Residence Hall Association American University


Megan O’Toole



Joanne Frangias

Vice President of

Administration & Finance


Nate Warszawski

Vice President of

Advocacy &

Community Coordination


Sarah Nylen

Vice President of



Jody Gregory

National Communications



Devin Moore

Chief of Staff


Daniel DeHollander



American University

Residence Hall Association

c/o Housing & Dining Programs | 4400 Massachusetts Ave, NW | Washington, DC 20016-8142

Phone: (202) 885-1878 | FAX: (202) 885-1154 | E-mail: |

General Assembly Minutes

March 19, 2015

 Call to Order o Meeting called to order at 9:05 pm

 Attendance o Anderson

 5/7, 1 late

 Proxies: 0 o Cassell

 4/7,

 Proxies: 0 o Centennial

 5/7, 1 late

 Proxies: 0 o Hughes

 6/7,

 Proxies: 0 o Leonard

 6/7

 Proxies: 1 o Letts Clark and Roper

 7/7,

 Proxies: 0 o McDowell

 5/7,

 Proxies: 0 o Nebraska

 1/7

 Proxies: 0

 Minutes Approval o Motion- made by Saagar- to approve last GA’s minutes by unanimous consent

 Seconded by Matt

 Retraction of Motion by Saagar


Tabled for next year

 Agenda Approval o Motion- made by Matt B- to approve last GA’s agenda by unanimous consent

 Seconded by Jaime

 Hall Reports o Anderson

 Breakfast successful

 Hall wars bulletin board

 Anderson Hall in Eco video

 Resident featured a day

 Red is the new blue

 Happy Birthday Meaghan o Cassell

 March Madness event this week was successful

 Hall wars bulletin board o Centennial

 Life in color event rescheduled o Hughes

 Recognition event

 Toasters for all the floors

 Hall and door decs for eco olympics o Leonard

 Taste of Leonard coming up soon o Letts Clark and Roper

 Talent show next Wednesday

 Lobby decorations o McDowell

 Late night pancake event

 Gearing up for hall wars o Nebraska

 Figuring a time to meet, and tabling for next week

 Executive Board Reports o President

 Started work on alcohol policy committee

 SAWG o Vice President of Administration and Finance

 Processed paperwork this week

 VP of Finances passed Helpers in the Hatch

 Funded $499 for north side

 Grant fund request for ZBT

 No more money left in Grant fund item

 Still Hall discretionary left

 State of the budget presentation next week

 Care package provider choices o Vice President of Advocacy and Community Coordination

 Hall wars is next week

 Hall wars sign ups o Vice President of Programming

 Meeting with SG for Founder’s Day finalization

 Co-sponsoring Eagle’s Fest

 Co-Sponsoring dancers send off

 Met with Daniel

 Working with Nate with Hall wars o National Communications Coordinator

 Finance talk for the SOTY bid

 Delegation planning for NACURH

 Didn’t meet with Daniel

 VP of Recognition o Chief of Staff

 Hall wars event page

 Aboard happened o NRHH o Advisor

 What Daniel Did:

 What Daniel Did not Do:

 Finalize Red Cross Blood Drive Van parking permit

 What Daniel Plans To Do:

 Support Updates of Bylaws, Financial Policies, Advisor Manual

 Campaigning in the Residence Halls

 Spread the Word: Halls Close at 12pm on Wednesday, May 6,


 Old Business

 Met with Max (Elections), Megan, Devin (Transition Awards),

Arthur (Administrative Board bylaw review), Joanne (reviewed entire budget), and Sarah

 Met with Residential Education Leadership Team to discuss

2015-2016 Advisor Training Plan

 Attended ECOlympics S’Mores Event

 Checked 2015-2016 RHA Executive Board candidate eligibility

(conduct and GPA) o None

 New Business o Election Update – Max

 Applications were due yesterday

 All positions are contested

 Not publicly announcing the candidates o Until 9am Saturday

 Today we are accepting campaign materials now

 Max will be in the office from 10-1 in the RHA office

 Schedule a time with Max o Person you are campaigning for (if you are) is responsible for your actions, so be aware

 Make sure you have a resident escort you throughout a hall at all times

 No knocking on doors

 Read the election packet

 General posting boards only for posters (8x11 sheet of paper = a poster) o Hall Wars- Nate and Sarah

 See attached presentation

 Get people to sign up

 Tabling on Monday 11-3pm

 March 23 rd

 Get people excited

 Red Wedding and Trivia

 Arrive at 6:15pm

 Leave at 9:45pm

 Search for Arya

 Will happen three times o 25 th , 26 th , April 1 st

 Respect the halls and academic buildings

 Clues will be released via e-mail

 At least one member from each hall in a team

 Tug-of-war and Battle of blackwater- Softball field

 Arrive at 10:30am

 Leave when event is over (around 1:45pm)


 Closing Ceremony

 April 1 st o After search for Arya is over ~ 10pm o Should arrive at 9:10pm and leave at 11:20pm

 Lottery system for sign-up sheets

 RHA doesn’t end after the Closing ceremonies, still program and advocate

 Like the facebook page

 Be responsible o NRHH Presentation

 Nicole Bubnoski- presenter

 NACURH Philanthropy o NACURH- national conference o NRHH president goes to NACURH

 Starting to recruit o Donating to the Ronald McDonald House by collecting soda tabs o Halls will have a box for soda tab collection- goes towards hall wars o Timeline-

 Hall Wars opening ceremony- 7 to 9pm will start the soda tab collection o Resolution 14-15-006A

 An Amendment to Resolve Stipend Amendments

 Make a 15% cap (more precedent over the outlined stipends in the bylaws

 Fail safe in case we get close to a 15% stipends

 Pro con debate

 Alex- Pro- good, now it’s in the bylaw

 Motion to end debate- Saagar, seconded, passes o Vote: 37/0/1, passes

 Open Forum o Title IX Questions

 Sarah- what is the issue at hand

 A Title IX citation on American University o Students not privy to details

 Terry- anything RHA can do to help prevent future citations ?

 RHA not involved in investigation, STEP UP is a good step

 Josh- we can partner will SG and other student organizations to make administration aware

 General Announcements o Shirts and candy is in the corner o March 23 rd at 8pm- Helpers in the Hatch

 Recognition o Shout out to GA for passing a resolution

 And to Devin, Megan, Joanne, and Cassidy who are RAs for next semester

 Adjournment o Meeting adjourned at 10:10pm

Respectfully Submitted,

Devin Moore

RHA Chief of Staff

These minutes were approved by unanimous consent by the 4/02/15 General Assembly
