24 APRIL 2008
Minutes of a meeting of the DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE (WEST) held in the
Council Chamber, Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer at 9.30 am when there were present::
H C Cordeaux (Chairman)
J A Wyatt (Vice-Chairman)
B Cabbell Manners
Mrs A R Green
P W High
T H Moore
J H Perry-Warnes
J D Savory
Mrs A C Sweeney
Mrs J Trett - substitute for S C Mears
Mrs C M Wilkins - substitute for Mrs P Bevan Jones
M J M Baker - Holt Ward
Mrs L M Brettle - Glaven Valley Ward
Mr S Oxenham - Head of Planning and Building Control
Mr G Lyon - Senior Planning Officer (West)
Mr G Linder - Senior Planning Officer (West)
Mr J Chinnery - Locum Solicitor
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Mrs P Bevan Jones and S C
Mears. Two substitute Members attended the meeting as stated above.
The Minutes of a meeting of the Committee held on 27 March 2008 were approved
as a correct record and signed by the Chairman, subject to the fourth paragraph of
Minute 296 being amended to read “… He considered that the garden was large
enough to allow a building of a more modest design to be sited in a less intrusive
position further away from the neighbour to the south”.
The Chairman stated that there was one item of urgent business which he wished to
bring before the Committee, relating to planning applications at former RAF West
Raynham. The reason for urgency was to expedite consideration by undertaking a
site inspection.
Councillors J D Savory, J H Perry-Warnes and Mrs C M Wilkins declared interests,
the details of which are given under the minute of the item concerned.
Development Control Committee (West)
24 April 2008
Where appropriate the Planning Officers expanded on the planning applications;
updated the meeting on outstanding consultations, letters/petitions received objecting
to, or supporting the proposals; referred to any views of local Members and answered
Members’ questions.
Background papers, including correspondence, petitions, consultation documents,
letters of objection and those in support of planning applications were available for
inspection at the meeting.
Having regard to the above information and the report of the Head of Planning and
Building Control, the Committee reached the decisions as set out below.
Applications approved include a standard time limit condition as condition number 1
unless otherwise stated.
BACONSTHORPE - 20060360 - Erection of three two-storey dwellings and one
single-storey dwelling; land at The Street for C J C Lee (Saxthorpe) Limited
Councillor J H Perry-Warnes declared a prejudicial interest in this application as he
knew the applicant and left the Council Chamber during consideration of this matter.
Councillor Mrs C M Wilkins declared a personal interest in this application as she had
been extensively lobbied on this matter over the past two years.
The Committee considered item 1 of the officers’ reports.
Public Speakers
Mrs Cossé (Baconsthorpe Parish Council)
Ms Arnold (objecting)
The Senior Planning Officer referred to the previous dispute over the accuracy of the
plans and reported that the plans now being considered were based on a further
survey carried out by the applicant’s agent. The Parish Council continued to object
to this application on grounds of insufficient detail and issues related to the water
table, waste management, tandem development, character and effect on the walls of
the adjacent chapel. Two further letters of objection had been received which
continued to dispute the accuracy of the plans and raised concerns regarding
visibility, parking and turning, access for fire appliances and highway safety.
The Senior Planning Officer reported the detailed comments of the Highway Authority
regarding the required visibility splay. There was no indication that the required splay
could be achieved and the Highway Authority had recommended refusal.
The Senior Planning Officer recommended refusal of this application on grounds that
visibility onto The Street would be severely substandard and the development would
be contrary to Local Plan Policy 147.
The Solicitor referred to the comments that had been made regarding measurements
of the site. He stated that it was not the responsibility of the Committee or the
Planning Officers to establish ownership. He suggested that in the event of the
Committee being minded to approve the application a condition be imposed to
prevent works being carried out until the exact boundaries were established.
Development Control Committee (West)
24 April 2008
Councillor J A Wyatt stated that he had visited the site in 2006 and considered
nothing had changed since then.
