Programme Outline North Norfolk Coastal Pathfinder 1.

Programme Outline
North Norfolk Coastal Pathfinder
The North Norfolk Pathfinder Programme aims to demonstrate methods for the management of
coastal change, which together will help mitigate its impacts on coastal communities. This will
have the joint outcomes of achieving our local coastal management objectives, whilst
demonstrating a methodology for using resources to best effect in the management of coastal
change nationally.
The programme follows an approach that NNDC has been developing since the emergence of
the Shoreline Management Plan review. In interests of long-term sustainability and social justice,
it is essential to address the consequences of a change in coast defence policy, prior to
implementing the revised plan.
Two Shoreline Management Plans affect the North Norfolk coastline (sub cells 5 and 6). These
plans are currently going through the finalisation process and, whilst both are sensitive to the
consequences of the policies they contain, they provide no mechanism for addressing the
impacts on specific communities. In recognition of the need for coastal change impacts to be
addressed NNDC has aligned its LDF Core Strategy with the most advanced of these SMPs,
including developing specific policies relating to development in Coastal Constraint Areas and
‘roll-back’. The Council has also developed and adopted its own development control guidance
for development in areas susceptible to coastal erosion. As a separate exercise the Council has
also been developing a ‘Coastal Management Plan’ which will set a framework for integrating
coastal management decisions in the District, which is in accordance with the principle of ICZM.
By establishing a mechanism for addressing coastal change impacts, with the help of this
Pathfinder project, in North Norfolk we will be able to move towards a shoreline management
process that is considered to be more sustainable in the longer-term; and which is acceptable to
coastal communities.
Defra’s emerging Coastal Change Policy gives coastal communities a chance to engage in
planning for their futures. The introduction of the Coastal Change Pathfinder fund has presented
a pivotal opportunity to begin planning for a more secure future for some of the areas most
affected by coastal change. In particular in North Norfolk it will help:
- address the existing impacts of erosion on Happisburgh, the community perhaps most
affected to date;
- address the blighting effect of (emerging SMP) predictions of coastal change in the future;
- prepare the ground so that future changes to the coastline will not have such a detrimental
impact on the important qualities and values of the areas affected.
NNDC has worked closely with many representatives of the coastal communities over recent
years in order understand the issues from their perspective and, whilst there is never going to be
a consensus over such a complex and emotive issue, we have achieved a common
understanding of the position we are in and the need for adaptation activity to supplement
shoreline management measures.
Programme Aims
The Pathfinder programme aims to implement initiatives developed from previous community
engagement to address the impacts of coastal change on communities and businesses in north
Norfolk. The initiatives are experimental and a key requirement is to develop methodologies for
the project approaches to enable future use at other locations and to learn from the experiences.
The programme will also develop a Continuity Strategy to enable the findings to continue locally
and encourage successful projects to be adopted nationally.
It is expected that the pathfinder projects in North Norfolk will achieve the following high level
Confident (and better informed) communities in locations experiencing or threatened
by coastal change
Resilience to change impacts
Confidence amongst local communities and businesses that they have improved
prospects for the future
Smart, targeted investment as a catalyst to longer-term returns for threatened
Navigating a transition phase to enable communities to adjust so that ‘at risk’
communities can function ‘normally’
Support for businesses and householders whose decisions about their future are
fettered by the uncertainty due to coastal change and its predictions
The diagram below details Pathfinder governance structure. The organisational structure reflects
the community centred approach of the North Norfolk Pathfinder. Local Liaison Groups have been
created in appropriate forms for each project to enable two-way communication with the affected
communities. The Reference Group, which consists of members external to the Council, have
acted as a critical friend and assessed the process and communications of the projects as they are
(Programme management)
(Overseeing Project
(Project Management)
(Overseeing implementation of local
(Overseeing the
development and
implementation of
the Business
Support package
North Norfolk Pathfinder - Project Summary
Programme Outline
1. Happisburgh Cliff Top Enhancement and Relocation of
Threatened Infrastructure Project
Project Aims
To create a buffer of open land along the cliff top in Happisburgh relocating the car park,
providing new public conveniences, a new pedestrian beach access ramp and cliff top paths.
Community Involvement
Happisburgh Pathfinder Liaison Group & Happisburgh Parish Council
Total Budget
Committed Budget
Anticipated Further
Total spend to date
Develop project approach
Investigate land ownership
Investigate local opinion as to the possible options for the location of facilities
and the use of the land
Develop the overall scheme of work, with links to other relevant Happisburgh
Investigate and agree the potential future ownership and management of the car
park and public conveniences
Develop scheme of work and specification
Negotiate for property purchase
Develop specifications/designs for schemes of work
Apply for planning permission and other consents
Confirm arrangements for continuity of management of land and facilities
Complete purchases
Tender for construction/landscaping works
Construction and landscaping
Appraise project outcomes against objectives
Report to Defra
To Start
North Norfolk
Pathfinder - Outline
Project Summary
2. Happisburgh Removal/ Relocation of Dwellings Most
Imminently at Risk Project
Project Aims
Develop an equitable method for acquiring properties within the first SMP epoch in Beach
Road Happisburgh and meeting the needs of their owners/occupiers.
