Cabinet 12 March 2012 Agenda Item No_____9________ NORTH WALSHAM TOWN CENTRE: REGENERATION AND INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES Summary: North Walsham’s town centre has for many years suffered from a lack of investment. Recently, however various actions have been taken to improve key sites and other schemes are in the pipeline. North Norfolk District Council is now determined to drive improvement and take advantage of development proposals through a series of initiatives and interventions in partnership with North Walsham Town Council and others. This report identifies a series of actions that are considered necessary to help address these challenges. Conclusions: It is necessary to take appropriate and timely action in order to make informed decisions which will influence future investment in North Walsham town centre. The evidence, support and advice identified in this report should be procured as soon as possible. The procurement of a commercial property advisor (under a framework contract) will also assist in the implementation of other property related projects elsewhere in the District. Recommendations: It is recommended that authority be given to procure the retail demand/ capacity study, the property advisor framework contract; and the design brief/ architectural feasibility report outlined in paragraph 1.9 of this report, within the budget limits identified. Cabinet member(s): Ward(s) affected: All North Walsham West, North Walsham North and North Walsham East Robert Young – Coast & Community Partnerships Manager, 01263 516162, Contact Officer, telephone number, and e-mail: 1. Introduction 1.1 North Walsham’s town centre has for many years suffered, in particular, from a lack of retail investment. The many vacant shop units and consequential environmental degradation (and poor impression created) impacts negatively on the vitality of the town centre as a whole, further deterring investment. The challenges that the town faces have been well documented of late and North Norfolk District Council is now determined to help the town to address these, through a series of initiatives and interventions in partnership with North Walsham Town Council and others. Cabinet 12 March 2012 1.2 A number of improvements have, however, recently been undertaken in the town, such as the re-surfacing of the Vicarage Street Car Park and the installation of new toilet facilities to replace those at Church Walk (near St Nicholas’s Court). Other projects also in the pipeline include the improvement of Mundesley Road Car Park, Market Place traffic management improvements and improvements to the taxi rank. A total capital sum of £215,000 has been made available for these projects. Sites which have long been vacant and derelict, within the town centre and beyond, also now have developer interest and the Council has been working to ensure that these translate into material improvements for the town. 1.3 The Council’s commitment towards North Walsham is voiced in the Annual Action Plan – Draft for Consultation – agreed by Cabinet in February this year, which states (inter alia) that in order to “Encourage communities to develop their own vision for their future and help them to deliver it: • We will work with the key organisations with an interest in North Walsham to implement the actions and interventions identified through the ‘Leadership of Place’ project. • We will utilise our resources, statutory powers and influence to realise opportunities for North Walsham town centre.” 1.4 Whilst this document is still out for consultation, these particular actions are based on the approach established through the ‘Leadership of Place’ initiative and there is undoubtedly an urgent need to take action. This report therefore outlines the initial actions that have been identified and the steps that should be taken to begin to address the problems of North Walsham town centre. 1.5 The Leadership of Place project developed a partnership action plan for North Walsham, which included a range of public, community, economic and environmental improvements that aim to create opportunities, deliver efficiencies and stimulate community pride in North Walsham. 1.6 A key issue for North Walsham is the large number of vacant shop units in the St Nicholas Court precinct, which, together with the adjacent derelict building at 4 Market Street (Church Walk), has become run-down and blights a prominent part of the town centre. A study was therefore undertaken to help understand the issues and explore the possible future solutions for this part of the town. The study makes a number of recommendations to the Council, which were supported by the Leadership of Place Steering Group. Two key recommendations contained in this study have been carried forward as recommendations to Cabinet in this report (to undertake a feasibility study into retail demand and capacity; and to explore the physical design feasibility of upgrading the external ‘public’ areas of the precinct). 1.7 The reasons for North Walsham town centre’s decline could be many and varied. It has however reached a critical stage where the issues need to be understood, the problems solved and the obstacles overcome. There is anecdotal evidence of latent demand amongst multiple retailers of the sort found in other comparable market towns, and one reason cited for their lack of a presence in North Walsham is the absence of units of a suitable size in the primary retail frontage. In addition, sites suitable for new development are thought to be constrained. These assumptions have, however, never been tested and sufficient resources have yet to be directed towards achieving the desired outcomes. Cabinet 12 March 2012 1.8 It therefore recommended that evidence is gathered and resources are used to help realise opportunities for the town in order to: i) reinvigorate North Walsham Town centre, reducing the number of vacant units and increasing the presence of multiple retailers; ii) make more effective use of key town centre sites, potentially including St. Nicholas’s Court precinct, Vicarage Street car park, New Road car park, Bank Loke/ Black Swan Loke and other land and buildings owned by NNDC; and iii) establish a dialogue with owners of key town centre businesses to identify synergy between their aspirations and those of NNDC and other stakeholders. 