Councillor Mrs C M Wilkins considered that the application should be refused on
highway grounds and lack of sufficient detail to assess the impact of this application
on the Conservation Area.
The Head of Planning and Building Control considered that the illustrative material
which had been submitted was sufficient and the application was recommended for
refusal on highway grounds only.
It was proposed by Councillor J A Wyatt, seconded by Councillor Mrs C M Wilkins
RESOLVED unanimously
That this application be refused on grounds that the visibility onto The
Street would be severely substandard and the development would be
contrary to Local Plan Policy 147.
BINHAM - 20080476 - Variation of condition 4 of planning permission 990534 to
allow retention of modern agricultural barns until prior to the first occupation
of the holiday units; Old Barn Farm Binham Road Wighton for S C and G M
Savory and Sons
Councillor J D Savory declared a prejudicial interest in this application as he was
involved in the applicant company and left the Council Chamber during consideration
of this matter.
The Committee considered item 2 of the officers’ reports.
The Senior Planning Officer reported that the Parish Council and Environmental
Health had no objection to this application. He reported the concerns raised in three
letters of objection that had been received. He recommended approval of this
application subject to the imposition of appropriate conditions.
It was proposed by Councillor Mrs J Trett, duly seconded and
RESOLVED unanimously
That this application be approved subject to the imposition of
appropriate conditions.
BLAKENEY - 20071574 - Installation of underground LPG supply tanks;
Blakeney Hotel The Quay for Blakeney Hotel
The Committee considered item 3 of the officers’ reports.
Public Speakers
Mrs Wootten (Blakeney Parish Council)
Mr Daley (objecting)
Development Control Committee (West)
24 April 2008
Councillor Mrs L M Brettle, the local Member, questioned the need for the volume of
storage proposed by the applicant. She considered that a site visit would help the
Committee assess the extent of the neighbours’ concerns.
Councillor J H Perry-Warnes expressed concern regarding safety and considered
that this application should be refused.
The Solicitor reminded the Committee that the Environmental Protection Team were
satisfied that the proposal met safety requirements. He stated that there was
insufficient evidence of harm to substantiate refusal of this application.
Councillor B Cabbell Manners considered that it was wrong to place the tanks so
close to residential dwellings and that it would be possible to relocate the tanks
elsewhere within the hotel grounds.
It was proposed by Councillor B Cabbell Manners, seconded by Councillor Mrs A R
Green and
That consideration of this application be deferred to allow negotiations
to take place with regard to amended siting for the proposed LPG tanks.
BLAKENEY - 20080118 - Retention of dwelling incorporating revised design
details; Lost Plot Coronation Lane for Ms B Ward Jones
The Committee considered item 4 of the officers’ reports.
Public Speakers
Mrs Wootten (Blakeney Parish Council)
Mr Aikens (objecting)
Mr Houlston (supporting)
The Senior Planning Officer reported that two further letters of objection had been
received from neighbouring residents which raised similar concerns to those
previously raised and also raised issues regarding Human Rights.
The Senior Planning Officer stated that applicant’s agent considered that the
proposal to incorporate two panes of obscured glazing in each elevation was not
acceptable and had offered to obscure one pane on each elevation. However,
officers considered that two panes of obscured glazing would be more appropriate
and the Senior Planning Officer requested delegated authority to approve this
application as set out in the report.
In response to a question the Senior Planning Officer explained that it was not
considered reasonable to require all glazing to be obscured given the previous
Councillor Mrs L M Brettle, the local Member, stated that the applicant had not
adhered to the previous permission, to the detriment of neighbouring residents. She
requested that the Committee have regard to the neighbours’ objections and rights.
Councillor B Cabbell Manners stated that it was not satisfactory that the applicant
had deviated from the approved plans but the Committee had to be reasonable. He
proposed delegated approval as recommended. This was seconded by Councillor
Mrs J Trett.
