– AEV Perth College

Perth College – AEV
Today’s training for tomorrow’s hospitality workforce:- The Food Court,
Sodexo Partnership
As a result of radical overhaul of full-time hospitality programmes, learners now
spend two days each week serving approximately 400 breakfasts, lunches and
evening meals daily in the college’s Food Court. They work in close partnership with
staff from Sodexho, who manage the college’s catering contract. Through this
approach learners develop and improve their team working and employability skills in
a realistic working environment. This experience helps develop professional cookery
techniques, customer service skills and industry awareness.
This change was introduced in response to a decline in withdrawal and completed
successful outcome rates for learners undertaking full-time hospitality programmes.
A number of learners found core skills problematic and did not understand the
relevance and importance of these skills for their own development. Work
placements were provided but some of these did not appeal to learners and did not
provide sufficient opportunities for development of hospitality craft-related skills.
Feedback from employers, with whom the college works closely, was negative about
the work-readiness of learners, in particular the speed at which they carried out
practical skills and their ability to work under pressure.
The new partnership arrangement with Sodexho is popular with learners. They gain
experience of employment-related food preparation and service skills throughout the
year. This supports improvement in craft skills, self-confidence and employability.
Class representatives provide feedback to college and Sodexho staff at regular Food
Court committee meetings. Learners influence the way the programme is structured
and they see for themselves the impact recommendations have on the service they
provide. As a result of the Food Court Sodexho Partnership PIs have improved on
full-time hospitality programmes. Completed successful outcomes on level 1
Hospitality Services have improved from 72% to 89% and for SVQ level 2
programmes they have improved from 60% to 79%. The partnership extends to
learners participating in Sodexho Training Days, hosted by the college, which brings
together industry and supplier representatives to share ideas and approaches.
Sodexho also benefit through access to work-ready professionals who have the skills
and aptitudes required to work for their organisation.