1.9 In order to take this forward it is recommended that as a first step the Council undertakes to: a. Commission a retail demand and capacity study to determine: • The actual demand for new development of retail outlets within the town and its catchment (both at the present day and in the foreseeable future) and what factors might influence that demand • The demand for new development of commercial leisure/ food & drink outlets within the town and its catchment • The capacity of the town centre to accommodate such development either through the redevelopment of sites or the re-use/ adaptation of existing buildings, b. Procure (through a framework contract) a property advisor for the Council to work ‘collaboratively’ with to help to unlock potential and realise opportunities (with North Walsham identified as a specified project) by: • advising on the realistic options for various sites and what measures the Council might take in helping to realise them • advising on the optimum use of sites within the Council’s control, to assist with meeting the objectives for the various localities • advising on ways in which the Council can effectively use its assets or its statutory powers and influence to facilitate investment and development opportunities involving its own and third party land • acting on behalf of the Council in negotiations with landowners, developers, retailers and commercial operators in relation to acquisitions, disposals and other property transactions • realising public and private sector development and investment opportunities and where appropriate assisting in the establishment of partnerships to deliver these c. Commission a design brief/ architectural feasibility study into the possible solutions to enhance the ‘external’ areas of St Nicholas Court precinct. 1.10 The results of these studies / reports will be shared with Cabinet in due course, with recommendations as to possible future courses of action. 1.11 The property advisor (in b. above) is likely to be engaged to advise on projects in North Walsham initially but also later in other locations. Cabinet 2 12 March 2012 Risks 2.1 It is anticipated that this work will lead to sound recommendations about the future use of land and property in North Walsham (and subsequently other localities) therefore helping to manage any risks associated with acquisition and/ or disposal of such assets. 2.2 As well as helping to manage financial risks, the recommended course of action will help to reduce any reputational risks associated with the apparent decline of North Walsham town centre. 2.3 As individual actions are progressed, further risks will be identified and form part of the project management arrangements developed for the integrated programme of projects developed for delivery in North Walsham. 3 Sustainability 3.1 There are no sustainability issues raised by this report, although clearly the objectives of the initiatives detailed in this report seek to make better use of existing assets and invest in the future sustainability of North Walsham town centre. 4 Financial Implications 4.1 Cabinet, at its meeting in July 2011, supported an application for revenue funding for implementing the Leadership of Place action plan from the ‘Ideas into Action’ fund, which was subsequently approved by the LSP Board. This provided a fund totalling £60,000, of which only £3,910 has so far been spent. A ceiling for the retail demand and capacity study should be set at £10,000 and for the design brief/ architectural feasibility study, at £3,000. The value of the framework contract for the property advisor will depend on the extent of the interventions taken forward as a consequence of the recommendations. This contract will therefore be awarded principally on the basis of quality, together with an appropriate consideration of fees and rates, and will be managed so as to be within the remaining budget. The contract will include ‘break clauses’. 4.2 It is therefore expected to achieve the work within the budgetary provision and measures will be put in place to manage it thus. 4.3 These commissions will follow the adopted procurement procedures, involving competitive tendering where appropriate. As projects are developed there may be further financial support required although this is most likely to be investment from capital funding. 5 Equality and Diversity 5.1 There are no equality and diversity issues raised by this report, although clearly in moving projects forward equality issues would be considered and form part of the decision-making as appropriate. 6 Crime and Disorder 6.1 There are no anticipated impacts on Crime and Disorder arising from the recommended actions set out in this report; however the ultimate objective of regenerating North Walsham town centre should make a positive contribution towards addressing crime and disorder issues in the town. Cabinet 7 12 March 2012 Recommendation 7.1 It is recommended that authority be given to procure the retail demand/ capacity study, the commercial property advisor and design brief/ architectural feasibility report outlined in paragraph 1.9 of this report, within the budget limits identified. 8 Conclusion 8.1 It is necessary to take appropriate and timely action in order to make informed decisions which will influence future investment in North Walsham town centre. The evidence, support and advice identified in this report should be procured as soon as possible. The procurement of a commercial property advisor (under a framework contract) will also assist in the implementation of other property related projects elsewhere in the District.