Residence Hall Association American University


Megan O’Toole



Joanne Frangias

Vice President of

Administration & Finance


Nate Warszawski

Vice President of

Advocacy &

Community Coordination


Sarah Nylen

Vice President of



Jody Gregory

National Communications



Devin Moore

Chief of Staff


Daniel DeHollander



American University

Residence Hall Association

c/o Housing & Dining Programs | 4400 Massachusetts Ave, NW | Washington, DC 20016-8142

Phone: (202) 885-1878 | FAX: (202) 885-1154 | E-mail: |

General Assembly Minutes

October 30, 2014

McDowell Formal-9:00pm

 Call to Order o Called to order at 9:03pm

 Attendance o Anderson

 6/6

 Proxies: 0 o Cassell

 6/6 o Centennial

 Proxies: 2

 6/6

 Proxies: 0 o Hughes

 6/6

 Proxies: 0 o Leonard

 4/6

 Proxies: 0 o Letts Clark and Roper

 5/6

 Proxies: 0 o McDowell

 5/6

 Proxies: 0 o Nebraska

 1/6

 Proxies: 0

 Minutes Approval o Motion- made by Matt B- to approve last GA’s minutes by unanimous consent

 Seconded

 Agenda Approval o Motion- made by Joe A- to approve last GA’s agenda by unanimous consent

 Seconded

 Hall Reports o Anderson

 Fall Fest successful

 Looking forward to future events o Cassell

 Halloween party went well

 Planning something soon o Centennial

 Fall Fest successful

 Advocacy

 Pests

 Patio furniture

 “Don’t be a dum-dum” candy-gram

 Toilet paper hand outs o Hughes

 Haunted House

 Breast Cancer awareness day o Leonard

 Awesome wings night

 working on tailgate table o Letts Clark and Roper

 Successful Fall Fest

 Wing Night

 Yoga o McDowell

 North campus Halloween

 Looking forward to Wing night

 Tailgate with Leonard hall

 Midnight pancake o Nebraska

 Career event successful

 Executive Board Reports o President

 Eagle Roundtable

 Went to SAWG

 Prepared to CAACURH

 Bylaw Review Task Force o Vice President of Administration and Finance

 Redistributed the budget

 Emailed My Favorite Student o Vice President of Advocacy and Community Coordination

 Meeting with CDI about Dialogue

 Updating HOTY

 Looking over Bylaws o Vice President of Programming

 Finalized everything for Diversival

 Finalized who is participating in Tailgate

 Finalized catering contracts o National Communications Coordinator

 What I did:

 Finalized affiliation

 Finalized CAACURH Car Rentals

 Attended Eagle Roundtable Dinner

 Held CAACURH Delegation Meeting

 Planned and started the Roll Call Video

 What I didn't do:

 Meet with the VPs of Recognition

 Get Banner supplies for CAACURH

 What I'm going to do:

 Finish Roll Call Video

 Get banner supplies

 Meet with the VPs of Recognition o Chief of Staff

 What I did:

 Reviewed bylaws

 Updated website

 Posted two resolutions on facebook

 What I am going to do:

 Meet with the delegates tomorrow at 6pm in Anderson 3K o Advisor

 What did Daniel Do?

 Met with Megan, Jody, Joanne, Sarah, Nate, Max,

 Reviewed Joanne’s RHA Rental Agreement Form and

Sponsorship Agreement with Tim

 CAACURH Delegation Meetings (10/20 and 10/27)

 Attended Fall Fest (10/24)

 Met with AD Facilities to discuss pests in residence halls

 Met with HDP Financial Administrators to clarify budget lines

(waiting on clarification)

 Attended dinner with student leaders, President Kerwin, and cabinet members (10/28)

 What did Daniel Not Do?

 schedule 1:1 Meeting Times with Monique and Natalie

 What does Daniel Plan to Do?

 Attend By-Law Review Meeting (11/2)

 Attend CAACURH Delegation Meeting (11/2)

 Attend CAACURH Conference (11/7-11/9)

 HDP and Other Updates

 Fall to Spring Room Change Process and other important

H&DP Updates o

 Administrative Board Reports o Parliamentarian

 Met with Daniel and Megan about Bylaws o Deputy Programmers

 Meg

 Helped out with Haunted House

 Final Perk preparations

 Send Programming ideas

 Landria

 Helped out with Haunted House

 Football night o Deputies of Advocacy & Community Coordination

 Monique

 Working on iterative

 Audrey

 Working on new programming o Deputy of Marketing and Design

 Creating posters

 Doing Social Media

 NRHH Update o Want to apply? Contact Markie o Submit OTMs

 Old Business o None

 New Business o All American Weekend Presentation

 Presented by Joanne Frangias

 Raised $131.93

 Really successful

 Thank you to all who participated

 Anderson contributed the most amount of time o Budget Presentation

 Presented by Joanne Frangias

 Revised budget

 Not buying hall t-shirts this semester, but we will buy Hall

Wars T-Shirts next semester (and $300 off) o Relocating $5,545.80

 Grant Fund Request: + $500

 Hall Discretionary Fund Request: + $500

 HDP Staff Fund Request: + $1,000

 Office Supplies: + $750

 SALTO Lock on the door: - $400

 Shelves in RHA Office: -$250

 Programming: + $2,500

 Questions?-

 Therry- can any RHA Member go into the office o You’ll have to sign out the key to the office

 Voting on budget revision

 Motion- Arthur- to vote by unanimous consent o Seconded o Passed o CAACURH Presentation

 Presented by Arthur Ramsay and Saagar Gupta

 “Diversity of Values”

 Part-one: What do you value?

