Making Sense of Poetry: TPCASTT

Making Sense of Poetry: TPCASTT
Part One: Begin by reading the poem in the left column. Then, use the prompts and questions in the right column to direct your analysis.
Connotation: figurative meaning
“Daily” – Naomi Shihab Nye
These shriveled seeds we plant,
4. The poem contains many images such as ____________,
corn kernel, dried bean,
poke into loosened soil,
____________, and ____________.
cover over with measured fingertips
These T-shirts we fold
into perfect white
5. These images are used to show _________________________
These tortillas we slice and fry to crisp strips
This rich egg scrambled in a gray clay bowl
This bed whose covers I straighten
smoothing edges till blue quilt fits brown blanket
6. What words are repeated often in the poem?
and nothing hangs out
This envelope I address
so the name balances like a cloud
in the center of the sky
This page I type and retype
7. Repetition helps give the poem a ____________________,
This table I dust till the scarred wood shines
This bundle of clothes I wash and hang and wash again
which helps express how busy the woman is in her daily life. It does
like flags we share, a country so close
no one needs to name it
this because __________________________________________.
The days are nouns: touch them
The hands are churches that worship the world
8. What is an example of metaphor in the poem?
UNDERLINE the images
HIGHLIGHT or CIRCLE the similes, metaphors, or personification.
9. How does this metaphor reflect the format/style of the poem?
Title: before reading
Title: after reading
1. The words “daily” make me think of / feel
9. After reading, my opinion of the title has/has not changed
because ____________________________________
Paraphrase: literal meaning
2. Read the poem.
Theme: central idea or insight about life
3. In the poem, the woman is mostly ________________________;
10. I think the theme of the poem is _______________________
some of the things she has to do are _____________, ___________,
and _________________.
Part Two: Poem Analysis Summary
The theme of the poem is __________________________________________________________________. This theme is illustrated
through the lines ______________________________________________and ______________________________________________.
After reading this poem, I think I can better understand my own family/life because ___________________________________________