LESSON ASSESSMENT DESCRIPTORS Notes on use: These criteria should be used in conjunction with the Warwick Assessment Descriptors which will provide extension and exemplification of the criteria listed below. Trainees do not need to meet all the statements within a particular grade and alternatively schools may identify other relevant criteria. A ‘best-fit’ approach should be taken. NOT YET MET Climate for Learning (TS1) Engagement (TS4) Lesson Structure and Pace (TS4) Subject Knowledge (TS3) Explanations & Language (TS4) Depth (TS4) Learning Behaviours (TS2) Meeting needs of All (TS5) Assessment and pupil progress (TS2/6) Behaviour Management (TS7) (In accordance with the school’s/ setting’s behaviour policy) Management of other adults (TS8) Impact on Learning (TS2)* Preamble & Part 2 RI GOOD OUTSTANDING Is beginning to promote a Can promote a ‘climate for Uses a range of strategies to ‘climate for learning’. learning’. promote a ‘climate for learning’. e.g. trainee uses positive language and behaviour strategies, recognises effort… requires support to identify uses a limited range of Uses a range of approaches/ strategies/ resources to approaches/strategies/ strategies /resources to engage engage learners. resources to engage pupils, arouse their curiosity and pupils. sustain interest in learning. beginning to develop pace, Lesson pace appropriate; effective use of lesson time in most though lesson may run out stages of the lesson of time Uses a range of strategies, carefully matched to learners needs, to promote a ‘climate for learning’. range of (often) imaginative and creative strategies/resources used to engage pupils, arouse their curiosity and sustain interest in learning. effective use of lesson time in all stages of the lesson Some accuracy of SK; requires development. Accurate SK is used to: develop learners’ understanding; and to address misconceptions. some clarity of explanation/ instruction; some language adapted to suit learners new concepts/ instruction clearly explained; adapts language to suit learners Accurate SK used in all phases of lesson to: develop learners’ understanding; and address misconceptions, anticipated and arising during the lesson, promoting learning exceptionally clear and carefully structured language; matched to the full range of learners needs. Accurate SK used in all phases of lesson to: develop learners’ understanding; and address misconceptions, promoting learning. new concepts/instruction clearly explained; language well-matched to learners’ needs Is beginning to develop Can develop pupils’ Can develop, consolidate and develops, consolidate and deepens pupils’ knowledge, knowledge, understanding deepen pupils’ knowledge, knowledge, understanding and skills of and skills. understanding and skills. all groups of pupils. understanding and skills. Little/no evidence of the encourages pupils to work expects and supports pupils to Is proactive in implementing strategies promotion of positive with positive learning work with positive learning which support pupils to work with learning behaviours. behaviours behaviours. positive attitudes and learning behaviours. e.g. resilience, concentration, trying new things, improving… developing understanding of Deploys a limited range of Plans/deploys well-targeted Plans/deploys well-targeted barriers to learning strategies to overcome interventions to overcome barriers interventions to overcome barriers to barriers to learning to learning learning for a range of pupil needs e.g. appropriate differentiation, considering motivation, supporting resources, appropriate pupil groupings, pre-teaching… requires support to set assessment criteria Can set assessment criteria which link to the learning objective developing understanding of purpose of assessment strategies Identifies assessment opportunities and strategies in their planning uses a limited range of assessment strategies to check learners’ understanding in their lessons. Little/no evidence of self/peer assessment Learners evaluate their achievement Requires support to exercise appropriate authority to manage behaviour positively beginning to promote mutually respectful trainee pupil relationships Some evidence that learners respond promptly to teachers’ direction and work cooperatively May not plan for/deploy support staff to enable learning and teaching. exercises appropriate authority to manage behaviour positively. mutually respectful trainee - pupil relationships learners respond promptly to teachers’ direction and work cooperatively Sets clear and accurate assessment criteria which break down the objective and enable children to see how to be successful. Identifies assessment opportunities and strategies in their planning including clear questions uses an increasing range of strategies to check learners’ understanding throughout lessons and adapt teaching within the lesson to promote learning. Learners evaluate their achievement against success criteria to improve performance over time. manage learners’ behaviour largely in a way which promotes self control and independence has a developing rapport with learners Makes effective use of clear and accurate assessment criteria to maximise learning. Identifies a wide range of assessment strategies in their planning systematically and effectively assesses learners’ understanding throughout the lesson, identifying and supporting individuals who start to fall behind and intervening quickly to help them to improve their learning. Learners evaluate their achievement against success criteria which improves their performance within the lesson. manage learners’ behaviour consistently in a way which promotes self control and independence an established rapport with learners learners demonstrate positive learners display very high levels of attitudes towards teacher, engagement, courtesy, collaboration learning and others; lesson flows and cooperation smoothly deploys support staff Deploys support staff as Deploys support staff, in all phases of enabling learning and appropriate in all phases of the the lesson and in an extended range of teaching. lesson and in an increasing range ways which maximises learning of ways which promotes learning Some learners make Most learners make All learners make progress/learning in Learning not evident progress or learning in progress/learning in most parts of all parts of lesson. some parts of lesson lesson. * Impact on Learning should be highly weighted in assigning a lesson grade Needs support to ensure Excellent professional practice is demonstrated including: working in line with school policies and practices; appropriate professional striving to work to the best of his/her ability; safeguarding children’s well-being; tolerant and respectful practice behaviour and relationships with all. Warwick University Lesson Assessment Descriptors 15-16v3 Warwick University Lesson Assessment Descriptors 15-16v3