Unit/Lesson Plan Title: Introduction to Force and Motion Unit Primary Subject

Unit/Lesson Plan Title: Introduction to Force and Motion Unit
Primary Subject
Integrated Subjects
Grade Level(s)
Length of Unit
Research Sources
Science: Force and Motion
ELA, Math
Two Weeks
Lesson 2 modified from the following website:
Lesson 4 modified using the following website:
Lesson 5 modified using information from the follwoing website:
Lesson 6 modified using information from the following website:
Lesson 9 modified using the following website:
Unit Summary
Key Vocabulary
NC Essential Standards For
Commor Core Standards for
This unit will serve as an introductory unit to Newton’s First Law of
Motion. Students will be actively engage in numerous lessons that willl
highten their understanding of foce and motion. Students will learn
about friction, gravity, and mass. Students will understnad that changing
any or all of these factors will affect the motion of an object.
Supporting documents are bolded throughout the lesson and are
attached to this lesson plan.
Balanced Forces
Unbalanced Forces
5.P.1.1 Explain how factors such as gravity. friction, and change in mass
affect the motion of objects.
5.NBT.3 Read, write, and compare decimals to thousandths.
5.G.2 Represent real world and mathematical problems by graphing
points in the first quadrant of the coordinate plane, and interpret
coordinate values of points in the context of the situation.
Common Core Standards for
ELA & Literacy
W.5.8 Recall relevant information from experiences or gather relevant
information from print and digital sources; summarize or paraphrase
information in notes and finished work, and provide a list of sources.
W.5.2 Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey
ideas and information clearly.
W.5.7 Conduct short research projects that use several sources to build
knowledge through investigation of different aspects of a topic.
RI.5.7 Draw on information from multiple print or digital sources,
demonstrating the ability to locate an answer to a question quickly or to
solve a problem efficiently.
Essential Questions
L.5.6. Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic
and domain-specific words and phrases, including those that signal
contrast, addition, and other logical relationships (e.g., however,
although, nevertheless, similarly, moreover, in addition).
What knowledge do I already have about force and motion?
What is force?
How can understanding vocabulary related to force and motion assist
me in understanding the concept?
What is force and motion?
What is the first law of motion?
What is gravity and how does it affect the motion of an object?
What is friction and how does it affect the motion of an object?
What is mass and how does it affect the motion of an object?
How can I construct an experiment that demonstrate how forces affect
the motion of an object?
What did I learn about Force and Motion?
Materials & Resources
Computers/Laptops/iPads/Promethean Boards
Toy car for every student
String or twine (6-8” long) for every student
Plastic mug (one per group)
Smooth piece of paper (one per group)
Water (1 glass per group)
Small Wagon (1 per group)
Tennis balls (2 per group)
Poplet App on iPad
Clear plastic tubing
Small marble
Measuring tape
Examples of experiments (Lesson 9):
Safety Requirements
Teacher Supervision
• Essential Question
• Explore/Engage
• Explain
• Elaborate (Inquiry)
• Evaluate
Lesson 1:
EQ: What knowledge do I already have about force and motion?
The lesson will begin with a pretest. Students will log on to http://
force-and-motion.htm to take a studyjams 7 question pretest on force
and motion. The teacher will explain to students that the test will just be
used to see how much they have learned about force and motion. When
students finish the pretest they are to raise their hand so the teacher
can document their pretest score.
When the entire class has completed their pretest the teacher will pass
out an ABC Force and Motion Chart to activate prior knowledge. The
teacher will instruction students to fill in the boxes with words that
corresponds to the letter in the box. The words they write must relate to
force and motion. The teacher will encourage students to think about
pass lessons in previous grades to assist them.
Lesson 2:
EQ: What is force?
The teacher will explain to the class that they will complete a hands on
discovery lesson today. Students will design and perform an experiment
using the scientific method. They must discovery the following: How can
I make this toy car move? Each student will be given a car and a piece
of twine. The teacher will explain that they must figure out how to move
the car. They must complete a lab sheet before begining the actual
experiment. Students must write the question, materials, hypothesis,
procedure, results, and conclusion. Once the teacher has given each
student the go ahead they may conduct their experiment. When they
have finished the experiment they must write their conclusion, students
must follow the sequencing cue words. (first, second, next, then, finally,
at last)
After the class has completed their experiment and lab sheet they will
discuss the outcomes. The teacher will discuss whether the toy was
able to move on its own or if it needed a “force” to help it move. The
teacher will end the lesson asking the class to identify the two forces
they used to move the car. (push and pull)
Lesson 3:
EQ: How can understanding vocabulary related to force and
motion assist me in understanding the concept?
The lesson will begin with a minute free write. Ss will go back to their
ABC chart and add words related to force and motion they learned or
heard in the past two days. The teacher will call on students to share
their repsonses at the end of one minute.
The teacher will expalin to the class that we will focus on vocabulary
that is related or pertaining to force and motion. Ss will create Force
and Motion vocabulary dictionaries. The teacher will pass out
templates to all students. The teacher will display a keynote with
pictures and words. Students must use their prior knowledge to predict
how the picture illustrates the defintion of the word. After a brief
discussion students will write the word, definition, and draw a picture.
