The Journal of Wildlife Management 77(4):791–801; 2013; DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.493 Habitat Relations Spatial Heterogeneity in Habitat Selection: Nest Site Selection by Greater Prairie-Chickens LANCE B. MCNEW,1,2 Division of Biology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506, USA ANDREW J. GREGORY,3 Division of Biology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506, USA BRETT K. SANDERCOCK, Division of Biology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506, USA ABSTRACT Ecological relationships of animals and their environments are known to vary spatially and temporally across scales. However, common approaches for evaluating resource selection by animals assume that the processes of habitat selection are stationary across space. The assumption that habitat selection is spatially homogeneous may lead to biased inference and ineffective management. We present the first application of geographically weighted logistic regression to habitat selection by a wildlife species. As a case study, we examined nest site selection by greater prairie-chickens at 3 sites with different ecological conditions in Kansas to assess whether the relative importance of habitat features varied across space. We found that 1) nest sites were associated with habitat conditions at multiple spatial scales, 2) habitat associations across spatial scales were correlated, and 3) the influence of habitat conditions on nest site selection was spatially explicit. Post hoc analyses revealed that much of the spatial variability in habitat selection processes was explained at a regional scale. Moreover, habitat features at local spatial scales were more strongly associated with nest site selection in unfragmented grasslands managed intensively for cattle production than they were in fragmented grasslands within a matrix of farmland. Female prairie-chickens exhibited spatial variability in nest site selection at multiple spatial scales, suggesting plasticity in habitat selection behavior. Our results highlight the importance of accounting for spatial heterogeneity when evaluating the ecological effects of habitat components. ß 2013 The Wildlife Society. KEY WORDS geographically weighted regression (GWR), greater prairie-chicken, habitat selection, nest site selection, resource selection function (RSF), Tympanuchus cupido. Ecological patterns are a function of multiple interacting processes operating at different spatial and temporal scales, and the explicit spatial nature of organism–environment associations is a growing area of research (Mitchell et al. 2001, Thogmartin et al. 2004, Miller and Hanham 2011). Multiscale evaluations of ecological relationships have shed new light onto the ecological processes determining species distribution, abundance, and behavior (Wiens and Milne 1989, Mitchell et al. 2001, Gregory et al. 2011). However, less effort has addressed the effects of spatial heterogeneity in ecological processes, and standard approaches of evaluating the interactions between animals and environments are often spatially stationary because they assume the same relationship at all spatial scales (Fotheringham et al. 1996). For Received: 17 May 2012; Accepted: 27 September 2012 Published: 24 January 2013 Additional supporting information may be found in the online version of this article. 1 E-mail: 2 Present address: U.S. Geological Survey, Alaska Science Center, 4210 University Dr., Anchorage, AK 99508, USA. 3 Present address: School of Forestry, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ 86011-5018, USA. Mcnew et al. Spatially Explicit Habitat Selection example, when evaluating habitat selection processes of animals, managers often assume that the relationships being modeled are the same everywhere. Therefore, estimates of habitat selection parameters are averages of the effects over researcher-defined spatial extents. Relying on average parameter estimates, or spatially stationary coefficients, may lead to a failure to detect influential variables affecting ecological processes of interest. If selection is positively associated with an environmental variable in 1 area but negatively associated with the same variable in another, spatially stationary approaches, such as standard resource selection functions (RSFs), may predict no overall relationship. Thus, spatial stationarity has major implications for inference because potentially influential variables may be obscured by averaging and thus overlooked (Fotheringham et al. 2002). Several techniques have been developed to address the limitation of stationarity in standard models, including the spatial expansion method (Casetti 1972), spatially adaptive filtering (Foster and Gorr 1986), and moving window regressions (Fotheringham et al. 1996). More recently, geographically weighted regression (GWR) was introduced as a method to model spatially heterogeneous or spatially explicit processes (Fotheringham et al. 2002). 791 This method allows for the exploration of spatial variation in the relationships between dependent and independent variables by weighting data points by their proximity to a regression point and then moving the regression point across the study area to make regional calibrations. Environmental data are weighted differently by distance for each location so that calibration results are unique to a particular location (Fotheringham et al. 2002). Recent studies have successfully used GWR to evaluate whether vegetation–environment relationships are spatially explicit (Bickford and Laffan 2006, Kupfer and Farris 2007), but the method has not been applied to investigations of habitat selection by animals. Greater prairie-chickens (Tympanuchus cupido; hereafter prairie-chickens) are a good candidate for examining spatially explicit habitat selection because they are widely distributed, occur over a variety of grassland habitats, and exhibit regional differences in demography and population dynamics that appear to be related to local habitat conditions (Svedarsky et al. 2000, Patten et al. 2005, McNew et al. 2012a). Even within the core of the species’ extant distribution in Kansas, considerable variation exists in both landscape heterogeneity and management regimes. Prairie-chickens occupy habitats ranging from unfragmented but heavily grazed rangelands in the southern Flint Hills ecoregion to moderately fragmented but lightly grazed grasslands in the Smoky Hills ecoregion (McNew et al. 2011). Variation in vital rates such as nest survival appears to be determined by spatial variation in grazing regimes and landscape patterning (Robbins et al. 2002, McNew et al. 2012a). Our objective was to evaluate spatial heterogeneity and scale of habitat selection mechanisms using geographically weighted logistic regression. As a case study, we examined nest site selection by female greater prairie-chickens at 3 sites having different ecological conditions. We examined nest site selection with a multiscaled hierarchical modeling approach and a modified GWR technique. We addressed 4 main questions. 