Unit/Lesson Plan Title: JohnsonKendel Primary Subject Integrated Subjects Grade Level(s) Length of Unit Research Sources Science Math, ELA 4th Five Days http://www.studygs.net/pbl Unit Summary Students will gain an understanding of Magnetism. They will learn how materials interact with magnets. Students learn how magnets can cause movement on objects. Key Vocabulary metal, iron, magnet, force field, pole, push, pull, motion, attraction, repulsion NC Essential Standards For Science 4.p.1 Explain how magnets interact with all things made of iron and with other magnets to produce motion without touching them. Commor Core Standards for Mathematics Common Core Standards for ELA & Literacy 4. MD. 1 Know relative sizes of measurement units within one system of units 4.SL.4.1 Effectively engage in a range of collaborative discussion on diverse population about fourth grade topic and text W 4.5 With guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, and editing. W 4.7 Conduct short research projects that build knowledge through investigation of different aspects of a topic. Essential Questions How do magnets effect an objects motion? How do forces effect an objects motion? What are forces that effect an objects motion? Materials & Resources Vernier Labquest (Vernier magnetic force probe) Various magnets, yarn, string, dials of various shapes and sizes, aluminum foil, rulers, electronic weight scale, boxs, metal keys, tape, paperclips, scissors Saturday, September 7, 2013 3:07:02 PM ET Safety Requirements JohnsonKendel Saturday, September 7, 2013 3:07:02 PM ET Safety goggles, Rubber gloves, Lab coats (if available) Activities/Procedures • Essential Question • Explore/Engage • Explain • Elaborate (Inquiry) • Evaluate I can statement: I can identify characteristics of object attracted to magnets. Day 1: Students will explore magnetic attraction using the Vernier Labquest, magnetic field sensors, various magnets and materials. Students will measure the magnetic fields of various magnets and determine which locations on the magnets have the strongest magnetic field. Students will then explore what materials are attractred to magnets and what materials are not. Upon compleation of exploration activity the teacher will read Magnets: Pulling Together, Pushing Apart by Natalie Rosinski. Students will reflect upon the exploration in their science journal. I can statement: I can use various instruments to accurately measure and weigh objects Day 2: Mini-lesson on weight and measurement. This will be useful when building scale models of the device to be used in the Problem Based Learning (PBL). Students will practice using measurement devices and explore weghts of various objects using digital scales/balance scales. Students will be introduced to the concept of scaling an object size up/down. Students will be introduced to key vocabulary terms. Students will be required to create a Vocabutoon using Comic Life that includes a studentcreated definition, illustrations of assigned terms , and sophisticated sentence demonstrating understanding of type of assigned term. I can statement: I can identify characteristics of object attracted to magnets. Day 3: Students will be introduced to the Problem Based Learning scenerio of the P.E. teacher losing his/her keys in the dumpster using a flipchart. Students will be told that they need to design a scaled down model of a device to retrieve the keys from the dumpster. Students will begin to complete the data guide and plan for their device. Materials that will be used can be shown to students but the students cannot experiment with the materials. I can statement: I can identify characteristics of object attracted to magnets. Day 4: Discussion and review of the scientific method and process should take place. Students should be reminded to think outside of the box, to test their ideas, and that failure of ideas doesn’t mean that they have failed. Students will be placed in groups to build their devices. They will complete the data guide as they test their device. I can statement: I can identify characteristics of object attracted to magnets. Day 5: Students will present their data and findings to the Key Recovery Team. Discussion will be centered around each groups sucesses, design process, and reasoning behind the choices that their group made during the PBL activity. JohnsonKendel Saturday, September 7, 2013 3:07:02 PM ET Accommodations for Differentiated Instruction Leveled readers for students. Modified Lab sheets with fewer questions/modified experiments (example: Magnet Sort) Early finishes/ AIG students will create an electromagnet using batteries, insulated copper wire, and magnets to retrieve the key. Cross Curricular Integration Reading: Read Magnets pulling together, pushing apart to the class. Writing: Students will record notes on lab sheets and create a plan to present to the Key Recovery Team. Math: Students will measure and weigh their materials to create their magent. Created by Email Matt Moore mooremb@rss.k12.nc.us Nikisha Leak leakns@rss.k12.nc.us Kendel Johnson johnsonkl@rss.k12.ns.us Teacher Notes, Flipcharts, Labs, Data Sheets, Rubrics, etc. Supporting Documents JohnsonKendel Saturday, September 7, 2013 3:07:02 PM ET