International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 14 Number 3 – Aug 2014 Sub Band Coding of ECG Signal via Quantized Coefficient QMF Bank Sachin Bhaiji1, Jyotsna ogale2 1 2 PG Student, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, S.A.T.I.(Degree), Vidisha,(M.P.) Associate Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, S.A.T.I. (Degree), Vidisha (M.P.) Abstract— This paper presents a comparative study of Blackman window family for the design of near perfect reconstruction (NPR) quadrature mirror filter bank (QMF) bank for subband coding of ECG signal. The design method employs Blackman window family and rounding operation to generate quantized coefficients of the prototype low pass finite impulse response filter (FIR). To get optimum result in term of distortion parameter, linear algorithm is used . The designed filter bank is computationally more efficient and has good frequency selectivity. Future its application is extended to subband coding of ECG signal. Keywords— Filter bank, optimization, rounding. near perfect reconstruction, I. INTRODUCTION Processes in the design of filter banks and their applications have been made since last two decades. Among different family of filter banks quadrature mirror filter bank (QMF) a two-channel filter bank as shown in Fig. 1 was the first type of filter bank used in signal processing for splitting the speech and image signal into subband signal [1-4] with uniform frequency bands so that each subband can be independently carried out and processed . The researchers now a days give a lot of attention to design the QMF bank because of there wide application in many signal processing fields such as filter banks with adjustable stop band attenuation and efficient resolution are useful for analysing ECG signal of different patients[5], .in trans multiplexers [6-8],equalization of wireless communication channels[9],perceptual audio coding and filter bank with high stopband attenuation ,small channel overlap and efficient resolution can improve sound quality. ( ) 2 2 ( ) in this paper, we consider the design of symmetric QMF bank with low arithmetic complexity at both analysis and synthesis section. This filter bank comprised of a pair of lowpass and high pass filters, which satisfy some complementary properties. By choosing proper combinations of the filters at both analysis and synthesis section aliasing can be eliminated completely. Only distortion at the output is in amplitude. The early phase of research and design methods were based on direct minimization of error function either in frequency domain [10] or in time domain [11].In this paper we use a simple iterative linear algorithm to design parent filter of the filter bank. Future the application of design filter bank has been extended to subband coding of ECG signal. In the analysis section, filters are used to split the signal into two equal-width frequency segments, the resulting signal are decimated by factor of two which reduces the total rate by 2. At the receiver, the decimated signal are interpolated and recombined such that, theoretically there is no aliasing. Hence, the channel signals can be processed at a half of the original signal sampling rate. Section II describes different performance parameters of the QMF bank. Section III describes design method of prototype quantized coefficients filter. Section IV describes optimization algorithm .Section V describes quality assessment parameters of the ECG signal. Section VI carries design examples with discussion. Finally conclusions have been made in section VII. The rounding technique is applied on window based FIR filter to satisfy the given specification. The technique is described in the equation II. PERFORMANCE PARAMETER OF QMF BANK Consider two-band QMF bank with system architecture as shown in Fig (1). The Reconstructed output signal is given as y[n] ( ) = [ ( ) ( ) + ( ) (− )] x[n] ( ) 2 2 ( ) Fig.1 Quadrature mirror filter bank Consequently, fast flexible and efficient filter bank design method that yield low complexity high stop band attenuation and channel overlap are highly desirable. ISSN: 2231-5381 ( ) = { ( ) = { ( ) (− ) ( )+ ( )+ (1) ( ) ( )}(2) (− ) ( )} (3) Where Y(z) is the reconstructed signal and X(z) is the original signal in QMF bank , T(z) is called the distortion Page 135 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 14 Number 3 – Aug 2014 transfer function and A(z) is called the aliasing error function. Which is completely eliminated by setting as Eq.