1) What nest-site, core area, and homerange scale habitat features are associated with nest sites of prairie-chickens? 2) Are habitat associations correlated among different spatial scales? 3) At which spatial scales does nest site selection occur? 4) Are the ecological factors associated with female prairie-chickens during nest site selection global in nature and exhibit spatial stationarity, or local and exhibit spatial heterogeneity? STUDY AREA We conducted our field study at 3 discrete research areas in Kansas: 2 areas located in the Flint Hills ecoregion and 1 area in the Smoky Hills ecoregion (see Fig. A.1 available online at The 3 study areas were spatially heterogeneous and differed in landscape composition and pattern, as well as rangeland management practices. The South area was located in the southern Flint Hills, had landcover of 90% grassland and 3% cropland with a road density of 0.32 km of roads per km2. A majority of the area was burned annually in the spring, and grazed intensively by early (Apr–Jul) stocking of yearling steers (IESB, 1 head/0.8 ha for 90 days; Smith and Owensby 1978). The 792 North area was located in the north-central Flint Hills, had landcover of 81% grassland and 10% cropland and a road density of 0.57 km per km2. Annual spring burning was common and lands were managed with a mixture of IESB and season-long grazing of steers (SLSB; 1 head per 1.6 ha for 180 days). The Smoky area was located in the Smoky Hills ecoregion and was more fragmented with landcover of 53% grassland and 38% cropland and a greater road density of 1.4 km per km2. Cultivated crops included sorghum, corn, wheat, and soybeans. Native grass pastures at the Smoky area were burned infrequently at fire return intervals >1 year and grazed at low intensity (1 head per 2 ha for 90–180 days), and cattle stocking occurred later in the season than at the other 2 study areas. METHODS Field Techniques We captured prairie-chickens at lek sites during the spring with walk-in traps and drop-nets during 2006–2009 (Silvy et al. 1990, Schroeder and Braun 1991). We sexed captured birds by plumage characteristics (Henderson et al. 1967), and fitted females with 11-g necklace-style very high frequency (VHF) radio transmitters with mortality switches and an expected battery life of 12 months (Model RI-2B, Holohil Systems Ltd, Ontario, Canada). We monitored radiomarked females 3 times/week during the nesting period (Apr–Aug). We used a portable radio receiver and a handheld Yagi antenna to locate the incubating female and nest site. We recorded locations of nests with handheld Global Positioning System (GPS) units and uploaded them to a Geographic Information System (GIS) using ArcMap (ver. 10; Environmental Systems Research Institute, Redlands, CA). We conducted GIS analyses at spatial extents 100 m to ensure that inference was not confounded by GPS location estimation error (<10 m). Field methods were approved by Kansas State University’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (Protocol numbers 2474 and 2781). Habitat Sampling We evaluated habitat conditions at 3 nested spatial scales: the nest site (0.01 ha), the core use area (13 ha), and the home range (310 ha; see below). We measured 13 habitat characteristics at nest sites and random points. We quantified vegetation structure at each nest site within 3 days of hatching or failure. We recorded the average of 4 visual obstruction readings at the nest from a distance of 2 m and a height of 0.5 m (Robel et al. 1970b). We estimated non-overlapping vegetation cover (% grass, forbs, shrub, and bare ground) at 12 subsampling locations within 6 m of each nest using a 20-cm 50-cm frame (Daubenmire 1959). We also measured the heights of the tallest grass and forb plant within 5 cm of the nest and the height and the distance of the nearest woody plant. We calculated the distance from each nest to the nearest state highway and local county road and the distance to the nearest non-grassland habitat type using ArcMap 10. State highways were paved and had higher traffic volume than local gravel roads. We used the same The Journal of Wildlife Management 77(4) set of protocols to conduct parallel sampling at available points selected randomly within each study area. We based the home-range scale (310 ha) on the estimated home range sizes of female prairie-chickens during the breeding season (300–400 ha; Robel et al. 1970a, Augustine and Sandercock 2010), assuming it contained the range of resources used by females during the nesting season. We delineated the home range area by centering a circular plot with a 1-km radius on the nest site or random point. Locations of female prairie-chickens were generally limited to a 10–15-ha area around the nest during the nesting period (L. B. McNew, Kansas State University, unpublished data). Therefore, we defined core use areas (13 ha) by a circular plot with a radius of 200 m, which represented habitat immediately available for nesting within a female’s home range. We assessed habitat variables at the home-range and core area scales using remotely sensed data and ArcMap 10. For landcover analyses, we used the 30-m resolution land cover map depicting 11 biologically relevant landcover classes in Kansas in 2005 (Whistler et al. 2006). We also included state and non-state road system datasets for Kansas in 2006 (Kansas Department of Transportation: Bureau of Transportation Planning). Land use changes were minimal and remote imagery from 2005 to 2006 was a good measure of landscape conditions during our study period of 2006 to 2009. We used the Patch Analyst Extension in ArcMap 10 to measure the proportion of areas in grassland, grassland shape complexity, and patch fractal dimension at each spatial scale. We hypothesized that females may avoid areas with greater densities of edges and roads because of increased predation risk (O’Leary and Nyberg 2000, Winter et al. 2000, Kuehl and Clark 2002, Bollinger and Gavin 2004). Therefore, at both the core area and home range extents, we quantified total grassland edge by measuring the total perimeter length of grassland patches, and measured densities (linear km of road per km2) of state highways and local county roads. Data Analysis Prior to model fitting, we conducted a series of multivariate correlation analyses and univariate comparisons of habitat variables between nest sites