I have… I have… Wheel and Axel Force Who has a push or a pull on an object? Who has how fast an objects position changes over time? I have… I have… Speed Balanced Forces Who has when all the forces on an object cancel one another out? Who has the tendency of an object to resist a change in its state of motion? I have… I have … Inertia Velocity Who has the speed of a moving object together with its direction of travel? Who has the instance when certain force is either only partially canceled or not canceled at all by other forces? I have… I have… Unbalanced Forces Who has the force that opposes the motions of one object moving past another? I have… Acceleration Who has the force one object applies to a second, as in Newton’s third law of motion? Friction Who has a change in velocity per unit of time? I have… Action Who has the law stating the force of gravity between two objects increases with the mass of the objects and decreases with the distance between them squared? I have… I have… Newton’s Law of Gravitation Momentum Who has the motion of a body and its resistance to slowing down, which is equal Who has the force with which an object to the product of the body's mass and responds to an action, as in Newton’s third velocity? law of motion? I have… I have… Reaction Who has using force to move an object through a distance? I have… Work Who has devices with few moving parts that make work easier to do? I have… Inclined Plane Simple Machine Who has the law stating objects in motion Who has a simple machine comprised of a tend to stay in motion and objects at rest tend to stay at rest, unless acted on by an ramp set at an angle? outside force? I have... Newton’s First Law of Motion I have… Screw Who has the law stating If there are balanced forces on an object, there is no Who has a simple machine comprised of an acceleration, and if there are unbalanced inclined plane around a cylinder? forces placed on an object, then the object will accelerate? I have… I have… Newton’s Second Law of Motion Lever Who has a simple machine with a rigid par Who has a simple machine comprised of two inclined planes place together (an ax is on a fulcrum? an example)? I have… I have… Wedge Newton’s Third Law of Motion Who has a simple machine consisting of a wheel with a grooved rim in which a pulled Who has the law stating every action has an rope lifts a load? opposite and equal reaction? I have… I have…. Pulley Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation The force of gravity between two objects Who has a simple machine consisting of a increases with the mass of the objects and wheel that turns an axel which a cord is decreases with the distance between them wound? squared.