TRAINEE PROFORMA FOR OBSERVING ENGLISH LESSONS Year Group: Number of Pupils: Unit of Study/Genre being focused upon: Where does this lesson sit in the sequence? (e.g. introductory, mid-point, concluding) Profile of class –e.g. gender balance; SEN/EAL/G&T How are children grouped for English? (‘sets’, mixed ability…) AT THE BEGINNING OF THE LESSON – consider how the teacher introduces new learning and fosters engagement and motivation TEACHING, LEARNING AND ASSESSMENT Is there a ‘Starter’ activity? How does the main lesson begin e.g. sharing of Learning objectives; identification of Success Criteria… Does the teacher check pupils’ prior knowledge? How does new learning build on this? Is there modelling of reading and writing strategies? How does the teacher develop children’s subject knowledge? How does the teacher use questions/prompts? What is the balance of teacher and pupil talk? Is use made of ICT? How does the teacher assess pupil progress in this phase of the lesson? CLASS MANAGEMENT What is the physical layout of the room – how are teacher & children positioned? How does the teacher gain and maintain pupils’ attention? How are all pupils engaged in learning? How does the teacher use his/her voice? What does the teacher do if a pupil is not paying attention? How are support staff deployed? DURING THE LESSON: consider how the teacher develops learning and maintains high levels of engagement and motivation… TEACHING LEARNING AND ASSESSMENT CLASS MANAGEMENT What sorts of tasks are the pupils doing? How do they relate to the lesson introduction and learning objectives? How do the pupils know what to do/how to work? Does the teacher work with one group or several or all? How are support staff deployed? How do children apply new subject knowledge? What is the role of ‘talk’ in the lesson? Are their opportunities for peer assessment or self review in this phase of the lesson? How does the teacher assess pupil progress in this phase of the lesson? How does the teacher manage transitions between parts of the lesson and areas of the room? How do pupils access resources they need? How does the teacher encourage pupils to stay on task? How does the teacher gain the attention of the whole class? How does the teacher monitor the class if working with groups/individuals? AT THE END OF THE LESSON: look out for how teachers enable children to reflect on outcomes, recognising and reviewing the progress they have made… TEACHING LEARNING AND ASSESSMENT What kind of questions does the teacher ask? What opportunities are children given to peer and selfreview? What is the balance of pupil/teacher talk? What evidence does the teacher have that the learning objectives have been achieved? CLASS MANAGEMENT How is attention and engagement of all pupils maintained during the plenary? What is role of support staff? Is homework given? Are next steps set? How does the teacher dismiss the class?