Lesson 4:
EQ: What is force and motion?
The lesson will begin with a vocabulary review. Students will play a
game of I have who has. ( http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/
Product/Force-and-Motion-I-have-Who-Has-139427 ). At the end of the
game students will watch the Force and Motion video on studyjams
( http://studyjams.scholastic.com/studyjams/jams/science/forces-andmotion/force-and-motion.htm )
After the first time the video is played the teacher will ask the students
to share with a neighbor something new they learned from the video.
The teacher will then pass out a note taking guide and play the video a
second time. The video will be stopped at certain points to addres the
questions on the note taking guide.
Lesson 5:
EQ: What is the first law of motion?
Students will learn about Newton’s First Law of Motion via two hands on
experiments. The class will be divided into small groups to conduct
experiments directly related to Newton’s first law of motion. The teacher
will not tell students the law instead they will draw their own conclusion
of the law once they have completed each experiment. Students will
document their observations on iPads. Students will create a poplet
using the Poplet App on their iPads. The central popel will be titled
“Newton’s First Law of Motion”. Students will document pictures and text
that explain what they observed. The teacher will pass out the
procedures for both experiments, “The Tablecloth Trick & Wagon Ho”
At the end of both experiments students will conclude with the following
sentence “I believe Newton’s First Law of motion is or related to _____.
Each group will write a repsonse on the board. The teacher will play the
studyjams video of Newton’s first law of motion http://
inertia.htm .Students will end the lesson writing the defintion of
Newton’s First Law of Motion in their notes and compare how their
prediction to the actual defintion/meaning.
Lesson 6:
EQ: What is gravity and how does it affect the motion of an object?
Students will begin with a force and motion fillin the blank from http://
www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Force-and-Motion-fill-in-theblank-456896 which will serve as a review. Students will complete the
worksheet independently. Then they will share their responses with a
neighbor before the teacher goes over the correct responses with the
Students will learn about gravity and its affects on a moving object. The
teacher will pass out Newton’s First Law of Motion handout. The
class will read the handout as a class and highlight the key facts about
gravity and its affects on an object in motion. The class will be divided
into groups and students will work together to preform a short skit that
demonstartes gravity affects on an object. Students will peresnt their
skits to the class and talk about the different skits and the similiarites
and difference amongst them.
Lesson 7:
EQ: What is friction and how does it affect the motion of an object?
Students will reread Newton’s First Law of Motion handout. This time
students will focus on friction and highlight the key facts about friction
and its affects on an object in motion.
Students will then complete an experiment on friction. Activity 7: Roller
Coaster from Lakeshore Force and Motion Activty Guide.
Lesson 8:
EQ: What is mass and how does it affect the motion of an object?
Students will learn about mass as well as review gravity in the following
activity. Students will be science detectives and use their knowledge
that they have learned this far to successfully navigate in a
boobytrapped gymnastics competition.
The teacher will go to the following webiste http://
and call students to the board to complete different challenges. Before
the student makes a final decision on the game they must first consult
with the class.
Lesson 9:
EQ: How can I construct an experiment that demonstarate how
forces affect the motion of an object?
Students will now use their experiences and understanding of friction
and gravity to design their own experiment to test the concepts as they
pertain to an object in motion. Experiments should follow the scientific
method and should result in a deeper knowledge of either friction or
gravity (or both). Experiments should be completed using materials
brought to or found in the classroom. Only if students are stuck the
teacher will allow them to look at example experiments but must add
their own spin to their design.
Students will be given an experiment writeup sheet they must
complete certain portions before they can begin their experiments. Ss
will record their experiments on their ipads and present their findings to
the class.
Accommodations for
Differentiated Instruction
Cross Curricular
Created by
Lesson 10:
EQ: What did I learn about Force and Motion?
Post Assessment
Students will log on to studyjams.com to take their post assessment to
show what they have learned throughout the unit on force and motion.
Students will complete the same 7 question test they were given at the
beginning of the unit. http://studyjams.scholastic.com/studyjams/jams/
The pre and post tests will be read aloud to students requiring read
aloud. Students will work in collaborative groups. Groups will be kept
small so that all students are able to participate in group work and
activities. Note taking guides will be provided with fill in the blanks to
ensure students are not overwhlemed and they are understanding the
key concepts. The EC and ESOL teachers will be utilized to assist in
any form.
Math: Students will compare numbers, draw graphs to represent data
collected, measure and analyze data collected.
ELA: Students will ask and answer questions relating to videos,
experiments, and text, use information from the illustrations to
demonstarte understanding, write open responses and explanations,
recall information, present to the class, and collaborate with partners in
groups and discussions.
Alexis Jennings jenningsal@rss.k12.nc.us
Supporting Documents
Force and Motion ABC Chart
Lab Sheet
Vocabulary Keynote
Vocabulary Dictionary Template
I Have/Who Has Cards
Studyjams Video Note Taking Guide
Newton’s First Laws Experiments (The Tablecloth Trick & Wagon Ho)
Newton’s First Law of Motion Handout
Experiment Writeup Sheet