Nationally Procured Content on Glow Education Scotland Briefing 10 August 2015 BACKGROUND Education Scotland is responsible for the provision and signposting to relevant curriculum and assessment materials. Through Glow, local authorities and schools can access core content, (including eportfolios, support material for the broad general education and new national qualifications, blogs, wikis and broadcasting), subject or sector specific content (for example modern languages, Gaelic, Scottish history, programming), and user produced content generated by teachers or learners through networks such as the science network and other national sites. Schools and local authorities are also currently able to access some nationally procured resources, in particular, Twig, Tigtag, Scran and Scholar. PROCURING DIGITAL CONTENT An internal review, conducted last year, highlighted that nationally procured material has not been universally used which does not represent good value for public money. We are currently consulting on the possible development of a national collaborative agreement which could be used by local authorities to purchase digital resources of their choice and opt in to contracts accordingly. This would allow schools and local authorities to have greater choice and increase personalisation through the selection of those resources which are most relevant for their learners. Individual schools and local authorities will continue to have the ability to make local procurement decisions. Further information about a national collaborative agreement will be made available following the consultation period. UPDATE ON NATIONALLY AVAILABLE DIGITAL CONTENT Twig and Tigtag These resources have been nationally procured by Education Scotland for a further 12 months from July 2015 and will be nationally available until July 2016. Scran Scran is nationally available via the Glow service to 31 March 2016. Education Scotland will fund the Scran Service to Schools until September 2015. The period from October onwards will solely be funded and provided by the Scran Trust which is a registered charity in Scotland. The Scran Trust is also actively investigating how to fund the service on a continuing basis. Scholar Education Scotland are currently funding Scholar to update all their Advanced Higher materials in line with new national qualifications.