Rowan-Salisbury Board of Education Meeting October 27, 2008 Minutes The Rowan-Salisbury Board of Education met on October 27, 2008 at the Long Street Administrative Office with the following members present: Chairman Dr. Jim Emerson, Vice-Chairperson Mrs. W. Jean Kennedy, Mrs. Linda Freeze, Mrs. Patty Williams, Ms. Karen Carpenter, Mr. Bryce Beard and Mrs. Kay Norman. Also present were Dr. Judy Grissom, Dr. Becky Smith, Mr. Gene Miller, Dr. Walter Hart, Mrs. Delores Morris, attorney Mr. Don Sayers and Mrs. Bonnie Holder, Clerk to the Board. Call to Order / Roll Call Dr. Emerson called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Adopt Agenda Dr. Grissom moved the discussion of the North Rowan High School track into Closed Session. ** Ms. Carpenter moved to adopt the agenda as amended. Mrs. Kennedy seconded. Unanimously approved (7:0). Closed Session Mrs. Norman made a motion to recess into Closed Session at 5:01 p.m. to consider personnel action that involves an [officer] or [employee], or [prospective public officer or employee] of this board. [NC Gen. Stat. #143-318.11(a)(6)]; to prevent disclosure of information that is privileged or confidential pursuant to state or federal law [NC Gen. Stat. 143-318.11(a)(1)] and to consult with an attorney employed or retained by the public body in order to preserve the attorney-client privilege between the attorney and the public body [NC Gen. Stat. 143-318.11(a)(3)]. Mrs. Freeze seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0) September Personnel Report BOE Minutes of August 25 and September 8, 2008 Student transfer recommendations NRHS Track The board reconvened to open session at 5:57 p.m. The Board took a three-minute break. Pledge of Allegiance / Meditation / Dr. Emerson reconvened the meeting at 6:00 p.m. Mrs. Kay Norman officiated the Pledge of Allegiance and Mrs. Freeze had the opening prayer. 1 Presentation Mr. Phil Kirk presented Mrs. April Williams with a scholarship to attend an NCCAT workshop. Celebrations Congratulations to the following 15 schools in the RSS district for meeting expected for higher growth performance for ABCs: 1. Bostian Elementary High Growth 2. Overton Elementary Expected Growth 3. China Grove Elementary High Growth 4. Koontz Elementary High Growth 5. Shive Elementary High Growth 6. Enochville Elementary Expected Growth 7. Faith Elementary High Growth 8. Granite Quarry Elementary Expected Growth 9. Knollwood Elementary High Growth 10. Landis Elementary Expected Growth 11. Millbridge Elementary Expected Growth 12. Morgan Elementary High Growth 13. Rockwell Elementary Expected Growth 14. North Rowan Middle High Growth 15. Southeast Expected Growth (** Please Note: 13 schools were recognized at the September School Board meeting for receiving ABCs growth performance. A total of 28 schools in our district received ABCs growth performance recognition.) This marks the first month to recognize our RSS staff members for being nominated to receive the “Customer Service Award,” which recognizes employees for achieving excellent customer service. Anyone may nominate a RSS employee for this honor. Forms are located on our website. Employees for the Month of October are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Debbie Dyer (Operations) – Long Street Central Office Deborah Houpe (Technology) – Long Street Central Office Tina Mashburn (Middle School Director) – Long Street Central Office Pat Austin (Secretary) – Morgan Elementary Connie Chandler (Secretary) – Faith Elementary School ** Two Nominations** Beth Duncan (Assistant Principal) – China Grove Middle School Angie Callahan (Secretary) – China Grove Middle School Debbie Pinyan (Guidance Secretary) – China Grove Middle School Superintendent Comments/Board Dr. Grissom reminded all of the board members that the Annual Report to the Community breakfast would be held on Tuesday morning. She emphasized that this was a special event for us. Dr. Grissom shared information regarding NC Innovation Day that would be held between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. She said there have been school sites across the state that have been selected as visitation sites for the public. More information is on the State website. 2 Dr. Grissom informed the members that she was notified this afternoon that our system has received a drop out prevention grant of $150,000 for our alternative program being piloted at WRHS. She also received a call from President Spalding at RCCC. Dr. Spalding invites the BOE to join RCCC to meet on Dec. 1 at 3:00 p.m. to hear a presentation and discussion on the Market Street Report. Dr. Grissom noted that she had placed interesting data at their seats. She said a report on the first month attendance that reflected 55 school systems across the State came in at least 100 students under their projections. Dr. Grissom said our school system did not lose any funds, and we are now the 18th largest school system in the State. Communication to the Board Christina Scmidt – Mrs. Scmidt introduced her 14 year old son who has Down Syndrome. Mrs. Scmidt talked about EC field trips and curriculum being linked together. She said that the educational materials were not ordered early enough for her son’s school, and the curriculum still has not come home yet. Debbie File – A parent. She said her focus was Special Olympics. Her son, Travis, is in his third year