MINUTES COASTAL PATHFINDER PROGRAMME REFERENCE GROUP 17 May 2010 2.00pm, Philip Burton’s office, Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer. Present Reference Group Members Malcolm Kerby Janice Howell Dan Corbett Tony Nash Rob Wise NNDC Officers Peter Frew Rob Goodliffe Peter Battrick Marti Tipper Action 1 Apologies Apologies were received from Sue Willis. 2 Refresh of the Pathfinder Projects & the role of the Reference Group RG distributed crib sheets showing progress so far on the Projects. Refresh of General Issues Land adjacent to the car park at Happisburgh PF highlighted that NNDC will be meeting on the 18 May to look and consider the possible blight the land adjacent to the car park may be having on Happisburgh. The Group discussed the site and the need to find a way forward. Manor caravan site, Happisburgh The importance of sustaining Manor Caravan Site for the economic life of the village was considered imperative and how to facilitate this was discussed. Funding due to State Aid rules can not exceed €200,000 over 3 years. Defra Meeting The above issue re State Aid should be highlighted as a ‘lesson learned’ to Defra at the end of the Pathfinder Programme. Malcolm Kerby also wishes the Defra report to include that we may not be able to address resident’s aspirations and needs. PF will mention this to Defra at the meeting on Friday. Coastal Management The interlinking of the Pathfinder Programme to Coastal Defence Strategies, Shoreline Management Plans and Coastal Management Plans was discussed, and the impact on any of these if another were altered. Funding was considered the common denominator for the success of all. Concerns were made regarding the Pathfinder Programme, not with its management, but the need for funding in the future to be able to continue and replicate successful projects. The need for further finance to continue work on the outcomes of the Programme will need to Pathfinder Reference Group 1 17 May 2010 be timely communicated to the new Government’s Ministers i.e. before they set funding for the autumn. PF Business Project PF explained that the multi-stage process of the Business Project was a large part of the Pathfinder Programme. The project will identify issues coastal business are facing and how coastal change is affecting them and also identify solutions. Some businesses may well be unaware of the issues and the affects that can arise due to coastal change. PF explained that some of the findings may be common and/or unique to the businesses involved. The tender for consultants to provide the business plans is currently advertised. The ‘health check’ is being administered by Business Link and at no cost to the project. The East England Development Agency is assisting in funding the North Norfolk Business Forum in promoting the project with £10,000. The Business Forum is also co-ordinating the scheme on behalf of NNDC under a Service Level Agreement. The business support is being launched on the 20 May. Tourism in the East This project to support marketing and tourism in the east of the District is progressing well and is currently out for tender. Communications To Communities The Group asked for an update on how communities are being keep informed about Pathfinder. It was explained that those directly involved in projects were kept fully informed at each step. Communities were being informed via the monthly newsletters that were being produced and circulated via Parish Council Clerks. Newsletters are also displayed in NNDC’s offices, local libraries, Partnership offices and on NNDC’s website. They are circulated to all coastal parish councils, NNDC members, stakeholders, members of the public who have been invited or requested to be on the Newsletter database and county and local media publications. Press releases had been regularly issued and publicised in the press and local radio. NNDC’s Outlook magazine has mentioned Pathfinder in each issue. It was agreed that the parish councils need to be kept up to speed. It was suggested that they may be willing to distribute individual newsletters to households with their own produced pamphlets etc. Via Pathfinder WebSite The launch of a Pathfinder website was imminent and will include more detail of the individual projects and management of them for the public to access. It was asked if a system could be put in place to calculate how many ‘hits’ are registered on the Pathfinder website. PB to seek this. It was recognised that some parishes such as Horsey and Lessingham may not have access to the internet and the Councils only probably meet about twice a year. It was agreed that hard copy coverage should be considered imperative in such locations. Marti to seek possibility of these local parish clerks to circulate Pathfinder Newsletters. Future Descriptive Wording of aims of Pathfinder The Group were concerned that the message that Pathfinder is not a financial solution but a ‘fact finding’ trial with a financial ending needs to be put across to the public more clearly. Some people seem to be under the impression that money has been found to solve problems and compensate people rather than money being allocated