Fife College 24 April 2015 A report by HM Inspectors on behalf of the Scottish Funding Council Full report The external review process HM Inspectors undertake an independent review of the quality of provision in Scotland’s colleges on behalf of the Scottish Further and Higher Education Funding Council (SFC) under a service level agreement between the council and Education Scotland. External review teams include HM Inspectors, associate assessors and a student team member. During external reviews, members of the review teams observe learning and teaching and hold discussions with learners, staff and stakeholders. They consider information on learner attainment and evaluate learner progress and outcomes. They meet with members of the Board of Management and obtain feedback from community groups, partners and employers who work with the college. The purpose of this report is to convey the main outcomes arising from the external review, to acknowledge the college’s strengths and to provide a clear agenda for future action to improve and enhance quality. This external review results in judgements of effective or limited effectiveness or not effective that express the external review team’s overall evaluation of high quality learning, learner engagement and quality culture. The report also uses the following terms to describe numbers and proportions: almost all most majority less than half few over 90% 75-90% 50-74% 15-49% up to 15% This report is Crown Copyright. You may re-use this publication (not including agency logos) free of charge in any format for research, private study or internal circulation within an organisation. You must re-use it accurately and not use it in a misleading context. The material must be acknowledged as Crown Copyright and you must give the title of the source document/publication. For any other use of this material please apply for a Click-Use Licence for core material at: or by writing to: HMSO Licensing, St Clements House, 2-16 Colegate, Norwich, NR3 1BQ Fax: 01603 723000 E-mail: Contents Page 1. Introduction 1 The external review 1 2. The college and its context 2 3. 3 Outcomes of external review Judgement of Effectiveness Section A: Section B: Section C: Section D: Section E: 4. Overarching judgement Supporting statements Areas of positive practice Areas for development Main points for action How well are learners progressing and achieving relevant, high quality outcomes? 3 3 4 5 6 7 5. How effective are the college’s learning and teaching processes? 9 6. How well are learners engaged in enhancing their own learning and the work and life of the college? 12 7. How well does the college recognise and respond to changes in its environment? 14 8. How well is the college led and how well is it enhancing the quality of its services for learners and other stakeholders? 15 9. How extensive and effective are college partnerships with communities, other learning providers, employers and agencies? 17 10. Signposting excellent practice 18 11. What is an overarching judgement? 20 12. What happens next? 22 13. Further information 22 14. How can you contact us? 23 Appendices 24 Glossary of terms The Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework 24 25 1. Introduction The external review The external review by Education Scotland took place during the week beginning 16 February 2015. We examined learning and teaching and other important activities that impact on the quality of the learner experience. We evaluated these against the three key principles of high quality learning, learner engagement and quality culture, using the 13 reference quality indicators outlined in External quality arrangements for Scotland’s colleges, updated August 2013. We also included QIs 2.2 Relevance of programmes and services to learner needs and 6.3 Managing and responding to changing environments to support our evaluations. We found examples of excellence which we describe in this report on pages 18 and 19. The external review team talked with learners, staff at all levels in the college, members of the Board of Management, employers, external agencies and other users of the college. 1 2. The college and its context In carrying out the external review of Fife College, Education Scotland took the following college context fully into account. Fife College came into being on 1 August 2013, as a result of the merger of Adam Smith and Carnegie Colleges together with part of Elmwood College. The college services the needs of the communities of Fife where there is a mix of rural and urban populations. The main campuses are located in Cupar, Dunfermline, Glenrothes, and Kirkcaldy, and with learning facilities in Levenmouth. The Regional Outcome Agreement for 2014-17 was drawn up by the college in consultation with the Local Community Planning Partnership (CPP). In completing the agreement Fife College has undertaken a range of review and planning activities. These have included detailed analysis of key industry sectors, likely future economic development and demographic factors in Fife and adjacent regions. Resulting proposals include re-alignment of activity levels across the college campuses. Regional analysis suggests that Fife has the fourth highest level of deprivation in Scotland and there are particularly low levels of employment in specific communities. Following merger, Fife College has undergone a major restructure of staff roles to take account of the new operating environment with a flatter management structure overseeing operations. The college has recently reorganised its curriculum delivery and management roles, with support services expected to be completed in spring 2015. There are just over 313 full-time equivalent (FTE) teaching staff and some 314 FTE providing support to the curriculum activity. A number of staff have recently left the college through voluntary severance as part of the reorganisation. The college organises provision through eight curriculum departments which incorporate 31 curriculum and student support areas. The college delivers programmes in almost all subject categories from level 2 to level 10 on the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF). In 2013-14 the college enrolled 13,373 learners with approximately 30% studying on a full-time basis. In the current year approximately 25% of college enrolments are learners from the 20% most deprived data zone areas. Most learners come from the Fife and Kinross area, with a smaller proportion travelling from across Scotland to undertake specialist study. The college works in close partnership with a wide range of external strategic partners. These include Fife Council, Fife Employability Partnership, Skills Development Scotland (SDS), NHS Fife and NHS Lothian, the Scottish Prison Service and an extensive range of community and employer organisations. It delivers a growing number of school-college partnership programmes across Fife in support of Curriculum for Excellence. The college is committed to deliver an overall target of approximately 180,000 wSUMs in 2014-15. The college's projected revenue budget for the period April 2014 to March 2015 is £43.7m of which 69% is funding