16 November 2010
2pm - Room 1, NNDC Offices
Reference Group Members
Malcolm Kerby
Dan Corbett
Janice Howell
Rob Wise
Sue Willis
Rob Goodliffe
Marti Tipper
Peter Battrick
NNDC Officers
Peter Frew
Apologies were received from Tony Nash.
Agree minutes of the last meeting and matters arising.
Minutes of the last meeting were agreed and action points checked over.
Leaseback Project
Bruton Knowles (BK) report and Options Appraisal have been
commissioned and returned today.
Beach Debris Removal
An erosion assessment has been completed in draft and a non-technical
summary is to be produced. Clarification was made of the types of debris
currently en situ and recent research indicates that the concrete filled
steel poles are not cost effective to recycle.
Update on progress
The third quarterly report has been sent to Defra as requested.
The actions and decisions of the Project Board of 15 November 2010
have been circulated.
Happisburgh cliff top enhancement
Happisburgh Parish Council is interested in managing the car park once
it is relocated, with the profits going back into the parish. Norfolk and
Waveney Enterprise Services Ltd (NWES) is to assist them in writing up
a business plan for this. The Norfolk Rural Community Council (NRCC)
Pathfinder Reference Group
16 November 2010
won’t now need to be contacted as the type of work they could provide
has been completed already.
NNDC are looking to purchase, land required for the beach access and
slipway. Brian is drawing up the specifications for the site, such as
lavatories, parking spaces and construction, ready for the planning
application and tender process.
A discussion about incorporating the involvement of the Coastguard and
RNLI in order to save costs took place. NNDC will be writing to the CG
and RNLI again regarding this but they understand that no rent would be
forthcoming from them and they don’t necessarily require a cliff top
location, just a lock-up facility. It is important that RNLI sales are able to
remain presence to continue their fundraising activities.
The permanency of the new car park location was discussed. Although a
majority of the public favoured a permanent site for the car park, it was
decided on one that could be ‘rolled-back’. If it were sited further away
from the beach it would not provide the service it is there for i.e. a
beach/cliff car park. There is a cost implication wherever it were sited.
The intended plan doesn’t incur costs from Highways as they have been
consulted and are happy that the plans intended will not change any of
the issues of the car park presently in place. The car park site will have a
dual purpose (and therefore a cost saving) by providing the compound
land for the construction of the beach access slope and future
maintenance of it.
Pathfinder will be reporting back to Defra and highlighting that there are
continued costs associated with ‘roll-back’. Central Government need to
be aware of the costs associated with coastal erosion issues. All these
aspects were considered in the planning stage of this project.
Dependant on cost, NNDC may consider purchasing the land behind the
Beach Road properties for ease of future cliff top access. Projections
would have to be made on its lifetime (due to erosion). Fencing off could
be considered, but this needs to be discussed and explored. The
purchase of this could also facilitate the removal of some disused
vehicles which appear to be on this land.
Mr Haywood’s art suggestions for the cliff top have been considered not
appropriate by the Liaison Group and the Project Board they may be
considered at the end of the Pathfinder Programme dependant on budget
restrictions; however these would have to go though the Pathfinder
Process. Mr Haywood has been asked to refrain from representing
himself as part of the Pathfinder Programme as his plans are not within
the bid.
Sue Willis stated and wished it to be recorded that she thought that if a
long term solution was not sought rather than the short to medium term
solution as proposed for the car park, it was a complete waste of public
Beach Road Houses – Purchase and Demolish
Offers have been made to the individual owners; one formal offer has
Pathfinder Reference Group
16 November 2010
been accepted so far. Meetings have been arranged with owners.
Owners have been asked to keep in touch with NNDC if they have any
concerns or questions. NNDC hopes that they will end up owning a
significant amount of the properties to take forward to the second
element in order to decide how to make use of the EN12’s for the benefit
of Happisburgh residents.
Concern was expressed that Mr Seely had not heard from BK regarding
his already demolished property from the end seaward plot of land.
Unfortunately his circumstances do not allow for him to be included within
the Project, even though he demolished his home under recommendation
of NNDC. It has been recommended that he writes to NNDC in order to
register his objections to the decision. The group agreed that if there was
a need to purchase the land near the end of the Project so as to tidy up
land ownership issue, this may be considered and Mr Seely would be
approached. Necessity and the budget could be a restriction though.
Property Acquisition for Lease -Back Project
The first Draft Options report arrived back from BK this morning and will
be digested imminently. The next Project Board Meeting is in early
December when decisions from the two BK reports will be circulated to
the Reference Group.