to explore solutions for possible Pathfinder Reference Group 2 17 May 2010 PB MT future funding. It was agreed to emphasise this more clearly in all communications. A new strap line on the website and Newsletter will be created and checked with the Group before release. An article in the next Outlook Magazine will also emphasise this and it may be feasible to write an article similar to the earlier ‘day in the life’ series. MT/RG PB Concern was also expressed that some of the public believe that the £3 million funding is solely for Happisburgh, rather than for the whole Pathfinder Programme. The Group asked that this inaccuracy could be rectified at appropriate times. Publicity Event at Merchants’ Place The Coastal Management Team has been invited to provide a display in Merchants’ Place Cromer for the duration of the summer holidays to encourage attendance of the public to their venue and publicise the local area. Display boards will be created, photos displayed, newsletters available, a PowerPoint presentation and hopefully access to the website for the public to explore the Pathfinder Programme in detail. A similar display will be replicated for the Green Build event on 11 and 12 September, where the Council’s theme this year is ‘Adaptation to Coastal Change’. The Group asked for the content of the display boards to be seen by them first for content. To Defra PF explained that NNDC will need to disseminate its findings to Defra ultimately and has had discussions regarding the timings of future regional and national Pathfinder events. We are considering giving a presentation in February to highlight what has been learnt and what is being completed. The Group asked if any interim reports need to be provided to Defra before Central Government’s autumn spending review? RG confirmed that reports need to be sent quarterly (April/July/Oct/Jan). The Group were happy with the draft report about to be sent for May 2010 but did query the percentage of the grant received. Arrival of Rob Wise @ 2.22pm 3 Agree minutes of the last meeting and matters arising The minutes for the meeting of the 19 April 2010 were agreed and the standard applauded. Ring fencing and interest earned RG explained to the Group that he has asked for clarification from the NNDC accounts department regarding interest earned on the Defra Pathfinder money whilst it is in NNDC’s possession and waiting to be spent. The accounts departments’ response is that that the money is in the Council’s ‘General Fund’. It is on a low interest rate as the accounts department needs to access it on a day to day basis. It is very difficult to calculate the daily interest on the Pathfinder money, it could be done but the time taken to do this would have to be deducted from the Pathfinder money. Peter frew explained how the other coastal management budgets were managed by NNDC and the benefits that this has for the coast at a cost to the authority. It was agreed that the matter should be dropped by the Group as continuing in this vein may jeopardise future Coastal Management Funding accounts. The Group would have liked to have ring fenced the interest earned. The theory was good but in reality the complexity and risk associated with Pathfinder Reference Group 3 17 May 2010 MT/RG MT/RG COASTAL TEAM implementing it is high. The Group agreed to take the advice of the Coastal Management Team and it was agreed that this subject was now closed. Property advisor interviews Dan Corbett attended the interviews with Spaldings and Burton Knowles. Burton Knowles were successful and Dan Corbett was very happy with the process and decision made. He agreed that Burton Knowles is very experienced with a broad scope of previous work with the Hull Gateway and local coastal communities at Lyme Regis. An initial meeting has been held and they have officially started their work. A second meeting took take place last week to explore creating a Property Acquisitions Policy. Burton Knowles are making initial contact with the owners of the 12 properties in Beach Road, Happisburgh and also ascertaining values of the properties. NNDC are impressed with Burton Knowles approach and sensitivity to the community, they are not treating their role as an academic exercise. Malcolm Kerby asked for clarification that the cost of the Beach Road owners’ independent valuations would be bourn by the Pathfinder Programme and it was confirmed that NNDC would initially cover this cost and be reimbursed by Pathfinder Programme funding. A discussion about whether NNDC (in the interests of all it serves) should have an input into which companies the owners should be able to approach. It was agreed that NNDC wouldn’t want to be seen as interfering with any feeling of impartiality, so the decision should be the owners. Legal Executive When the legal executive is not working on Pathfinder Projects he will be carrying out corporate work and paid via NNDC not the Pathfinder Programme funding. The successful legal conveyancer was Ian Coupe who has just finished working with Salford Borough Council, he and BK asked similar questions and could envisage similar issues being presented. Beach Road, Happisburgh The work