from SFC. 2 3. Outcomes of External Review Judgement of Effectiveness Section A: Overarching judgement The effectiveness of Fife College’s arrangements to maintain and enhance the quality of its provision and outcomes for learners and other stakeholders is limited. This judgement means that there are some strengths in the college’s arrangements for quality enhancement. However, there are weaknesses in arrangements for high quality learning, learner engagement and quality culture. If not addressed, the importance of these weaknesses will continue to limit the effectiveness of the college’s arrangements. Section B: Supporting statements Learner progress and outcomes In full-time further education (FE) programmes 64% of learners complete their programme successfully which is two percentage points below the national sector performance level. In full-time Higher Education (HE) programmes successful completion rates for 2013-14 are 70% which is two percentage points below the national sector performance. Flexible entry and exit points support learner progression options either into employment or through further study routes. The college is working collaboratively with Fife Council to ensure its range of programmes meets the needs of learners who progress to college from local schools. During their programme of study almost all learners make good progress. Learners raise significant amounts of money for charitable causes. Several curriculum areas have developed effective approaches to learners’ development of employability skills, often through the use of vocational placements. However, the college recognises the need to develop and enhance employability opportunities across all vocational areas. Learning and teaching processes The college offers a wide range of carefully- planned programmes which support learners well. Learners are motivated and participate actively in almost all classes. Staff plan learning activities well overall. However learners are not actively involved in this planning. In most lessons, where there are appropriate opportunities to promote equality and diversity, these opportunities are missed. Teaching staff make good use of their industry experience and subject knowledge. However they do not use a sufficiently wide range of teaching approaches. The college has not yet established an appropriate level of information, advice and support services to learners on all campuses. Actions taken through internal review activities in the last academic year often focus on issues related to 3 programme management, and rarely focus on learning and teaching. In addition not all issues identified within the reports are addressed with clear actions. Learner engagement The college supports the Fife College Students Association (FCSA) well. It operates with a high degree of autonomy and employs its own general manager to support its operations. Almost all learners have positive and supportive relationships with teaching staff and enjoy their college experience. They are confident in discussing issues individually without the need to liaise with the class representative. Learners value the responsiveness of almost all teaching staff to their concerns and are generally confident that actions will be addressed where appropriate. However, few learners are actively encouraged by teaching staff to engage systematically or consistently in planning and negotiating the enhancement of their own learning. The college has identified the need for further continuing professional development (CPD) for staff in this area. In addition, the majority of class representatives are unclear about the full extent of their responsibilities. FCSA, its purpose and the services offered to learners, are not widely known by learners. FCSA’s visibility and presence is not strong across the college campuses. The college is currently considering alternative sites for FCSA bases in a few campuses. Leadership and Quality Culture The principal and senior managers provide purposeful leadership for the college curriculum, which supports local and national priorities well. Leadership for curriculum and support teams is not yet fully effective due to the number of staff very recently in post and the geographical challenges of different campuses. The college has a clear commitment to quality, and staff work diligently to ensure learners have a positive learning experience. However new quality arrangements to engage staff better in self-evaluation and action planning have yet to have an impact on further improvements. Strong strategic partnership arrangements with the local authority, other community bodies and employers are working well. The college recently introduced a wide range of new policies and procedures aimed at underpinning improvement. However, these are not yet fully understood by staff. Section C: Areas of positive practice Programmes meet the needs of learners, employers and Fife-based residents well. Almost all learners progress on to further learning, apprenticeships or employment. The majority of learners gain confidence through their learning and develop well as independent learners. Staff use industry experience and subject knowledge well in almost all lessons. The college provides a useful range of pre-entry information and guidance information for college applicants. Learners raise significant amounts of money for charitable causes. 4 The Executive Committee of FCSA represents the student body at Board level and on operational committees. They feel valued and listened to by senior managers in shaping the future for Fife College and enhancing the experience of its learners. The college has a high number of class representatives who are supported well by FCSA. The principal and vice principal (curriculum) provide purposeful leadership and strategic direction for the college curriculum. The college recently introduced a new Learning and Teaching strategy which provides a clear vision for learning and teaching. The revised portfolio of programmes takes good account of Scottish Government priorities, including the senior phase of curriculum for excellence and Developing the Young Workforce - Scotland's Youth Employment Strategy. Operational planning in support areas is linked clearly to current priorities for delivering and improving services to support learners. Managers in support areas work well both with each other and with curriculum teams. The three-way merger of Fife’s legacy colleges has resulted in one single college for Fife-based learners which supports enhanced and improved communication and partnership working arrangements for all relevant stakeholders. Section D: Areas for development Successful completion rates in full time programmes are below the national sector performance. The college has not yet established an appropriate level of information, advice and support services to learners on all campuses. Teaching staff do not actively involve learners in planning learning activities in the majority of lessons. In most lessons where there were appropriate opportunities to promote equality and diversity, these opportunities were missed. Teaching staff do not use a sufficiently wide range of learning and teaching approaches to motivate and engage learners. Arrangements for teaching staff to reflect on learning and teaching are not yet sufficiently well developed. Most programme teams do not yet evaluate teaching practice sufficiently well. The majority of class representatives are unclear about their responsibilities and their potential to influence college developments and processes. There are no clear links from the college’s strategic plan to department operational plans in most curriculum areas. Curriculum team leadership does not yet function sufficiently well across the college. 