Teacher: Harrington School: North Rowan Middle School Subject: Duration: Science 50 minutes Observation vs. Inference (Ch. 1-2) Students will engage in: □ calculators □ I-Pod Touch ■ lecture/note taking ■ collaborative groups □ hands-on □ manipultatives ■ whole group instruction ■ graphic organizers □ technology integration □ project based □ lab □ other: Mindful of Marzano: Evaluating, Integrating, Generating, Analyzing, Applying, Organizing, Knowing Teacher Standards: Demonstrating Leadership, Establish respectful environment for a diverse population of students, Know the content, Facilitate learning, Reflect on your practice. NCSCOS: 1.01 Identify and create questions and hypotheses that can be answered through scientific investigations. 1.08 Use oral and written language to: • Communicate findings. • Defend conclusions of scientific investigations. Core/Essential Standards: NA – there are no cross over standards for NCSCOS 1.0. Class Objective: • Describe the difference between observations and inference Essential Question: What is the difference between an observation and inference? Material/Text Time Procedure Followed: References Class Starter POD Write the steps for the scientific method Focus / Review Review: Recap what steps are used in scientific method. Focus: Mini-lab, page 14 in textbook Teacher Input • Create a table on the board using the observations made in the minilab (focus); then have volunteers read pertinent portions of the textbook (chapter 1 section 2) to formulate definitions of observation and inference. o Discuss which items on the board are observations and which are inferences o Complete a vocabulary table/graphic organizer Discuss how observations and inferences fit into the scientific method • Questions to Ask Note: All lessons should consider the components of effective teaching. Guided Practice Group activity: Emotion Observations • Hand each group a set of emotion cards. 1 student will act out the emotion without using words; the other students in the group will have to write down what they observe. The group will use the observations to hypothesize what the emotion is. Independent Practice Students will get independent practice as homework Closure • Revisit the vocabulary • Answer the EQ • Assign and explain the HW Homework Given: Collect 3 advertisements from magazine to bring to class. Assessment: • Authentic: class observations and probing questions • Formative: completion of class work and homework with an accuracy of 80% or better Differentiation: Note: All lessons should consider the components of effective teaching.