Chapter05Q - University of Massachusetts Boston

University of Massachusetts Boston
College of Management
MSIS 110: Introduction to Computers
Chapter 5: Organizing Data and Information - Q & A
____ 1. A primary key is a field or set of fields that uniquely identifies a record.
____ 2. One of the goals of a DBMS is to increase data redundancy thereby making it less
vulnerable to hackers.
____ 3. The database approach to data management helps to reduce program-data
____ 4. Although usually undesirable, data redundancy can be planned so that user reports or
queries can be created more quickly.
____ 5. Data marts are usually larger than data warehouses.
____ 6. E-commerce presents a major opportunity for the effective use of data mining.
____ 7. The value of data ultimately lies in the decisions it enables.
____ 8. The use of competitive intelligence is illegal and unethical.
____ 9. Knowledge management is the process of capturing a company's collective expertise.
____ 10. A database is a collection of integrated and related files.
____ 11. The efficient operation of a business requires a high degree of data redundancy.
____ 12. In the data hierarchy, a byte typically represents a ____.
a. record
b. bit
c. field
d. character
____ 13. A collection of related data fields is called a ____.
a. byte
b. record
c. character
d. bit
____ 14. A DBMS is a(n) ____.
a. interface between the database and application programs
b. data repository
c. knowledge base
d. unique group of records
____ 15. A(n) ____ is a generalized class of people, places, or things for which data is
collected, stored, and maintained.
a. record
b. entity
c. attribute
d. file
____ 16. Which attribute would make the best primary key?
a. Social security number
b. Last name
c. First name
d. Age
____ 17. A traditional approach to data management means that ____.
a. data files are created individually by each application
b. data files are placed into objects
c. data files are managed by the DBMS
d. no data files are used
____ 18. The payroll program at Ken's Builders, Inc. generates and maintains its own data files.
These files, which are not compatible with any other software, exhibit ____.
a. data integrity
b. data stability
c. data security
d. program-data dependence
____ 19. In the figure above, the area enclosed by bracket '2' represents ____.
a. key fields
b. records
c. attributes
d. entities
____ 20. If Employee # is a unique number, then in the figure above, the area of the table
represented by bracket '1' is a ____.
a. secondary key
b. primary key
c. planned redundancy
d. tuple