DOI: 10.1111/eea.12325 Feeding location affects demographic performance of cabbage aphids on winter canola Ximena Cibils-Stewart1, Brett K. Sandercock2 & Brian P. McCornack1* 1 Department of Entomology, Kansas State University, 123 W. Waters Hall, Manhattan, KS 66506, USA, and 2Division of Biology, Kansas State University, 116 Ackert Hall, Manhattan, KS 66506, USA Accepted: 21 April 2015 Key words: finite rate of population change k, life-table response experiment, plant architecture, population growth, prospective demographic analysis, retrospective demographic analysis, Brevicoryne brassicae, Hemiptera, Aphididae, Brassica napus, Brassicaceae, stage-structured population model Abstract The cabbage aphid, Brevicoryne brassicae L. (Hemiptera: Aphididae), is a perennial pest that specializes on plants of the Brassicaceae family, attacking winter canola (Brassica napus L.) mainly during and after flowering. Under field conditions, cabbage aphid colonizes the upper flowering canopy. Population dynamics of aphids in the flowering canopy could be regulated by differences in either plant quality (bottom-up) or predatory (top-down) forces. The goal of our study was to determine the effect of feeding location on cabbage aphid demography. A stage-structured matrix population model was constructed for aphids restricted to reproductive or vegetative plant tissues of canola. We found that feeding location had a large impact on demography of cabbage aphid; the finite rate of increase (k SEM) was higher when aphids were restricted to reproductive tissues, compared to aphids feeding on vegetative tissues: 1.25 0.01 vs. 1.17 0.01 (leaves). Aphids confined to reproductive tissues with higher k exhibited shorter generation times (T = 14.2 0.2 days) and 53–75% higher net reproductive rates (R0 = 23.3 1.7) than aphids feeding on vegetative tissues. Prospective analyses showed that there was a nymph-skewed stable stage distribution, and elasticity values revealed that k is most sensitive to changes in stasis of adults staying in the adult stage and to adult survival. Retrospective analyses indicated that variation in adult fecundity (value of 0.05) had the largest effect on population dynamics but collectively, growth of nymphal stage 2–3, 3–4, and 4 to adult accounted for most of the difference in k between the treatments. Monitoring programs should target adults and penultimate instars colonizing reproductive tissues of canola plants in the field as aphids on these plant structures contribute most to population growth. Introduction Winter canola, Brassica napus L. (Brassicaceae), is a profitable biofuel crop that has increased in acreage in South Central USA since the introduction of cold-tolerant varieties. New varieties have allowed growers to rotate canola with winter wheat, Triticum aestivum L. (Poaceae), the most abundant crop of this region (Franke et al., 2009; Ash, 2012). Since its introduction as a new crop, winter canola has been attacked by a complex of aphid species, including turnip aphid, Lipaphis erysimi (Kaltenbach), *Correspondence: Brian P. McCornack, Department of Entomology, Kansas State University, 123 W. Water Hall, Manhattan, KS 66506, USA. E-mail: green peach aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer), and cabbage aphid, Brevicoryne brassicae (L.) (all Hemiptera: Aphididae) (Franke et al., 2009; Boyles et al., 2012). When aphids form dense colonies on developing flowers, yield losses of up to 70% have been reported if infestations are left untreated (Boyles et al., 2012). After adoption of seedapplied insecticides for managing early-season turnip aphids, cabbage aphid has become the most damaging aphid species colonizing winter canola under mixed aphid-species infestations (Boyles et al., 2012). Cabbage aphid is a herbivorous perennial pest restricted to members of the Brassicaceae and attacks canola mainly during early flowering and pod development (Boyles et al., 2012). Cabbage aphid develops through four nymphal instars before reaching physiological maturity and starting parthenogenetic reproduction (Hughes, 1963). In canola, © 2015 The Authors. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata is published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Netherlands Entomological Society. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 156: 149–159, 2015 149 This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made. 150 Cibils-Stewart et al. established populations are mainly composed of apterous females, but sexual and alatoid individuals are produced when populations reach high densities. Under asexual and sexual reproduction scenarios, the fitness of newly deposited apterous nymphs is dependent on deposition sites selected by their fundatrix mothers on acceptable host plants. In the field, cabbage aphid is predominantly observed colonizing the top flowering canopy of the canola plant (Hopkins et al., 2009). Occurrence of arthropod herbivores in different plant structures is a common phenomenon in plant-herbivore interactions. Little is known about the consequence of reproductive cabbage aphid adults depositing nymphs on suboptimal plant structures. Reproductive structures of the canola plant