+ ' $$$ &$ !% # %# "&!% HP-PAC replaces the familiar metal chassis structure with expanded polypropylene (EPP) foam. Large reductions are realized in mechanical parts, screw joints, assembly time, disassembly time, transport packaging, and housing development costs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Parts required for a workstation using the existing packaging concept. • 100% recyclability. Granules produced from recycled EPP can be used for manufacturing other parts such as packaging material and shock absorbers. EPP foam parts can be produced in densities of 20 to 100 g/l. Lower density provides excellent shock absorption, while higher density offers tighter manufacturing tolerances. Thus design tradeĆoffs are possible. The next step was to apply this new concept to an already existing workstation. One workstation seemed suitable for the conversion. The existing concept (see Fig. 1), consisting of sheetĆmetal chassis (top and bottom), electrical compoĆ nents, sheetĆmetal enclosure, EMI liner, and plastic parts, was transformed into a foam chassis, electrical components, sheetĆmetal sleeves, integrated EMI liner, and modified plastic parts (see Fig. 2). In the new technology, all of the compoĆ nents are held by their own geometry in formĆfitting spaces in the foam chassis. The connections between them are achieved through cabling held in foam channels (Fig. 3). Time was saved by processing the foam chassis, the sheet metal, and the plastic parts in parallel. To obtain the foam parts quickly, we rejected the ordinary way of creating drawĆ ings with the help of a CAD system and instead created a 2D Fig. 3. Channels in the foam carry cooling air (shown) and cabling. cardboard layout showing the placement of the components. A packaging company placed their sample tooling shop at our disposal for a few days. The first prototype was built step by step. We milled, cut, and glued, applying a lot of imagination. After two days the first prototype was nearly finished. ComĆ ponents were fixed in the necessary form fit and we were all aware that we had taken a step in the right direction. Back at HP we made a few minor changes to the EPP chassis and the remaining enclosure with the help of a knife and finĆ ished the prototype. The major question now was, Will it run?" We ran software on the workstation and started testing, surrounded by our production staff. The programs worked! Next, temperature, humidity, and environmental tests were performed. Temperature problems were corrected by alterĆ ing the air channels through cutting and gluing. HP class B2 environmental tests were passed (see Table I and Fig. 4). Table I Thermal Test Results CPU Temperatures (°C) Test Point Fig. 2. Parts required for the workstation of Fig. 1 using the HPĆPAC concept. August 1994 HewlettĆPackard Journal HP-PAC Original UB7 29.1 32.1 UD15 33.0 37.5 UB20 36.6 44.8 UH25 35.7 46.7 TOĆ220 49.3 59.8 UM10 39.9 44.5 UM25 58.7 67.5 UR30 56.7 73.7 MUSTANG 70.0 82.9 CPU Average 45.44 54.39 SHOCK DATA Side of DUT: Waveform: Duration: Delta V: Faired Acc.: Rear Half Sine 1.7 ms 246.2 cm/s 240.0 g MACHINE SETTING Pressure PROGR.: Pads: 0.0 MPa 0.9 psi 0.0 kPa 0.0 psi 5.0 in 12.7 cm 1 Thick/1 Thin Date: Name: 10.03.92 Bart Dechesne Pressure LIK: 0 2.5 5 Time (ms) Height: Acceleration (g) 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 DEVICE UNDER TEST Instrument: Serial No.: Options: Prod. Weight: HP799 HPPAC 02101 H. Disk 9.7 kg SHOCK DATA Side of DUT: Waveform: Duration: Delta V: Faired Acc.: Rear Half Sine 7.5 ms 207.9 cm/s 45.1 g MACHINE SETTING Pressure PROGR.: Pads: 0.0 MPa 0.0 psi 0.0 kPa 0.0 psi 5.0 in 12.7 cm 1 Thick/1 Thin Date: Name: 10.03.92 Bart Dechesne DEVICE UNDER TEST Instrument: Serial No.: Options: Prod. Weight: HP799 HPPAC 02101 H. Disk 9.7 kg SHOCK DATA Side of DUT: Waveform: Duration: Delta V: Faired Acc.: Rear Trapezoidal 28.0 ms 804.7 cm/s 28.3 g Pressure LIK: 0 5 10 Time (ms) Height: (b) (a) 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 DEVICE UNDER TEST Instrument: Serial No.: Options: Prod. Weight: HP799 HPPAC 02101 Chassis 9.7 kg SHOCK DATA Side of DUT: Waveform: Duration: Delta V: Faired Acc.: Rear Trapezoidal 23.5 ms 737.2 cm/s 31.7 g MACHINE SETTING Pressure PROGR.: Pads: 2.1 MPa 300.0 psi 0.0 kPa 0.0 psi 30.0 in 76.2 cm 1 Thick/1 Thin Date: Name: 10.03.92 Bart Dechesne Pressure LIK: 0 25 Time (ms) (c) Acceleration (g) HP799 HPPAC 02101 Chassis 9.7 kg 50 Height Acceleration (g) Acceleration (g) 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 DEVICE UNDER TEST Instrument: Serial No.: Options: Prod. Weight: 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 MACHINE SETTING Pressure PROGR.: Pads: 2.1 MPa 300.0 psi 0.0 kPa 0.0 psi 30.0 in 76.2 cm 1 Thick/1 Thin Date: Name: 10.03.92 Bart Dechesne Pressure LIK: 0 25 Time (ms) 50 Height: (d) Fig. 4. *- 0/ 0.+/*&00"! 0, %.! !&/( !.&2" 5 7 #,* + +! 0%" /"+/,. &/ ,+ 0%" 3,.(/00&,+ + +! ! 0%" /"+/,. &/ ,+ 0%" %.! !&/( !.&2" %")! 5 7 • • • • • • • &$ /%,3/ 0%" &*- 0/ 0.+/*&00"! 5 7 0, %.! • "-.0&,+ "03""+ #1+ 0&,+)&05 +! &+!1/0.&) !"/&$+ %" !&/( #,. 03, !&##"."+0 05-"/ ,# /%, (/ %)# /&+" 0.-"6,&! "40".+) "+ ),/1." &/ !"/&$+"! #0". !"#&+&0&,+ ,# 0%" *"7 %"/" &*- 0/ ,1)! 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"4-"+!&01." #,. 0%" *" %+& ) !"2"),-*"+0 ,# 0%" %,1/&+$ ,*-."! 0, ,+2"+0&,+) %//&/ ,+ "-0/ 7/ &0% 7 ." 5 ))" +! "+2&.,+*"+0))5 !2+0$"/ &+ )1!" #.&"+!)5 *0".&) &/ 1/"! #,. 0%" ,+/0.1 0&,+ ,# 0%" %//&/ ."!1 0&,+ &+ 0%" +1*". ,# %//&/ -.0/ 1$1/0 "3)"007 (.! ,1.+) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Fig. 5. . +#&'((#" ''! - '%)" #! #((#! ''' # #((#! ''' &( - # #! (#$ ''' $" # ''' ''! # ''' #+& " #')& $$& " #')& " #')& #!$ ( * #$!"( # ''' #" - !"' '$( - &&"" #!$#""(' +(" !# $&( " &" (# &(" #"'(&)(#" ) "' )"(#". " $&#)(#".'$ ,(&" " #')& ' * #$ '$&( - (& ". (#" # ( "(&' & & & - "- (# &" $&#. !' ' &') ( # !(& , (- "' & '!$ (# ))'( + ((.& #)&" $&#&! - )((" )" " (#" &"" '# " #$(! 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