5 Section E: Main points for action The college should improve successful completion rates for full-time learners. Managers and staff should ensure learners are fully engaged in planning their own learning and contributing to the work and life of the college. Managers and staff should improve action planning for improvement at college and programme levels. The college should ensure that information, advice and guidance services are fully available across the college. Senior managers should further develop leadership for the curriculum ensuring the new roles and structures are fully effective. Staff should extend the range of learning and teaching approaches used in classes, taking full account of the need to promote equality and diversity. 6 4. How well are learners progressing and achieving relevant, high quality outcomes? How effective is the college at achieving and maintaining high levels of retention, attainment and progression? As the college was formed in August 2013, there is no historical data on which to base any trend analysis. However, for the purposes of this report the 2013-14 data for has been used as the performance indicator data for the review. Early withdrawal rates for HE programmes for 2013-14 are broadly in line with the national sector performance level. For FE programmes, early withdrawal rates are slightly worse than the national sector performance. Further withdrawal rates for HE programmes and part-time FE programmes are in line with the national sector performance level. Further withdrawal rates for full-time FE programmes are two percentage points worse than the national sector performance level. In full-time FE programmes, 64% of learners complete their programme successfully which is two percentage points below the national sector performance level. A further 10% complete with partial success which is one point above the national sector performance level. In full-time HE programmes successful completion rates for 2013-14 are 70% which is two percentage points below the national sector performance. A further 13% completed with partial success which is in line with the national sector performance level. Almost all learners whose destination is known progress onto further learning, apprenticeships or employment. How well do programmes and services meet learners needs? The college delivers an appropriate range of programmes from introductory access level programmes (SCQF level 2) to honours degree level provision (SCQF level 10). Across most curriculum areas these programmes, delivered at different levels and with different modes of attendance, meet the learning needs of learners, employers and other stakeholders well. Across most curriculum areas the range of programmes meets the needs of learners well and provides appropriate internal progression opportunities which are generally clearly signposted. Flexible entry and exit points support learner progression either into employment or through further study routes. The college works collaboratively with Fife Council to ensures its range of programmes meet the needs of school-based learners well. College programmes provide learners with appropriate skills and learning experiences that prepare them for employment and further learning. For example in the vocational area of hospitality, learners work with recognised industry experts through the St Andrews Food and Drink Festival. This enhances their knowledge of industry practice, increases their confidence, and strengthens their curricula vitae. Programme teams take good account of the recommendations contained in Developing the Young Workforce - Scotland's Youth Employment Strategy to ensure enhanced promotion and development of learners’ employability skills. Work experience placements across a number of curriculum areas support learners to develop relevant skills and prepare for employment. Many learners speak positively about their learning experiences. 7 How well do learners make progress, attain qualifications and achieve more widely? During their programme of study almost all learners make good progress, develop confidence in their learning, acquire appropriate academic or vocational skills and enhance their employment prospects. The majority of learners who complete their programme gain nationally-recognised awards. Most learners on SDS Modern Apprenticeship programmes improve their skills and achieve their qualifications. The majority of school-based learners undertaking Skills for Work programmes achieve their qualification. Most learners attain core skills levels in communications, numeracy and information communication technology (ICT) appropriate to their programmes. However, overall learner success in a small number of curriculum areas is low and is well below the sector performance levels. In addition, successful completion rates for FT (full time) HE programmes are low in several subject areas. Many learners leave their programme early. Fife College learners gain skills and enhance their employment prospects through successfully competing in national and international competitions. Examples include construction learners in the World Skills competition; hospitality learners in the ScotHot World Culinary Grand Prix, and hairdressing learners in a UK-wide hairdressing competition. Learners also develop their citizenship skills and raise significant amounts of money for charitable causes through fundraising activities. Teaching staff in a number of curriculum areas has taken effective approaches to the development of employability skills, often using vocational placements. However, the college recognises the need to extend this good practice and provide further opportunities to help learners develop their employability across all vocational areas. 