Cabinet 28 November 2011 Agenda Item No______16______ REVIEW OF THE DISCRETIONARY COMPENSATION POLICY FOR STAFF Summary: This report proposes changes to the current Discretionary Compensation Policy to reflect the continuing need to have a policy which is workable, affordable and reasonable for the Council. Conclusions: A review has been undertaken of the current policy to ensure that it continues to meet the needs of the business and amendments have been proposed to ensure that the scheme remains affordable. Recommendations: It is recommended (subject to consideration of the formal consultation response from UNISON) to amend the Discretionary Compensation Policy as outlined within the report. Cabinet Member(s) Ward(s) affected Contact Officer, telephone number and email: Julie Cooke, 01263 516040 1. Introduction 1.1 The Council introduced its current policy in 2009 to comply with The Local Government (Early Termination of Employment) (Discretionary Compensation) (England and Wales) Regulations 2006. 1.2 Under this legislation, the Council is required to formulate, publish and keep under review a policy statement setting out how any discretions will be applied that are permitted under the Regulations. A copy of the current policy statement can be found at Appendix O under section 4. The remainder of this policy will be reviewed at a later stage. 1.3 The Council when reviewing the policy, are required to:a) b) have regard to the extent to which the exercise of their discretionary powers unless properly limited, could lead to a serious loss of confidence in the public service and; be satisfied that the policy is workable, affordable and reasonable having regard to the foreseeable future Cabinet 28 November 2011 1.4 This review has been undertaken with a view to the above whilst balancing the interests of staff who may face redundancy in the future against that of the Council to manage change effectively. 1.5 The Council requires that business cases be completed for all redundancy proposals and this includes the financial implications. The current policy does state that the Council will aim to achieve a payback period of 3 years to cover associated costs. In the majority of cases, the payback period is shorter than this ensuring that the Council can demonstrate financial benefits to council taxpayers that much sooner. 2. Statutory redundancy payments 2.1 These are minimum guaranteed redundancy payments calculated on weekly pay, age and length of service. Individual compensation payments are calculated as follows: 0.5 week’s pay for each full year of service under the age of 22 1 week’s pay for each full year of service between 22 and 40 1.5 week’s pay for each full year of service aged 41 or above 2.2 A weeks pay is capped at £400 1 per week and is subject to a minimum of 2 years continuous service and a maximum of 20 years. Staff cannot be paid less than the statutory amount. The statutory redundancy calculator is shown at Appendix P. 3. Options 3.1 The Council has the following options when reviewing the current policy: To retain the use of actual weekly pay rather than using weekly pay up to the statutory maximum currently set at £400 per week To reduce, remove or increase the multiplier (‘described in this report as the enhanced multiplier’) calculated over and above the statutory calculation 3.2 Other Councils have settled on different multipliers of between one and 3.4 (the maximum allowed). Human Resources have recently spoken to other Councils in Norfolk and the range used at that point was 2.2 to 1. 4. Current policy and proposed amendments 4.1 The Council has exercised discretion in the following areas: 4.2 1 To use actual weekly pay rather than weekly pay up to the statutory maximum To apply an enhanced multiplier to the statutory redundancy calculation. The Council currently uses 2.2. An example of what this means in practice is shown at table 1 Currently staff have to demonstrate that they have complied with the Council’s redeployment policy (see Employee Adjustment Procedure) to be eligible for an enhanced redundancy payment. This is reviewed by the Government annually Cabinet 4.3 28 November 2011 It is proposed that this multiplier is reduced from 2.2 to 1.5. An example of costs are shown in the table 1 below. This example is based on an employee aged 45 with 10 years service. Table 1 Multiplier Redundancy payment (£) Statutory minimum (12 2 weeks x £400) 4,800 Current scheme (2.2 x 12 weeks) x 13,303.48 (actual weekly salary £503.92) Proposed scheme (1.5 x 12 weeks) x 9,070.56 (actual weekly salary £503.92) 4.4 The Council has applied the statutory redundancy calculator (without using the enhanced multiplier) using actual weekly pay to staff who have put their name forward to be considered for voluntary redundancy. Any request for voluntary redundancy is always subject to a business case being agreed. 4.5 The current practice may not provide an incentive for staff to put their names forward for voluntary redundancy, where they are considering this. It is therefore proposed that the enhanced recommended multiplier of (1.5) be applied to both voluntary and compulsory redundancies. Harmonising this way will ensure that there is no detriment to staff who might want to put their names forward for redundancy in the event that redundancies are being considered. 5. Consultation Consultation started with UNISON on 11 November and will run for 30 days. Any response will be reported to Full Council for their consideration alongside this report. Under the Regulations, the revised policy statement will only become effective one month after it is published therefore, it is recommended that the implementation date is 20 January 2012 enabling staff to be given one months notice of the change. 6. 2 Conclusions 6.1 The new policy will provide a scheme which reasonably compensates staff who are made redundant whilst balancing the requirement to be workable, affordable and reasonable for the Council. It will allow the Council to manage change through working with staff to use the voluntary route for redundancy rather than compulsory where this meets the needs of the business. 6.2 In addition to reducing the enhanced multiplier from 2.2 to 1.5, it is also recommended that: The number of weeks payable are obtained from the statutory redundancy calculator using the age and number of years completed service of the member of staff Cabinet 28 November 2011 a) The Council use the same multiplier for voluntary and compulsory redundancies; b) That the use of actual weeks pay is retained; d) The revised scheme is effective from 20 January 2012 so that staff can be given one months notice of the introduction of the revised policy; e) The policy is reviewed again in twelve months to assess the impact of the changes and to see whether any other changes should be recommended. The requirement to keep this policy under review is outlined in the Regulations. 7. 8. 9. Financial Implications and Risks 7.1 There are no increased risks through amending this policy. All redundancies are required to have a fully costed business case which is signed off by nominated Officers and Members at appropriate stages. 7.2 If adopted, the proposals will allow the Council to reduce its overall compulsory redundancy costs in line with current market conditions whilst still providing staff with benefits which exceed the statutory minimum. It is difficult to quantify savings at this point without knowing which posts (and therefore which employees) are likely to be redundant. Equality and Diversity 8.1 An equality impact assessment was carried out on the current policy in July 2010. As this report recommends changes to the discretionary calculator from 2.2 to 1.5 and this will be applied equally to all eligible staff, there is no evidence that the changes will impact adversely on any of the equality strands. 8.2 The Equality Act 2010 provides a specific exemption for employers who want to make redundancy payments which are more generous then the statutory redundancy payments scheme. The exemption allows an employer to use the formula of the statutory scheme to enhance redundancy payments providing specific methodology is followed and the changes proposed comply with this methodology. Section 17 Crime and Disorder considerations Not applicable.