LITURGICAL YEAR - LENT First Level RERC Exemplar Context for learning These experiences took place during the liturgical season of Lent. Throughout the level, pupils had already gained essential knowledge that underpinned this work. During Lent, pupils participated in a variety of opportunities within class work, assemblies, and whole school liturgical celebrations to develop their understanding of Lent, by focussing upon Jesus, making good choices and repentance. As part of the whole school Lenten charities work, pupils used their time and talents to care for others by raising money for others. (5) This evidence aims to demonstrate an example of some of the evidence that could be captured to assess the First Level outcomes stated above. The teacher’s notes are recorded on the left side of the page with pupils’ comments on the right. Core Learning Reign of God RERC 1-23a I know that God has given me the freedom to make choices about the way I live my life. I have reflected on how the decisions of my conscience affect my relationship with God and others. 1. I know that God has given me a conscience to inform my actions and choices and I am learning how to examine my conscience. 2. I recognise that I can inform my conscience by reflecting prayerfully on the implications of Jesus’ command to love God and neighbour. RERC 1-21a I have explored the implications of Jesus’ command to love God and love my neighbour. 3. I can describe the ways in which I can show love for my neighbour and I know that, when I do this, I am showing my love for God. 4. I know that I can show love for others by praying for them, by doing acts of kindness and by respecting them. RERC 1-20a I know that I have been called by God to grow in love, justice and peace in my relationships with others. 5. I am growing in my ability to be caring and to act fairly, when living, working and playing with others. RERC 1-24a I have considered ways in which the Catholic Christian community works together to show care for the world and for the needs of all people. I have reflected on the implications of this for my life and that of others. 6. I have had opportunities to listen to my class teacher, head teacher and school chaplain, as members of the local Catholic Church, have shown care for the world and the needs of all people. 7. I have reflected prayerfully on the life of St Vincent de Paul, on his love for the poor and I know that he modelled himself on Jesus. I know that I am called to follow this example in simple and practical ways. RERC 1-22a I have explored the call of forgiveness and reconciliation and have reflected on how this can restore my relationship with God and others. I can put this understanding into practice in my relationship with God and others. 8. I can recall the work from the other strands of faith Revealed Truth of God P2, P3 & P4 1-03a, Signs of God P2 1-10a, P3 & P4 1-08a, 1-09a and In the Image of God P2 & P3 1-02a, Word of God P3 1-11a) to help me to explore: i. What sin is ii. Repentance iii. The call to forgiveness and reconciliation iv. The effect these all have on my relationship with God, myself and others. 9. I know that prayer can strengthen me when I need to forgive others and that this forgiveness deepens my relationship with God. 8. All pupils attended a service on Ash Wednesday at the local parish. Pupils understood that this service marked the beginning of the season of Lent. Pupils also noticed the change of colours in the church and in the sacred space within the class. 3. During Lent we should try even harder to choose to do the right thing. 3. We can choose to think about 3.&4. Following on from reading Mark 10: 17-22, (the story of the Rich Young man) pupils explored the theme of the freedom to make choices. Within the context of Lent, pupils were challenged to make a commitment to giving something to someone else such as their time or money. ourselves and do what we want or try to think of others…but sometimes it’s hard. 3. Sometimes it’s hard to give up your time ‘cause there is loads of things I could be doing. 9. Following a presentation on the life of St. Vincent de Paul from the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (Scotland), pupils were asked to research and identify key aspects of his life including how he treated others and his love for the por. Be recalling stories of Jesus, the pupils were able to identify key aspects of Jesus’ life and make comparisons to St. Vincent de Paul. 9. Saint Vincent de Paul tried hard to do good things for others, just like Jesus. This pupil was then able to consider simple ways that they can follow this example in their own lives. 9. In the stories we know about Jesus, he tried to help poor and sick people. He helped everybody, even people like Zacchaeus who had been bad but because of what Jesus did he changed his ways. 5. When I am doing these things I know that I am showing love, like Jesus wants us to do. 1, 2 & 6.3 In preparation for the Penitential Service during Lent, pupils revised their learning on Reconciliation and participated in an Examination of Conscience. 6.2 7. God loves us in lots of ways. He made us all different and gave us talents to use. 6.4 6.1 Reflecting upon the story of Zacchaeus (Luke 19: 1-10) pupils were able to give examples of Sin and that Jesus calls us, like he called Zacchaeus, to be reconciled with God. By illustrating the Act of Sorrow, pupils showed their understanding of the things that can break our relationship with God and others, but also how reconciliation can repair these relationships. 7. When we do something wrong we aren’t living like Jesus so we aren’t showing love to anybody. We made the wrong choice. The first thing we need to do is say we are sorry – sorry to the people we hurt and sorry to God. 7. At the end of this prayer we ask God for his help to be like Jesus. That means we need to forgive others too, like Jesus forgave Zaccaheus. Pupils went on to study the Last Supper and the Eucharist.