8 5. How effective are the college’s learning and teaching processes? How well does the college design and deliver programmes and services to meet the needs of learners from all backgrounds and circumstances? The college offers a wide range of carefully-planned programmes across several campus locations. College programmes support learners well in their ambitions for employment or further study and in the development of their skills for learning, life and work. Supported learning programmes provide learners with skills that reflect employment opportunities within the local area. The college’s Drama Department works collaboratively with an Aspire group whose learners have additional support needs. The college provides a well-designed programme which builds confidence and self-reliance. Most teaching staff do not plan to make use of opportunities to promote a wider understanding of equality and diversity in learning and teaching. In most lessons, where there are appropriate opportunities to promote equality and diversity, these opportunities are missed. How well do learners learn? Learners are well motivated and participate actively in almost all classes. They engage well with their studies and work confidently together to share knowledge and learn from each other. The majority of learners gain confidence through their learning and develop well as independent learners. Almost all learners make good progress in developing their personal and vocational skills and in their work towards achieving their award. Learners reflect well on their learning in the majority of lessons. However they are rarely encouraged to set goals or systematically review progress. How well do planning, teaching and the use of resources ensure effective learning? Staff plan the learning activities well overall. In almost all lessons teaching staff make good use of their industry experience and subject knowledge well to enhance the learning experience. The relationships between staff and learners are purposeful in almost all classes. The majority of teaching staff actively promote learner confidence and achievement, and encourage learners to achieve high standards of work. Learners feel comfortable in approaching staff and asking for additional help if required. Teaching staff and learners use the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) constructively to support learning. However, learners have inconsistent access to resources, including the college VLE, books and ICT. Lack of access to appropriate resources in several programmes diminishes the learning experience. In the majority of lessons, teaching staff do not actively involve learners in the planning of learning activities. Teaching staff do not use a sufficiently wide range of learning and teaching approaches to motivate and engage learners, particularly in theory classes. Within specific vocational areas of the college such as hairdressing, promoting an awareness of sustainability is clearly part of planning and work practice. However, 9 sustainability is not routinely promoted in planning and delivery of lessons in all curriculum areas. In a few programme areas, timetable arrangements and staff absence have an adverse impact on the learning experience, particularly in the delivery of core skill units. The college is aware of this and recent changes have allowed them to begin to address this matter. How well is assessment used to promote effective learning? Most teaching staff plan and schedule end-of-unit assessments appropriately to ensure that learners are well prepared. Almost all teaching staff provide learners with advance information about the timing and return of assessments. Most teaching staff give learners detailed and helpful written and oral feedback on assessments which supports learners to reflect on their progress and further improve the standard of their work. In the majority of lessons, teaching staff use questioning techniques well to check on learner understanding of newly-acquired knowledge of the subject area and to prepare them for assessment. The college has appropriate measures in place for almost all learners who require additional arrangements to support their learning. How well are potential and current learners provided with information, advice and support? The college provides a useful range of pre-entry information and guidance for college applicants through the college website, from central support services and from guidance staff. Most learners feel well supported by teaching staff and value the opportunity to discuss any issues about their learning. Learners value the informal guidance and help given by staff. The college is currently reviewing how it might encourage learners to set goals and reflect on their learning systematically. However, the college has not yet established an appropriate level of information, advice and support services to learners on all campuses. Fewer than half of learners do not have satisfactory access to services to support their learning. As a result most learners report some difficulties in accessing accurate and timely information that would support their progress. Good referral processes to external agencies are not readily available to all learners, and this has been a difficulty for a few. The college is aware of the issues and work is in progress to improve arrangements for services to support learning. For FT FE learners, on-course guidance and support arrangements provided by teaching staff are not yet fully effective across the college. The college delivers two hours per week for support and guidance for all FT FE learners. These sessions, introduced this year, are a pilot initiative to focus on improvement. Whilst valued by learners, it is too early to evaluate the impact of this investment. The college plans to review these new guidance and support arrangements at the end of this academic year. 10 How well does the college sustain continuous enhancement of learning and teaching through self-evaluation and internal review activities? Most curriculum teams use a range of information such as withdrawal and attainment data, questionnaires and informal feedback to inform the evaluation of programmes. The majority of learners contribute informally through feedback to staff and do not engage actively in formal programme review. A few learners contribute feedback to inform evaluation in formal meetings. However, this is organised at a local level. External stakeholders help to reflect on provision and shape programmes in a few vocational areas of the college. The college is building on this work with external stakeholders and supporting more opportunities for stakeholder feedback. Most curriculum teams reflected on their provision in the previous academic year and implemented a limited range of improvements. These are having a positive impact on reducing early withdrawal and supporting progression. However, actions taken through internal review activities in the last academic year often focus on issues related to programme management and rarely focus on learning and teaching. In addition, not all issues identified within the reports are addressed with clear actions. The college has recently introduced a Learning, Teaching and Programme Review (LPTR) self-evaluation tool and recording process. Where staff have engaged with this new material, they are expressing some confidence in it. However, arrangements for teaching staff to reflect on learning and teaching are not yet sufficiently developed. Most programme teams do not yet evaluate teaching practice sufficiently well. 11 6. How well are learners engaged in enhancing their own learning and the work and life of the college? How well do learners engage in enhancing their own learning? The college is committed to establishing positive learner engagement and is currently developing a new Student Engagement Strategy for the merged college. A project working group brief has been drafted and a new manager