Appendix B
Terms of Reference
The Big Society Fund Grants Panel is constituted by North Norfolk District
Council to determine grant applications for the North Norfolk Big Society Fund
up to £15,000 in line with the terms and conditions agreed by North Norfolk
District Council and set out in The Big Society Fund Prospectus.
1. The Panel has authority to make grant awards from the North Norfolk
Big Society Fund in accordance with the objectives of the Fund, up to a
maximum limit of £15,000.
2. The Big Society Fund will be administered by North Norfolk District
Council. Officers will support the Panel by providing sufficient
information for it to reach decisions on grant applications.
3. The Panel may determine the outcome of grant applications by
approving, refusing or deferring them. It may also grant partial funding
or impose conditions as appropriate on grant approvals.
Composition of the Panel and decision-making
1. The Panel will consist of five members of NNDC, will be politically
balanced and will be selected by NNDC’s Full Council. The Panel will
The Cabinet member for Localism and the Big Society
four other members of the Council (two from the ruling group
and two from the opposition group(s))
2. Two substitutes will be appointed (one from each main political group)
3. The Panel will elect its chair and vice chair annually by majority vote.
4. The quorum of the Panel shall be not less than four members, with
either the chair or vice chair being present.
5. All decisions will be made by a majority vote and in the instances of
there being no majority, the meeting’s chair will have the casting vote.
Appendix B
Conflict of Interest
Any member having an interest in an organisation whose application for grant
aid is before the Panel shall declare their connection, withdraw from meeting
for the consideration of that application and not vote. Appointed substitute
member(s) may be invited to attend in order for the Panel to remain quorate.
Relevant officers will attend all meetings of the Panel to report on the
applications to be considered and other items on the agenda or matters of
interest to The Panel. Agendas will be prepared and circulated at least one
week prior to meetings along with all other documentation necessary for the
members to be able to make informed decisions. Minutes will be taken at
each meeting and circulated to the Panel and to the Chief Executive of NNDC,
within one week of the meeting taking place. Minutes will also be reported to
The Panel will meet four times a year, with the precise dates, times and
venues to be agreed by mutual consent at least one month in advance of
each meeting. The Panel may, however, choose to hold additional meetings
to deal with particular matters of urgent business.