Limb from Limb: Taking on the Giant Harvard Townsend IT Security Officer


Limb from Limb: Taking on the Giant

(or for those who like boring titles –

Anatomy of an Attack)

Harvard Townsend

IT Security Officer

October 31, 2007


Thursday, August 23

8:40am - Josh Ballard warns SIRT about global increase in scanning for vulnerable Trend Micro

ServerProtect (TMSP) instances

Recommends making sure TMSP is patched.

Reports some inbound traffic on TCP port 5168

Refers to SANS Internet Storm Center report from that morning

SANS reports says “It does indeed look like machines are getting owned with this vulnerability”

(actually in Aug. 22 diary)

10:16am - Seth Galitzer reports odd behavior of 3

Windows servers that started the afternoon of

Aug. 22, including the “blue screen of death”

(BSOD) and continual rebooting


Thursday, August 23

Seth tried backing out Aug. 14 Windows patches. Didn’t help

11:39am – Seth associates reboots with a crash of spntsvc.exe – Trend Micro

ServerProtect service; Disabled the service and systems stabilized. Other servers with ServerProtect not affected.

1:42pm – Harvard speculates that Seth’s problem and Josh’s announcement are related; Points out that Trend Micro has a patch to fix the vulnerability in TMSP


Friday, August 24

8:44am – Marin Dowlin reports same problem with a server

8:53am – another one reported in Biochemistry

9:41am – Seth reports TMSP patches won’t install

10:18am – Shea McGrew recommends removing

TMSP and upgrading to OfficeScan 8.0 if TMSP patches fail.

3:28pm – Brandon Utech joins the chorus; reported two servers rebooted with the same error immediately after a ServerProtect-initiated scan started; provided detailed analysis that pointed to TMSP as the culprit

4:55pm – sporadic network outages start, continued until nearly midnight


Saturday, August 25

12:50pm – more network problems reported

3:06pm – Redundant campus Internet connection disabled to stabilize the network

7:21pm – A server is compromised a second time from a different source; uploads malware to the server


Monday, August 27

8:44am – Dereatha Cross reports no problems with Windows servers running

Trend Micro OfficeScan, which does not have the same vulnerability

Josh identifies four compromised servers that launched a Distributed Denial of Service

Attack; network access for these servers is blocked

The DDoS packets failed to leave the campus since the source IP addresses were spoofed

Josh begins analyzing network flow data to look for other compromised servers


Diversion for Definitions

 Distributed Denial of Service Attack


Multiple compromised systems flood the bandwidth or resources of a targeted system, usually one or more web servers

(i.e., they deny the ability of the target to provide the intended service)

When the source is hundreds, maybe thousands of computers all over the world, is very difficult to stop


Spoofed Source IP Address

Source IP address identifies the computer where the network packet originated

All K-State IP addresses start with 129.130 (for example,

A “spoofed” source IP address re-writes the data packet header with a false address to hide its origin

Any packet with a source IP address NOT starting with 129.130 is discarded at the campus border

Thus the DDoS attack flooded our campus network with traffic, but not the intended target

( web server)


Network Flow Data

Cisco routers collect information about

IP network traffic

“Flow” = a unidirectional sequence of packets all sharing these 5 values:

Source + destination IP address

Source + destination port

IP protocol (IP, TCP, UDP, ICMP, etc.)


Cisco Netflow Record Contents

Timestamps for the flow start and finish time

Number of bytes and packets observed in the flow

Layer 3 headers:

Source & destination IP addresses

Source and destination port numbers

IP protocol

Type of Service (ToS) value

Nothing about packet payload (content) recorded (i.e., we’re not snooping)


Monday, August 27 continued

3:08pm – Harvard discusses strategy with

SIRT; still some uncertainty and not much information in security community about this exploit; have not been able to confirm how our four servers were compromised

3:33pm – Bryan Boutz reports that one of the compromised servers had the ServerProtect patch applied on Thursday, Aug. 23, but he had to reinstall TMSP for patch to take

4:06pm – Harvard indicates that activity on port 5168 started on Wednesday, Aug. 22, so his server was likely compromised the day before he patched it.