may provide optimal resources for cabbage aphid growth and development and therefore influence aphid demographic performance (Smallegange et al., 2007; Malik et al., 2010). Feeding location has been reported to influence both fitness as well as natural-enemy recruitment for herbivorous arthropods in other cultivated plant systems including chili (Idris & Roff, 2002), cotton (Griogolli et al., 2013), alfalfa (Berberet et al., 2009), tobacco (Athanassiou et al., 2005; Kavallieratos et al., 2005), sunflowers (Pekar, 2005), and other brassica crops, including Brassica nigra (L.) W.D.J. Koch (Smallegange et al., 2007). Conversely, feeding habits of natural enemies can also have disproportionate effects on aphid population growth at locations where natural enemies are feeding, which has been documented for soybean aphid in soybean (Costamagna et al., 2013). In canola, key top-down and bottom-up forces governing cabbage aphid population dynamics during early flowering and other critical plant developmental stages where management is most effective (early flowering) are not well-understood. The objectives of this study were to use a prospective demographic analysis and a retrospective life table response experiment (LTRE) to determine the extent to which feeding location affects aphid vital rates (survival, growth, reproduction), and population dynamics. Demographic models based on prospective sensitivity analyses were used to quantify the potential effects of feeding location on aphid vital rates (reproduction, growth, and survival) and future contributions to population growth rate or k (Caswell, 1996, 2001). We then used a retrospective LTRE to decompose the contributions of different vital rates to variation in k among the experimental treatments. We hypothesized that reproductive tissues of the canola plant would support higher population sizes of cabbage aphid than vegetative tissues. Demographic population analyses are useful to predict pest outbreaks and dynamics of colonization in crops (Kasap & Alten, 2006). Materials and methods Plant and aphid materials Canola plants (variety Riley; Kansas Foundation Seed Service, Manhattan, KS, USA) were seeded in a special soil mixture that contained all required minerals and nutrients and maintained in the greenhouse with a L16: D8 photoperiod for ca. 6 weeks (Johnson-Flanagan & Spencer, 1994). Soil and photoperiod provided adequate growth for canola plants to survive the vernalization process (M Stamm, canola breeder, Kansas State University, pers. comm.). The soil mixture consisted of peat moss, perlite, gypsum, slow-release fertilizer, and other micronutrients (proprietary blend, M Stamm). Canola plants were then artificially vernalized in a growth chamber for ca. 2 months at L12:D12 photoperiod and constant 4 °C to induce reproductive maturity (Murphy & Scarth, 1994). Vernalized canola plants were watered daily and used to maintain aphid colonies. Cabbage aphids used in all experiments were obtained from field collections but maintained in laboratory-reared colonies at Kansas State University (KSU) in the Department of Entomology (Manhattan, KS, USA); aphid species identification was confirmed using alates collected from founding populations (Blackman & Eastop, 2000). In April 2011, adult cabbage aphids were collected from winter canola fields (37°1.35396N, 98°22.01688W and 36°59.79996N, 98°29.03508W) in Barber County, Kansas, transported to the laboratory in coolers, and transferred to vernalized canola plants. Transfer of aphids to new plants consisted of excising an aphid-infested leaf and placing it atop of new leaves from vernalized canola plants to allow independent aphid movement to fresh plant tissue. Using procedures described by Kos et al. (2011a), colonies were maintained on vernalized canola plants at 22 2 °C, 60–70% r.h., and L16:D8 photoperiod. To maintain colony vigor, apterous aphids were transferred to non-infested, vernalized canola plants every other week. Voucher specimens (B. brassicae nymphs and adults) were deposited in the KSU Museum of Entomological and Prairie Arthropod Research (voucher number 228). Aphid population dynamics An exclusion experiment using mesh enclosure cages was replicated in field and greenhouse trials to assess the impact of feeding location on aphid population growth rates in the absence of predation. One trial was setup in production canola fields at Ashland Bottoms Research Farm near Manhattan, KS, from 27 April to 18 May 2011, and then repeated under controlled greenhouse conditions (22 2 °C, 60–70% r.h., and L16:D8 Feeding location affects aphid demography 151 photoperiod) at KSU (Manhattan, KS) from 25 October to 15 November 2011. Apterous cabbage aphids were restricted to either the upper flowering canopy or a single leaf in the lower canola canopy using enclosure cages (23 cm diameter and 71 cm long; Figure 1A) adapted from Soper et al. (2013). Cages were placed on the same plant to enable direct comparison of plant location on aphid population growth, and to control for potential effects among individual plants in size or nutritional composition. Each cage consisted of white, no-see-um mesh (Quest Outfitters, Sarasota, FL, USA) with zippered