 Part-two: Comparisons of values?

 Part-three: Pipe Cleaners (Shaping pipe cleaners into the values)

 Part-four: Categorization o Changes in Amendment Process

 Presented by Max Glas

 Write on a sheet of paper your amendments

 Write entire sentence

 Sponsors/Sponsor will stay for discussion and debate, but leave for voting o Co-Active RHA/SG Resolution 14-15-001

 Presented by Martin Slezak and all Hall Council presidents

 RHA/SG support of new pest contractor

 Sponsor’s Opening Remarks

 Martin o Lisa, VP of Advocacy from Centennial Hall o No funds are coming from RHA or SG o This resolution shows the Board of Trustees that the residents and students want change in pest removal process o Sophia B., from Housing and Dinning, supports this resolution o Not supposed to be controversial

 Justin R- took two days for rats to be removed from the room. o This resolution is to show the Administration that this is important

 Speaker’s List

 Michaela L. o good idea o rats get big o 2Fix says pests aren’t an emergency

 Joe A. o Is this a petition?

 Recommendation

 Sarah M. o Is this a petition?

 Recommendation

 Drew o What is humane trapping?

 Bait in the cage, traps the mice and rats

 Release animal in national habitat

 Terry o Is this giving the Board of Trustee (BOT) a recommendation

 Telling BOT that pests are a problem

 Amendments

 Second Speaker’s List

 Nolan o Pests on campus live in wildlife habitat

 Michaela o At what point do you keep letting pests live?

 Facilities Management will make those decisions, not SG/RHA

 Saagar o Pest control unit is only on campus twice a day and is unacceptable o Yes we are a wildlife, but pests can harm campus facilities and sustainability

 Martin o Standing committee will be gain information on pests to learn how to prevent future outbreaks o Facilities Management is welcome to this change o Big Resolution

 Ron o How will you educate residents and students?

 Creating posters to educate residents on what not to do and what to do

 Drew o Have you talked about the humane traps and their effectiveness?

 No detail, this is a call to action

 Amendments

 Debate over an amendment o 0/30/2—amendment fails

 New amendment approved

 Final speaker’s list

 Martin o Do not object to a motion of unanimous consent

 Arthur- Motion to vote on CR 14-15-001 by unamious consent

 Seconded

 CR Resolution 14-15 Passes o Social Media Break o CAACURH Video

 Presented by Jody Gregory

 Open Forum o Late-night dining options on campus

 Jamie- You don’t want subway all the time

 Martin- Set up a standing committee

 Joe A.- writing a resolution

 Adrienne- how we can extend the meal swipe plan

 Josh L- advocate for late night dining

 Saagar- late night dining

 Matt B- Tavern shouldn’t be closed on Saturdays

 Justin R- concern for under-staffed Subway workers at night

 Joe A.- Wants to form a committee, resolution will be formed next GA

 Jaime- better communication

 Tariq- tavern closes over weekend is not ideal

 Josh- service is not ideal, takes a long time, advocate for a sense of quality and time

 Adrienne- not a lot of good communication

 Michaela- look into shipment orders, maybe add mid-week shipments

 Joe A.- meet with Joe, Ed, and Martin afterwards

 Motion to end open forum topic- Josh

 Seconded

 Passes o Geena Davis

 Susanna- a lot of the halls did not understand the way the halls

 Devin- KPU emailed presidents what to do

 Megan- RHA recognizes aa short time frame

 Martin- agrees with Devin and Megan

 Ron- when the event is going on, have KPU tell residents

 Saagar- presidents met with KPU a couple times, KPU emailed presidents, but there is still a lack of communication

 Michaela- a very short timeline, needs more communication

 Sarah- Hall councils not told information

 Devin- KPU sent presidents the information for hall councils

 Josh- RDs sending emails

 Megan- RHA tries to limit RDs sending out information so no one is overwhelmed

 Nate- Thank you for the feedback, we are trying to inform all of what went on

 Motion to move to next open forum issue o Bathroom trashcans

 Susanna- what is the policy about bathroom trashcans

 Markie- HDP does not want to clutter the bathroom with trashcans

 Saagar- working on getting Facilities Management to talk to Hughes

Hall Council

 Also working on getting new covers for the bathroom trashcans

 Nate- use the advocates to streamline the discussion between the halls

 Josh- not a valid argument for HDP to tell residents to carry used products out of the bathroom to throw away

 Alex- HDP advocates for inconvenience, so residents can make a smarter decision to throw away trash

 Jaime- residents are going to throw stuff away in the bathroom trashcan

 Meaghan- have a small trashcan

 Nate- if we add more trashcans to bathrooms, we might consider educating sustainability

 Michaela moves to end open forum,

 seconded o Open Forum

 General Announcements o Happy birthday Terry o Sarah M- Come to dating safe event o Martin- Shout-out for passing a CA Resolution

 Make sure you do STEP Up o Ron- Shout out to Joanne o Jaime- rugby game o Sarah- Shout out o Daniel- make sure you look out to one another o Joanne- Happy Halloween, be safe

 Recognition

 Adjournment o Motion- made by Jaime - to adjourn by unanimous consent

 Seconded o Adjourned at 11:22pm

Respectfully Submitted,

Devin Moore

RHA Chief of Staff

These minutes were approved by unanimous consent by the 11/13/14 General Assembly