and random points to assess within-scale correlations. We evaluated correlations for each pair of habitat variables. If habitat metrics within a spatial scale were highly correlated (r 0.5, P < 0.05), we used single factor logistic regression to determine which of the 2 variables accounted for most of the variation in the site selection data. We considered the variable with lower residual model deviance to be the primary habitat variable in the model and the other variable was a correlated secondary factor. We located nests by telemetry monitoring and did not conduct searches for unmarked prairie-chickens within core areas or simulated home ranges around random points. Thus, we were unable to determine with certainty that random sites were unused by nesting females. Therefore, our study design fit sampling protocol b of Manly et al. (2001); where used and available resource units were independently sampled. We transformed habitat data when Mcnew et al. Spatially Explicit Habitat Selection required to meet the assumption of normality (e.g., angular transformed for proportion data). We employed an exploratory and hierarchical approach to model selection. We began by fitting a series of geographically weighted logistic regression models at each spatial scale using nest versus random site as the binary response. We weighted parameters based on their geographic location. The basic spatially explicit logistic model took the form: yi ðuÞ ¼ expfb1 ðui ; vi Þx1 þ b2 ðui ; vi Þx2 þ þ bm ðui ; vi Þxm g 1 þ expfb1 ðui ; vi Þx1 þ b2 ðui ; vi Þx2 þ þ bm ðui ; vi Þxm g where (ui, vi) denotes the geographical coordinates of the ith regression point and bk(ui, vi) describes the localized effect of covariate xk (Fotheringham et al. 2002). In GWR, each data point is weighted by a distance-decay function or kernel where data points closer to the regression point (ui, vi) are weighted more heavily than those farther away. Regression points are the spatial locations relative to which habitat variables are weighted and coincided with the locations of nest and random points in our analysis. The result was a spatially explicit logistic regression evaluated at each observation in the sample. The GWR method fits potentially different coefficient values for each observation as a function of a spatial kernel weighing scheme determined by a bandwidth parameter, the distance within which other data points have influence (see Fotheringham et al. 2002). The bandwidth can be set at a fixed distance (Kupfer and Farris 2007), but we chose an adaptive spatial kernel weighting function where the kernel bandwidth was allowed to vary depending upon the spatial density of data points. Model parameter estimates are, in part, dependent upon the bandwidth of the spatial-weighting function. Narrow bandwidths result in high model fit at the expense of increased degrees of freedom, whereas broad bandwidths result in model coefficients that approach those of a spatially homogenous model. Therefore, a method of deriving a bandwidth that provides a tradeoff between goodness of fit and degrees of freedom is recommended (Fotheringham et al. 2002). We used Akaike’s Information Criterion (AIC) to select the appropriate bandwidth size at each regression point (Fotheringham et al. 2002). Ideally, we would consider GWR models where all parameters were allowed to vary spatially as well as mixed models in which some coefficients were spatially explicit and others stationary and not allowed to vary over space (Fotheringham et al. 2002). Mixed model calibrations of logistic GWR were not possible using the most recent version of GWR (ver. 3; S. Fotheringham, National Centre for Geocomputation, National University of Ireland, Maynooth, personal communication). Moreover, formal tests are not yet available for calculating the statistical significance of spatial variability in parameter estimates for logistic GWR. We examined whether or not parameters exhibited spatial heterogeneity by comparing the interquartile range of parameter estimates from spatially explicit calibrations of a model with a range of values at 1 standard deviation of the parameter estimate of the 793 equivalent spatially stationary model (Fotheringham et al. 2002). We considered a parameter to be spatially explicit if the interquartile range of spatially explicit parameter estimates was greater than 2 standard errors (1 SD) of the stationary parameter estimate. We retained variables in the model if their effects on nest site selection were significant in stationary models (t > 2.1, P 0.05), or if their effect on selection exhibited significant non-stationarity. We selected the most parsimonious models from all possible combinations of the candidate habitat variables measured at each spatial scale using AIC adjusted for small sample sizes (AICc; Burnham and Anderson 2002). We then used all of the variables included in each of the top models for each spatial scale to build a full model representing nest site selection at all scales. We considered models with differences of AICc (DAICc) values 2 from the best-fit model equally parsimonious (Burnham and Anderson 2002), and in such cases included variables from all models with DAICc 2 in the multiscale analysis. Probabilities obtained from a logistic regression model are not appropriate to describe the true probability of use in a study design based on used versus available habitats (Manly et al. 2001:100). Therefore, we estimated the relative probability of use of our study areas where we estimated the slope coefficients (bi) using the corresponding coefficients from the logistic regression. The sampling probabilities of used and available habitat units were unknown and the intercept term of (b0) of a resource selection probability function could not be estimated (Manly et al. 2001). We validated our top model of RSF with a holdout data set consisting of 31 nest sites and 31 random points that we selected at random from our entire dataset (20% of data; Boyce et al. 2002). We used the top performing model to calculate RSF values for each nest observation in the training data set and the holdout data set. To compare the performance of spatially stationary models with spatially explicit models, we also calculated RSF values for the holdout data set using the spatially stationary calibration of the top model. We categorized raw RSF values into quantile bins representing increasing likelihood of points being classified as a nest site. Bin 1 contained the lowest 20% of raw RSF values, and bin 5 contained the highest 20%. We regressed the observed proportion of test nest locations in each RSF bin for both spatially stationary and spatially explicit calibrations of the top model against the