tops. Zippers provided access to either the flowering raceme or the vegetative leaf after a cage was secured to a plant structure. The base of each enclosure cage was secured to the canola plant using 15-cm plastic cable-ties (Gardner Bender, Butler, WI, USA), which were located below the last flower of the flowering raceme, or at the node between the leaf and the plant stem. To allow free movement of aphids within each cage, we added cylindrical supports made of 14-gauge, galvanized steel wire (Impex Systems Group, Miami, FL, USA). Supports kept A B C Figure 1 Pictures depicting enclosure cages deployed to (A) restrict aphid populations to either reproductive (R) or vegetative (V) structures, and restrict individual aphids to either (B) vegetative or (C) reproductive plant tissues. the mesh from resting on the flowers or the leaves or disrupting growing aphid populations. In companion experiments, Cibils-Stewart (2013) showed a lack of cage effect under field and greenhouse conditions across multiple years using the same cage design. In particular, cumulative degree-days were the same for aphids enclosed on reproductive and vegetative plant structures. A total of 18 (n = 36) and 30 (n = 60) cages per treatment were deployed in the field and greenhouse trials, respectively. Populations in each enclosure cage were started with five newly reproductive, apterous adult cabbage aphids that were transported to field and greenhouse trials using 2-ml Eppendorf vials (Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA). Aphids were transferred to the experimental plants with fine, camel hair paintbrushes and placed directly on the canola flowers or leaves. Aphid populations remained on caged sections of the plant for 3 weeks. Plants within a trial were arranged in a completely randomized design. At the end of each trial, the base of each canola plant was excised and all plant material and attached cages were placed in a 7.6-l (2 gallons) plastic bag, which was then immediately stored in a freezer at 20 °C. Freezing stopped aphid development and nymphal deposition and allowed for effective counting of cabbage aphid populations at the end of each trial. Plant structures within enclosure cages were removed and all aphids within each cage were counted in the laboratory using a magnifying glass. For the greenhouse trial, aphids were categorized into three morphs based on absence or presence of wing pads and wings (Blackman & Eastop, 2000). The three morphs included apterous nymphs and adults, alatoid nymphs, and alates. The finite rate of population change was calculated for the entire 21-day trial (k21) as a ratio of change in aphid densities at the start (N0) and end (N21) of the field or greenhouse trials, where k21 = N21/N0. To compare results between populations and individual aphid experiments, we then calculated the daily rate of change (kd), where kd = (N21/N0)1/21. After calculating the finite rate of population growth for each cage location, Student’s paired t-test (Proc TTEST; SAS 2009; SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA) was used to compare aphid populations restricted to either the top (reproductive) or bottom (vegetative) plant structures in both trials (greenhouse and field). Lastly, aphid morphs (apterous nymphs and adults, alatoid nymphs, and alates) from the greenhouse trial were compared between locations using a Student’s paired t-test (Proc TTEST; SAS 2009) at a = 0.05. Population structure of aphids restricted to different plant structures was compared using a Pearson’s v2 test for homogeneity between feeding locations. 152 Cibils-Stewart et al. Individual aphid demographics To model effects of bottom-up forces on individual cabbage aphid, small enclosure cages were used to measure vital rates (growth, survival, and reproduction) of aphids feeding on apical reproductive tissues or basal vegetative tissues of a canola plant. Trials were conducted under greenhouse conditions (22 2 °C, 60–70% r.h., and L16: D8 photoperiod) at KSU from 23 September to 28 October 2012. In this experiment, individual aphids were randomly assigned to one of three fixed locations on canola plants: (1) flowering structure (reproductive tissue), or (2) top or (3) bottom surfaces of a single leaf (vegetative tissues) from the mid-canopy of a canola plant. Enclosure cages (Converters, Huntingdon Valley, PA, USA) followed the design of Nagaraj et al. (2005) and consisted of a 0.5-cm thick foam rectangle (outside rectangle dimensions: 6.2 9 3.6 cm; inside rectangle dimensions: 5.1 9 2.5 cm) with manufacturer-applied adhesive on cage tops and bottoms. For cages placed on leaves, preapplied adhesive was then used to secure no-see-um mesh on one side of the cage. Mesh kept aphids from escaping, allowed for adequate ventilation, and facilitated repeated counting of aphid populations. The remaining adhesive side was secured to the leave on the mid-canopy leaf locations to enclose the aphids (Figure 1B). For aphids restricted to flowers, two cages were secured together with a single flower stem between them; no-see-um mesh was used on the outside of both cages to restrict aphids to reproductive structures (Figure 1C). Aphids were not exposed