(4). ( ) = −2 (− ), ( )=2 ( )(4) For aliasing free function ( ) = (− ) only one proto ( ) exists in the system response which state type filter that the overall w= design problem of filter banks reduces to determine of the filter type coefficient of prototype filter. The overall transfer function of QMF bank is reducing to equation. ( ) = ( ) − (−1) ( ) (5) The Blackman window family is used in the work with its variant. Window with 3 and 4 non zero term achieve a minimum side lobe are called as Blackman Harris Window Family These window w[n] are define for the DFT [15]-[17] 3 ( )= 0− 1 (6 / ). | ( )| = | ( )| + | ( − )| (6) The amplitude distortion ( ) and peak reconstruction error (PRE )are computed by the respective Eq.10 and Eq. 11. = max | ( )| − min | ( )|(7) PRE = max {20log ( ( ) + ( ) } (8) The performance of proposed method is evaluated in term of amplitude distortion ( ) and fidelity assessment parameter of ECG signal. III. DESIGN METHOD OF PROTOTYPE FILTER The filter design technique employs window technique, a finite duration weighting function that called a window function w[n], which satisfying w(N-n)=w(n) for n = 0,1 … … … N and exactly zero outside the interval − ≤ ≤ . A prototype filter h[n] of length N, and cut off frequency is generated by convolving window function w(n) with ideal impulse response of the filter given as h(n) = h (n)w(n)(9) where h (n) = sin wc n−0.5N π n−0.5N (10) are the impulse response value of ideal filter with cut off frequency located at = . (11) TABLE I Window Coefficients a2 a0 a1 7938/1 8608 0.42 9240/1860 8 0.50 7938/186 08 0.08 0.00010 Modified Blackman 1 0.5600 0 0.44000 0.56000 0.01000 modified Blackman2 0.5000 0.46000 0.03000 0.01000 BlackmanNuttell 0.3635 8 0.4495 9 0.4232 3 0.4021 7 0.3587 5 0.48918 0.36358 0.01064 0.49364 0.44959 0.00000 0.49755 0.42323 0.00000 0.49703 0.09392 0.01168 0.48829 0.35875 0.01168 Exact Blackman BlackmanHarris(-61) BlackmanHarris(-67) BlackmanHarris(-74) BlackmanHarris(-92) a3 0.00 Then coefficients h(n) are quantized using rounding operation as described below – h (n) = × ( )= × (ℎ( )/ ) (12) Where h(n) is an impulse response of the FIR filter which satisfies the given specification ( ) is the new impulse response derived by rounding all the coefficients of h(n) to the nearest integer .The rounding coefficient is chosen in the form of = 2 where N is the integer,determine the precision of the approximation. This process introduce some null coefficients in the rounding impulse response the number of non zero integer coefficients corresponds to the number of sums and the number of multiplier corresponds to number of a different positive integer coefficients . Computational complexity is expressed in terms of number of integer multiplication, which itself depends on rounding constant. Now the final filter coefficients are h (n) OPTIMIZATIONOF ERROR FUNCTION In QMF Filter bank, perfect reconstruction (PR) is possible if H (e ) ISSN: 2231-5381 / ) + 2 (4 / ) − n = 0,1,……… N-1 COEFFICIENTS OF BLACKMAN WINDOW FAMILY Black man It is mandatory N is taken as even and transfer function must be a delay function ( ),If the order of the filter is odd at w=0.5π ( ) is reduced to zero which is not adaptive for the perfect reconstruction of the signal. If the perfect reconstruction condition are satisfied, the reconstructed output signal is an exact replica of the original input is signal with some delay, that is ( ) = ( − ) output. The overall amplitude response of filter bank is (2 + H (e ( / ) =1 (13) Page 136 