NAME: PERIOD: Group #: Assigned sections: Joy Luck Group Assignments 2009 Each group will be assigned a chapter from section IV of the novel to teach the class. Group members will receive participation points for group work and presentations, as well as class/homework credit for work collected. Please write your group number and assignments below: Groups will be in charge of teaching their assigned section to the class. All group members are responsible for reading the assigned material, contributing to group discussions, planning the lessons, and presenting the information to the class. Lesson Plans: As a group, members will discuss their assigned chapter and decide on a plan for the lesson to be presented to the class. Presentations must include a brief overview of the chapter plot and analysis. Plot The overview should include basic outline, important details that give insight into the family (Woo, Hsu, Jong, or St. Clair), characters and character interactions. This section of presentation should not take up more than 2 minutes of presentation. Analysis Analysis of the chapter must explore connections to vignette, chapters or sections as well as the culmination of the mother-daughter relationship, symbols & motifs, cultural allusions, topics, tone & theme. The analysis portion of the presentation should be the focus of the group’s efforts. Make sure you focus on the content, not just the presenting! After group discussions, members should volunteer/ be assigned tasks to prepare for the presentation. NOTE: Your group is teaching a section that the class has already read. Please plan your lessons with the purpose of expanding the students’ knowledge rather than teaching them what they already know. Activity Suggestions: close reading/ SIFT activity worksheets (diagrams, charts, timelines, etc.), handouts, overheads class discussion/ activities games Presentations: Presentations should be well-organized with all members participating in delivering the lesson to the class. There should be some sort of student activity/ participation involved in the lesson that goes beyond lecture. Visual aides and creativity will be taken into consideration for over-all points. Presentations should not last longer than 12 minutes (points will be taken off for any overage). Materials: Any materials that your group needs for the lesson & presentation must be worked out ahead of time. If you need any materials/ help from me, you must make your request at least one day in advance of your presentation. GROUP MEMBER LOG Assignment: __________________________________________________________ Group discussion: contributions to the discussion assignments/ tasks undertaken other Presentation: contributions to the presentation tasks performed other