Development Control Committee (West)
24 April 2008
Councillor J H Perry-Warnes considered that the glazing on three sides of the tower
should be obscured or louvred.
Councillor J A Wyatt considered that the applicant should adhere to the originally
approved plan.
The Senior Planning Officer explained that according to the agent the alterations to
the tower had been made for technical reasons. There had been other unauthorised
alterations to the design of the building which were considered to be acceptable and
it appeared that the only controversial alteration was to the tower.
In answer to a question the Head of Planning and Building Control explained the
issues that would be taken into account by an Inspector in the event of an appeal
against refusal.
As an amendment, it was proposed by Councillor J A Wyatt, seconded by Councillor
P W High that this application be refused and the Head of Planning and Building
Control be authorised to commence enforcement action.
On being put to the vote, the amendment was declared lost on the Chairman’s
casting vote.
The original proposition for delegated approval subject to the applicant agreeing the
glazing beads and obscure glazing to the north and south elevations of the tower,
subject to no new grounds of objection if the need for readvertisement and
reconsultation should arise and subject to the imposition of appropriate conditions
was put to the vote and declared lost on the Chairman’s casting vote.
It was proposed by Councillor B Cabbell Manners, duly seconded and
RESOLVED by 8 votes to 1 with 1 abstention
That the Head of Planning and Building Control be authorised to
approve this application subject to the introduction of glazing beads
and to the bottom pane of glass being obscured on all sides and subject
to the imposition of appropriate conditions.
FIELD DALLING - 20080450 - Erection of two-storey extension, conservatory
and detached garage; 90 Holt Road for Mr M Brown
The Committee considered item 5 of the officers’ reports.
Councillor Mrs L M Brettle, the local Member, stated that she had no objection to this
Councillor P W High stated that this application was contrary to policy and asked if it
would set a precedent.
The Head of Planning and Building Control explained that the proposal was contrary
to policy in terms of its size. However, the policy was intended to preserve the visual
appearance of the countryside and the proposed extension would not have a
significant impact.
It was proposed by Councillor B Cabbell Manners, seconded by Councillor T H
Moore and
Development Control Committee (West)
24 April 2008
RESOLVED by 6 votes to 3 with 1 abstention
That this application be approved subject to the imposition of
appropriate conditions.
HIGH KELLING - 20080359 - Erection of single-storey dwelling with
accommodation in roofspace; land at 60 Pineheath Road for Mr S R TelferSmith
Councillor H C Cordeaux vacated the Chair to allow him to speak from the floor as
local Member.
Councillor J A Wyatt (Vice-Chairman) in the Chair.
The Committee considered item 6 of the officers’ reports.
The Senior Planning Officer stated that this was an outline application and not a full
application as stated in the report. He reported that the Highway Authority had no
objection. The Conservation, Design and Landscape Manager had raised concerns
regarding the impact of the development on the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
and on the basis of those concerns the Senior Planning Officer recommended refusal
of this application on grounds that the applicant had failed to demonstrate that the
dwelling could be sited without causing harm to the surrounding area and the AONB.
Councillor H C Cordeaux, the local Member, supported the officer’s amended
It was proposed by Councillor H C Cordeaux, seconded by Councillor Mrs C M
Wilkins and
RESOLVED unanimously
That this application be refused on grounds that the applicant had failed
to demonstrate that the dwelling could be sited without causing
significant detriment to the form and character of the area and without
detriment to the conservation of the natural beauty of the landscape and
countryside designated as an AONB.
HOLT - 20080138 - Erection of single-storey rear extension; 2 Woodfield Road
for Mr C N Tai
The Committee considered item 7 of the officers’ reports.
Councillor M J M Baker, a local Member, stated that he had no objection to this
application. He had called in the application as a number of local residents had
raised concerns and he considered they should be given an opportunity to voice
those concerns. However, they had not taken the opportunity to speak at the
It was proposed by Councillor P W High, duly seconded and
That this application be approved in accordance with
recommendation of the Head of Planning and Building Control.