to sticky surfaces to reduce incidental mortality. Each tissue type was artificially infested with two apterous adult cabbage aphids (first generation or Gen1) resulting in 10 cages per treatment (n = 30). On the 1st day nymphs were produced, ca. 48 h after infestation, Gen1 adults were removed, and a cohort of five nymphs (second generation or Gen2) remained in each cage until nymphs reached the penultimate stage (fourth instar). Following methods of Chaplin-Kramer et al. (2011), we kept nymphs together until they reached their penultimate stage to reduce the likelihood of nymphs escaping individual cages. Only Gen2 nymphs were used to estimate demographic attributes for individual aphids in this experiment. Nymphal development (instar changes), adult fecundity, and survival of each Gen2 aphid were recorded daily for the entire lifespan of each aphid. Nymphal changes were determined by counting the aphid exuvia (exoskeleton molts), which were removed and recorded daily; the number of exuvia was correlated with nymphal body size to estimate the proportion of nymphs at a given instar or age. Once Gen2 nymphs reached the penultimate instar, they were transferred to individual cages and responses were individually tracked (n = 50 aphids per treatment location) for the remainder of the experiment (n = 150 total cages). For reproductive Gen2 adults, the number of third generation (Gen3) nymphs produced by each reproductive adult was recorded and newly deposited Gen3 nymphs were removed daily to determine fecundity (total number of nymphs produced per adult) and reproductive rates (mean nymphs produced per day per adult). The life cycle of individual cabbage aphids was categorized into six stage-classes (Figure 2A): four nymphal stages (collectively pre-reproductive stages) followed by two adult stages (reproductive and post-reproductive). The reproductive stage included the number of days that each female deposited nymphs, whereas the post-reproductive stage included the number of days that adult females were alive but no longer depositing nymphs. Total stage duration (number of days) for each nymphal stage as well as total duration of the pre-reproductive, reproductive, and post-reproductive periods (number of days) were compared between tissue types using a two-way ANOVA (Proc MIXED; SAS 2009). In this study, treatment location (flowers, leaf top, and leaf bottom) was a fixed effect, and A B Figure 2 (A) The life cycle diagram and (B) corresponding stage-classified transition matrix for female cabbage aphids. Stages 1–4 = instars 1–4, adult = reproductive females, and post = post-reproductive adult females. Arrows indicate transitions, where G = growth (aphid survives from one stage to the next), S = stasis (aphid survives and remains in the same stage), and F5 = fecundity (number of nymphs per reproductive female at stage 5). 152 Cibils-Stewart et al. Individual aphid demographics To model effects of bottom-up forces on individual cabbage aphid, small enclosure cages were used to measure vital rates (growth, survival, and reproduction) of aphids feeding on apical reproductive tissues or basal vegetative tissues of a canola plant. Trials were conducted under greenhouse conditions (22 2 °C, 60–70% r.h., and L16: D8 photoperiod) at KSU from 23 September to 28 October 2012. In this experiment, individual aphids were randomly assigned to one of three fixed locations on canola plants: (1) flowering structure (reproductive tissue), or (2) top or (3) bottom surfaces of a single leaf (vegetative tissues) from the mid-canopy of a canola plant. Enclosure cages (Converters, Huntingdon Valley, PA, USA) followed the design of Nagaraj et al. (2005) and consisted of a 0.5-cm thick foam rectangle (outside rectangle dimensions: 6.2 9 3.6 cm; inside rectangle dimensions: 5.1 9 2.5 cm) with manufacturer-applied adhesive on cage tops and bottoms. For cages placed on leaves, preapplied adhesive was then used to secure no-see-um mesh on one side of the cage. Mesh kept aphids from escaping, allowed for adequate ventilation, and facilitated repeated counting of aphid populations. The remaining adhesive side was secured to the leave on the mid-canopy leaf locations to enclose the aphids (Figure 1B). For aphids restricted to flowers, two cages were secured together with a single flower stem between them; no-see-um mesh was used on the outside of both cages to restrict aphids to reproductive structures (Figure 1C). Aphids were not exposed to sticky surfaces to reduce incidental mortality. Each tissue type was artificially infested with two apterous adult cabbage aphids (first generation or Gen1) resulting in 10 cages per treatment (n = 30). On the 1st day nymphs were produced, ca. 48 h after infestation, Gen1 adults were removed, and a cohort of five nymphs (second generation or Gen2) remained in each cage until nymphs reached the penultimate stage (fourth instar). Following methods of Chaplin-Kramer et al. (2011), we kept nymphs together until they reached their penultimate stage to reduce the likelihood of nymphs escaping individual cages. Only Gen2 nymphs were used to estimate demographic attributes for individual aphids in this experiment. Nymphal development (instar changes), adult fecundity, and survival of each Gen2 aphid were recorded daily for the entire lifespan of each aphid. Nymphal changes were determined by counting the aphid exuvia (exoskeleton molts), which were removed and recorded daily; the number of exuvia was correlated with nymphal body size to estimate the proportion of nymphs at a given instar or age. Once Gen2 nymphs reached the penultimate instar, they were transferred to individual cages and responses were individually tracked (n = 50 aphids per treatment location) for the remainder of the experiment (n = 150 total cages). For reproductive Gen2 adults, the number of third generation (Gen3) nymphs produced by each reproductive adult was recorded and newly deposited Gen3 nymphs were removed daily to determine fecundity (total number of nymphs produced per adult) and reproductive rates (mean nymphs produced per day per adult). The life cycle of individual cabbage aphids was categorized into six stage-classes (Figure 2A): four nymphal stages (collectively pre-reproductive stages) followed by two adult stages (reproductive and post-reproductive). The reproductive stage included the number of days that each female deposited nymphs, whereas the post-reproductive stage included the number of days that adult females were alive but no longer depositing nymphs. Total stage duration (number of days) for each nymphal stage as well as total duration of the pre-reproductive, reproductive, and post-reproductive periods (number of days) were compared between tissue types using a two-way ANOVA (Proc MIXED; SAS 2009). In this study, treatment location (flowers, leaf top, and leaf bottom) was a fixed effect, and A B Figure 2 (A) The life cycle diagram and (B) corresponding stage-classified transition matrix for female cabbage aphids. Stages 1–4 = instars 1–4, adult = reproductive females, and post = post-reproductive adult females. Arrows indicate transitions, where G = growth (aphid survives from one stage to the next), S = stasis (aphid survives and remains in the same stage), and F5 = fecundity (number of nymphs per reproductive female at stage 5). 154 Cibils-Stewart et al. Results Aphid population dynamics Daily rate (mean SEM) of population growth (k) for cabbage aphids was 8% faster for populations restricted to apical flowers compared to populations restricted to vegetative leaves under greenhouse conditions (1.25 0.01 vs. 1.16 0.01; t = 8.66, d.f. = 59, P<0.001). Daily rate of population growth (k) for cabbage aphids was 1.17 0.08 for populations restricted to the reproductive structures and 1.11 0.02 for populations restricted to vegetative tissue under field conditions (t = 2.41, d.f. = 35, P<0.05). Mean total numbers of aphids recorded after 21 days were 1 104 88 and 1 090 227 for populations restricted to the reproductive structures, and 185 26 and 348 104 for populations restricted to vegetative structures in greenhouse and field trials, respectively. Flower structures supported 5.99 and 3.19 more aphids than lower leaves of the canola plants after a 3-week period in greenhouse and field trials, respectively. Overall population densities were significantly lower when aphids were restricted to vegetative tissue compared to reproductive tissues (t = 9.97, d.f. = 59, P<0.001), but the proportion of apterous nymphs and adults (t = 1.93, d.f. = 58, P = 0.059) as well as alates (t = 0.46, d.f. = 58, P = 0.49) within these populations did not differ significantly between feeding locations in the greenhouse trial. Proportions of the population that were alatoid nymphs, on the other hand, were significantly higher when aphids were restricted to reproductive vs. vegetative tissues (t = 3.84, d.f. = 58, P = 0.0003). Population structure of cabbage aphid restricted to feeding on the reproductive parts of the canola plant after a 3-week period comprised of 72% (786 74) apterous nymphs and adults, 12% A (117 14) alatoid nymphs, and 16% (202 34) alates. Aphids restricted to vegetative tissues of the same plant had a similar population structure, where 80% (162 23), 5% (9 2), and 15% (28 5) of all aphids were apterous nymphs and adults (v2 = 27, d.f. = 59, P = 1.0), alatoid nymphs (v2 = 13.75, d.f. = 59, P = 0.55), and alates (v2 = 6.66, d.f. = 59, P = 1.0), respectively. Individual aphid demographics In our trials, 25, 36, and 27 of the 50 aphids survived to adulthood on the flower, leaf top, and leaf bottom treatments, respectively. Daily nymph counts from surviving aphids were used for the fecundity analysis. Development was 20% faster for cabbage aphid restricted to flowers (10.4 0.8 days) compared to aphids developing on tops (12.9 0.7 days) or bottoms (12.3 0.8 days) of leaves (F2,75 = 19.86, P<0.0001). Significant interactions between plant location and duration of nymphal stage were also observed (F6,300 = 6.63, P<0.0001) (Figure 3A). Aphids spent 60–70% less time in pre-reproductive (8.6 0.1 days) and post-reproductive (6.2 0.5 days) stages, respectively, compared to reproductive adults (21.0 0.5 days), regardless of feeding location (F4,225 = 2.96, P = 0.02) (Figure 3B). Stage duration of aphids across all plant locations ranged from 7.6 0.1 to 9.2 0.1 days for the pre-reproductive