has recently been appointed to lead in this area. A specific responsibility for one of the two FCSA Vice-Presidents is education and representation. The Vice President for Education and Representation attends the Learning and Teaching Committee. Class representatives have received helpful training based on the work of sparqs, supplemented by the FCSA. Further training sessions and activities are planned. However, at the time of the review less than half the class representatives had undertaken the training. The majority of class representatives are unclear about their responsibilities and their potential to influence college developments and processes. Almost all learners have positive and supportive relationships with teaching staff and enjoy their college experience. They are confident in discussing issues individually without the need to liaise with the class representative. Learners value the responsiveness of almost all teaching staff to their concerns and are generally confident that actions will be addressed where appropriate. However, few learners are actively encouraged by teaching staff to engage systematically or consistently in planning and negotiating the enhancement of their own learning. The college has identified the need for further staff CPD in this area. Personal Learning Support Plans based on the arrangements which existed within the legacy colleges, are in place for learners who require additional support. The college is currently reviewing the processes and the accompanying documentation in order to improve consistency across the college for the next academic year. The review will also include arrangements for learners to set goals and reflect on learning. Almost all learners’ views on learning and teaching are gained informally and most teaching staff make effective use of these discussions with learners to inform the evaluation of programmes. Most staff respond quickly when dealing with issues or implementing changes that will benefit learners in future classes. This includes the sequencing of units, changes to assessment scheduling, choice of optional units and feedback on preferred learning methods. Learner surveys take place three times during the academic year. The information gathered through these surveys is used effectively by FCSA to inform and follow up actions for improvement by curriculum teams. How well do learners engage in enhancing the work and life of the college? The college supports the FCSA well. The FCSA operates with a high degree of autonomy and has developed a new constitution. It employs its own general manager to support its operations. The Executive Committee of FCSA represents the student body at college Board level and on operational committees. Members feel valued and 12 listened to by senior managers in shaping the future for Fife College and enhancing the experience of its learners. FCSA recently produced a useful Progress Report highlighting its activity from 2014-15, which has been shared with the college Board. The report outlines the intention to set up the elected Student Council as the governing body for FCSA from February 2015. FCSA has been involved in organising and participating in college-wide events and activities. Officers of FCSA contribute to learner induction and organise and attend freshers’ activities on most of the campuses. During 2014 FCSA worked collaboratively with Police Scotland to organise workshops and to raise awareness for anti-bullying week. FCSA, its purpose and its services, are not widely known by learners. FCSA’s visibility and presence is not strong across the college campuses. The college is currently considering how to raise the visibility of FCSA bases in all campuses. However, formal planning for FCSA activity is at an early stage. The class representative arrangements are not fully effective but both FCSA and the college are working toward improving those arrangements. The college has identified 325 class representatives who are supported well by FCSA. However, as this is optional, not all classes have chosen to have a class representative. Most class representatives are not selected through a formal process. A few class representatives are there because no one else is prepared to undertake the role or because they have been a class representative in previous years. The number of class representatives attending meetings is low, although there is an opportunity taken by a few to submit material in writing. The recently-appointed managers in support areas are working in partnership with FCSA to follow-up on feedback from student surveys and to enhance services for learners where possible. However, the college recognises progress has been slower in this work than anticipated given the number of staff changes. 13 7. How well does the college recognise and respond to changes in its environment? The college recognises the scale of change in the internal and external environment. The college Board, managers and staff have worked diligently to prioritise and manage the wide range of changes required for the college to progress. Important priorities such as staff restructuring and work on financial security have been addressed early to ensure the college is able to continue to provide a full range of services to learners. The college Board and the senior management have worked well to prioritise their responses to the major structural, financial and policy changes in their operating environment. A wide range of recent policies and procedures related to learning and teaching and quality enhancement have been developed aimed at ensuring an equitable and improved offer to learners. The college has a clear and helpful risk management policy in place, which outlines key responsibilities for identifying and managing risk. Major risks are identified within planning and monitoring activity and are subject to periodic review and reporting. This generally operates well at a college level and more operational risks are identified within departmental operational plans. Although the risk identification process is thorough, it did not initially prioritise the potential risks around safeguarding and protection of vulnerable groups appropriately. As a result, this important area of work is progressing more slowly. The college recognises this and has acted promptly to expedite the situation. The college is implementing a clear and helpful planning schedule to review and update policies and procedures related to staff. Key policies and procedures are readily available to staff on the college intranet. However, few staff are aware of the updating and review process for policies and procedures that are important to the learner experience. This results in staff lacking confidence at times about what is in place. Most staff express concern that there has been limited consultation on some key policy changes. They feel that many changes, such as the changing of timetable blocks, were implemented before there had been an opportunity to consider the full implications and impact on the learners. The Curriculum Plan for delivery in 2015-16 has been subject to consultation and discussion with managers and