Beach Debris Removal
A draft assessment of erosion rates if the beach debris material is
removed has been submitted, a non-technical summary is to follow for
the Reference Group and public to see. It will act as a guide only and
this needs to be emphasised to the public. The overall benefits of
removal of the debris to the whole community need to be recorded.
There is lots of local support for this project and the Project Board have
agreed to progress.
It was agreed that this work needs to take place whether the property
sales go through or not. Realignment of the current rock works will take
place at the same time and warning notices highlighting submerged
structures will be considered for bathers. Recylingl of the concrete filled
steel tubes has proved not to be cost effective. Research indicates that
the cost of scrap value would be 3 times less than the cost of removal
from the beach, transportation charges and removal of the internal
concrete. Therefore if removed they will need to go for landfill.
Coastal Heritage Report
A local Heritage Group is being established at Happisburgh (to continue
after the Pathfinder Programme). Further events are in the planning
stage. The Project is investigating as to whether other communities
along the coast would be interested to start up other groups. Prof Nick
Ashton from The Natural History Museum held his lecture at the Wenn
Evans Centre this month. It was very popular and well attended.
Additionally to being a high profile expert, he proves to be an excellent
communicator. His talk is available on-line for those who were unable to
attend the lecture.
Pathfinder Reference Group
16 November 2010
Manor Caravan Site
Mr Lomax has been working with land agents to scope the relocation of
the caravan park. NNDC has now received back state aid information as
requested and will be laying out the methods in which Mr Lomax can
access the support. Mr Lomax is now beginning a business plan with
NWES and the project is moving forward. How other businesses may
feel about the justification of this project was discussed. It is felt that
Manor Caravan Park has a huge impact on Happisburgh as a whole, and
this was backed by Full Council.
Business Advice Project
We are widening the scope regarding the business planning advice to
include more general advice. The project is going well and the
geographical area is going to be widened now that the initial target area
has been covered. The coastal settlements have been covered and the
project will now move inland (seaward side of the A149) within the east of
the region. The project is aiming for a sign up of 80 businesses, it
currently has 67.
Concern was expressed that Horsey and areas of interest to the National
Trust (NT) should be contacted directly rather than solely by newsletter,
so as to confirm they are aware of the Pathfinder Programme and the
possibilities it may hold for them. The NT’s approach seems to be to
allow adaptation to naturally occur.
Sea Palling village hall has approached the project for advice. The
director of Clerenco (St Mary’s House, Happisburgh) appears very
positive about Pathfinder and we should make sure contact is
Business Support
We are looking to provide a Grant Scheme that would consist of:
Small scale marketing assistant £1,000
Improved infrastructure
Land agent, marketing advice
Consideration of setting up a loan scheme is underway as it is proving
difficult for some coastal businesses to access loans. NNDC cannot
house the loan scheme as it doesn’t have to skills to do so; however it
could be managed by another organisation. NNDC would set the criteria,
rules and level of risk it wishes to take with businesses and will contract a
company to manage it for say a 5 year period.
More details need to be discussed within the Council to decide the
running of such a scheme. Issues to be considered include credit
histories of applicants and security requirements. Grants/loans should
only be available where an identified need is recognised in order for the
business to succeed. The Group were concerned of the criteria for
applications. They felt that only businesses requiring adaptation should
be allowed to apply, not businesses that are failing anyhow. This can be
identified from the business plans and diagnostics. There will be a panel
Pathfinder Reference Group
16 November 2010
set up to assess the grant applications. There will be occasions when we
can’t help and there is also a limited pot of money available.
NNDC and NNBF will be working with banks to encourage them to work
towards future loan provision.
East Norfolk Tourism Marketing Project
The workshops have been completed and Blue Sail is drafting the
Marketing Action Plan and an Infrastructure Improvement Report. Points
of interest include The coast road at Mundesley, brown tourism road
signage and the route of the Coasthopper bus service.
There has been an informal discussion with the County Council regarding
brown tourism road signage. We need to also consider the option of
fixing them in place ourselves for a further reduction in costs.
A marketing toolkit is being developed and this will be distributed once
Trimingham Village Hall
This project has had the go ahead from Full Council to draw up the
funding contract. The finalising of the land purchase is being completed.
The Parish Council are intending to run the rest of the Project under set
conditions from NNDC. Clarification was given that the land is to be
purchased for the provision of a newly located village hall, not to provide
affordable housing in the area. Defra are very interested in this Project
and have used it on many occasions as an example of roll-back
Marrams Footpath
The land transfers and Planning Applications have been completed. The
specifications of work needed are out to tender. It is hoped to complete
the works over the winter period.
