International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume17 Number6–Nov2014 A Framework for Secure Data Sharing over Cloud Based on Group Key Management 1 GinjupalliUmamaheswari , Behara Vineela2 1 Final M.Tech Student, 2Assistant Professor 1,2 Dept of CSE,Sarada Institute of Science, Technology And Management(SISTAM), Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh Abstract:Now a day’s cloud storage gaining more popularity for sharing of data.The sharing of data with more securely, efficiently and flexible through others in the cloud storage. So that by providing security of sharing data we using cryptography technique. In this paper we are using new public key cryptography technique for provide security of data. This paper basically contains two concepts i.e. key generation, encryption and decryption of data. First one is the key generation we are using improved Diffe Hellman key exchange technique. The second one is advanced cryptography technique for data encryption and decryption. So that by proposing those techniques we can provide more secure, efficient and flexible of sharing data. I.INTRODUCTION Information offering is an essential usefulness in cloud capacity. Case in point, bloggers can let their companions view a subset of their private pictures; a venture might award her representatives access to a parcel of delicate information. The testing issue is the manner by which to adequately offer scrambled information. Obviously clients can download the scrambled information from the stockpiling, unscramble them, then send them to others for offering, yet it loses the estimation of distributed storage. Clients ought to have the capacity to delegate the right to gain entrance privileges of the imparting information to others with the goal that they can get to this information from the server straightforwardly. On the other hand, discovering an productive and secure approach to impart incomplete information in cloud capacity is not minor. Beneath we will take Dropbox1 as an sample for representation [1,2]. Accept that Alice puts all her private photographs on Drop box, and she would like to open her photographs to everybody. Because of different information spillage plausibility Alice can't feel calmed by simply depending on the security assurance instruments gave by Drop box, so she encodes all the photographs utilizing her own particular keys before transferring. One day, Alice's companion, Bob, requests that her impart the photographs assumed control all these years which Bob showed up in. Alice can then utilization the offer capacity of Drop box, yet the issue now is the way to delegate the unscrambling rights for these photographs to Bob. A conceivable choice Alice can pick is to safely send Bob the assumed control over all these years which Bob showed up in. Alice can then utilize the offer capacity of Drop box, yet the issue now is the manner by which to delegate the unscrambling rights for these ISSN: 2231-5381 Photographs to Bob. A conceivable alternative Alice can pick is to safely send Bob the mystery keys included. Commonly, there are two great routes for her under the conventional encryption standard [3,4] Alice scrambles all documents with a solitary encryption key what's more gives Bob the comparing mystery key straightforwardly. Alice scrambles documents with different keys and sends Bob the comparing mystery keys. Clearly, the first system is lacking since all unchosen information may be additionally spilled to Bob. For the second system, there are useful concerns on proficiency. The number of such keys is the same number of as the quantity of the imparted photographs, say, a thousand. Exchanging these mystery keys characteristically obliges a protected channel, and putting away these keys obliges rather extravagant secure stockpiling. The expenses and complexities included for the most part increment with the quantity of the unscrambling keys to be imparted. In short, it is overwhelming and unreasonable to do that. II. RELATED WORK Encryption keys also come with two flavors — symmetric key or asymmetric (public) key. Using symmetric encryption, when Alice wants the data to be originated from a third party, she has to give the encryptor her secret key; obviously, this is not always desirable. Bycontrast, the encryption key and decryption key are different in public-key encryption. The use of public-key encryption gives more flexibility for our applications. Forexample, in enterprise settings, every employee can uploadencrypted data on the cloud storage server withoutthe knowledge of the company’s master-secret key.Therefore, the best solution for the above problem isthat Alice encrypts files with distinct public-keys, butonly sends Bob a single (constant-size) decryption key.Since the decryption key should be sent via a securechannel and kept secret, small key size is always desirable. For example, we cannot expect large storage for decryption keys in the resource-constraint deviceslike smart phones, smart cards or wireless sensor nodes.Especially; these secret keys are usually stored in thetamper-proof memory, which is relatively expensive [6]. A key-aggregate encryption scheme consists of five polynomial-time algorithms as follows. The data owner establishes the public system parameter via Setup and generates a public/master-secret3 key pair via KeyGen. Messages can be encrypted via Encrypt by anyone who Page 276 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume17 Number6–Nov2014 also decides what cipher text class is associated with the plaintext message to be encrypted. The data owner can use the master-secret to generate an aggregate decryption key for a set of cipher text classes via Extract. The generated keys can be passed to delegates securely (via secure emails or secure devices) finally; any user with an aggregate key can decrypt any cipher text provided that the cipher text’s class is contained in the aggregate key via Decrypt4. Setup (1; n): executed by the data owner to setup an account on an untrusted server. On input a security level parameter 1 and the number of cipher text classes n (i.e., class index should be an integer bounded by 1 and n), it outputs the public system parameter param, which is omitted from the