Ge General Assembly Minutes November 05, 2015 ● ● ● ● Call to Order o Time: 9:46pm Attendance o Anderson ▪ 5/5 o Berkshire ▪ not present o Cassell & Nebraska ▪ 3/3 o Centennial ▪ 4/5 o Hughes ▪ 5/5 2 proxies o Leonard ▪ 4/5 o Letts, Clark and Roper ▪ 5/5 o McDowell ▪ 4/5 Minutes Edits o no edits Agenda Approval o Martin: Motion for a 5 minute recess to allow for a review of the new resolution by unanimous consent ▪ Seconded by Sam ▪ motion passes o (After 5 minute recess) Chris: Motion to add Resolution 15­16­002 under new Business ▪ seconded by Martin o Lisa: Point of Information: Why is this resolution added so late, there is no opportunity to talk to the residents about it? Could it potentially be added to the agenda next week? o Chris: The longer we take to form this committee the longer nothing gets done. ▪ Martin: There has been lots of activity going on in the past few weeks regarding workers rights at the school, lots of student interest, and lots of representatives from Student Workers Alliance are here tonight ▪ Sam: The purpose of the resolution is to form a committee that is about talking to residents, taking the time to go discuss the resolution with residents seems pointless when that is what this resolution does ● ▪ Jenna: Con: There is no time to discuss the resolution in a closed area with the hall council, including members that are not present right now ▪ Terry: Are members of Aboard allowed to add pros and cons? ● no, because they have no vote, Aboard can add to open discussion topics ▪ Chris: This committee does no harm we should represent the constituents, by not passing this resolution we are not supporting them and part of the problem ▪ Nikki: Con: Everyone should have a more sufficient time to read the resolution ▪ Jenna Con: By discussing it [the resolution] tonight and adding it tonight the discussion will be more heated, chance to discuss it with more time to consider it and a calmer manner would make the decision less hastey ▪ Max: Pro: In discussing the resolution tonight there can be more information, if needed it can be tabled ▪ Vote for adding the resolution to the Agenda: 17 to 12 to 0 ● motion passes ▪ motion to approve the new agenda by unanimous consent Max ● seconded by Sam Hall Reports o Anderson ▪ Fall Fest was a great success, there were candy apples, music, and good inter hall cooperation ▪ starting advocacy for cleanliness in the hall, examples: flushing the toilet, separating the trash, putting it in the trash bin o Berkshire ▪ not present o Cassell & Nebraska ▪ had first tabling event on Wednesday, residents made birthday cards for homeless children, the 35 cards will be sent to the local shelter, residents asked if it would happen again, it was a great first event ▪ received some complaints about the construction in Cassell and Nebraska, not very much the hall council can do, but it is good they are reaching out to us ▪ Sunday in the Nebraska lawn the Expresso Yourself with coffee, doughnuts, prizes, everyone is welcome to come on out o Centennial ▪ working on a way to recognize Celia working in hall for over 30yrs, her anniversary is coming up ▪ working on getting HDMI cords and vacuums to rend to the residents o Hughes ▪ seeking out interested organizations to partner with in advocacy initiatives ▪ currently having seasonal decorating, with prizes for the winners ▪ heard from residents about workers rights o Leonard ▪ de­stress tabling on the 11th in the lobby ▪ inflatable jousting event with McDowell on the quad coming up ● ▪ there will be tabling for charitable donations, with free pizza, the money will go to the Battle Buddy foundation ▪ bought a ping pong table for residents to check out from the front desk ▪ plan to decorate the bridge between Leonard and McDowell as a welcome back next semester o Letts Clark and Roper ▪ met with Seth Yates from HDP to implement vacuums in the hall ▪ there will be speakers in the Letts Formal lounge ▪ 2 town hall events to gage resident input have been planned ▪ discussion with HDP about the Clark and Roper lounges, want to get larger sinks, and better couches and chairs for better o McDowell ▪ having a Twister, Turkey, and Pie event for Thanksgiving ▪ suggestion boxes are being put in the lounges Executive Board Reports o President ▪ monday met with CAACURH delegation, conference next weekend ▪ met with Sasha SG President for updates ▪ met with subcommittee for SAWG about education ▪ returning room selection process for returning students meeting coming up o Vice President of Administration and Finance ▪ prepared the budget for next semester ▪ discussing the financial policy with the Financiers, and potential changes coming ▪ did the JV transfers for the HDP staff fund requests o Vice President of Advocacy and Community Coordination ▪ went to Fall Fest ▪ Step up dates confirmed for the 8th, 12th, and 13th ▪ gathering student testimonials about condoms in the residence halls ▪ got access to the hall of the year account ▪ has been working with Deputy Zack on Change Wars o Vice President of Programming ▪ went to CLARCC meeting with all other organizations on campus ▪ got the permit for the blood drive on November 12th ▪ went to Fall Fest (shout out to South Side), there are 48 leftover