of our school
population I have developed excellent relations with young
people, families and support networks. Our young people
are nurtured and supported to allow their individual needs to
be met in an inclusive, non-discriminatory environment. We
ensure the child is at the centre and there is multi-agency
communication thus “Getting it Right for Every Child.”
Area(s) for development and anticipated outcome(s)
Improved and detailed communications across inter-agency
support networks.
Staffing changes in Support has meant that young people have
had various Support teachers which are unsettling.
A need to discuss a move towards a vertical guidance system,
including personal support time on our curriculum.
All of this will improve meeting learners’ needs including their
health and wellbeing.
Improving Performance
Refer to Page 4 for explanation of cycle
 I encourage and enable staff to use self-evaluation data to improve outcomes for all learners
(4.1.2, 3.1.2, 4.1.5)
 I establish systems which enable all staff to effectively use data to impact on the improvement for all learners (3.1.3, 4.1.3, 3.4.1)
 I collaborate with all stakeholders in identifying, agreeing and implementing improvement priorities (4.1.4)
 I create opportunities for collaborative development activities as part of the improvement planning process (3.2.2, 4.2.2)
 I ensure that ERD processes which identify the strengths and development needs of individuals lead to positive impact on all learners
(4.2.3, 3.2.2)
 I regularly critically engage with literature, research and policy (2.2.1, 2.2.2, 2.2.3, 2.2.4, 3.1.4,3.2.5, 3.3.6, 3.4.5, 3.5.4, 4.1.6, 4.2.7,4.3.5, 4.4.5,4.5.4)
Key strengths with source of supporting evidence
 I encourage others to engage in career-long learning to enhance their practice to improve practice for all learners (2.1, 4.2.2)
 I establish through leading and modelling an ethos that encourages self-evaluation at every level in the establishment (3.1.1, 4.1.1)
Area(s) for development and anticipated outcome(s)
Responsibility for Q.I 1.1 Improvements in performance.
KPIs are all increasing under my supervision impacting on
STACS, school moving to NCD 2.
Meticulous monitoring and tracking of pupils.
My work with the Scottish government has supported by
deeper knowledge of performance in schools.
Professional reading is embedded in my practice.
Need for good practice visits or Learning Walks to other schools
with HMIe 6 for Self – Evaluation.
Involve more staff, parents/carers and pupils in the process,
audit, planning and development of school improvement.
Professional Knowledge & Understanding
(this page should be completed if you currently have a teaching commitment)
Refer to GTCS Standard for Registration for more detail
Refer to Page 4 for explanation of cycle
Have knowledge and understanding of
 the nature of the curriculum and its development
 the relevant area(s) of pre-school, primary or secondary curriculum
 planning coherent and progressive teaching programmes
 contexts for learning to fulfil their responsibilities in literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing and interdisciplinary learning
 the principles of assessment, recording and reporting
Education Systems and Professional Responsibilities
 the principle features of the education system, education policy and practice
 the schools and learning communities in which they teach and their own professional responsibilities within them
Pedagogical Theories and Practice
 the relevant educational principles and pedagogical theories to inform professional practices
 the importance of research and engagement in professional enquiry
(DRAFT) 10
Key strengths with source of supporting evidence
Leading Learning & Teaching working party, delivering Inset,
responsibility for QI 2.1 learners’ experiences.
Aspiring to excellence.
Knowledge of subjects – extensive SQA expertise.
Managing subjects as faculty link/ line manager.
Holding to account departments’ attainment.
Further developing/ applying mentoring across S4-S6.
Challenging under-performance, incompetence.
Area(s) for development and anticipated outcome(s)
Continuing to build upon positive relationships.
Build network at Local Authority and National level to “tap into”
different pedagogical approaches.
Improve consistency in quality of Learning & Teaching including
higher order questioning technique, report writing etc.
Consistency in calibre of Learning & Teaching (AiFL, feedback
etc) to raise standards across all learning areas.
Professional Skills and Abilities
(this page should be completed if you currently have a teaching commitment)
Refer to GTCS Standard for Registration for more detail
Refer to Page 4 for explanation of cycle
Teaching and Learning
 Plan coherent, progressive and stimulating teaching programmes which match learners’ needs and abilities
 Communicate effectively and interact productively with learners, individually and collectively
 Employ a range of teaching strategies and resources to meet the needs and abilities of learners
 Have high expectations of all learners
 Work effectively in partnership in order to promote learning and wellbeing
Classroom Organisation and Management
 Create a safe, caring and purposeful learning environment
 Develop positive relationships and positive behaviour strategies
Pupil Assessment
 Use assessment, recording and reporting as an integral part of the teaching process to support and enhance learning
Professional Reflection and Communication
 Read and critically engage with professional literature, educational research and policy
(DRAFT) 11
 Engage in reflective practice to develop and advance career-long professional learning and expertise
Key strengths with source of supporting evidence
Area(s) for development and anticipated outcome(s)
I embrace change as a positive force.
I understand the strategic implications of my job.
A resilient and reflective practitioner.
Thorough and accurate in execution of tasks.
I embrace the whole school planning cycle and its impact on
school improvement.
Creative and solution-focussed.
I have assisted with change towards attainment & improved
Led consultation.
Training on and participation in local authority inspection.
Outstanding from last session’s ERD.
I need to protect time for strategic thinking/ planning.
How to inspire those unreceptive to change, in addition to
support and challenge?
Sustain positive school ethos/ culture.
Sharing practice can help other colleagues in their professional development:
The area(s) I am prepared to share with others is:
Within Local
Group / Area
of Service
National /
• Not appropriate.
Do you wish to discuss your career development?
(please tick appropriately)
If yes, please outline your career plan and consider what support you require. If applicable, please use the following link to support your
discussion: Framework for Developing Leadership & Management
• Aspiring Head Teacher. Support with interview technique and readiness for post. Suggestions of areas for personal/ professional
development from my line manager’s perspective.
Are there any work or work life balance issues that if addressed, could help you in your job?
(DRAFT) 12
If yes, please comment.
• Working in excess of 12 hours per day, in school, is causing anxiety. I would like support &/ or advice with workload issues.
Are there any health and wellbeing issues that if addressed, could help you to perform better in
your job?
Please note: the Council offers an advice, information and counselling service to all employees and their immediate family through the Employee
Assistance provider Care First. This is a free and confidential service and information about this service can be accessed at Care First
If yes, please comment.
Are there any other issues which you would wish to discuss?
Planning for Headship.
CLD for this session.
Line manager’s perception of my work-related performance – areas of strength and development.
(DRAFT) 13