key stakeholders. The plan is supported by research to match the curriculum to learner and community needs. In the revision of the portfolio, the college reflected upon lessons from previous years and took those into account. In addition, the college recognises and is planning well for the opportunities arising from working with schools. The college is taking full account of the recommendations from Developing the Young Workforce - Scotland's Youth Employment Strategy. However, communication by managers across the college of the more recent changes has not been fully effective. Staff are sometimes unclear about the most recent staff changes or adjustments to processes and procedures. For many of the new policies and procedures, their implementation is at too early a stage to evaluate their impact. Although information has been made available through email or the college intranet site, some staff have not yet engaged with this information. The role of Curriculum Manager is central in disseminating information, and getting the views of staff, learners and stakeholders. These posts have only recently been filled, and the impact of this mechanism for improved communication has not yet been fully realised. 14 8. How well is the college led and how well is it enhancing the quality of its services for learners and other stakeholders? The Board of Governors sets a clear strategic direction for the college. There are well-considered and intelligence-led planning processes that take good account of Scottish Government and SFC priorities set in the context of the local Fife economy. These processes address the needs of local employers, national and community partners and the aspirations of individual learners. The strategic plan articulates the vision of the college to enhance the wellbeing of the people of Fife by providing lifelong learning opportunities to promote employability, develop personal and employability skills and encourage achievement and progression. A set of organisational core values, including integrity, trust, mutual respect and social responsibility are highlighted clearly. The plan is closely aligned to the ambitions of the Regional Outcome Agreement for academic years 2014-17. However, operational planning by most curriculum and support teams during the current year focus mainly on the delivery of programmes. As a consequence, in most plans, there are no clear links from the college’s strategic plan to department operational objectives. College managers have a good understanding of the priority outputs identified in the strategic plan. Overall, staff have a strong commitment to doing the best for learners attending the college. However, the college strategic aims and objectives are not well understood by all staff. The principal and vice principal (curriculum) provide purposeful leadership and strategic direction for the college curriculum. Heads of department and curriculum managers are empowered to lead and manage programme areas. However, not all managers have a satisfactory level of engagement with staff. The college recently introduced a new Learning and Teaching Strategy which provides a clear vision for learning and teaching underpinned by five strategic themes. However, dissemination is still at a very early stage and most teaching staff do not yet report an awareness of the strategy. Many curriculum teams in the college are newly established and are still developing their knowledge and understanding of the roles of colleagues and managers. Curriculum team leadership does not yet function sufficiently well across the college. Communication within teams working across multiple campuses is not always effective. This can have a negative impact on learners, for instance when class cover for teaching staff absence needs to be arranged. Since merger the college has begun to review and refresh its curriculum offer, informed by a successful curriculum conference attended by curriculum managers and senior staff. Outcomes from this consultation include the introduction of more programmes at SCQF level 4/5 to meet the needs of Fife-based learners and align with provision delivered in local schools. The revised portfolio of programmes takes good account of Scottish Government priorities, including the senior phase of Curriculum for Excellence and Developing the Young Workforce - Scotland's Youth Employment Strategy. The college provides a comprehensive range of appropriate CPD for teaching staff at different points throughout the year. This includes Professional Development Awards in 15 Teaching Practice for staff new to teaching and the Teaching Qualification in Further Education. Learner support services are still undergoing organisational restructure and a few managers are only recently in post. These managers have begun to work well both with each other and with curriculum teams. Support service managers ensure operational planning is linked clearly to current priorities for delivering and improving services to support learners. They seek the views of a range of internal stakeholders to inform service improvements. For example, the ICT user group includes learners and curriculum staff to give their views on ICT provision. Support staff have developed an effective range of useful relationships with external agencies. They work collaboratively to plan and deliver services for learners. However, planning for services to support learners, such as student finance and guidance, is not yet working effectively across all campus locations. Processes to identify, plan and deliver CPD to all support staff work well. These ensure professional updating, gaining appropriate qualifications, wider development opportunities and sharing of good practice take place and are linked to individual staff needs and college priorities. The college’s commitment to a quality culture is expressed clearly in its vision statement in the Learning and Teaching Strategy. College leaders and managers have a clear sense of direction for the enhancement of quality although progress has been slower than planned. Most programme teams have engaged in informal evaluative activity which has generated local actions that have had a positive impact on the learner experience. However, the quality of action planning for improvement and enhancement is inconsistent. The college recently introduced a self-evaluation tool, LPTR, which is being piloted across almost all curriculum areas. A few managers and staff have begun to engage with the tool at this early stage and plans are in place to provide support and staff development to extend this to other staff. However, most teaching staff are insufficiently aware of the new processes. The majority of teams do not routinely link actions closely to identified areas for development. As a result, there is limited impact on improving the learner experience. Feedback from learners is largely informal and most learners are confident about raising issues informally with staff, and having those issues addressed. However most learners do not contribute in a systematic or consistent way to the review of learning and teaching. 