for the 12 Beach Road properties has been scoped and we are looking to proceed with this project. The other properties in the buy and lease back project may be more difficult for NNDC. This concept is being looked into and investigated further by Burton Knowles at present. Malcolm Kerby agreed that to buy and lease-back may cause future problems and issues, however finding a way forward and being able to present this to Defra at the end of the Pathfinder may well be beneficial. Views into Project Board regarding the funds not being enough We don’t know valuations of the Beach Road properties yet. We need to move forward and see what money is left; it depends on how many residents will want to sell. We have saved money on the Beeston Regis project though as this came out under budget. Any spare under spent money will go into a contingency fund and can be used on other projects as needed. We will need to defer to the Project Board about how any contingency funds are to be spent. It was agreed that this flexibility was beneficial and regular updates and meetings will allow for decisions to be made as and when needed. 4 Update on progress (of the Projects) Trimingham Village Hall Project The parish is looking into raising their own additional funds. The Group discussed if Pathfinder money could be ‘put in trust’ and the parish have been in contact with Janice Powell about this. Janice is also to be given contact details of the Trimingham Liaison Group. Malcolm Kerby offered to assist the parish if it transpires that they need to set up a charity fund. Lottery funding was also discussed. Pathfinder Reference Group 4 17 May 2010 MK There have been informal negotiations with British Sub Aqua Club (BSAC) which have been positive. Ian Coupe is dealing with covenant issues regarding the Pilgrim’s Shelter and its future use. The Parish Liaison Group are considering the design of a new Village Hall and are very keen to speak to the public. The Coastal Team clarified that their next steps are to allocate the funds, purchase the required land and draw up the plans for the build. COASTAL TEAM Marram’s Footpath Project This Project is ongoing. It was thought that planning permission was not initially needed but the construction of the new driveway will need permission. This was applied for last week (within 24hours) and should be through in 6 weeks. No further leasing issues of the bowls club will be needed. MK has spoken to Natural England to see if they would consider funding towards the re direction of the footpath under their plans to provide a national coastal footpath, rather than the Pathfinder Programme money paying for it. Beeston Beach Debris Project This is due to be completed at the end of May. It has cost £9,000 for a month’s work and is substantially under budget. Heritage A meeting was held with the project officer last week. An Open Day is being held at Happisburgh on 22 May. This should provide a good steer on what direction the community would like to take in order to record their history. Some of the considered subjects are recording of buildings, cliff surveys and collating of local verbal and photographic history. Wolferton Creek Project This work has been sent out for tender. 5 Any Other Business Due to feedback from the Happisburgh Open Day, contacts to organise regular ‘Beach Cleans’ by volunteers has been given to Happisburgh Parish Council by Brian Farrow. The Group discussed the planning policy EN12 and the fact that it had purposely been worded to allow property developers the opportunity to purchase and then ‘roll-back’ a property. This can only be done once per property however. NNDC are one of only a couple of LA’s to have this policy in place. They also clarified that the Core Strategy had been accepted and can not now be easily amended. The Group also wished to emphasise that NNDC has never passed on the cost of demolition to house owners subjected to loosing their homes due to coastal erosion. The new directive that £6,000 will be allocated nationally to such properties from a central fund was discussed. PF will seek from Defra next week how to obtain this money and feedback to the Project Board and Reference Group on how to access it for the future. MK confirmed that this money is also available for houses that have never been defended in the past, which lessens the money available to areas where the defence policy has been changed. Requests from the Reference Group Paper copies of the original bid to Defra. List of Project Board members. Circulation of Trimingham contacts. Less acronym use in the Project Board minutes. Pathfinder Reference Group 5 17 May 2010 PF More thorough financial updates from the accounts team since the first one. 6 Next Meeting The meeting finished at 4.20pm. The date of the next meeting was discussed. It was agreed that Rob G would send out a time availability graph to all members and inform them of the next meeting’s time/date once all had returned their availability. RG Press releases will be sent to members. RG Copies of all press releases so far released to the media will be circulated to the members by PB. PB Pathfinder Reference Group 6 17 May 2010