One Member abstained from voting on this application.
Development Control Committee (West)
24 April 2008
HOLT - 20080201 - Erection of dwelling and detached cart lodge; Jenis Barn
Thornage Road for Mr S Chapman
The Committee considered item 8 of the officers’ reports.
Public Speaker
Mr Chapman (supporting)
Councillor M J M Baker, a local Member, stated that this application was for a local
person who wanted to return to his home town and had the support of Town, District
and County Councillors for the Holt area. He referred to the 1962 permission for a
dwelling on the site. He considered that approval of this application would not set a
Councillor P W High, also a local Member, supported Councillor Baker’s comments.
He proposed approval of this application which was seconded.
Councillor Mrs C M Wilkins stated that personal circumstances were not a material
consideration. She referred to other cases where permission had been refused. As
an amendment, she proposed refusal of this application as recommended.
Councillor B Cabbell Manners stated that this was a matter for the Local
Development Framework to address. With regret, he seconded Councillor Wilkins’
Councillor J H Perry-Warnes stated that the site was on the edge of the town, close
to commercial buildings and other dwellings and considered that it could be an
exception site.
Councillor J D Savory stated that it was necessary to demonstrate need for a
dwelling in the countryside and whilst he had sympathy for the applicant he could not
support this application.
Councillor M J M Baker stated that he did not want to change policy but considered
that this application should be approved as an exception to policy.
The Head of Planning and Building Control stated that the Committee should not
promote the approval of dwellings in the countryside which were unrelated to need.
He strongly recommended that the Committee adhere to the relevant policies. He
advised that if the Committee were minded to approve this application it was of such
fundamental significance that it would need to be referred to the combined
Committee. He stated that personal circumstances were material but the dwelling
would continue to exist for many years after the personal circumstances had ceased.
On being put to the vote, the amendment was declared carried by 5 votes to 3 with 2
abstentions and on being put as the substantive proposition it was
RESOLVED by 5 votes to 3 with 2 abstentions
That this application be refused in accordance with the recommendation
of the Head of Planning and Building Control.
Development Control Committee (West)
24 April 2008
HOLT - 20080345 - Retention of pergola; Railway Tavern Public House 2 Station
Road for Mr and Mrs R Russell
The Committee considered item 9 of the officers’ reports.
The Senior Planning Officer reported that Holt Town Council had no objection
subject to no objection being received from the neighbour. However, the neighbour
had raised concerns as set out in the report. Environmental Health had no objection
subject to the imposition of conditions to control noise. The Senior Planning Officer
recommended approval of this application subject to the imposition of appropriate
Councillor P W High, a local Member, expressed dissatisfaction with the way the
matter had been handled by the owners of the property. He stated that the objector
had spoken to the previous landlord of the Railway Tavern who had agreed to site
the pergola further away from his dwelling. However, the pergola had been sited
close to the objector’s windows and had installed loudspeakers. He proposed refusal
of this application but stated that he would be prepared to support it if the issue
regarding loudspeakers could be resolved.
Councillor M J M Baker, a local Member, stated that the loudspeakers were a matter
for Environmental Health. He considered that the pergola improved the appearance
of the public house.
The Solicitor stated that conditions could only be imposed in respect of the structure
itself. The playing of music was a matter for Environmental Health and Licensing.
It was proposed by Councillor Mrs C M Wilkins, duly seconded and
That this application be approved subject to the imposition of
appropriate conditions.
One Member abstained from voting on this application.
HOLT - 20080413 - Erection of seven dwellings; Orchard Piece 8 Kelling Road
for Character Homes Limited
The Committee considered item 10 of the officers’ reports.
