SOCIAL STUDIES PLANS Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 + Day 4 Day 5 Introduce WWII by watching video: http:// militaryhistory/ exhibition/flash.html Timeline: Students will be divided into groups to research major events that happened during WWII. Each group will be given a specific time period to research (1939, 1941, 1942, 1943, 1944, 1945) On an index card, students will be responsible to write down key events that took place during their assigned time period. SALT DOUGH MAP OF THE CARIBBEAN ISLAND Geocaching activity Websites for research: ipka/A0005248.html Each group will place their cards on the classroom timeline. (using yarn and clothespins) As a class, discuss the major events that were noted. Each student will then use the classroom timeline to create their own individual timeline. Timeline websites: http:// materials/timelines/ Students will fill in the dates and major events for each time period. Print Students will create a salt dough map to show the route that Phillip traveled. They will label specific islands such as Curacoa, Jamaica, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Cuba, and Puerto Rico) Each island will be painted a different color and correctly labeled. Students will work with a partner with the geocaching equipment. There will be preset “cashes” set for each group to find. At each “cash”, there will be a subject specific question that the students must discuss and record the answer to in their “Geocaching Journal”. Once all questions have been located and answered, the class will come back to discuss their findings. SOCIAL STUDIES PLANS