Community Involvement
Happisburgh Pathfinder Liaison Group, Happisburgh Parish Council, Property Owners
Total Budget
Committed Budget
Anticipated Further
Total spend to date
Develop project approach
Initial contact with property owners
Advertise for an independent property advisor
Appraise and select property advisor through tendering system
Brief property advisor
Develop corporate property acquisitions policy
Develop methodology for acquiring the properties and meeting the owners
Initial property assessments
Detailed discussions with property owners
Report to the Project Board of the outcomes of the discussions
Developing amicable arrangements with property owners
Implementing the agreed arrangements
Site clearance/recycling of materials
Site is incorporated into the Cliff top enhancement scheme.
Report to Defra
To Start
North Norfolk
Pathfinder - Outline
Project Summary
3. Happisburgh Property Acquisition for ‘Buy and Lease-back’
Project Aims
Investigate, develop and deliver a method of purchasing properties at medium risk in
Happisburgh and leasing them back to existing occupiers or to find new uses.
Community Involvement
Happisburgh Pathfinder Liaison Group, Happisburgh Parish Council, Property Owners
Total Budget
Committed Budget
Anticipated Further
Total spend to date
Develop project approach
Advertise for an independent property advisor
Publicise the project at April Happisburgh open day
Select property advisor through tendering system
Investigate legal issues and options for ‘buy and lease’
Identify and appraise options available
Investigate options with property owners
Present options to the Project Management Board and Officers
Preferred approach agreed by Project Board
Seek relevant authority to proceed
Promote scheme and seek interested property owners
Property advisor to implement the agreed approach.
Report to Defra
To Start
North Norfolk
Pathfinder - Outline
Project Summary
4. Happisburgh Beach Debris Removal Project
Project Aims
To improve the beach environment by the careful removal of beach debris following
community discussion.
Community Involvement
Happisburgh Pathfinder Liaison Group, Happisburgh Parish Council
Total Budget
Committed Budget
Anticipated Further
Total spend to date
Develop project approach
Initial liaison with the community to introduce the project and gather general
opinions towards the debris and its removal.
Investigate permission/consents and any legal implications.
Develop with the Liaison Group options and timescales for debris removal
Agree level of debris removal with the community through the Parish Council
Tender for debris removal contract
Appoint contract
Site visit with contractor
Remove debris
Post debris removal walk with the community to gather feedback.
Feedback to Defra
To Start
North Norfolk
Pathfinder - Outline
Project Summary
5. Happisburgh Manor Caravan Park Project
Project Aims
Work with the owner of Manor Caravan Park, Happisburgh at assessing the options and
constraints to relocating or adapting the existing business to the changing coastline. Should
an appropriate option be available, the project will aid in the initial relocation.
Community Involvement
Happisburgh Pathfinder Liaison Group, Happisburgh Parish Council
Total Budget
Committed Budget
Anticipated Further
Total spend to date
Develop project approach
Investigate availability, suitability and feasibility of alternative sites
Investigate local opinion as to potential locations and issues this may create
Manor Caravan Park utilises the Business Advice Project to update/develop a
Business Plan
Identify and evaluate all the available options for the short, medium and long
Agree the preferred option and the draft process and timescales with the
relevant parties
Identify how NNDC and the Pathfinder can assist further in the implementing the
preferred option
Test the preferred option with the local community
Business owner to pursue the design and planning of the preferred scheme,
together with the land acquisition, with appropriate assistance from the
Implementation of preferred scheme over an agreed timeframe
Report to Defra
To Start
North Norfolk
Pathfinder - Outline
Project Summary
6. Coastal Heritage Project
Project Aims
Enable the local community to understand, record and manage the impacts of coastal
change on heritage and record their own story.
Community Involvement
Happisburgh Pathfinder Liaison Group, Happisburgh Heritage Group
Total Budget
Committed Budget
Anticipated Further
Total spend to date
Recruit and appoint Project Officer
Website set-up and launch
Meetings with potential partners
Initial private and public meetings
Training sessions for Happisburgh residents
Submission of data to website by members of public
Completion of Happisburgh’s sessions
Event to celebrate Happisburgh’s heritage and future
Installation of computer equipment in local community
Training sessions elsewhere on Norfolk coast
Meetings and training sessions elsewhere in England
Project reports
Submission of project report to DEFRA
To Start
North Norfolk
Pathfinder - Outline
Project Summary
7. Removal of Beach Debris at Beeston Regis Project
Project Aims
To improve the beach environment and pedestrian access at high water between
Sheringham and West Runton by the careful removal of beach debris.
Community Involvement
Beeston Parish Council, Sheringham Town Council
Total Budget
Committed Budget
Anticipated Further
Total spend to date
Develop project approach
Initial liaison with the Parish & Town Councils to introduce the project, discuss
the project approach.
Tender for debris removal contract
Nominate contract
Site visit with contractor
Remove debris
Post debris removal discussions with the Parish Council to gather feedback.