stage, 19.8 0.1 to 21.7 0.1 days for the reproductive stages, and 3.9 0.4 to 8.1 0.8 days for the post-reproductive stage. Aphids restricted to flowers had significantly shorter post-reproductive durations than aphids confined to leaves (F4,225 = 2.96, P = 0.02) (Figure 3B). Hence, mean ( SEM) overall life cycle duration was significantly shorter for aphids restricted to flowers (31 3 days) than B Figure 3 Mean ( SEM) duration (days) of the (A) nymphal stage for cabbage aphids restricted to specific canola tissues (flower, leaf top, or bottom) and (B) pre-reproductive (Pre-R), reproductive (R), and post-reproductive (Post-R) periods for cabbage aphids restricted to three canola tissue types (flower, leaf top, or bottom) for a greenhouse trial in 2012. Means within a panel capped with different letters are significantly different (adjusted Tukey method: P<0.05). Feeding location affects aphid demography 155 aphids located on upper (39 6 days) or lower leaf surfaces (37 7 days) (F4,225 = 9.98, P<0.001). Mean daily fecundity values were significantly greater for aphids restricted to reproductive canola structures (3.3 0.1 aphids per female per day) compared to aphids on either top (2.0 0.1) or bottom (2.2 0.1) vegetative tissues (F2,75 = 19.86, P<0.001). Vital rates of survival, stasis, and mean daily fecundity were pooled across aphids within the same treatment; and mean values were used for the prospective analysis (Table 1). Cabbage aphid restricted to reproductive structures of the plant had higher demographic performance than aphids restricted to vegetative plant tissues; population growth rate (k) was 7% higher for aphids restricted to the reproductive parts of canola plant (k = 1.25 0.01) compared to aphids on vegetative tissues (k = 1.17 0.01) (Table 2). Damping ratios (q) and time of convergence (t20), measured in days, showed that populations restricted to flowers should converge faster to the stable-age distribution (5.7 0.1 days) than aphids restricted to vegetative structures (t20 = 9.4 0.2 and 10.4 0.1 days) (Table 2). Stable age distributions (w) revealed that first instars are the most abundant stable stage class among all populations (w>0.30, Figure 4A), and reproductive values (v, or mean number of offspring theoretically produced by post-transients) were consistently highest for reproductive adults (v>9), followed by the fourth instar stage (v 5) (Figure 4B). Life-history patterns were consistent across treatments. Elasticity values indicated that k would be most sensitive to changes Table 1 Vital rates for individual cabbage aphids (n = 50 per feeding location) feeding on canola, which includes: growth (G), stasis (S), and fecundity (F, number of females produced by females per day) rates for nymph (S1–4), adults (S5), and postreproductive (S6) cabbage aphids, restricted to specific tissue types (flower, leaf top, or bottom) for a greenhouse experiment in 2012 Vital rate Flower Leaf top Leaf bottom S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 F1 0.32 0.30 0.41 0.49 0.95 0.74 0.60 0.57 0.41 0.37 0.05 3.25 0.41 0.57 0.43 0.53 0.95 0.88 0.56 0.33 0.39 0.34 0.05 2.04 0.31 0.42 0.53 0.52 0.95 0.85 0.63 0.46 0.29 0.33 0.05 2.15 Table 2 Growth rates and asymptotic matrix properties for individual cabbage aphids restricted to three specific canola plant structures (flower, leaf top, and bottom) for a greenhouse experiment in 2012. Results obtained from the prospective matrix analysis are shown, where k = finite rate of population change, q = damping ratios, t20 = days to model convergence, R0 = net reproductive rate, and T(d) = generation time in days Parameter Feeding location Mean SEM k Flower Leaf top Leaf bottom Flower Leaf top Leaf bottom Flower Leaf top Leaf bottom Flower Leaf top Leaf bottom Flower Leaf top Leaf bottom 1.25 1.17 1.17 1.69 1.33 1.38 5.7 10.4 9.4 23.3 15.1 13.3 14.2 16.8 16.4 q t20 R0 T(d) 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.1 0.1 0.2 1.7 3.2 1.0 0.2 0.8 0.2 95% CI limits 1.23–1.26 1.16–1.19 1.16–1.18 1.65–1.73 1.30–1.37 1.36–1.40 5.5–6.0 9.6–11.4 8.9–9.8 20.2–26.8 10.1–22.2 11.5–15.3 13.9–14.5 15.3–18.5 16.0–16.8 in stasis as adults (s5) and also to survival of adults (a5) (Figure 5A). Results from the retrospective analysis comparing the two leaf treatments and a projection matrix of individual aphids on reproductive tissue showed that the sum of all elements in the contribution matrix (∑c) equaled 0.0740; this sum was a good approximation to the expected treatment effects (Dk: km kr = 0.0739). Positive contributions of improved adult fecundity (F5: 0.049), growth from nymphal stage 1–2 (g1: 0.007), 2–3 (g2: 0.038), 3–4 (g3: 0.021), and 4 to adult (g4: 0.011), and survival of nymphal stage 3 (a3: 0.005) accounted for nearly all of the difference in k between aphid populations restricted to canola flowers vs. a leaf on the same plant. These six demographic rates accounted for ca. 74% of the effects of feeding location on fecundity, growth, and survival of cabbage aphid (Figure 5B). Additionally, there were negative contributions for stasis of early nymphal stages to the variation in k, where only stasis of the second nymphal stage was higher for aphids on leaves than flowers (s2 = –0.025) (Figure 5B). Discussion Feeding location on canola had a large effect on the demographic performance of mixed-age and even-aged populations of aphids. Vital rates and the intrinsic rate of growth (k) were significantly higher for aphids confined to repro- 154 Cibils-Stewart et al. Results Aphid population dynamics Daily rate (mean SEM) of population growth (k) for cabbage aphids was 8% faster for populations restricted to apical flowers compared to populations restricted to vegetative leaves under greenhouse conditions (1.25 0.01 vs. 1.16 0.01; t = 8.66, d.f. = 59, P<0.001). Daily rate of population growth (k) for cabbage aphids was 1.17 0.08 for populations restricted to the reproductive structures and 1.11 0.02 for populations restricted to vegetative tissue under field conditions (t = 2.41, d.f. = 35, P<0.05). Mean total numbers of aphids recorded after 21 days were 1 104 88 and 1 090 227 for populations restricted to the reproductive structures, and 185 26 and 348 104 for populations restricted to vegetative structures in greenhouse and field trials, respectively. Flower structures supported 5.99 and 3.19 more aphids than lower leaves of the canola plants after a 3-week period in greenhouse and field trials, respectively. Overall population densities were significantly lower when aphids were restricted to vegetative tissue compared to reproductive tissues (t = 9.97, d.f. = 59, P<0.001), but the proportion of apterous nymphs and adults (t = 1.93, d.f. = 58, P = 0.059) as well as alates (t = 0.46, d.f. = 58, P = 0.49) within these populations did not differ significantly between feeding locations in the greenhouse trial. Proportions of the population that were alatoid nymphs, on the other hand, were significantly higher when aphids were restricted to reproductive vs. vegetative tissues (t = 3.84, d.f. = 58, P = 0.0003). Population structure of cabbage aphid restricted to feeding on the reproductive parts of the canola plant after a 3-week period comprised of 72% (786 74) apterous nymphs and adults, 12% A (117 14) alatoid nymphs, and 16% (202 34) alates. Aphids restricted to vegetative tissues of the same plant had a similar population structure, where 80% (162 23), 5% (9 2), and 15% (28 5) of all aphids were apterous nymphs and adults (v2 = 27, d.f. = 59, P = 1.0), alatoid nymphs (v2 = 13.75, d.f. = 59, P = 0.55), and alates (v2 = 6.66, d.f. = 59, P = 1.0), respectively. Individual aphid demographics In our trials, 25, 36, and 27 of the 50 aphids survived to adulthood on the flower, leaf top, and leaf bottom treatments, respectively. Daily nymph counts from surviving aphids were used for the fecundity analysis. Development was 20% faster for cabbage aphid restricted to flowers (10.4 0.8 days) compared to aphids developing on tops (12.9 0.7 days) or bottoms (12.3 0.8 days) of leaves (F2,75 = 19.86, P<0.0001). Significant interactions between plant location and duration of nymphal stage were also observed (F6,300 = 6.63, P<0.0001) (Figure 3A). Aphids spent 60–70% less time in pre-reproductive (8.6 0.1 days) and post-reproductive (6.2 0.5 days) stages, respectively, compared to reproductive adults (21.0 0.5 days), regardless of feeding location (F4,225 = 2.96, P = 0.02) (Figure 3B). Stage duration of aphids across all plant locations ranged from 7.6 0.1 to 9.2 0.1 days for the pre-reproductive stage, 19.8 0.1 to 21.7 0.1 days for the reproductive stages, and 3.9 0.4 to 8.1 0.8 days for the post-reproductive stage. Aphids restricted to flowers had significantly shorter post-reproductive durations than aphids confined to leaves (F4,225 = 2.96, P = 0.02) (Figure 3B). Hence, mean ( SEM) overall life cycle duration was significantly shorter for aphids restricted to flowers (31 3 days) than B Figure 3 Mean ( SEM) duration (days) of the (A) nymphal stage for cabbage aphids restricted to specific canola tissues (flower, leaf top, or bottom) and (B) pre-reproductive (Pre-R), reproductive (R), and post-reproductive (Post-R) periods for cabbage aphids restricted to three canola tissue types (flower, leaf top, or bottom) for a greenhouse trial in 2012. Means within a panel capped with different letters are significantly different (adjusted Tukey method: P<0.05). Feeding location affects aphid demography 157 A Figure 5 (A) Mean ( SEM) elasticity values for lower-level vital rates for three populations of cabbage aphids restricted to specific canola tissues (flower, leaf top, or bottom) for a greenhouse trial in 2012, and (B) contributions of lower-level vital rates to variation in the finite rate of population change (k) between cabbage aphid populations restricted to flowers vs. vegetative tissues (mean of leaf top and bottom locations) of canola plants; positive contributions indicate better demographic performance in flowers. s, stasis; g, growth; a, survival; f, fecundity; 14, nymphal stages; 5, adult; 6, postreproductive aphid. B graphic parameters that contribute differently to population growth. For instance, a fitness consequence for aphids feeding in glucosinolate-rich tissues of the plant is reduced longevity, but mechanisms that effectively sequester glucosinolates may counteract reductions in longevity by shortening generation