Activities of FG-M2M

ITU Workshop on
“E-health services in low-resource settings:
Requirements and ITU role”
(Tokyo, Japan, 4-5 February 2013)
Activities of FG-M2M
Hideo Himeno
FG-M2M WG3 leader
NEC Corporation
Tokyo, Japan, 4-5 February 2013
ITU-T Focus Groups
Focus Groups are an instrument created by ITU-T
that augment the Study Group work programme
by providing an alternative working environment
for the quick development of specifications in
their chosen areas.
Focus Groups are now widely used to address
industry needs as they emerge, and when they
are not covered within an existing Study Group.
The key difference between Study Groups and
Focus Groups is the freedom that they have to
organize and finance themselves. Focus Groups
can be created very quickly, are usually shortlived and can choose their own working methods,
leadership, financing, and types of deliverables.
Tokyo, Japan, 4-5 February 2013
Focus Group on M2M Service Layer
The Focus Group on the M2M service layer
(FG M2M) was created in TSAG meeting
(January 2012) and started in April 2012.
It will conclude usually in one year.
M2M (Machine to machine communication)
covers very wide area and several
standardization activities have already
commenced its study in SG13, SG16 and
oneM2M. In order to avoid duplicate works
with them, FG M2M will focus initially on
services and applications for e-health.
Tokyo, Japan, 4-5 February 2013
Focus Group on M2M Service Layer
The Focus Group on the M2M service layer (FG M2M) was
created in TSAG meeting (January 2012) and started in
April 2012. It will conclude usually in one year.
M2M (Machine to machine communication) covers very
wide area and several standardization activities have
already commenced its study in SG13, SG16 and oneM2M.
In order to avoid duplicate works with them, FG M2M will
focus initially on services and applications for e-health.
We started study of e-health on definitions, terminology,
taxonomies, business model, health record, use case,
service, applications, requirements to network, architecture
of network, interface and protocols.
It is very important to capture requirements of medical and
clinical market by consulting with e-health related SDOs
(ex.WHO, mHealth Alliance, etc).
Tokyo, Japan, 4-5 February 2013
Machine-to-machine (M2M) communication is considered to be
a key enabler of applications and services across a broad
range of vertical markets (e.g., health-care, logistics,
transport, utilities, etc.). A common M2M service layer, agreed
at the global level involving stakeholders from the M2M and
vertical market communities, would provide a cost-efficient
platform, which can be easily deployed in hardware and
software, in a multi-vendor environment, and across sectors.
The Focus Group on the M2M service layer (FG M2M) will study
activities currently undertaken by various standards
developing organizations in the field of M2M service layer
specifications to identify key requirements for a common M2M
service layer.
FG M2M will identify a minimum set of common requirements
of vertical markets, focusing initially on the health-care market
and application programming interfaces (APIs) and protocols
supporting e-health applications and services, and draft
technical reports in these areas.
Tokyo, Japan, 4-5 February 2013
Collect and document information from the global M2M
community and from vertical market entities on current
activities and technical specifications including
requirements, use cases, service and business models, etc.
Draft technical reports to support the development of APIs
and protocols to enable M2M services and applications;
focusing initially on services and applications for e-health.
Facilitate and encourage the participation and contribution
of vertical market stakeholders and liaise with other SDOs
to avoid duplication of activity.
Assist in the preparation and conduct of the ITU/WHO
workshop on e-health (26-27 April 2012) with respect to
M2M applications and services for the health-care sector.
Tokyo, Japan, 4-5 February 2013
Specific tasks and deliverables
Perform a “gap analysis” for vertical market M2M service layer
needs, initially focusing on applications and services for the
health-care market.
Identify a minimum common set of M2M service layer
requirements and capabilities, initially focusing on e-health
applications and services.
Study whether existing APIs and protocols satisfy the above
requirements and capabilities to support a common M2M service
layer between M2M applications and telecom networks.
Draft technical reports describing and addressing the gaps and
identifying future standardization work for ITU-T in the field of the
M2M service layer.
Support global harmonization and consolidation by inputting final
deliverables to the parent Study Group and other relevant Study
Groups as appropriate.
Develop a living list of SDOs, forums and consortia dealing with
M2M service layer APIs and protocols, including information
concerning their activities and documents in the context of a
common M2M service layer platform.
Tokyo, Japan, 4-5 February 2013
Working Groups structure
WG1 Use cases and service models
Leadership: M. Morrow (Cisco), R. Istepanian (Kingston
University), M. Berrebi (eDevice)
Definitions, terminology, taxonomies
Ecosystem including business roles and key actors
Use cases
WG2 Requirements and architectural framework of
the M2M Service Layer
Leadership: M. Carugi (ZTE), H.J. Kim (ETRI)
Requirements of the M2M Service Layer :
M2M Service Layer architectural framework: capabilities and
functional components of the M2M Service Layer , reference
WG3 API and protocols
Leadership: Guodong Xue (Huawei), Hideo Himeno (NEC)
Framework of M2M APIs and protocols
M2M APIs and protocols for specific interfaces
Tokyo, Japan, 4-5 February 2013
M2M standardization activities
and gap analysis: e-health
Himeno (NEC)
M2M enabled ecosystems: ehealth
Marco Carugi (ZTE)
Cheng Li (CATR)
Jae-young Ahn (ETRI)
Hao Chen (CU)
M2M use cases: e-health
Ishigure (NTT)
Jun Seob Lee (ETRI)
M2M service layer: requirements
and architectural framework
Jun Soeb Lee (ETRI)
Jiajia Deng (CT)
Akaoka (NICT)
M2M service layer: API and
Himeno (NEC)
Tokyo, Japan, 4-5 February 2013
FG meeting plan
Past meeting
1st: April 17-18 2012, Geneva
2nd: June 26-28 2012, Beijing
3rd: August 29-31 2012, Geneva
4th: November 13-15 2012, San Jose
5th: January 22-24 2013, Santander
Future meeting plan
7th: April 27-30 2013, Riyadh
9th: July 16-19 2013, London
11th: October 8-11 2013, Korea
6th, 8th, 10th: e-meeting
Tokyo, Japan, 4-5 February 2013
How can WHO and ITU collaborate
in the future FG M2M meeting?
We had Joint ITU-WHO Workshop on e-Health
Standards and Interoperability in April 2012. It
looked very good workshop and we got several
conclusions as follows;
Produce joint report of this meeting
Create working group in both WHO and ITU-T
Develop of roadmap of standard and adoption
Analysis different standard to indicate the function of it
Create portal link standard information
Convince value of information and standard by
especially policy maker
Develop the value of standard of interoperability by
collecting practice through use case
Tokyo, Japan, 4-5 February 2013
Thank you!
5th meeting in Santander, Spain
Tokyo, Japan, 4-5 February 2013