proportion of nests categorized in each bin for the original training data set. A good model fit leads to a high R2 value, a slope not different from 1.0, and an intercept not different from zero when comparing training and test data sets using linear regression (Johnson et al. 2006). We used variance decomposition to separate variation in nest site selection into 2 types of components: pure variance attributed to habitat variables at a single spatial scale, and variance attributed to groups of habitat variables across multiple spatial scales (Borcard et al. 1992, Lawler and Edwards 2006, Doherty et al. 2010). Specifically, we isolated the variation in the binary response with habitat attributes at 3 spatial scales: within a home range, within the core area, 794 and attributes at the nest site. We then identified the proportion of the variation that was shared by 1) a combination of home range and core area attributes, 2) a combination of home range and nest site attributes, 3) a combination of core area and nest site attributes, and 4) a combination of attributes measured at all 3 scales (Lawler and Edwards 2006, Doherty et al. 2010). We created maps of spatially explicit slope coefficients from the top performing model. We connected spatially explicit mean parameter estimates to their respective regression point at nest sites and random points. We then used the Geostatistical Analyst Tool in ArcMap 10 to apply an inverse distance weighting interpolation across study sites. Interpolated rasters were masked by study site boundaries defined by a minimum convex polygon drawn around the nest and random points at each site. Models depicting spatial variability at a local scale may be interesting from an ecological perspective, but may not have application because habitat management at the scale of an individual nest site is not practical. Therefore, if spatially explicit effects on nest site selection were supported, we conducted a series of post hoc analyses to evaluate whether spatial variability in environmental effects on nest site selection could be accounted for by variation among study sites. First, we compared the spatial variation of model effects from the slope coefficients for regression points within each study site to the variation of effects when study sites were pooled. Next, we conducted an analysis of variance (ANOVA) of each spatially explicit effect grouping by study site. We used coefficients of determination (r2) to evaluate the proportion of spatial variation in effects explained by study site. We were also interested in assessing whether spatial variation in selection of habitat features such as visual obstruction at nest sites may be related to the other habitat conditions, including distance to the nearest habitat edge. Therefore, we regressed spatially explicit slope coefficients from the most parsimonious RSF onto all measured habitat variables. Significant relationships would suggest that the relative importance of 1 habitat feature were conditional upon other factors when prairie-chickens selected nest sites (r2 0.5, P 0.05). RESULTS We captured and radio-marked 286 female greater prairiechickens and located 299 nests during our 4-year study from 2006 to 2009 (230 first nests, 69 known renests). We located 72, 94, and 133 nests at the South, North, and Smoky study areas, respectively, and conducted habitat sampling at all 3 field sites. In addition, we randomly selected 341 points (South ¼ 90, North ¼ 78, Smoky ¼ 173) within the 3 study areas. Habitat conditions at available nesting sites varied among the 3 study areas (Table 1). Compared to the South and North sites, random points at the Smoky site had greater vegetation height and visual obstruction, were closer to local roads and habitat edges, and occurred in areas that were more fragmented by agricultural and forested habitats (Table 1). The Journal of Wildlife Management 77(4) Table 1. Mean (SD) habitat measurements assessed at greater prairie-chicken nest locations and random points at the South, North, and Smoky study areas in Kansas, 2006–2009. South Nest (n ¼ 72) Nest-site variables (0.01 ha) Elevation (m) 417 76 30 13 VOR (cm)a Grass height (cm) 54 21 Forb height (cm) 36 16 % Grass 57 21 % Forb 19 13 % Bare 12 16 Distance to shrub (m) 150 284 Distance to state road (km) 5.7 2.3 Distance to local road (km) 1.0 0.9 Distance to lek (km) 1.5 2.1 Distance to edge (km) 0.4 0.2 Core area variables (13 ha) % Grass 100 2 Total grassland edge (m) 11 49 GSIb 1.0 0.02 c MGFD 1.2 0.003 Road density (m/ha) 0.004 0.01 Home range scale variables (310 ha) % Grass 98 2 Total grassland edge (km) 2.1 1.6 GSI 1.3 0.3 MGFD 1.2 0.02 Road density (m/ha) 0.002 0.004 North Random (n ¼ 90) Nest (n ¼ 94) 419 15 35 22 48 15 19 59 5.4 1.5 1.8 0.4 67 14 19 14 20 13 20 127 3.4 0.9 0.9 0.3 427 28 42 35 52 25 9 60 3.3 0.7 1.9 0.3 48 13 20 17 23 21 7 92 2.3 0.6 1.9 0.2 97 94 1.1 1.2 0.002 1.0 191 0.2 0.03 0.01 97 90 1.1 1.2 0.004 97 2.6 1.4 1.2 0.001 4 2.4 0.4 0.04 0.003 96 3.8 1.6 1.2 0.002 Smoky Random (n ¼ 78) 407 16 27 29 50 17 21 56 3.0 1.1 2.0 0.3 69 19 17 20 23 15 22 76 2.0 0.8 1.1 0.2 12 199 0.2 0.03 0.01 96 162 1.1 1.2 0.003 6 3.2 0.5 0.04 0.004 96 4.0 1.6 1.2 0.002 Nest (n ¼ 133) 455 24 40 26 49 11 13 48 5.5 0.4 1.5 0.3 73 15 23 21 24 12 20 88 3.6 0.2 1.1 0.2 11 280 0.3 0.03 0.01 94 133 1.1 1.2 0.006 7 3.6 0.6 0.04 0.004 86 5.4 1.9 1.2 0.004 Random (n ¼ 173) 438 28 39 27 38 15 30 67 5.6 0.3 5.2 0.1 57 30 29 29 30 22 31 99 4.2 0.3 4.1 0.1 33 240 0.3 0.2 0.12 62 374 1.3 1.2 0.011 38 372 0.6 0.4 0.02 20 3.7 0.7 0.05 0.004 64 8.0 2.6 1.3 0.008 27 3.7 0.9 0.06 0.005 a Visual obstruction reading. Grassland Shape Index; a metric of grassland patch shape complexity. GSI ¼ 1 when all patches are circular and increases with increasing shape irregularity. c Mean Grassland Fractal Dimension; another measure of shape complexity. Fractal dimension approaches 1 for shapes with simple perimeters and approaches 2 for complex shapes. b Nest Site Conditions We evaluated habitat covariates at each nest site and random point. We found a significant positive correlation between visual obstruction and grass height (r ¼ 0.53, P < 0.001), as well as a negative correlation between percent grass cover and bare ground (r ¼ 0.50, P < 0.001). A logistic model with visual obstruction as the explanatory variable had lower residual deviance (deviance ¼ 817) than one with grass height (deviance ¼ 850). Likewise, a model with proportion bare ground had lower residual deviance (deviance ¼ 832) than one with grass cover (deviance ¼ 865). Thus, we reduced the number of explanatory variables from 13 to 11 prior to model fitting by dropping grass height and proportion grass cover from the nest site scale. For