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 14 Number 3 – Aug 2014 If it is evaluated at w=pi/4, then it’s reduced to H (e / Step9: Step size = Step size/2 till the tolerance is not satisfied . ) = 0.707 (14) IV. QUALITY ASSESSMENT PARAMETER OF ECG SIGNAL Hence design problem of QMF filter bank is condensed to design a prototype filter whose magnitude response at frequency w=pi/4 is 0.707 .in the proposed methodology , cutoff frequency is optimized to minimized the error function .this can be accomplished by solving the optimization problem = [ H e − 1/√2] (15) The main step discusses the computational process of the proposed algorithm: step1: initialize the parameter ‘ρ’ is called the roll of factor (RF) . step2: calculate the stop band frequency and pass band edge frequency is set slightly smaller than . = (1+ρ)F 8 (16) step3: initialize the counter ,tolerance ,step size and stop band attenuation . step4: Estimate the order of the filter and cut-off frequency by using given specification. = −7.95 14.95⧍ = = (fs +fp) 2 (18) − 0.707 (19) step5: if tolerance (tol.) is not satisfied, then cut-off frequency is varied in two ways: a. b. If error is positive , increase Otherwise = − = + Step6: If tolerance is satisfied then, design filters using equation. Step7: Redesign the prototype filter using new filter order. Calculate F and also Error. Step8: Increment the counter by 1. ISSN: 2231-5381 = ∑ =1( [ ]− [ ])2 2 ∑ =1( [ ]) × 100 (20) Mean square value Error (MSE) is also one of the important parameter to evaluate the quality of reconstructed signal . it is expressed as : = ∑ ( [ ] − [ ]) (21) The signal to noise ratio = −20 log(0.01 1)(22) Where 1 = ∑ ∑ ( [ ] ( [ ] [ ]) [ ]) × 100(23) (17) step5: evaluate the prototype filter coefficients using Blackman window family with intial iteration algorithm start with finding the magnitude response of design filter at w=pi/4 . Also compute error or deviation of magnitude response of designed ( / ) filter from the ideal magnitude response (MR) given by equ (12). 1. Performance parameters The quality of retrieved signal is measured using the Percentage Root Mean-square Difference (PRD), which is define as : and same V. DESIGN EXAMPLE In this section design of the two-bands linear phase QMF bank with Blackman window family and with and without coefficients quantization have been considered for the given value, roll of factor = 0.20, the pass band and stop band frequency are chosen to be 0.60π and 0.25π respectively. The filter with 32 filter order cut off frequencies 0.5333π, 0.5328π, 0.5247π, 0.5380π ,0.5380π 0.53450π, 0.5385π,0.5311π,0.5330π have been designed for Exact Blackman, Blackman, Modified blackman1, modified blackman2, Blackman-Nuttell, Blackman-Harris(-1), Blackman-Harris(-67), Blackman-Harris(-74), BlackmanHarris(-92). The simulation result obtained in each case is tabulated in table II table III. As it can be seen from the simulation result the proposed method yields better performance in term of and PRE at redused arithmetic complexity then the previously reported works. Numbers of multipliers and adders in algorithms [26],[27],[28],[29],[30],[31] are 16 and 32 as compared to 14 and 30 with two zero coefficients in the proposed work this clearly shows the seniority of the proposed work over the existing work . When different Blackman window function are compared, the proposed method with Blackman window gives betters performance in terms of and PRE with and without coefficients quantization. The Blackman harries 4- Page 137 termalso competed value .In subband coding of ECG signal several records have been taken from MIT BIH data base. The quality of reconstructed ECG signal are evaluated by considering fidelity assessment parameters discuss in section ().it is observed that in both the designs Blackman window function offered superior reconstructed signal quality , due to their better performance measures . Magnitude International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 14 Number 3 – Aug 2014 VI. RESULT AND CONCLUSION An improved method