masons jars if any halls want to use them ▪ Thanksgiving survey is ready to be sent to RDs, which will be sent to the residents about if they will be here for that break, and about what types of programs they would like to see ▪ an RHA Relay for Life team being formed soon, more information to come in the upcoming weeks ▪ completed the 25 live request for Step Up Training o National Communications Coordinator ▪ preparing CAACURH delegation for CAACURH next weekend ▪ finishing the banner, spirit, and getting everyone pumped up o Chief of Staff ▪ had one on one with Daniel ▪ went to Eboard Meeting ▪ read up on all of the round table and hall council minutes ● Hall Councils need to start sending in their minutes, it helps with decisions and discussions Eboard has, I want to make sure the halls opinions are heard and without the minutes that is not possible ● Also with the minutes, I anticipate a heated discussion, so please try to slow down when talking so I can accurately put your statement in the minutes NRHH ▪ getting ready for the CAACURH delegation ▪ reaching out to the GW chapter ▪ first chapter meeting with positive feedback from members about changes to the organization ▪ ordered cords for members that are graduating ▪ working with other groups on campus for a potential leadership conference, everyone will be updated once there is more information o Advisors ▪ no updates at this time Old Business o N/A New Business o Change Wars; Presented by Zach Avis ▪ focusing on local DC charities, donations will go to the homeless shelters in the area ▪ each floor of each residence hall will have a jar to collect spare change at the front desk ▪ the prize will be a floor pizza party for the floor that gathers the most money ▪ the money will collected every few days o A Resolution to Establish the Bylaw Review Committee; Presented Sam Rogers ▪ this committee should be created because of errors in the Bylaws that make it difficult to understand ▪ concern with the construction of East Campus some sections will need to be reconstructed ▪ in the Bylaws we have the right to form the committee ▪ the Chair of the committee is to be selected by Cristina ▪ members will be appointed by Cristina ▪ Resolution 11­12­007 is removed because that committee still exists, that resolution was made back when there was both Bylaws and a Constitution for this organization, so invalidating that old resolution is good housekeeping ▪ Olivia: Will the resolution change the fact that resolutions do not go straight to GA? ● not changing the Bylaws, just clarifying them for now ▪ Martin: Selection of members is at the discretion of the chair? ● yes it is at the discretion of the chair, but it is not an anticipated issue ▪ Point of Information by Cristina: anyone interested will be appointed to the committee ▪ Debate ● Max: Pro, this is a well written resolution, great idea to have it ● Vote: 29 to 0 to 0 ● motion carries o ● ● o o Cleanliness in the Residence Halls, Guest Speaker Carlos Vera ▪ A presentation to discuss the impact of resident behaviors on custodial workers. ▪ Carlos started at AU is 2011, lived in Letts Hall and has had the opportunity to meet a lot of workers in his time here ▪ Esperanza, has worked at the school for 25 years, she is from El Salvador, one day picked up a bed, hit a nerve in her back, she had a doctor’s note saying she can not lift beds after being in the hospital, the union said AU did not need to listen to doctors notes, she was forced to keep picking up beds. Now she needs an injection in her back every 6 months and is very sick ▪ How is it that this university, that is so big on human rights not giving the same right and respect to workers? ▪ Esperanza cannot get out of bed anymore ▪ these injustices have been happening for years, the issue is not new ▪ many students are talking about it, I have the unanimous backing of the Undergraduate Senate ▪ This resolution helps get justice for these workers, who are overworked and underpaid ▪ Martin: motion to extend time by 3 minutes by unanimous consent ● Seconded by Chris ● motion passes ▪ Chris Moody is for the making of this committee ▪ Martin: When it comes to what the residents can do, what can change in the resident's actions? ● simple things: put the trash in the trash cans, the little things make a difference ● the workers just want to be acknowledged as human beings Resolution to form a workers right Committee ▪ Chris: I was blown away by Carlos’ presentation, I do not have much to add ● Why go abroad to countries in Africa and other third world countries to help when there are people right here that are deprived of their rights and need our help? ● I do not want this resolution pushed back any farther ● Aramark has had made welfare cuts, and wage cuts ● by not having this committee we are ignoring the problem, and ignoring the problem is part of the problem ▪ Martin: to the skeptical people: ● this is the perfect opportunity to do the research because that is what the committee is about ● the committee is all about reaching out to residents, which is what would be done anyways ▪ Max: if you have questions, so do all of us ● this committee is a great source of information to get questions answered ▪ Chris: I would be