Liturgical Year – Lent Fourth Level RERC Exemplar Context for learning The learning exemplified below comes from a larger unit which explores ‘Faith In Action’ in the widest sense. Over the course of this unit pupils learn: 1. What is meant by Justice, Peace and Reconciliation and how to use these concepts. 2. That we can be both the victim and culprit in situations that require justice, peace and reconciliation. 3. About the example that Jesus has set for us to follow. 4. About the call to holiness and the need to respond to God’s call. 5. About how God spoke to people in past and prompted them to work for justice, peace and reconciliation 6. How God still calls people today to work in the service of others. 7. About Catholic Social Teaching and what it tries to achieve. This unit is delivered during Lent and aims to deepen pupils’ understanding of this time of the liturgical year as a time of prayer, reflection, action, penance and reconciliation as we prepare to celebrate the Paschal Mystery. The evidence below looks at points 1. 3. and 4. Access the unit plan and resources for this unit. Experiences and Outcomes I have reflected on the Ten Commandments and the teachings of Christ. I have acted on Christ’s personal challenge to contribute to the creation of a transformed world of Justice, Love and Peace, through the power of the Holy Spirit. RERC 3-20a / RERC 4-20a I have experienced what it means to be wise and compassionate. I can describe how these experiences have affected my understanding of my value as a person, my awareness of the needs of others and my willingness to contribute to the service of the common good. RERC 3-21a / RERC 4-21a I have considered the need for reconciliation in situations in society. RERC 4-22a I have developed awareness of the elements essential for making informed decisions and I have examined situations which pose a moral challenge in life. I can describe and explain my response and the responses of others to these situations. RERC 3-23a / RERC 4-23a I have experienced opportunities to engage with issues of social injustice. I can describe how Church teaching in this area has affected my response and the responses of others to these issues. RERC 3-24a / RERC 4-24a TIOF Core learning Son of God • I have developed my understanding of how Jesus’ teaching on repentance, turning back to God, personal conversion and living a life based on love of God and neighbour is an example to all humans of how to live their lives in obedience to God, treating others with love, compassion and understanding. Word of God • I am able to explain how the New Testament is instructive for contemporary Christians. Reign of God • I can describe my personal response to Christ’s call to holiness and the challenge to practice my faith by contributing to the transformation of society. • • • I have deepened my understanding of justice and peace I understand that justice means having a right relationship with God I have considered situations in life where wisdom and compassion contribute to the bringing about of peaceful resolutions to conflict. • I have developed my awareness of moral decision making through consideration of Jesus teaching on the Golden Rule as a guide to how to choose right actions. . Pupils were able to distinguish between what Justice means for them personally and what it means in the context of wider society. Pupils worked in groups todiscuss and record their understanding of what each of the 3 terms meant at a PERSONAL, LOCAL & GLOBAL level “Peace for me means being left alone or not having anyone annoy me but it means more when you think about it for your town or the world.” “it was hard to define peace, it was easier to say what it wasn’t” Pupils showed a depth of understanding through their discussions that reconciliation was not just a one off event but, especially in cases of war and conflict, often an ongoing process. Key vocabulary such as ‘atonement’ demonstrates a mature level of engagement with the topic By interrogating a familiar text pupils demonstrated their ability to transfer their learning and to understand the prayer in a different context. We looked at the life and teaching of Jesus in order to know more about the Christian understanding of Justice, Peace and Reconciliation. The ‘Our Father’, the Golden Rule and the scripture passage about the woman caught committing adultery show us how Jesus put these into practice all parts of his life. Using Matthew chapter 25, pupils then demonstrated the impact of Jesus’ teaching on the world today by identifying: 1) who are the marginalised today and: 2) how we can are called to help them. Click 1 and 2 to view evidence. Pupils then used this learning on Justice, Peace and Reconciliation to investigate the life of someone who had put Jesus teaching into practice. The audio extract demonstrates the pupil’s ability to relate the life of his chosen person to the Gospel and the key teaching of Christ. Next steps in learning: Pupils then learned about the background and key concepts of Catholic Social Teaching and were then challenged to put these into practice through their Lenten Charitable acts. In doing so, pupils were able to link their Lenten action to the reason why Christians have a responsibility to promote Justice, Peace and Reconciliation in the world through their actions.