Called Meeting
July 15, 2015
Long Street
1:00 p.m.
Board of Education Members Present:
Chairman Mr. Josh Wagner
Vice Chair Mr. Dean Hunter
Mr. Travis Allen
Mrs. Susan Cox
Mrs. Jean Kennedy
Staff Present:
Dr. Lynn Moody, Superintendent
Patty Overcash, Clerk to the Board
Call to Order / Roll Call
Chairman Wagner called the meeting to order at 1:04 p.m. Mr. Hunter officiated the
Pledge of Allegiance, and Chairman Wagner requested that everyone share a moment of
Dr. Miller and Mr. Hughes were not present.
Anthony Vann, Assistant Superintendent of Operations joined the
meeting by use of technology.
Adopt Agenda
***Mr. Allen made a motion to adopt the amended agenda.
Mrs. Cox seconded. Unanimously approved. (5:0)
Discussion/Action Items
Dome for the new Central Office
Chairman Wagner presented the Board with three options for the dome.
Wallace Educational Forum- Dome Options
1. Dome structural steel to remain in place.
Roofing $55,000
Painting $5,000
Total Cost $60,000
2. Dome structural steel to remain and wrap steel with finish product.
Wrap with EIFS stucco system $150,000
Roofing $55,000
Total Cost $ 205,000
3. Continue with the dome construction.
Total Cost $380,193
Funds received for the dome to date - $60,000
Cost of the dome structural steel that has been installed - $59,607
***Mrs. Cox made a motion to wait until the 11th hour or as long as the school system
could to make a decision on the dome and then to use option 1.
Mrs. Kennedy seconded.
Chairman Wagner asked if Mrs. Cox would like to amend her motion to add a date.
***Mrs. Cox made amended her motion by adding that the Board of Education would give
the school system until August 1, 2015 to raise the funds needed for the dome. On August
1, 2015 if the funds are not raised, the school system is to proceed with option 1.
1. Dome structural steel to remain in place.
Roofing $55,000
Painting $5,000
Total Cost $60,000
Mrs. Kennedy seconded the amended motion. Unanimously approved. (5:0)
Closed Session
***Mr. Allen made a motion to adjourn at 1:25 p.m.
Mrs. Cox seconded. Unanimously approved. (5:0)
Mr. Josh Wagner, Chairman
Lynn Moody, Ed. D, Secretary