16 9. How extensive and effective are college partnerships with communities, other learning providers, employers and agencies? The three-way merger of Fife’s legacy colleges has resulted in one single college for Fife-based learners. This supports enhanced and improved communication and partnership working arrangements for all relevant stakeholders. The college has a clear strategic commitment to partnership working with a broad range of local and regional partners, providing programmes which facilitate improved life choices for the communities it serves. It works collaboratively with a broad range of providers including Fife Council, local employers, universities, NHS Fife and Scottish Government agencies. The senior management have worked well to build improved partnerships, and have prioritised further development of enhanced partnerships. This has had a positive impact on the profile of the college and the success of partnership work. Partnership arrangements are well-developed and effective for delivering positive outcomes for the Fife economy, local businesses and local residents. The college is committed to the provision of programmes which support access and inclusion. Its 2014-17 Regional Outcome Agreement prioritises delivery of learning opportunities to learners from deprived communities. The college has engaged successfully in strategic dialogue with Fife Council Education Services in planning collaborative partnership projects better integrate the senior phase. This takes account of Curriculum for Excellence and aligns activity to support Developing the Young Workforce - Scotland's Youth Employment Strategy. For example, the college is a pathfinder for the Foundation Modern Apprenticeship to support the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) agenda. It aims to provide trained employees to meet the workforce needs of local and national STEM-related employers. This positive work is a useful example of a planned response to community need supported well through an effective partnership arrangement. College provision is responsive to the requirements of other agencies. Effective, collaborative arrangements, including improved articulation links with a number of universities, support leaners to progress onto higher education. Provision for STEM-related subjects, particularly engineering, is a strength of the college. It illustrates well collaborative partnership-working to meet the labour force requirements of key local and national employers. Contributions through live industry-related projects, guest speakers and work experience placements help underpin positive relationships with stakeholders and ensure on-going skill development for learners. These approaches work particularly effectively for hospitality, travel and tourism, engineering and hair and beauty learners. Generally, employers speak positively of their links with and services provided by Fife College. The college has established effective working relationships with a range of agencies. It collaborates effectively with SDS and Community Planning Partnership (CPP) Opportunities Fife to deliver a range of employability and apprenticeship programmes. The college works closely with Fife Council Community Learning and Development and voluntary sector partners to deliver programmes related to literacies and core and essential skills pathways in a range of learning centres and outreach settings to meet the needs of local residents. 17 10. Signposting excellent practice During the Education Scotland external review, the college submitted examples of what it considered to be excellent practice and the review team also identified examples worthy of dissemination. 10.1 The Science Training School The Science Training School is an innovative venture set up as a partnership between Fife College and NHS Lothian and is a useful example of successful engagement between education and industry. The Science Training School was set up to address a skills shortage within Scotland’s life science sector by developing a career progression route using the Modern Apprenticeship programme. This enables employed learners within the life sciences sector to enhance their skills and qualifications whilst continuing in employment. The progression pathway includes a part-time degree accredited by the Institute of Biomedical Scientists after completion of the Modern Apprenticeship. The Science Training School is based at St John’s Hospital, Livingston. It provides learners with the opportunity to undertake training in a purpose-built facility based in the heart of clinical practice. It is unique in Scotland. The facilities consist of a teaching classroom, a resource room and a laboratory. Programmes are delivered jointly by lecturing staff from Fife College and staff from NHS Lothian, ensuring that learners are exposed to current practices within the life sciences. Staff from both organisations visit life science companies and organisations in Edinburgh, Lothian and Fife and establish training programmes that align with their business needs. As a result, over 40 apprenticeships have been undertaken from both public and private sector organisations. The apprentices, at various stages in undertaking the Modern Apprenticeship in Life Sciences, are positive about this training and career route. This work has helped employed learners to develop their learning and skills to support progression. In addition, the provision supports the economic need for highly skilled staff in an employment sector where there are identified skills shortages. The development of strong links with employers has helped to ensure the relevance of the work, and assisted delivery staff to keep in touch with current industrial practice. 10.2 Learners using the development of Apps to meet educational and community need The Apps for good project was put in place to raise the levels of motivation, enhance problem solving abilities, and raise awareness of community issues. The activity, Apps for good, has been introduced in to National Qualification (NQ) Digital Media Computing programmes. Learners work in teams to develop Apps for phones, tablets or the web which help solve a specific social or community problem. Learners create, launch and market new and exciting products using a medium that they enjoy. There is a national website and organisations who support this work by making links with experts and sponsors. Teaching staff use open-source technology to deliver the project to NQ learners who work together to find real issues about which they care. They learn to build a mobile, 18 web or social app to solve these problems. Learners cover all aspects of product development from idea generation, technical feasibility, programming, marketing and business models. The project was included to cover aspects of mobile technology that had not previously been addressed at this level, including programming for mobile devices. The use of external experts to cover various aspects of the course gives learners access to a wealth of industry knowledge and experience that they would otherwise not have. Engagement in the project is very high, with all teams taking very proactive approaches to their work and