Appendix 1 to Staffing & General Minutes: 19 May 2003 VOLUNTARY SEVERANCE AND COMPULSORY REDUNDANCY TERMS: SUPPORT STAFF (APPLICABLE AT SUMMER 2003) Category Compulsory Redundancy Terms Voluntary Severance Terms (1) Under age 50 with two or more years' continuous service. Statutory Redundancy Payment, which increases with age and length of service according to the attached table. Rises to a maximum of £6240 at age 49 with 20 or more years' service (24 weeks' pay at the statutory weekly rate of £260). Voluntary Severance Payment, which increases with age and length of service using the attached table. The number of weeks' pay which the table produces is doubled. The actual weekly pay is used rather than the statutory weekly rate used for compulsory redundancy. Rises to a maximum of 48 weeks actual pay at age 49. (2) Age 50 or over with two or more years' continuous service and not in Local Government Pension Scheme. As category (1) above but Statutory As Category (1) above but Voluntary Severance Redundancy Payment increases to a maximum Payment rises to a maximum of 52 weeks' actual of £7800 at age 61 with 20 or more years' pay. service (30 weeks x £260) (3) Age 50-59 with two or more years' continuous service and in Pension Scheme for at least two years. Pension Scheme Premature Retirement Terms. This includes immediate payment of pension benefits without any actuarial reduction PLUS Statutory Redundancy Payment as Category (2). Pension Scheme Premature Retirement Terms as for compulsory redundancy PLUS voluntary severance payment based on age and length of service using the attached table. The actual weekly pay is used rather than the statutory weekly rate used for compulsory redundancy. The payment is guaranteed to be at least 20 weeks' pay at the actual weekly rate or double the Statutory Redundancy Payment (whichever is the higher figure). Rises to a maximum of whichever is the greater of 30 weeks' actual pay or double Statutory Redundancy Pay. (4) Age 60-64 with two or more years' continuous service and with 2-24 years' service in the Pension Scheme. As Category (3) above. As Category (3) above. (5) Age 60-64 with 2 or more years' continuous service and with 25 or more years' service in the Pension Scheme. Statutory Redundancy Payment as for Category (3) and (4) above. Enhanced Redundancy Payment as Category (3) above. Normal age retirement pension benefits may be drawn (unreduced). Notes: 1. "Actual weekly pay" includes London weighting, any other allowances received and any contractual overtime. It does not include re-imbursement for excess travel or non-contractual overtime. 2. For a member of staff between 64 and 65 Statutory Redundancy Payments and University Voluntary Severance Payments are reduced by one twelfth for every complete month by which the age exceeds 64. 3. The granting of voluntary severance terms is at the University's discretion. RJB/RF/ERETIRE/VOLSEV/RED/GUIDELINES 15.05.03 2