input of the other algorithms for brevity [8][9]. KeyGen: executed by the data owner to randomly generate a public/master-secret key pair (pk; msk). Encrypt (pk; i;m): executed by anyone who wants to encrypt data. On input a public-key pk, an index I denoting the cipher text class, and a message m, it outputs a cipher text C. Extract (msk; S): executed by the data owner for delegating the decrypting power for a certain set of cipher text classes to a delegate. On input the master secret key msk and a set S of indices corresponding to different classes, it outputs the aggregate key for set S denoted by KS. Decrypt (KS; S; i; C): executed by a delegate who received an aggregate key KS generated by Extract. On input KS, the set S, an index i denoting the cipher text class the cipher text C belongs to, and C, it outputs the decrypted result m if i 2 S. cryptography technique for the data encryption and decryption.The procedure of improved diffiehellman key exchange is as follows. III. PROPOSED SYSTEM In this module each user will encrypt and decrypt the shared data using this process. The process of advanced xor cryptograph technique is as follows. In recent days cloud computing will gaining more popularity for the sharing of data. For the sharing data in the cloud we can also provide security of data. We can provide security of we are using cryptography technique. In this paper we are using concept for key aggregate cryptosystem for the aggregation of secret key.For the key aggregate cryptosystem we are using improved diffiehellman key exchange algorithm and advance xor ISSN: 2231-5381 Shared key Generation process: In this module each user will generate secret key and send to KGC (key generation center). The KGC center will retrieve all secret key and compact make the as single secret key and send to each user. The procedure of improved diffiehellman key exchange protocol as follows. 1. Each user select prime number p, g and private key a. 2. Using those values the user will calculate public key using pub=gamod p. 3. After calculating each user will send his public keys to KGC. 4. The KGC will retrieve public key from the each users and generate new private for the each users and calculate another public for individual users. 5. After generating each public of users and send to it. 6. Each user will retrieve public key coming from the KGC will generate shared key using shared key=gpub mod p. 7. After generating shared keys of each uses and send to KGC. 8. The KGC will retrieve all shared key from the users and xor with those key to form one secret key. 9. After generating secret key the KGC will send to all users. Each user will use this secret key and encrypt shared data stored into cloud. If any user wants to retrieve that he can decrypt the data using secret key. Advanced xor Cryptography Technique: i)Encryption Process: 1. Generate the ascii value of each character of Data. 2. After converting ascii format we can xor with secret key. 3. The resulted xor data will convert into binary format i.e. each character length of should be 8 bits. 4. The 8 bit binary format of should be reversed. Page 277 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume17 Number6–Nov2014 1.Calculatepublc key USER1 3.Generatepublc keys 5. 2. Sent 7. Sent to User 3. Sent to User 2. Sent 4. Calculate secret key 1.Calculatepublc key USER2 4. Calculate secret key 5. sent 3. Sent to User3. S 7. Sent to e nt to 2. Sent 5. sent 1. Calculate publc key 7. Sent to USERn 9.Retrive and decrypt 8. En cry pt an d sto red int o clo Improved diffiehellman key exchange 6. Generate secret key Cloud Database 4. Calculate secret key 5. we choose the four bit as divisor will treat as key(1000). 6. The reversed number can be devised by divisor and get first three digit as remainder and next five digits are quotient. If any digits will less than three or five digit the we add required number of zero in the left hand side.So that this is cipher text. This process will repeat until the total data can converted into cipher format. After converting cipher format that data can be stored into cloud. If any user will perform decryption process as follows. II) Decryption process: 1. Retrieve the cipher data and multiply last five digits with divisor. 2. The first three digits of cipher text with result produced by previous step. 3. The result of previous step of will not contain 8 bits that will make into 8 bit number. 4. Reverse resulted bit of given format and convert into ASCII format. 5. After converting into binary format we can xor with key and result will be convert into character will get plain text until end of cipher data. III. CONCLUSION In the cloud computing sharing of data through network with secure manner. For the privacy of data we are using so many cryptography technique are used. One of the ISSN: 2231-5381 techniques for key aggregate cryptosystem for generation of secret key with different set of secret keys. In this paper we are proposed concept of improved diffie Hellman key exchange for generation of secret with multiple set of secret keys. Using this key the data owner or user will encrypt and decrypt stored data into cloud. By performing encryption and decryption of data we are using advanced xor cryptography technique. By implementing those technique we provide secrecy and confidentiality of data. REFERENCES [1] S. S. M. Chow, Y. J. He, L. C. K. Hui, and S.-M.Yiu, “SPICE -Simple Privacy-Preserving Identity-Management for Cloud Environment,”in Applied Cryptography and Network Security – ACNS2012, ser. LNCS, vol. 7341. Springer, 2012, pp. 526–543. [2] L. Hardesty, “Secure computers aren’t so secure,” MIT press, 2009, [3] C. Wang, S. S. M. Chow, Q. Wang, K. Ren, and W. 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BIOGRAPHIES GinjupalliUmamaheswari is a Student inM.Tech(CSE) in Sarada Institute ofscience Technology And Management,Srikakulam.She Received her B.Tech(CSE)Prajna Institute of Technology and management Palasa. BeharaVineela is working as Asst.professorinSarada Institute of Science, TechnologyAnd Management,Srikakulam, AndhraPradesh. He received his M.Tech (CSE)from AITAM ,Tekkali,Srikakulam, AndhraPradesh.JNTU Kakinada Andhra Pradesh.His research areas include Network Security Page 279