ashamed to be a part of RHA if this resolution does not get passed ▪ Proxy: how will the chair be appointed? ● the chair of the committee will be voted in by the GA, the chair will then appoint the members which will also be approved by the GA ● Daniel: Anyone can be appointed chair how does that relate to the mission and goals of the RHA? Does that mean that as one of the Co­Advisors to RHA I have to spend my time and resources developing students that do not live on campus? o here at AU we pride ourselves on being student leaders, to limit the leaders by saying they need to live on campus would be a shame, if you pay tuition you pay tuition you should be welcomed to leadership opportunities o Point of information by Harrison : RHA is only funded by students who live in the halls ▪ Debate: ● Laura: Con, this is a very serious topic, these people use the jobs to support themselves and their families. I do not appreciate the way this resolution was presented, this is an important issue, and information should be gathered and it should not be taken lightly. I want to accept this resolution, without feeling attacked and forced to do so ● Proxy: according to the Bylaws: I think it is wrong the authors are sent of the room o The Bylaws also say that the presenter/authors can have a proxy, they are not allowed to vote on their own legislation to prevent and biases ● Olivia: Despite the way the resolution was presented I think this resolution is important ● Tyler: I agree with the advisors that non residents should not be involved with the organization, we really need to represent OUR community, we were elected and trusted by our residents to represent them, it is not right to give that away to a person who does not live on campus ● Proxy: Just to clarify proxies can be appointed by the presenters? o Will: In the Bylaws it says the proxies must be residents from that hall, cannot be members of the Undergraduate Senate (or the Speaker), and proxies must have been in the room the entire time for the debate and the presentation ● Proxy: Why was the rule not made clear before hand? o Will: It is in the Bylaws, which have been sent out to everyone, I recommend that you read them ● Yazmin: Just to point out as a leadership group on campus, we need to be clear we are passionate about issues the residents are passionate about ● Point of Information: Can this be amended and passed in the same session? o yes ● Jenna: motion to extend debate time by 5 minutes by unanimous consent o seconded by Yazmin o motion passes ● Jenna: Con, resolutions presented as hasty decisions do not represent RHA well ● Tyler: this resolution allows non residents, I am not for that because I want it to be for our residents ● Proxy: this is just a resolution to form a committee, it is long overdue, it is necessary ● Aubrey: Con, I am not for a non member of the RHA chairing the committee ● Olivia: this committee is not taking funds from the residents, it is just a time for people to sit down and talk ● Tyler: Motion to amend the resolution to include only people who live on campus part of the resolution ● Zack: Point of inquiry? Why must the person must not be RHA, is RHA not informed or are we looking to partner with outside organizations ● Terry: Since people are passionate, the chair is not a big issue, as long as they are working for the residents, it should not matter, ● Proxy motion to extend time by 5 minutes by unanimous consent o seconded by Jenna o motion passes ● Paul: You all were elected by the residents to represent the residents, so keep in mind the representation of non residents to represent the residents you all were elected to be the representation for ● Tyler repeating motion: Motion to change the resolution so all members of the committee are to be residents and the Chair be a member of RHA itself ● seconded by Lisa ● Authors: the amendment is friendly ● Chris: this right to kick the authors of GA is wrongful according to the Bylaws o If a member of the hall council is missing from voting a proxy may be appointed to fill in, but because you wanted to do this tonight you would not have had the time to get a proxy to be in the room the entire time o Chris: we are being abridged of the speaking rights we have according to the Bylaws ▪ you had the opportunity to get a proxy, it can be discussed at the Bylaw review committee ● Discussion on Resolution 15­16­002 with the amendment: o Nikki: Con, the information on the committee is unclear and I feel uncomfortable voting on it tonight especially with the way it was presented o Proxy: Pro, this resolution is necessary to discuss the rights of workers, no reason to connect their behavior with the resolution, this is an issue that needs to be discussed at length o Tyler: Con, not for the resolution, more information is needed, and clarifications need to be made o Yazmin: Pro GA will vote to approve the members of the committee o Lisa: Motion to move this to the next GA ▪ seconded by Tyler ● ● ● ● Open Forum o none General Announcements o none Recognition o none Adjournment ▪ 17 to 8 to 0 ▪ motion passes, this resolution will be discussed next week in old business o Motion to adjourn by unanimous consent made by Even o Seconded by: Tyler o Time: 11:19pm