reporting high levels of satisfaction from the work. Ideas for Apps have included: identifying places to visit and eat in Fife; developing software to help protect children on line by identifying key phrases used by predators; and a simple Get Well e-card app that is easy to use and personalise. In 2014 one of the Fife College groups was shortlisted for the final awards in London from a pool of over 200 other establishments. The impact of this work on the learners has included: greater use of modern technology; higher levels of engagement and motivation; real interaction with industry experts; and a focus on social and community issues being addressed through the use of technology. The development of planning, teamwork and technical skills have all been enhanced in an engaging and constructive way. 19 11. What is an overarching judgement? Education Scotland uses an overarching judgement of Effectiveness to express the findings of the review team. The judgement of effectiveness takes into account all the evidence gathered through the external review. Such judgements express outcomes as: effective; limited effectiveness; or not effective. This judgement is further detailed by supporting statements which substantiate the judgement of effectiveness. Education Scotland evaluates and reports according to the three key principles. In this report, the principles and supporting statements relate to: Key principle 1 – High quality learning (supporting statements numbers 1 and 2) Key principle 2 – Learner engagement (supporting statement number 3) Key principle 3 – Quality culture (supporting statement number 4) Judgements of effectiveness and supporting statements provide stakeholders with assurances, or otherwise, about the quality of a college’s provision. These judgements are based on trends and track record of a college, the findings at the time of the external review, and the college’s capacity to continue improving. A judgement of effective indicates that the college has in place effective arrangements to maintain and enhance the quality of its provision and outcomes for learners and other stakeholders. This judgement means that, in relation to quality assurance and enhancement, the college is led well, has sufficiently robust arrangements to address any minor weakness, and is likely to continue to improve the quality of its services for learners and other stakeholders. A judgement of limited effectiveness indicates that the effectiveness of the college’s arrangements to maintain and enhance the quality of its provision and outcomes for learners and other stakeholders is limited. This judgement means that there are some strengths in the college’s arrangements for quality enhancement. However, there are weaknesses in arrangements for high quality learning and/or learner engagement and/or quality culture. If not addressed, the importance of these weaknesses will continue to limit the effectiveness of the college’s arrangements. A judgement of not effective indicates that the college’s arrangements to maintain and enhance the quality of its provision and outcomes for learners and other stakeholders are not effective. This judgement means that there are significant weaknesses in the arrangements for high quality learning and/or learner engagement and/or quality culture. There is a high probability that, without significant and comprehensive action, with external monitoring and support, the college will fail to improve current low-quality provision and outcomes to an acceptable level. Education Scotland does not have evidence that the college has the capacity and commitment to identify and implement effective and comprehensive action. 20 Scottish Funding Council response to judgements If the overarching judgement is effective, the Council will expect the college to engage with Education Scotland in follow-up activity, as appropriate, and, one year after the publication of the review reports, to provide a report, endorsed by its governing body (see Council guidance to colleges on quality from August 2012, paragraphs 62-66 SFC/13/2012 setting out its response to the review.) If the overarching judgement is of limited effectiveness or is not effective, the Council will require the institution to prepare and fulfil an action plan to address the shortcomings identified (see paragraph 67 of guidance). Education Scotland will provide advice to SFC on the adequacy of the action plan and on how it is being implemented. SFC, taking into account any advice from Education Scotland, will normally require a formal follow-up review at an appropriate time, usually within no more than two years. 21 12. What happens next? Education Scotland will continue to monitor progress during annual engagement visits to the college. There will be feedback to the learners at the college. One year on from this report, the college will produce a report setting out what it has done to address the main points for action and/or areas for development in the report and other quality assurance and enhancement activities. There will be a link to this report from Education Scotland’s website. Dr John Laird HM Inspector 13. Further information The review and judgements relate to the college as a whole and do not provide information about individual programmes of study or subjects. For further information on these or any other queries, contact the college or look on its website For further information about Education Scotland, the external review methodologies, or other information about reviews, see For further information about the Scottish Funding Council, see – 22 14. How can you contact us? This report has been produced as a web-only publication and is available on our website at views/FifeCollege.asp . If you would like to receive this report in a different format, for example, in a translation please contact the administration team on 01506 600381. If you want to give us feedback or make a complaint about our work, please contact us by telephone on 0141 282 5000, or e-mail: or write to us addressing your letter to The Complaints Manager, Denholm House, Almondvale Business Park, Livingston, EH54 6GA. Text phone users can contact us on 01506 600236. This is a service for deaf users. Please do not use this number for voice calls as the line will not connect you to a member of staff. Readability Survey Alternatively if you are reading this report in hard copy please type the following address into your web browser. Crown Copyright 2015 Education Scotland 23 Appendix 1 Glossary of terms CPD CPP FCSA FE FT FTE HE ICT LPTR NHS NQ PLSP SCQF SDS SFC STEM VLE wSUM Continuing professional development Community planning partnership Fife College Students Association Further education Full time Full time equivalent Higher education Information and Communications Technology Learning, Teaching and Programme Review National Health Service National Qualification Personal Learning Support Plans Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework Skills Development Scotland Scottish Funding Council Science, technology, engineering and mathematics Virtual Learning Environment weighted student unit of measurement 24 Appendix 2 25