Monday, August 27 continued

4:23pm – From flow data, Josh determines that the DDoS targeted, further evidence that the servers were compromised by the TMSP vulnerability

4:26pm – Harvard sends urgent warning to campus about four compromised servers, impending block of port TCP/5168 at the campus border, urges sysadmins to remove

ServerProtect and upgrade to OfficeScan 8.0

4:48pm – Bryan Boutz updated TM pattern file, scanned the compromised server, and the backdoor was identified and removed.


Tuesday, August 28

 Peace and quiet returns to Oz

Wednesday, August 29

 TCP port 5168 blocked at the border


Timeline in Retrospect

June 2007 – Trend Micro privately informed of the vulnerability

July 27 – Trend Micro quietly releases patch, which is not part of automatic pattern file updates; has to be manually applied

Aug. 22 – Trend Micro announces the vulnerability and the patch since exploits are now occurring in the wild

Aug. 22 – SANS Internet Storm Center reports increased activity on port 5168 on the Internet

Aug. 22, 4:08pm – first server compromised

Aug. 22-23 – 10 servers compromised at K-State

Aug. 23 – first speculation that the rebooting servers related to TMSP vulnerability; sysadmins start patching

ServerProtect, which prevents further spread


Timeline in Retrospect

Aug. 23 – Trend Micro pattern file able to detect/clean malware from this exploit

Aug. 25 – Dormant malware on four compromised server awakened by remote control via IRC to launch

DDoS attack on, causing network problems; DDoS unsuccessful because of KState’s border protection

Aug. 25

– One server compromised a second time

Aug. 27 – Four compromised servers blocked; netflow analysis confirms source of compromise is exploited vulnerability in ServerProtect.

Aug. 27 – urgent call to patch/upgrade issued

Aug. 28 – Netflow analysis completed, revealing a total of 10 compromised servers that are blocked

Aug. 29 – blocked port TCP/5168 at the border


Zero-Day Exploit or Attack

Defn: Attack launched either before or on the same day that a vulnerability is announced or discovered

In our case, the vulnerability and patch were publicized on Aug. 22, the same day K-State servers were compromised

However, the patch was actually released on July 27


Lessons Learned

Josh is a netflow wizard and master analyst!

Critically important for the campus community to work together in response to threats (collective wisdom wins again!)

Communication critical to coordinated, appropriate response

Should have blocked 5168 at the border sooner, but it would not have prevented the infections

 Except one case where a server was compromised twice via port 5168 from two different sources; the second

Zero-day exploits are very, very difficult to defend against

An aggressive “default deny” host-based firewall config would have prevented infection (i.e., only allow specific hosts to connect to port 5168)


Lessons Learned

Our normal IRC botnet detection missed this because the botnet controller was a new one (it’s now in the list of known controllers!)

Was a stealth botnet, so very difficult to detect until it launched the DDoS

No extra processes running

Injected its code in svchost.exe process so it wasn’t noticed

Log of IRC commands in memory, not on disk

It is sometimes difficult to correlate anomalous behavior with an exploit/attack

Even though the Trend Micro pattern file detected the malware on Aug. 23, it was installed on Aug. 22 so it might not get detected until the next scheduled scan on Wed.

Aug. 29.

Is it time to recommend daily scheduled scans? Beware of the performance impact on a server


Lessons Learned

This could and has happened to other anti-virus software products, like Symantec. Trend Micro products are still an effective and important part of our security arsenal.

Ironic that security software (Trend Micro

ServerProtect) was the source of the compromise, but not surprising since security software operates deep within the OS. It is therefore an attractive target for hackers.

Interesting connection between exploit of Trend

Micro software that was then used to attack

Hackers are now targeting applications as much as operating systems, compounding the challenge of keeping systems secure 20

Lessons Learned

 The challenge of patching as a preventative measure

Are hundreds of vulnerabilities announced each week and hundreds of patches in dozens of different applications and OSes

Zero-day exploits are relatively rare

Some patches break things

Best practice is to test patches thoroughly before deploying in production, but that’s not practical now

Yet, a vulnerable system is a substantial risk

So what’s a nerd to do?!?!



Aggressive firewalls

Regularly scan for open ports/services, and evaluate their necessity

Automated patching of as much as possible

Consider a daily TMOS scheduled scan

(again, beware of performance impact)

More IT security staff to:

Monitor and evaluate alerts

Implement IDS/IPS technology

Manage firewalls

Perform host and network forensics analysis

Handle incidents


Lessons Learned

The threat is real

We are living dangerously


What’s on your mind?