Public Speaker
Mr Cliffe (supporting)
The Senior Planning Officer reported that the Conservation, Design and Landscape
Manager (Landscape) had indicated informally that he had no objection to this
application. Holt Town Council objected to this application on overdevelopment
grounds. Three letters of objection had been received which raised concerns
regarding the height of the units, overdevelopment, detriment to amenity of the
surrounding properties, noise, loss of privacy, overlooking and overshadowing,
number of garages and impact on drainage. The Highway Authority’s response was
Development Control Committee (West)
24 April 2008
Councillor M J M Baker, a local Member, referred to the neighbours’ concerns. He
considered that the applicant had listened to previous comments regarding the
development of this site. He had concerns regarding the junction of Kelling Road
with Cromer Road but this was a matter for the Highway Authority.
Councillor P W High, a local Member, considered that houses were not suitable for
the site. He considered that four bungalows would be appropriate. He proposed
refusal of this application, which was not seconded.
Councillor B Cabbell Manners stated that this was an outline application and details
could be discussed at a later stage. He stated that there was already a house on the
site, which was to be demolished, and questioned the view that any development
should be single storey.
It was proposed by Councillor B Cabbell Manners, duly seconded and
RESOLVED by 6 votes to 4
That the Head of Planning and Building Control be authorised to
approve this application, subject to no objections from the Highway
Authority or the Conservation, Design and Landscape Manager
(Landscape) and subject to the imposition of appropriate conditions
including those relating to building heights, windows, materials and
removal of permitted development rights.
SCULTHORPE - 20070398 - Conversion of barn to two units of holiday
accommodation; Cranmer Hall Creake Road Cranmer for Robbie Wright
SCULTHORPE - 20070399 - Alterations to barns to facilitate conversion to
holiday accommodation; Cranmer Hall Creake Road Cranmer for Robbie
Wright Builders
The Committee considered items 11 and 12 of the officers’ reports.
Public Speakers
Mr Lane (objecting)
Mr Parker (supporting)
The Senior Planning Officer reported that a further letter of objection had been
received from the owner of Cranmer Hall and two further letters had been received
from consultants acting on her behalf. The letters raised additional issues which
required further investigation. The Senior Planning Officer recommended that the
Committee visit the site prior to an updated report being submitted to the next
It was proposed by Councillor T H Moore, seconded by Councillor B Cabbell
Manners and
RESOLVED unanimously
That consideration of this application be deferred to allow a site
inspection by the Committee and that the local Member and Chairman of
the Parish Council be invited to attend.
Development Control Committee (West)
24 April 2008
STODY - 20080411 - Erection of two-storey front and rear extensions; The Old
Inn Brinton Road for Mr J Thomas
The Committee considered item 13 of the officers’ reports.
Public Speaker
Mr Thomas (supporting)
The Senior Planning Officer reported that the Conservation, Design and Landscape
Manager had no objection to the rear extension. However, he had raised concerns
regarding the size of the front extension. Discussions were taking place with the
applicant to improve the appearance of the front extension.
The Senior Planning Officer requested delegated authority to approve this application
subject to satisfactory resolution of the design issues raised by the Conservation,
Design and Landscape Manager and subject to the imposition of appropriate
Councillor Mrs L
It was proposed by Councillor J A Wyatt, seconded by Councillor P W High and
That the Head of Planning and Building Control be authorised to
approve this application subject to satisfactory resolution of the design
issues raised by the Conservation, Design and Landscape Manager and
subject to the imposition of appropriate conditions.
UPPER SHERINGHAM - 20080492 - Erection of detached two-storey dwelling;
land at The Green The Street for John Ashton's Children's Settlement
The Committee considered item 14 of the officers’ reports.
The Senior Planning Officer reported that the applicant was not prepared to enter into
a Section 106 Agreement as suggested. The Parish Council had requested the reimposition of earlier conditions. The Senior Planning Officer stated that the Section
106 Agreement as suggested would incentivise the applicant to develop Usher’s
Barn. He requested delegated authority to approve this application as set out in the
The Solicitor advised the Committee in respect of the Section 106 Agreement and a
possible appeal.