environmental variables evaluated at the nest site, spatially explicit models out-performed stationary models (ratio of AICc weights: wspatially explicit/wstationary > 0.99/ 0.01). The most parsimonious model indicated that female prairie-chickens selected nest sites relative to 6 fine-scale environmental features: proportion bare ground, visual obstruction, distance to both state and local roads, distance to nearest lek, and distance to the nearest habitat edge (Table 2). Comparisons of the standard deviations of spatially stationary effects with the interquartile distances of spatially explicit calibrations suggested that the effects of all 6 of the environmental variables in the top model were best explained as spatially explicit (Table 3). Mcnew et al. Spatially Explicit Habitat Selection Core Area and Home Range At the core area scale (13 ha), the configuration of grassland patches was positively correlated with both proportion grassland cover (r ¼ 0.55, P < 0.001) and complexity of grassland patches (r ¼ 0.99, P < 0.001). Single variable logistic models indicated that the proportion of the core area in grassland cover explained more of the variation in the binominal response (deviance ¼ 821) than the grassland complexity metric (deviance ¼ 876) so we removed grassland complexity from further consideration. Three of 5 variables assessed at the home-range scale (310 ha) were uncorrelated and retained: proportion grassland cover, total grassland edge, and road density. The 2 measures of grassland shape complexity, grassland shape complexity and mean fractal dimension of grassland patches, were positively correlated with each other (r ¼ 0.96, P < 0.001), and with total grassland edge (r ¼ 0.72, P < 0.001 and r ¼ 0.64, P < 0.001, respectively), suggesting that grassland patch shape complexity increases with increasing grassland edge at the home range scale. We retained the measure of total grassland edge of grassland because it was uncorrelated with proportion of grassland cover. Spatially explicit models out-performed models without spatial structure at both the core area and home range scales (ratio of AICc weights: wspatially explicit/wstationary > 0.99/ 0.01). The most parsimonious model (AICc ¼ 646, wi ¼ 0.95) included 2 environmental variables at the core 795 Table 2. Model selection results based on minimization of Akaike’s Information Criterion adjusted for small sample sizes (AICc) to identify the best resource selection function for nest site selection of greater prairie-chickens at 3 spatially discrete areas in Kansas, 2006–2009. Only models having Akaike weights (wi) 0.01 are presented except for a null model. Model typea Kb Deviance AICc Explicit 42 379 470 0 0.93 Explicit 49 371 476 6 0.05 Explicit 54 359 478 8 0.02 Explicit Explicit Explicit 22 14 28 646 666 640 690 696 700 0 6 10 0.95 0.05 0.01 Explicit Explicit 20 14 670 687 712 716 0 4 0.88 0.12 þ Explicit 53 338 457 0 0.72 þ Explicit 60 327 460 3 0.16 þ Explicit 48 356 461 4 0.10 þ Explicit 59 333 464 7 0.02 Stationary 1 800 803 346 0.00 Model Habitat model nest site (<0.01 ha) % Bare þ VORc þ Distance to state road þ Distance to local road þ Distance to lek þ Distance to edge % Bare þ Forb height þ VOR þ Distance to state road þ Distance to local road þ Distance to lek þ Distance to edge % Bare þ Forb height þ VOR þ Distance to shrub þ Distance to state road þ Distance to local road þ Distance to lek þ Distance to edge Habitat model core area (13 ha) % Grass þ Road density % Grass % Grass þ Total grassland edge þ Road density Habitat model home range (310 ha) % Grass þ Total grassland edge % Grass Multiscale habitat modeld % Bare þ VOR þ Distance to state road þ Distance to local road Distance to lek þ Distance to edge þ % grass CA þ % grass HR % Bare þ VOR þ Distance to state road þ Distance to local road Distance to lek þ Distance to edge þ % grass CA þ Road density CA þ % grass HR % Bare þ VOR þ Distance to state road þ Distance to local road Distance to lek þ Distance to edge þ % grass CA % Bare þ VOR þ Distance to state road þ Distance to local road Distance to lek þ Distance to edge þ % grass CA þ Road density CA þ Total grassland edge HR Constant model (intercept only) DAICc wi a Model type: Explicit designates that model structure was spatially explicit, allowing model parameters to vary across space. Stationary designates that the model parameters were ubiquitous or global over all areas. b K ¼ Effective number of parameters. For spatially explicit calibrations, K is a function of the number of habitat variables and the estimated bandwidth for each model run (Fotheringham et al. 2002). c Visual obstruction reading. d Variables at the core area scale are followed by CA, variables at the home range scale are followed by HR, all others are at the nest site scale. area scale as factors for nest selection by female prairiechickens: proportion grassland cover and road density (Table 2). At the home range scale, the top model (AICc ¼ 670, wi ¼ 0.88) included the effects of proportion of grassland cover and total grassland edge (Table 2). Multiscale Model A multiscale model that combined environmental factors from the top models at 3 spatial scales included 10 variables: percentage of the nest site canopy that was bare, visual obstruction at the nest site, distance from the nest to the Table 3. Comparison of standard deviations (SD) of effects of the spatially stationary parameterization of the most parsimonious model predicting nest site selection of greater prairie-chickens at 3 spatially discrete areas in Kansas, 2006–009 and the interquartile distance (IQD) of effects from the spatially explicit parameterization of the same model. Interquartile distances greater than 1 SD (IQD/SD ratio > 1) suggest effects are better explained as spatially explicit and are different among local sites. Spatial scale Nest site % Bare VORa Distance to state road Distance to local road Distance to lek Distance to edge Core area % Grass Home range % Grass a SD Lower quartile Upper quartile IQD IQD/SD ratio Result 0.71 0.69 0.50 0.46 0.76 0.33 1.92 0.21 0.40 1.69 6.99 0.78 3.51 8.21 4.43 0.16 2.22 0.51 5.43 8.00 4.83 1.53 4.77 1.29 7.6 11.6 9.7 3.3 6.3 4.0 Local Local Local Local Local Local 1.68 0.87 10.2 9.33 5.6 Local 1.34 2.33 4.28 3.2 Local 1.95 Visual obstruction reading. 