Wolferton Private Contribution for Flood Defence Project
BCKL&WN has appointed RPA as consultants to work on this project. A
stakeholder group has been set up and the project is scheduled to be
completed before Christmas 2010.
No other questions were put forward regarding the Projects.
MK Item: Beach Road Houses
A more in depth discussion regarding the methodology of the Beach
Road Property Purchases took place.
The issues of Shared Ownership, Housing Association provision and
NNDC not being able to provide mortgages were discussed in detail. In
the past LA’s were able to provide mortgages but mechanisms to assist
residents has passed to Housing Associations. There appeared to be
some local opposition to shared ownership schemes. It was agreed that
these issues need to be fed back to central government via the Defra
Pathfinder Reference Group
16 November 2010
Pathfinder feedback.
The 60/40% split method implemented by our consultants Bruton
Knowles was discussed. Although a more generous offer to owners of
70/30% would be preferred by some, NNDC has been in long
discussions with BK. What’s emerged is that even with a 60/40 split the
Council may not be able to recoup all the EN12 funds. The 60/40 split
was based on previous land tribunal judgments and can be justified.
NNDC has agreed to finance independent valuation advice for owners.
This can be used to value the following 3 elements:
As seen value
No problem value
Value of plot of land at Happisburgh with planning consent
Although the Pathfinder Programme is to explore options and should be
allowed to step outside constrictions in place, Defra has not fully
appreciated the rules that LA’s have to operate under; some of these are
restricting to what has wanted to be achieved through the Pathfinder
Programme. These constraints and rules need to be feed back to Defra.
The offer of independent valuation advice has been taken up by the
owners. This is an aspect that needs to be stated and that we need to be
confident in the quality of that advice. The difference in plot price offered
relates to the plot size and property once planning consent is gained.
The EN12 right allows for the right to redevelop a property ‘like for like’,
because of this the values given differ dependant on the property already
there. It was agreed that any discussions needed by the owners relating
to this need to take place with the experts Bruton Knowles (BK) rather
than NNDC. BK is robust in the defense of the values they have
prescribed to each property. They are the experts.
Where available the BK values have proved to be very close to the
valuations posed by the owner’s agents.
There has been some concern over the owner’s confidence in BK and
their approach to owners. Having said that though it was voiced that
once the values were distributed they were pleasantly received. The
process needs to continue to be clear and justifiable.
It was confirmed that the Defra funding is now NNDC’s to distribute within
the Pathfinder Programme.
Open Discussion
Minister Visits and Meetings
The Minister visit by Richard Benyon went well and a letter received
afterwards emphasised his admiration of the work done by NNDC. A
hand written note added to the end of the letter by the minister himself
stated that he was very interested on what comes out of the Pathfinder
Pathfinder Reference Group
16 November 2010
The Royal Commission recommends NNDC and north Norfolk as a
working example of coastal erosion issues.
Richard Benyon MP will be attending the Local Authority Special
Interests Group (LA SIG) meeting on 25 November and NNDC has put
forward a question regarding Pathfinder.
Media Issues
The team believe it beneficial to meet with the local press in the new year
to brief them, and the public ultimately, of the progress of the Pathfinder
Programme and the future. It was felt beneficial to emphasis at every
opportunity that Pathfinder is not about compensation. The Press have
previously got this out of context, although it was appreciated by the
Group that this may be as it raises the public interest in the story. Steve
Downs has replaced Ed Foss at the EDP and initially appears to be
somewhat harder edged in his reporting.
Any Other Business
Rob Goodliffe asked the Reference Group to claim for their mileage for
attending the Reference Group Meetings if they wished. Malcolm Kerby
explained that CCAG had had two very good fundraising years, so they
had provided his expenses for this.
The Group were informed of Peter Frew’s impending resignation (March
2011). Discussions were ongoing as to how the Coastal Management
function will continue. Individuals of the Reference Group expressed
their appreciation of the work and trusting relationship built up over the
years with Peter and how much his input will be missed. Many awards
and much kudos had been gained over this time.
Next Meeting
The date of the next meeting was discussed. It was agreed that Rob
Goodliffe would send out a time availability table to all members and
inform them of the next meeting’s time/date once all had returned their
availability. This would probably be in January 2011.
The meeting ended at 4.10pm.
Pathfinder Reference Group
16 November 2010