time and increasing female fecundity (Agrawal & Kurashige, 2003), resulting in more progeny produced earlier in the life-history and over a shorter duration. Shelton (2005) reported that spatial variation in defenses within or among plant tissues could slow the evolution of resistance to herbivores by creating uneven selection pressure on herbivores and their natural enemies. Quantification of glucosinolates within different plant tissues and corresponding effects on canola aphids requires further investigation. Our prospective analysis showed a nymph-skewed stable stage distribution, which is common in growing populations (Taylor, 1979). Unsurprisingly, reproductive values were higher for adults and the penultimate nymphal stage as only adult aphids are reproductive. Elasticity values showed that k is most sensitive to future changes in stasis and survival of adults. Even with a nymph-skewed stable stage distribution, nymphal stages have the highest mortality rates within populations; therefore, adults and penultimate instars are more important in shaping cabbage aphid population dynamics. Understanding the demographic composition of aphid populations under field conditions can guide classical biological control programs. For example, identifying predators or parasitoids that prefer nymphal aphid stages would have the greatest influence on k (Latham & Mills, 2012). Retrospective analysis indicated that contributions from nymphal growth stages 2–3, 3–4, and 4 to adult (Figure 5B) collectively accounted for most of the variation in k between feeding locations on flowers vs. leaves; reproductive adults had the single greatest positive contribution to k. We observed that stasis during early nymph development resulted in negative contributions to k, which can be explained by higher mortality rates among early nymphal stages in cabbage aphid. High mortality (50–72%) during early nymphal stages observed in our study may be due to host-specific attributes, which has been documented in other studies. Specifically, Ulusoy & Olmez-Bayhan (2006) reported host-specific mortalities ranging from 16 to 88% when aphids were confined to different brassica hosts (broccoli, cabbage, mustard, cauliflower, turnip, and rapeseed); the lowest mortality (16%) was observed when cabbage aphids were confined to cabbage. Feeding location influenced demography of aphids directly, where different plant structures are acting as either sources or sinks to cabbage aphid. Source-sink relationships within the plant directly affected aphid demography at both the individual and population level. Our result is a novel finding that helps shape our understanding of how canola plant structures differentially affect aphid demographic parameters. To our knowledge, this is the first study to use a combination of prospective and retrospective demographic analyses to identify vital rates that contribute most to differences between aphids reared on different plant structures. Our results indicate that specialist aphids not only have greater growth rates, but also shorter generation times and higher fecundities when restricted to reproductive tissues of the canola plant, which may be a direct outcome of a specialist aphid adapting to canola secondary compounds. We hypothesize that cabbage aphids developing on flower structures will also contribute more to aphid migration events and colonization of new canola plants, as the proportion of alatoid nymphs 158 Cibils-Stewart et al. was significantly higher when aphids were restricted to reproductive vs. vegetative tissues. Our findings are unsurprising because changes in dispersal polymorphisms are directly related to aphid population size and to crowding (Boyles et al., 2012). Comparative data are limited and it is unknown whether the same tissue-specific, demographic performance occurs for other aphid species in canola. Study of canola-aphid interactions has important implications for pest management programs, especially with potential changes in population dynamics or species distributions and development of effective forecasting tools. For example, sampling plans currently used by canola producers rely solely on whole-plant population estimates. Sampling plans and corresponding treatment decisions can be improved by accounting for the unequal aphid growth rates among feeding locations on the plant. The demographic data presented here in combination with general field observations can be used to generate more comprehensive population growth models that account for vertical distribution of aphids and can facilitate more timely management of cabbage aphid in canola. Acknowledgements We thank members of the McCornack Field Crops IPM Lab (KSU) for assistance with field and greenhouse data collection, and Kris Giles (Oklahoma State University, OSU) and James Nechols (KSU) for providing feedback on the experimental design and for reviewing earlier versions of the manuscript. We also appreciate comments from the anonymous reviewers. We thank Mike Stamm for providing canola seeds, soil, and growth chamber space, which were vital the production of vernalized canola plants and aphid colony vigor. 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