796 The Journal of Wildlife Management 77(4) nearest state highway, distance from the nest to the nearest county road, distance to the nearest lek, distance to the nearest habitat edge, percent of the core area composed of grassland, density of roads in the core area, percent of the home range area composed of grassland, and the total linear length of grassland edge within the home range area. Model selection revealed that multiscale models had nearly all of the statistical support (wi ¼ 0.99). A single spatially explicit multiscale model received the majority of model support (AICc ¼ 457, wi ¼ 0.72; Table 2). Standard deviations of slope coefficients from a spatially homogenous calibration of the top model were always smaller than the interquartile distances of spatially varying coefficients, suggesting that effects at all 3 spatial scales were better explained as spatially explicit than as stationary (Table 3). Indeed, effects of environmental variables on selection processes varied substantially across our 3 different study areas. For example, female prairie-chickens typically placed nests at sites with greater vertical nesting cover but the relative influence of vertical cover on nest placement varied greatly across space (interquartile distance of effect coefficient ¼ 8.0; Table 3). The effect of distance to the nearest state highway was negative at some parts of the study area (lower quartile of effect ¼ 0.4) but positive at others (upper quartile of effect ¼ 4.4), suggesting that females avoided state highways when initiating nests in some areas but not in others (Table 3). We produced maps depicting the spatial variability of all effects from the top multiscale model (Appendix A, available online at Variance decomposition analysis showed that 39% of variation was purely associated with nest site scale variables, whereas core area variables and home range scale variables alone explained only 4% and 1% of variation in nest site selection, respectively. Nest site and core area variables combined accounted for the 22% of shared variation, whereas nest site and home range variables accounted for 20% of shared variation. Variables evaluated at the core area and home range scales accounted for none of the shared variance. A combination of attributes at all 3 scales accounted for 14% of shared variance (Fig. 1). Model Validation We withheld 20% of our data for model validation, including an equal number of independent nest sites and random points. The top spatially explicit multiscale model correctly classified 25 of 31 (81%) hold out nest observations as nests. Regression validations showed a high coefficient of determination (r2 ¼ 0.95), an intercept overlapping zero (95% CI: 2 to 15), and a slope coefficient close to 1.0 (b ¼ 0.68, 95% CI: 0.4 to 1.0; Fig. 2). Conversely, the spatially stationary calibration of the top model had low predictive accuracy. Regression showed a low coefficient of determination value (r2 ¼ 0.22) and a slope coefficient similar to 1.0 but highly variable (b ¼ 0.68, 95% CI: 0.5 to 1.0), although the intercept overlapped zero (95% CI: 7 to 38). Mcnew et al. Spatially Explicit Habitat Selection 39% Nest site 20% NS+HR 14% All scales 1% Home range 22% NS+CA 4% Core area Figure 1. Relationship of 3 components of variation associated with nest site selection by greater prairie-chickens in Kansas during 2006–2009. The circles represent the proportions of explained variation in habitat selection associated with sets of factors measured at each of 3 spatial scales, nest site (NS), core area (CA), and home range (HR). Shared variation across scales is reflected where circles overlap. Post Hoc Analyses Variation in mean parameter estimates was always smaller for spatially explicit models within study areas when compared to models pooled across study areas. In addition, the effect of study area explained more than 50% of the variation in slope A B Figure 2. Percentage of nest locations in 5 bins of increasing resource selection function values that we used to train (black bars, n ¼ 269) and test (gray bars, n ¼ 31) spatially explicit (A) and spatially stationary (B) calibrations of our top performing multiscale resource selection function for prairie-chicken nesting habitat in Kansas during 2006–2009. Regression coefficients of determination (R2) close to 1.0 indicate that the top model accurately classified nest sites in the holdout data set used for model validation. 797 coefficients for 6 of 8 parameters from the most parsimonious resource selection model (R2 > 0.50; Table 4), suggesting that much of the spatial variation in our parameters could be explained by differences among study sites. Model parameters at the Smoky area exhibited more spatial variation than either of the Flint Hills areas. For example, slope coefficients for the effect of visual obstruction on nest site selection ranged from a large positive effect at the South area (b ¼ 8.21 to 8.53) to a variable but positive effect at the Smoky area (b ¼ 1.68 to 7.47; Table 4). We retrospectively regressed the 8 spatially explicit parameters of the most parsimonious model onto the raw values of the 13 uncorrelated habitat variables making up the starting multiscale model. Only 2 of the 104 pairwise correlations were significant. The effect of visual obstruction was positively related to proportion grassland in the home range area (r2 ¼ 0.5, P < 0.01). Similarly, the slope coefficient for distance to the nearest state highway tended to increase with increasing grassland cover (r2 ¼ 0.51, P < 0.01). DISCUSSION Biological Interpretations Spatial dependence in ecological phenomena has received growing recognition as being of critical importance for understanding the dynamics of natural systems (Borcard and Legendre 2002, Lichstein 2007). Recent studies suggest that incorporating spatial relationships improves inferences and applications of ecological models (Thogmartin et al. 2004, Thogmartin and Knutson 2007, van Teeffelen and Ovaskainen 2007, Latimer et al. 2009). However, wildlife ecologists studying habitat selection have lacked the analytic tools to address spatial variation in ecological relationships. Consistent with previous work, we found that habitat components at multiple spatial scales influenced habitat selection by grouse (Zimmerman and Gutiérrez 2008, Doherty et al. 2010). In addition, we found strong evidence that selection processes were local or spatially explicit at 3 different spatial scales. Spatially explicit models consistently outperformed spatially stationary models when evaluating nest site selection by female prairie-chickens. Our results provide some of the first analytical evidence that habitat selection can be spatially dynamic and the relative importance of different habitat components on behavioral decisions during nest site selection depends upon the local environment experienced by breeding females. Females are likely weighing benefits and costs associated with different habitat conditions in the context of other habitat conditions when selecting nest sites, and no 2 points in space have exactly the same combination of habitat components