Feedback to Defra
To Start
North Norfolk
Pathfinder - Outline
Project Summary
8. Cromer, Marram’s Path Project
Project Aims
To realign a part of the Marrams cliff top foot path between Runton Road car park and
Cromer town centre where it has been closed due to instability of the cliff.
Community Involvement
Cromer Town Council, Local Landowners
Total Budget
Committed Budget
Anticipated Further
Total spend to date
Develop project approach
Initial liaison with the stakeholders including the private land owners and the
Town Council
Site visits with the stakeholders.
Development of a draft scheme for discussion and approval by the private
landowners and the NCC footpaths team.
Develop specifications for installation and landscaping
Scheme approved
Initiate the process for amending a public right of way.
Heads of Terms agreed for land ownership transfers
Conveyancing of land ownership transfer and changes in lease agreements.
Property transfers complete
Tender for construction landscaping
Complete construction and landscaping
Complete the amendments to the Public Right of Way
Official opening
Feedback to Defra
To Start
North Norfolk
Pathfinder - Outline
Project Summary
9. Trimingham, Pilgrim Shelter Project
Project Aims
Enable the provision of a new village hall in Trimingham in place of the existing Pilgrim
Community Involvement
Trimingham Parish Council, Trimingham Local Liaison Group
Total Budget
Committed Budget
Anticipated Further
Total spend to date
Scope the potential village hall sites - sites on and around Middle Street, Yard
field (on the lane past the church), playing field, west of the playing field and
west of the Staden Park were initially investigated.
Set up local Liaison Group
Hold a community open day to look at sites and community needs.
Investigate the project feasibility
Detailed site investigations
Build cost investigation
Further funding investigations and future uses of the Pilgrim's Shelter
Analysis investigation and set objectives of what can be achieved.
Village hall continuity planning (how will it continue to look after itself once it is
Site and building design
Site planning permission
Site purchase
Feedback to Defra
To Start
North Norfolk
Pathfinder - Outline
Project Summary
10. Wolferton Private Contribution for Flood Defence Project
Project Aims
To devise a mechanism for securing private contributions towards coastal flood defences at
Wolferton Creek.
Community Involvement
Engagement with communities and businesses
Total Budget
Committed Budget
Anticipated Further
Total spend to date
Liaise with BCKL&WN to develop project approach
Write specification for investigations and studies
Tender for studies
Appoint contract
Initiation meeting with appointed contractor
Investigations and studies into potential mechanisms with the business
community and the Environment Agency
Publish Report and disseminate information
Report to Defra
To Start
North Norfolk
Pathfinder - Outline
Project Summary
11. Business Advice Project
Project Aims
Provide initial business diagnostic advice, agree an action plan, provide specialist advice
and prepare a business plan for businesses operating within the 100 year erosion epoch.
The advice may later be made more widely available to specific parishes.
Community Involvement
North Norfolk Business Forum, Coastal Parish Councils, Businesses
Total Budget
Committed Budget
Anticipated Further
Total spend to date
Launch Business Support
Develop aftercare provision
Develop business planning advice provision
Develop specialist advice provision
Develop business health check diagnostics
Develop project co-ordination and monitoring
Agree project approach
Continued promotion
Delivery of business support
Ongoing monitoring & assessment
Development of further business support package (linking into the support
Discussions with banking and insurance providers to improve understanding of
coastal issues.
Final reporting to government
Ongoing aftercare
To Start
North Norfolk
Pathfinder - Outline
Project Summary
12. Further Business Support Project
Project Aims
This project will develop and implement methods of business support for coastal businesses.
Businesses who have taken part in the Business Advice project may then have the
opportunity to access further support delivered by this project to assist in adapting to coastal
change or combating the effects of blight.
Community Involvement
North Norfolk Business Forum, Businesses
Total Budget
Committed Budget
Anticipated Further
Total spend to date
Agree project approach
Low key promotion
Provision of the Business Advice (under sister project)
Development of methods of further support
Authority to provide further business support initiatives
Promotion of scheme
Implementation of initiatives
Assessment and monitoring support provided
Final reporting to government
To Start
North Norfolk
Pathfinder - Outline
Project Summary
13. East Norfolk Marketing Project
Project Aims
To develop a marketing plan for the East Norfolk Coast and identify beneficial activities to
promote the area. To investigate and develop opportunities for coastal businesses to
operate co-operatively.
Community Involvement
Businesses, North Norfolk Tourism Forum, Tourism Organisations (various)
Total Budget
Committed Budget
Anticipated Further
Total spend to date
Agree project approach
Engage with a marketing consultant to delivery the project
Complete a cluster audit of businesses and attractions
Engage with local businesses and organisations and launch the project
Develop a marketing approach and plan
Develop a costed action plan for promotional activities
Identify activities to be delivered
Deliver promotional activities (through Further Business Support Project)
Develop businesses to develop supply chains and cooperative working (through
Further Business Support Project)
Monitoring and reporting
Final reporting to Defra
To Start