Cabinet 4 July 2011

4 July 2011
Agenda Item No______7_______
Supported by the Regional Efficiency and Improvement Programme,
the District Council and key stakeholders within North Walsham
worked together during 2010/11 to produce a vision and action plan
for the future of North Walsham. The aim of this work was not only to
strengthen community leadership and improve co-ordination of public
service provision, but also to identify actions and interventions that
would improve the town for residents, businesses and visitors leading
to greater inward investment. This report presents the background to
the project and the findings.
The community leaders in North Walsham have worked hard to
engage as wide a stakeholder group as possible to ensure
representation from all sectors of the community. It has been a
challenging and worthwhile exercise culminating in an agreed set of
actions which the Cabinet are now asked to endorse along with the
continued operation of a Stakeholder Board with representation from
the Cabinet. This project demonstrates a commitment to localism and
community leadership.
On 17 March the North Walsham Partnership Board approved the
Leadership Of Place report and requested that each representative
seek endorsement from their respective organisation in order to
establish their commitment, both in direct financial contributions and
non-financial resources. Cabinet are therefore being asked to endorse
the report and associated action plan and nominate a member of
Cabinet to participate on a future Stakeholder Board.
Cabinet are also asked to endorse the proposal that a local Member
should form part of the stakeholder Board and in addition to terms of
reference, a communication protocol be agreed by the Board.
That Cabinet support an approach to the Local Strategic Partnership
to secure revenue support for both the feasibility study and project
management of £50,000 and options for match funding explored
Cabinet member(s):
Ward(s) affected:
Contact Officer, telephone number,
and e-mail:
4 July 2011
Introduction and Background
Following a successful bid to the Regional Efficiency and Improvement Programme
(REIP) in June 2010, £25,000 was allocated to support a Leadership of Place project in
North Walsham. Additional funding of £10,000 was allocated by the district council to
support the work. The project was part of a tranche of locality based implementation
pilots in Norfolk looking at two areas:
o High contact families in Kings Lynn, Norwich, Great Yarmouth and South Norfolk; and
o Collaboration on service delivery in market towns, in North Norfolk (North Walsham) and
The project identified four deliverables. These were as follows;
o Endorsement of a common vision for future public service delivery in North
o Enhanced community leadership provided by key community organisations within
a three tier local government structure.
o Efficiencies generated by rationalising and consolidating public sector assets and
exploiting opportunities for co-location of front office services and information
o Identify key issues, opportunities and projects that will support the town’s longer
term sustainability, particularly focused around its economic viability.
The project has been led by the District Council with an early decision being to avoid the
appointment of consultants, and given the nature of the project, create capacity for the
Council’s Corporate Asset Manager to undertake a lead role, act as project manager and
complete the final report. However this was vey much a collaborative approach with the
direction and steer being provided by a stakeholder group which, in addition to the
District Council, comprised representation from the Town Council, County Council,
Chamber of Trade, Area Partnership, and Chair of High School Board of Governors. A
copy of the terms of reference is attached at Appendix B
The Partnership Board met on four occasions and there were two consultation exercises
with a wider group of stakeholders, one of which was dedicated to engaging with the
business community and organised through the North Norfolk Business Forum.
There were a number of factors that influenced the decision to focus on the market town
of North Walsham. The following summarises the key issues.
North Walsham is a market town in North Norfolk with a population of approximately
12,500. It is of strategic importance to rural settlements in the east of the District and is
the largest town in North Norfolk offering a range of services and employment, and is
defined as a Principal Settlement in the Core Strategy of the North Norfolk Local
Development Framework.
There has been significant housing growth in North Walsham in recent years and it is
considered important to match future housing growth with provision of employment
opportunities and enhanced services. The town’s economy was traditionally dependent
on large-scale manufacturing where jobs have been lost in the last decade leaving a mix
of brownfield and greenfield employment land available for future development.
It is also a key settlement in relation to public service provision and includes two doctors’
surgeries, a cottage hospital, swimming pool, police station, high school, dual-use leisure
facility, college, education and social services offices, community centre, library and a
District and Town Council presence through the provision of a town hall. All of these
service providers are located on sites within close proximity to the town centre and have
a crucial role to play in the future development and strategic positioning of the town.
4 July 2011
Of particular relevance is Paston College which is an important provider of jobs and
education in the town and occupies two sites. Delegated planning approval has been
given for relocation to a site on Station Road although with the current funding situation
there is unlikely to be any relocation in the foreseeable future.
There were also a number of other proposals relating to public sector assets within the
town at early stages of development, including a planned Area Asset Review by the
County Council of its own assets, and it was therefore an opportune time to join-up
thinking around a common vision and ambition that will create opportunities, deliver
efficiencies and stimulate community pride in North Walsham.
The Partnership Board has provided its endorsement to the full report at its meeting on
17 March and has asked each representative to seek commitment from their respective
organisations for the report and associated action plan. The summary document is
attached at Appendix C and the full report available on the internet at or in hard copy on request.
A letter of support for the project has been received from the Leader of the County
Council affirming their commitment to the action plan and their role in delivering this
going forward. The Town Council has adopted the report.
One of the options for a delivery mechanism is to set up a Development Trust for North
Walsham. In order to understand more how Development Trusts work, and how it might
apply to North Walsham a presentation from Locality (the Government funded body
promoting localism and asset transfer) has been arranged for 24 June 2011.
There are emerging opportunities through the forthcoming Localism Bill for communities
to take greater control and responsibility, and the Leadership of Place project provides
the basis for embracing this agenda.
Financial Implications
All direct financial support outlined within the report is already included within the District
Council’s current capital programme. However, additional revenue funding will be
required to undertake an initial feasibility study into the future positioning of St Nicholas
In addition, some dedicated project officer support is required to co-ordinate and manage
the projects in an efficient way and engage with stakeholders and the wider community
at various junctures. This will require revenue support for which project funding remains
available from the Ideas into Action Fund which is managed through the Local Strategic
Partnership. It is therefore recommended that an approach is made to secure revenue
support for both the feasibility study and project management of £50,000 and options for
match funding explored.
As projects are developed there may be further financial support required although this is
most likely to be investment need and therefore capital funding.
At the current time the biggest risk is that this project loses momentum and/or funding is
not secured to support the action plan moving forward. There are no direct risks to the
organisation in endorsing the action plan.
As individual actions are progressed risks will be identified and form part of the project
Equality and Diversity
There are no equality and diversity issues raised by this report, although clearly in
moving projects forward equality issues would be considered and form part of the
decision-making as appropriate.
Crime and Disorder
There are no crime and disorder issues raised by this report.
There are no sustainability issues raised by this report.
4 July 2011