at all spatial scales. When grassland patches were sufficiently large, females selected nest sites with greater vertical nesting cover. Selection for greater vertical cover and nest concealment is consistent with previous studies of prairie-chickens in grazed and ungrazed landscapes (Svedarsky et al. 2003, Matthews 2009). The influence of quality nesting habitat on productivity is well documented for grouse (Bergerud 1988, Holloran et al. 2005, Pitman Table 4. Mean and variation in spatially explicit effects (slope coefficients) on greater prairie-chicken nest site selection within and across study sites in Kansas, 2006–2009. R2 ¼ coefficient of determination for analysis of variance (ANOVA) of effect by study site. High R2 values indicate variation in spatially explicit effects is explained by study site and all tests were significant at the a < 0.001 level. Unless otherwise noted, we measured variables at the nest site scale (<0.01 ha). Study site South Mean SD Min. Max. Range North Mean SD Min. Max. Range Smoky Mean SD Min. Max. Range All Mean SD Min. Max. Range R2 a Distance to local road Distance to lek Distance to edge % Grass in core area (13 ha) 4.48 0.04 4.43 4.60 0.17 1.68 0.01 1.69 1.66 0.03 2.19 0.05 2.33 2.12 0.21 0.77 0.08 1.00 0.67 0.33 10.21 0.03 10.17 10.25 0.08 1.53 0.22 1.24 2.16 0.92 3.55 0.53 2.81 8.37 5.56 1.44 0.39 0.85 4.51 3.66 1.88 0.46 2.77 1.14 1.63 2.53 1.53 4.61 0.07 4.54 0.40 0.49 0.83 1.29 2.12 1.38 0.83 0.33 10.19 9.86 5.47 4.25 12.02 1.70 13.72 1.88 1.19 6.51 0.40 6.11 0.72 1.43 1.68 7.47 9.15 0.46 0.66 2.73 1.69 4.42 0.36 1.34 2.64 2.43 5.07 7.76 3.63 16.59 3.54 13.05 0.17 1.15 1.41 4.36 5.78 3.08 3.19 2.16 9.41 11.57 1.39 2.97 10.12 12.91 23.03 0.30 2.50 6.51 3.83 10.34 0.85 3.40 3.27 1.68 8.53 10.21 0.90 1.30 2.08 2.73 4.60 7.33 0.94 1.10 1.19 2.77 2.43 5.20 0.36 4.96 3.78 16.59 0.07 16.52 0.51 0.01 0.95 1.41 4.36 5.78 0.23 4.45 4.12 2.16 10.25 12.41 0.70 0.39 4.27 12.02 12.91 24.93 0.51 % Bare VORa 3.61 0.08 3.51 3.83 0.32 8.31 0.07 8.21 8.53 0.31 1.20 0.93 2.97 3.67 6.64 Distance to state road % Grass in home range (310 ha) Visual obstruction reading. 798 The Journal of Wildlife Management 77(4) et al. 2005). However, tradeoffs between nest survival and female survival can be mediated by concealment of nesting cover in ground-nesting grouse (Wiebe and Martin 1998), and we hypothesized that female selection for visual obstruction would exhibit a quadratic pattern with greater selection for sites with intermediate levels of cover (Westemeier 1973, Svedarsky et al. 2003). Nest site selection of prairie-chickens was best described as a linear function of vertical cover, possibly because quality nesting habitats with heavy cover were rare in managed rangelands at our study sites. Less than 2%, 9%, and 19% of available nesting locations at our South, North, and Smoky areas had visual obstruction readings >50 cm suggested as optimal cover for nesting prairiechickens (Kirsch 1974, Svedarsky 1979). Nest survival has also been found to be influenced by grassland composition and landscape pattern for many grassland birds (Johnson 2001, Herkert et al. 2003). Therefore, grassland birds should select grasslands with high contagion and large patch sizes to maximize nest survival. In our study, prairie-chickens tended to nest in areas dominated by grassland habitats at larger spatial scales, especially in areas where grassland habitat was limited by fragmentation. The effect of grassland composition on nest site selection decreased with grassland fragmentation, whereas local-scale habitat conditions like vertical nesting cover became increasingly influential. We found similar spatial heterogeneity in selection for other habitat variables (Appendix A, available online at www. Our post hoc analyses indicated that much of the spatial variation in selection processes could be collapsed to differences among study areas. Certainly, spatially explicit habitat selection in the relatively unfragmented grasslands of the Flint Hills showed little variability when pooled within each study area. However, high spatial variability in selection processes at the Smoky Hills area was likely due to highly heterogeneous habitat conditions in this ecoregion. Grassland patches were smaller and more variable, landscape composition was more diverse with more than 40% agriculture and fallow areas, and patterns of land ownership with smaller parcels of land resulted in more diverse grassland management than the 2 Flint Hills study areas. Variable slope coefficients of habitat selection processes that indicated negative relationships in some parts of the study area and positive relationships in others make recommendations for habitat improvement difficult. To interpret spatial variation in factors affecting nest site selection, we conducted a post hoc analysis to assess whether local selection coefficients were related to other local habitat variables. Females demonstrated greater selection for vertical nesting cover as the amount of grassland habitat within a home range increased. The habitat measurements themselves were not correlated so a positive relationship between the selection coefficient of vertical obstruction and the proportion of home range area in grassland suggested females may be assessing conditions at multiple spatial scales simultaneously when selecting nest sites. A caveat to our inference is that only 2 of 104 post hoc correlations were significant and the experiment-wise error rate was high at 1 (1 0.05)104 ¼ 0.65. Mcnew et al. Spatially Explicit Habitat Selection If habitats and habitat selection are hierarchically organized (Johnson 1980, Wiens 1989), environmental variables should exhibit cross-scale correlations. Failure to consider the potential effects of cross-scale correlations in measured habitat variables can result in faulty interpretations of habitat associations (Battin and Lawler 2006, Lawler and Edwards 2006). We addressed potential autocorrelation by decomposing pure and shared variation between habitat features at the 3 separate spatial scales. Shared variation between habitat variables at multiple scales could be the result of either the joint effect of both variables or, alternately, the effect of 1 variable that is correlated with a second (Lawler and Edwards 2006). Habitat components at the nest site explained roughly 40% of the variation in nest site selection, whereas components at the core area and home range scale explained 4% and 1% of variation. Thus, habitat components at the nest site were more influential than components at broader spatial scales when simply evaluating habitat suitability at a single spatial scale. However, more than half of the variation was shared by habitat components