Councillor Mrs A C Sweeney, the local Member, stated that the Parish Council was
very concerned as it appeared that nothing would happen and the village would not
get a replacement public house.
Following discussion it was proposed by Councillor B Cabbell Manners, duly
seconded and
RESOLVED unanimously
That consideration of this application be deferred to negotiate with the
applicants in respect of the Section 106 agreement.
Development Control Committee (West)
24 April 2008
WALSINGHAM - 20080050 - Change of use and conversion from
hostel/cafe/chapel to C2 (religious retreat), including construction of covered
walkway, new shop front, residential flat, additional dormer windows, bell cotte
and fenestrational changes; 47, 47a and 49 High Street for Mr P Hoye
The Committee considered item 15 of the officers’ reports.
The Senior Planning Officer confirmed that the second floor was self-contained and
formed part of the application but would not be altered.
Councillor T H Moore, the local Member, requested that the works be monitored
closely. He stated that this was a significant application for the village and it was
necessary to ensure that it was carried out properly. He stated that car parking was
a problem but this was an issue anywhere in Walsingham.
It was proposed by Councillor T H Moore, seconded by Councillor J A Wyatt and
That the Head of Planning and Building Control be authorised to
approve this application subject to no objections from the
Conservation, Design and Landscape Manager on the amended plans,
no objections being received following readvertisement of the amended
application and subject to the imposition and monitoring of appropriate
WALSINGHAM - 20080051 - Demolition of single-storey extensions, internal
alterations and construction of covered walkway, additional dormer windows,
new shopfront and fenestrational changes; 47, 47a and 49 High Street for Mr P
The Committee considered item 16 of the officers’ reports.
It was proposed by Councillor T H Moore, seconded by Councillor J A Wyatt and
That the Head of Planning and Building Control be authorised to
approve this application subject to no objections from the
Conservation, Design and Landscape Manager on the amended plans,
no objections from outstanding consultees or the Government Office for
the East of England and subject to the imposition and monitoring of
appropriate conditions.
The Committee noted item 17 of the officers’ reports.
The Committee noted item 18 of the officers’ reports.
The Committee noted item 19 of the officers’ reports.
Development Control Committee (West)
24 April 2008
The Committee noted item 20 of the officers’ reports.
The Committee noted item 21 of the officers’ reports.
The Committee noted item 22 of the officers’ reports.
The Chairman stated that he had determined that this item be considered as a matter
of urgency pursuant to the powers vested in him by Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local
Government Act 1972.
That the Committee undertakes a site inspection in respect of the
following applications and that the local Member and Chairmen of the
Parish Councils be invited to attend:
RAYNHAM - 20080506 - Erection of fifty-eight dwellings; RAF West
Raynham Massingham Road West Raynham for Tamarix Investments
RAYNHAM - 20080507 - Conversion of hangers to twenty loft style
holiday apartments; RAF West Raynham Massingham Road West
Raynham for Tamarix Investments Limited
HELHOUGHTON - 20080508 - Change of use of community centre to site
office/sales centre and barrack block 101 as temporary housing for site
construction workers; RAF West Raynham Massingham Road West
Raynham for Tamarix Investments Limited
RAYNHAM - 20080509 - Change of use of former mod buildings to
community centre, creche health care clinic aviation museum and
church; RAF West Raynham Massingham Road West Raynham for
Tamarix Investments Limited
HELHOUGHTON - 20080510 - Use of building 28 as A1 (retail shop); RAF
West Raynham Massingham Road West Raynham for Tamarix
Investments Limited
RAYNHAM - 20080511 - Use of former mod buildings as squash court
and gymnasium and area 23 as tennis courts; RAF West Raynham
Massingham Road West Raynham for Tamarix Investments Limited
The meeting closed at 12.35 pm.
Development Control Committee (West)
24 April 2008