Teacher’s Voice = blue Learner’s Voice = red Third Level: Social

Third Level: Social
Significant Aspect of Learning: (4) Becoming aware of change, cause
and effect, sequence and chronology
Experiences & Outcomes
I can investigate the climate, physical features and living
things of a natural environment different from my own and
explain their interrelationship. SOC 3-10a
I can investigate the relationship between climate and
weather to be able to understand the causes of weather
patterns within selected climate zone. SOC 3-12a
By considering the type of text I am creating, I can
independently select ideas and relevant information for
different purposes, and can organise essential information or
ideas and any supporting detail in a logical order. I can use
suitable vocabulary to communicate effectively with my
audience. LIT 3-26a
Learning statements:
Engages with and evaluates the usefulness of a variety of
primary and secondary evidence about unfamiliar events (if from
the past, placing them correctly in a chronology of Scottish,
Teacher’s Voice = blue
Learner’s Voice = red
Learning context/Prior learning
British, European or world events) and uses these sources to
research an issue of their choice
Extreme Climate;
Describes different natural environments, including the
interrelationship between weather and climate, and explains the
importance of environmental management for the societies who
live there.
As part of learning on extreme climate pupils are
introduced to the world climatic zones. Pupils study the
investigation of one of these areas. Through research
they look at how the climate affects the people,
wildlife and landscape of their chosen area.
Learning context/Prior learning:
Using class learning and research learners will be able to
complete a project independently which compares the climate
of the UK with that of a contrasting area of the world.
I used class notes, books and the internet to
research and find out information about the
Amazon Rainforest. Through my research I
found out some interesting facts about
Rainforests, the geographical location,
climate, wildlife and people of the Amazon
Rainforest. I enjoyed finding out more
information for myself and being allowed to
decide how my finished project would look.
I really like my project but think I could
have made it even better if I had included a
hypotheses and summary for my research
and findings. It would also have been better
if I had made my own climate and rainfall
graphs based on figures from my own
research. Next time I will put figures on to
my rainfall graph.
Clear information has been given about the people
and their interrelationship with the Rainforest.
The differences in the way of life between
people in the Rainforest and the learner’s own
environment has been clearly understood.
Overall, through individual research and
investigation the pupil has understood and
explained the climate of a natural environment
different to their own. They have clearly
explained how the weather in the rainforest
impacts on animals and people, and therefore the
environment and living things.
Third Level: Social
Significant Aspect of Learning: (4) Becoming aware of change, cause
Teacher’s Voice = blue
and effect, sequence and chronology
Learner’s Voice = red
Experiences & Outcomes
I can make links between my current and previous studies, and
show my understanding of how people and events have
contributed to the development of a Scottish nation
SOC 3-02a
I can explain why a group of people from beyond Scotland
settled here in the past and discuss the impact they have had
on the life and culture of Scotland SOC 3-03a
I can explain the similarities and differences between the
lifestyle, values and attitudes of people in the past by
comparing Scotland with a society in Europe or elsewhere.
SOC 3-04a
Learning context/Prior learning:
Learning statements:
Can explain why current events or events in the past
can lead to some aspects of a society changing while other
aspects stay the same
Explains why key people, groups and events have
influenced the culture of Scotland, its local
community, environment and heritage of Scotland, Britain and
the world and discusses the importance of this contribution
Learning context/Prior learning
Scottish Immigration;
Scottish Immigration;
Pupils learn about migration to Scotland, with a
As part the S1 Glasgow unit of work, pupils learn about
particular emphasis on the migration from Ireland to
migration to Scotland, with a particular emphasis on
Glasgow. They learn about the reasons why people left
the migration from Ireland to Glasgow. They learn
Ireland, why they came to Scotland and the problems
about the reasons why people left Ireland, why they
they faced trying to assimilate into Scottish life. This
came to Scotland and the problems they faced trying
allows pupils to use their knowledge and understanding
to assimilate into Scottish life. This allows pupils to
to complete a fictional story of the journey of a
use their knowledge and understanding to complete a
migrant. Pupils also complete a summative assessment
fictional story of the journey of a migrant. Pupils also
on Scottish immigration.
complete a summative assessment on Scottish
Using class workbook, ICT research and class learning pupils
will be able to complete a KU class assessment and they will
create a story about the journey of an immigrant to Glasgow.
I used class learning and the internet to find out
additional information about why people from Ireland
came to settle in Scotland during the nineteenth and
twentieth centuries. I found it really interesting to
learn that peoples’ farms and livelihood could be
destroyed by storms.
I decided to present my story as a diary because I was
given the choice and I like to write in the first person
and include my thoughts. I like my diary entries but
think I could have made them even better by including
more explanation about how the local boy helped me
settle in to my new surroundings. I have described
everything well but next time I will try to give more
The learner has successfully applied what they
have learned about immigration from Ireland to
Scotland to create and develop a story that
documents an immigrant’s journey to Scotland.
The learner was able to give a reasoned decision
for wanting to settle in Scotland. They were also
able to describe the differences between
lifestyles back home and in their new homes.
Third Level: Social
Significant Aspect of Learning: (4) Becoming aware of change, cause
Teacher’s Voice = blue
and effect, sequence and chronology
Experiences & Outcomes
Learning statements:
I can make links between my current and previous studies, and
show my understanding of how people and events have
contributed to the development of a Scottish nation
SOC 3-02a
Can explain why current events or events in the past
can lead to some aspects of a society changing while other
aspects stay the same
I can explain why a group of people from beyond Scotland
settled here in the past and discuss the impact they have had
on the life and culture of Scotland SOC 3-03a
I can explain the similarities and differences between the
lifestyle, values and attitudes of people in the past by
comparing Scotland with a society in Europe or elsewhere.
SOC 3-04a
Learning context/Prior learning:
Using class workbook, ICT research and class learning pupils
will be able to complete a KU class assessment and they will
create a story about the journey of an immigrant to Glasgow.
I answered 10 questions set by my teacher about
Scottish Immigration. I was able to show my teacher
that I had learned quite a lot about why different
nationalities immigrated to Scotland in the nineteenth
and twentieth centuries and the impact that these new
people had on our society and culture, food and
I think I am good at describing things but could
probably be better at explaining why things happened
and the impact that this had. Next time I am going to
try and link cause and effect better together with
more detailed explanations and reasons to show that I
have a deep learning of the issues that I am learning
Explains why key people, groups and events have
influenced the culture of Scotland, it’s local
community, environment and heritage of Scotland, Britain and
the world and discusses the importance of this contribution
Learner’s Voice = red
Learning context/Prior learning
Scottish Immigration;
Pupils learn about migration to Scotland, with a
particular emphasis on the migration from Ireland to
Glasgow. They learn about the reasons why people left
Ireland, why they came to Scotland and the problems
they faced trying to assimilate into Scottish life. This
allows pupils to use their knowledge and understanding
to complete a fictional story of the journey of a
migrant. Pupils also complete a summative assessment
on Scottish immigration.
Through answering 10 questions based on
Scottish Immigration, the learner was able to
show an understanding of how people contributed
to the Scottish nation. The learner was also able
to explain why people settled in Scotland.