at Carson High School. Deanna Taylor – A parent spoke regarding the EC classroom. Her son is an 11th grader at Carson High School. She said she wanted her son to have every opportunity that every student has. Ms. Taylor said the educational field trips for exceptional children are an important part of their education. Denise Rowland – Mrs. Rowland introduced her daughter, Hannah. She read part of Hannah’s IEP, which stated that she is to have community experiences, and attend the library once a week. She said that it has been 9 weeks since her daughter has brought home a library book. David Rowland – Mr. Rowland is the father of Hannah. He said he agreed with the other parents that have brought their concerns forward. He said he hopes that Special Olympics will continue. Wendy Burnette – A parent who came to NC because we have one of the best EC programs in the State. Her son has Cerebral Palsy. She said she is disappointed that the educational field trips are gone. One of the favorites of her son was Saving Grace Farms. She said her son learned his ABC’s in three lessons at the farm. Consideration of the Consent Agenda Financial Summary for September 2008 September Budget Amendments BOE Minutes of September 22 and October 20, 2008. ** Mrs. Carpenter moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Mrs. Freeze seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0) 3 Discussion Items October Field Trip Requests Dr. Emerson discussed the CGMS trip to the Blue Ridge Assembly, and noted that they will be missing 3 days of school. Mrs. Carpenter said that she continues to have heart burn with trips that are taking teachers and students out of the classroom 3 and 4 days at a time. More discussion followed. Mrs. Freeze moved to approve CGMS trip to Blue Ridge Assembly. Mrs. Kennedy seconded. Approved. (6:1) Mrs. Carpenter asked which students the trip to Washington, DC is open to. Mr. Chad Mitchell of East Rowan High School said any 9 – 12th graders that are in a Social Studies Class. Mr. Beard moved to approve the ERHS trip to NYC/Washington, DC. Mrs. Freeze seconded. Approved (5:2) Mrs. Norman moved to approve the other submitted trips. Mr. Beard seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0) North Rowan High School Update Mr. Rodney Bass reviewed the North Rowan High School redesign plan. A power point was shown. Mr. Bass said that overall, he feels that North Rowan High School is moving in the right direction at this time. Mrs. Carpenter asked if there was anything Mr. Bass could think of that the Board could do. Mr. Bass asked the Board to continue supporting the school and their efforts. He welcomed all of the Board members to visit the school. Mr. Beard said one thing that keeps coming up from time to time is because of the number of students, not all classes can be offered. Mr. Bass said that if there are enough students to sign up, they will offer the class. He said he has a couple students who are taking economics online, and a couple going off campus to take classes. Review of middle School Curriculum Connection Ms. Tina Mashburn updated two projects that focus on the middle schools. She said they are doing a Curriculum Focus every month, and this month was Student Engagement. Ms. Mashburn said the second project was the middle school task force. She said they focused on communication. She reviewed the Middle School Connections booklet that each middle school will be giving to all middle school students. Beginning Teacher Report Information Mrs. Morris said they want to change the name of the program from the Initially Licensed Teacher (ILT) Program to Beginning Teacher Program (BTP) to align with the State. She said Mrs. Heaggans has taken over as the Beginning Teacher Coordinator since the summer, and she has done a tremendous job. Mrs. Morris read a testament from a teacher that attended a recent workshop, who spoke of the great help she received. 4 Mrs. Heaggans reviewed her three reports. Mrs. Morris said the Beginning Teacher Program is monitored by the State, and they will be visiting our system next month. First Readings of Policy 7-23, Employee Dress and Appearance (New Policy) and Policy 6-16, Volunteers Mrs. Morris reviewed Policy 7-23 and 6-16. She said that both of these policies were developed due to principals request. She noted that the personnel committee has reviewed the policies and approved them. Dr. Emerson said he felt a dress policy could be subjective. Mrs. Morris said it would up to the principals to monitor it and take appropriate action. Mrs. Williams said that we should say that this is the expectation of the school board. Mrs. Morris said principals gave a lot of input to this policy. Mrs. Norman said she felt it could make a tremendous difference if the policy is there. Mrs. Norman moved the approval of the Policy 7-23 on first reading. Mrs. Freeze seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0) Mrs. Morris reviewed Policy 6-16. She said that principals wanted more teeth in the volunteer policy. Mrs. Carpenter asked if CIS will do background checks for schools that don’t have CIS in the school? Mrs. Morris said they would. Ms. Carpenter said she would like to see CIS policy on who is excluded. Ms. Carpenter suggested that that document is attached to this policy. Ms. Carpenter moved approval of 6-16 on first reading. Mrs. Kennedy seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0) Mrs. Morris said she would have the CIS policy attached as a regulation. Update from Redistricting Committee Ms. Carpenter noted that the committee met with representatives from NC State University. She said that in the beginning it was a consensus to have representatives that have the expertise and capacity to come in to draw redistricting lines. Mr. Miller reviewed a power point put together by the OR/Ed Laboratory, which does school redistricting and school placement. Ms. Carpenter said one of the key things is that this is not an outside entity that is coming in to tell us what to do. They will be using our data to create a model based on that input. Ms. Carpenter said the other component that was discussed was capacity issues. Recognizing that we will have growth coming, we asked about the future growth. However, Ms. Carpenter stressed that the Board also wanted the more immediate concerns addressed. Dr. Grissom noted that the report would be a 10 year plan. Ms. Carpenter said they asked the representatives what the cost would be. She was told that for the full program, which includes a land use study, it would cost $40,000. Ms. Carpenter said that if you put that 5 into the prospective, that that is $2.00 per student. However, if the study is done without the land use plan, the cost would be $25,000. Ms. Carpenter said she asked when the company could get started. She said they are booked and could start no new projects until Jan., but could have something by the end of April 2009. This is a process where the community will be involved and the system will be involved. The consensus of the redistricting committee was to recommend contracting with NC State and OR/Ed to do the full study at a cost of $40,000. **Ms. Carpenter moved to contract with OR/Ed laboratory at NC State to conduct a redistricting assessment with a land use study at a cost of $40,000. Mrs. Freeze seconded. Ms. Carpenter said this study will come up with a redistricting plan which our Board and administrators want our system to look like. Mr. Beard said he could draw a map in his mind right now that would suit a lot of people’s needs, but it will not suit everybody’s needs. He said that this company did Wake County, which is the biggest LEA in our State. He said that this study will give us a comprehensive plan that will not be about this person or that school, but will be fair. Dr. Emerson asked if this was a plan that could come up with satellite areas. Mr. Beard said that is a criterion that could be put in. Ms. Carpenter said that you need to remember that the more constraints you put in, the more difficult the plan. Mrs. Norman said we need to say to the community that if we have enough confidence in this company to do the study, and if we as a Board and community give them the criteria to complete the study, we should be willing to live with the results. Ms. Carpenter said she believes that in the history of redistricting, that by and large that the schools affected are SHS and NRHS, and it is time to take the other schools into account. We need to use the data to achieve what we need. **Dr. Emerson called for the question. Approved (6:1) Mrs. Williams opposed. Grant of $500,000 Received for School Cameras Mr. Miller reviewed the grant and its details. He said the project has been re-bid, and there are about 15 bidders at this time. He said it certainly is our hope to go to every one of our high schools in the next 7 or 8 months. Consideration of Resolution for Communications to the Board Procedures Dr. Emerson asked for 10 spaces to be put on the sign up sheet. He said ten people will be heard for a maximum of 30 minutes for Communications to the Board. He asked to include on the Procedures page that the individual minutes were not transferable. Ms. Carpenter moved to accept the Resolution. Dr. Emerson seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0) Closed Session 6 Mrs. Norman moved to reconvene into closed session at 8:29 p.m. Mrs. Freeze seconded. Unanimously approved. Report of Closed Session **Ms. Carpenter moved to approve October Personnel Report at submitted. Mrs. Freeze seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0) ** Ms. Carpenter moved to approve the September 22, 2008 Closed Session Minutes. Mr. Beard Seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0) **Mrs. Kennedy moved to approve student transfers as submitted by the Appeals Committee. Mrs. Norman seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0) Announcements 10/28 - Annual Report to the Community Breakfast/J.F. Hurley YMCA/7:00 a.m. 11/3 - Board of Commissioners Meeting/4:00/J. Newton Cohen Board Room 11/5 - BOE Curriculum Sub-Committee/2:00 p.m./Long Street 11/6 - BOE Finance Sub-Committee/3:00 p.m./Long Street 11/13 - BOE Building & Grounds Sub-Committee/3:00 p.m./Ellis Street BOE Personnel/ NO MEETING 11/10-12 - NCSBA Annual Conference/Greensboro 11/17 - Board of Commissioners Meeting/7:00 p.m./J. Newton Cohen Board Room 11/18 - Service Above Self Awards/6:30 p.m./Keppel Auditorium 11/24 - BOE Meeting/Long Street/5:00 p.m. (Closed Session); 6:00 p.m. (Open Session) 11/26-27 - Thanksgiving Holiday Adjournment **Ms. Carpenter moved to adjourn at 9:15 p.m. seconded. Mrs. Freeze seconded. Unanimously approved. (7:0) Dr. Jim Emerson, Chairman Dr. Judy S. Grissom, Ed. D., Secretary 7