Official program for the 17th of May 10am 10:20 am 10:30 am 10:35 am 10:40 am 10:45 am 11:05am 11:25am 11:40am 11:47am 12: 17am Arrival of invitees and the general population Arrival of panel members and members of government Ceremony begins with the singing of the national anthem Opening speech by the President of i-vission International Speech by the Governor or his representative 1st exposé: • Cyberspace and cyber criminality (20 minutes max) nd 2 exposé: • Child exploitation in Africa with Cameroon as case study (20 minutes max) rd 3 exposé: • Protecting children in the cyber space; case study 1 (15 minutes max) • Presentation of the Cameroon Cyber Safety Club project by the president of i-vission International (7 minutes) Questions from journalist and participants (30 minutes) Family pictures End of ceremony i-Vission International, P.O. Box 13040 Douala Cameroon Tel: (237) 99 44 43 91 / 33 41 32 25 Email:, Website: Authorisation N° 129/2008/RDDA/C19/BAPP We are a not for profit making organisation with mission: TO EMPOWER COMPUTER LITERACY