across 2 or more spatial scales. Thus, habitat management focused at a single spatial scale, the nest site, may be less effective than a comprehensive strategy addressing habitat deficiencies at multiple spatial scales (Zimmerman and Gutiérrez 2008, Doherty et al. 2010). A broader perspective is especially needed for the fragmented Smoky Hills study area where a greater degree of grassland fragmentation at coarse spatial scales corresponded with variability in the influence of local habitat variables like vertical nesting cover. In contrast, nest site selection in the large unfragmented grasslands of the Flint Hills appears to be driven primarily by habitat components at the local nest site. Methodological Considerations Habitat selection models can be spatially calibrated and used to investigate hypotheses about relationships between habitat patterns and selection responses when habitat conditions are heterogeneous across space. Nest site selection by female prairie-chickens was variable across the spatial extent of our 3 study areas, suggesting that the relative importance of habitat components vary depending upon the spatial location of nests in the context of other habitat conditions. Other potential applications of GWR could include evaluations of the appropriate spatial scale for a field study or determining the spatial extent at which ecological phenomena occur. The GWR method uses an adjustable spatial kernel-weighting scheme to fit potentially different coefficient values for each observation (Fotheringham et al. 2002). Thus, the spatial extent at which habitat selection processes become stationary can be determined by testing a series of models with varying fixed bandwidth distances (Miller and Hanham 2011). If evaluating remotely sensed habitat data in a GIS, interpolated maps of slope coefficients from spatially explicit GWR models (see Appendix A, available online at can be digitized and used to map RSFs to identify hot spots of habitat use that could be the focus of further study or conservation. 799 A few limitations of GWRs should be considered. They are spatially calibrated generalized linear models (GLMs) and cannot evaluate nonlinear ecological relationships. Evidence of a spatially explicit response may result from the misspecification of the predictor as a linear function when the relationships is actually nonlinear (Miller and Hanham 2011). Thus, researchers should properly explore whether relationships are nonlinear in a spatially stationary modeling framework with generalized additive models before proceeding with GWR. Similar to other general linear models, a limited suite of nonlinear responses may be evaluated in GWR by including polynomial effects of environmental variables. Another limitation is that mixed logistic models, in which some coefficients are allowed to vary spatially and others are fixed across space, are not possible with any of the GWR packages currently available (GWR 3.0, R package spgwr, or GWR tool in ArcInfo 10). Last, formal statistical tests are not currently available for examining the significance of the spatial variability in parameter estimates for logistic calibrations of GWR, and an ad hoc approach of comparing interquartile ranges of parameter estimates of spatially explicit and stationary calibrations of the same model must be used to evaluate whether selection coefficients are better described as spatially explicit or stationary. MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS Habitat features at 3 hierarchical spatial scales were correlated with nest site selection by prairie-chickens, although our results suggest that habitat conditions at the nest site were generally more influential than environmental factors at broader spatial scales in Kansas. High spatial variability in nest site selection suggested that the relative importance of habitat components vary depending upon the local environmental conditions of potential nest sites. Thus, management of habitats at small spatial scales, such as individual nest sites, remains impractical. Because much of the spatial variation in nest site selection by females was explained by regional differences among study areas, we recommend that habitat management aimed at improving nesting habitat occur at the regional scale by increasing the availability of nesting sites with standing litter or new growth to at least 25 cm during the nesting period (Apr–Jul). Contrary to previous work, we did not find declining selection for vertical nest cover that exceeded a certain level because almost none of the available sites in the Flint Hills had visual obstruction >40 cm. However, we agree with other researchers that an optimum range of vertical nest cover likely exists for prairie grouse, which maximizes survival of both nests and incubating females (Hamerstrom and Hamerstrom 1973, Westemeier 1973, Wiebe and Martin 1998). We never observed females initiating nests in grasslands with standing litter >1 m despite limited availability at our Smoky site, suggesting that the optimal range of vertical cover is somewhere between 25 cm and 100 cm. Spatial variability in nest site selection was much greater at the fragmented Smoky area, likely because habitat conditions at the site were spatially heterogeneous. Therefore, managers should focus efforts 800 on restoring connectivity of grasslands by restoring unproductive agricultural fields to native grassland and by reducing encroachment of trees by either mechanical treatment or rotational prescribed burning (Briggs et al. 2005, McNew et al. 2012b). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank the late Dr. Ron E. VanNimwegen for discussions that inspired this study. Many field technicians assisted with collection of field data. Funding and equipment were provided by a consortium of federal and state wildlife agencies, conservation groups, and wind energy partners under the National Wind Coordinating Collaborative, including the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (DOE), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks, Kansas Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, Kansas and Oklahoma chapters of The Nature Conservancy, BP Alternative Energy, FPL Energy, Horizon Wind Energy, and Iberdrola Renewables. B. K. Sandercock was supported by the Division of Biology at Kansas State University. J. Pitman, R. Gutiérrez, and anonymous reviewers provided comments that improved the manuscript. LITERATURE CITED Augustine, J. K., and B. K. Sandercock. 2010. Demography of female greater prairie-chickens in unfragmented grasslands in Kansas. Avian Conservation and Ecology 6(1):2. Battin, J., and J. J. Lawler. 2006. 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