is presented for the design of twoband QMF bank with Blackman window family, coefficients quantization and linear iterative optimization algorithmSimulation result have shown . N PRE Algorithm in[26] 32 35.29 Algorithm in [27] 32 36.87 Algorithm in [28] 32 38.67 Algorithm in[29] 32 35.67 Algorithm in [30] 32 36.59 Algorithm in [31] 32 34.38 Proposed 32 78.32 9.60× 10 7.72 × 10 6.60 × 10 4.60 × 10 4.50× 10 4.10× 10 1.10× 10 0..270 0.0223 Normalized Frequency 0.0196 (c) 0.0114 0.0102 0.0089 0.0095 Magnitude Reported result Magnitude TABLEII RELATIVE PERFORMANCE OF PREPOSED WITH RESPECT TO OTHER ALGORITHM. Normalized Frequency (b) That Blackman window function yields smallest amplitude distortion, peak reconstruction error , MSE, PRD and good SNR at lowest arithmetic complexity .Therefore the proposed method is highly suitable for subband coding of ECG signal with quantized coefficient . Rounding factor Magnitude Magnitude (d) Rounding factor (e) Normalized Frequency (a) Fig.1 Two-channel QMF bank by proposed method with N=32 and = 0.2. (a) Amplitude distortion functions of Blackman window. (b) Magnitude response of prototype filter (c) magnitude response of QMF filters (d) variation in PRD with respect to Rounding Factor.(e)variation in MSE with respect to Rounding Factor 1. Subband coding of ECG signal Record have been taken from MIT BIH data base. The quality of reconstructed ECG signal is evaluated by considering several fidelity assessment parameters. Blackman window ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 138 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 14 Number 3 – Aug 2014 give the improved performance as compared to the other variants. Hence it offers superior reconstruction quality. Amplitude TABLE.IV .PERFORMANCE MEASURES OF VARIOUS WINDOWS WITH ROUNDING CONSTANT. Sample index Fig:-2 superimposed original and reconstructed signal TABLE. III PERFORMANCE MEASURES OF VARIOUS WINDOWS window Exact Blackman Blackman Modified Blackman-1 Blackman Nuttall Blackman – Harries (-74) Blackman – Harries (-92) Blackman – Harries (-67) Blackman – Harries (-61) Modified Blackman2 Fig:- Computational complexity of design 32 order filter bank in term of no of multiplication and no adders for different value of rounding constant. MSE 7.377e09 1.701e09 34.26e09 5.904e08 4.267e09 7.597e08 5.001e09 4.0078 e-09 4.8525 e-008 Maxim um Error PRD SNR Amplitude Distortion 3.2658e004 1.4642e004 1.9834e004 7.0724e004 1.9834e004 8.0124e004 2.0889e004 2.2997e004 7.5432e004 0.0550 65.166 0.0032 0.0264 71.536 0.0011 0.0418 67.544 0.0057 0.1556 56.133 0.0062 0.0418 67.544 0.0015 0.1765 55.038 0.0071 0.0453 66.854 0.0024 0.0405 67.816 0.0023 0.1410 56.985 0.0067 VII CONCLUSION A improved method is presented for design of coefficient quantized quadrature mirror filter bank by using Blackman window families foe subband of ECG signal .The result better in term of fidelity assessment parameters. Reconstructed signal show no significant loss in diagnostically important features and morphologies. Hence the proposed design of QMF banks gives simple and straightforward design with low computational burden. window Roun dingconst ant MSE Maxi mum Error PRD Exact Blackman 18 5.2570 e-009 00.0464 0.0028 Blackman 18 1.6512 e-009 0.0260 0.0011 Modified Blackman-1 17 1.9371 e-007 2.573 8e004 1.472 9e004 0.002 3 0.2818 0.0057 Blackman Nuttall 18 5.8892 e-008 0.1554 0.0062 Blackman – Harries (-74) 19 3.7583 e-009 0.0393 0.0015 Blackman – Harries (-92) 18 7.6783 e-008 0.1774 0.0071 Blackman – Harries (-67) 18 3.9975 e-009 0.0405 0.0024 Blackman – Harries (-61) 18 3.5211 e-009 0.0380 0.0019 Modified Blackman2 19 4.8509 e-008 7.074 9e 004 1.758 7e004 7.829 4e004 2.112 8e004 2.267 7e004 7.541 e-004 0.1410 0.0067 REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] Number [5] [6] [7] [8] Rounding constant ISSN: 2231-5381 Amplitu de Distortio n [9] D.Esteban, C. Galand, Application of quadrature mirror filter to split band voice coding scheme, in : Proc. 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