CABINET – 10 September 2012 Decision List Notes: All decisions in this Decision List which are not identified as RECOMMENDATIONS to Full Council are capable of being "called-in" under Section 8 of Chapter 4, Part 3 of the Constitution. If not called-in, they will take effect on the expiry of 5 clear working days after the publication of this decision list. For the avoidance of doubt, the deadline for a call-in request for this decision list will be 17 September 2012. The officer listed as taking action will generally be the author of the original report unless otherwise notified to the Democratic Services Team. ACTION BY ITEM 4: ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS HAPPISBURGH BEACH ACCESS STEPS DECISION a) That the steps and bridge be removed and stored at Happisburgh b) That the whole structure is securely stored and maintained locally c) That a report is brought to Cabinet/Council within the next 12 months with a recommendation regarding the future of the structure Brian Farrow Coastal Engineer Tel: 01263 516193 Email: ITEM 8: COUNCIL TAX SUPPORT WORKING PARTY DECISION That the minutes of the meeting of the Council Tax Support Working Party be received Decision List - Cabinet – 10 September 2012 No action necessary ITEM 9: PLANNING POLICY & BUILT HERITAGE WORKING PARTY Mark Ashwell Planning Policy & Property Information Manager That the recommendations from Minute 18 and Minute 19 of the meeting held on 20 August be 01263 516325 adopted. DECISION That the recommendation from Minute 12 from the meeting held on 23 July be made to Full Council, subject to the following amendment: RECOMMENDATION TO FULL COUNCIL: That in response to the NPPF, Council resolves to support the inclusion of elements of market housing within rural exception schemes which otherwise comply with the provisions of Policy HO3 subject to clear demonstration that the inclusion of market housing is necessary to deliver affordable dwellings which otherwise would not be provided RECOMMENDATION TO FULL COUNCIL (September) ITEM 10: DEVELOPMENT OF THE NORTH NORFOLK INTEGRATED APPROACH TO COASTAL Rob Goodliffe MANAGEMENT Coastal Community Projects Manager 01263 516321 DECISION RECOMMONDATION TO FULL COUNCIL: 1. That the integrated approach to coastal management, in particular the work schemes set out in Table 1 of the report be endorsed. 2. That the remaining unallocated coastal Pathfinder budget (approximately £65,000 revenue) and receipts including the Coastal Erosion Assistance Grant (£60,000 capital) and any income from successful Pathfinder replacement housing are incorporated into a new integrated coastal budget for the purpose of funding specific coastal projects and resources in line with the integrated approach. 3. That the allocation of the integrated coastal budget is delegated to the Chief Executive in consultation with the Coastal Portfolio Holder. Decision List - Cabinet – 10 September 2012 RECOMMENDATION TO FULL COUNCIL (September) ITEM 11: BUDGET MONITORING 2012/13 PERIOD 4 Karen Sly Head of Finance Corporate Director 01263 516243 1. To note the contents of the report and the current forecast for the current financial year; 2. To note the current position on the approved capital programme and approve the recommended amendments. DECISION ITEM 12: ENTERPRISE NORFOLK Robin Smith Economic and Tourism Development Manager To accept the NCC grant of £35K per annum over the period 2012/13 and 2013/14 (£70K for two 01263 516236 years) and authorise the release of £25K per annum over the period 2012/13 and 2013/14 (£50K for two years) from the ETDU budget as match funding to that of the NCC grant to deliver a business start-up support programme called Enterprise Norfolk and to ultimately increase the number of Business Start-Ups (NI 171 – New business registrations) in the district. DECISION ITEM 13 NORTH NORFOLK HOUSING STRATEGY 2012-15 (MAKING BEST USE OF THE EXISTING HOUSING STOCK) DECISION RECOMMENDATION TO FULL COUNCIL (September) RECOMMENDATION TO FULL COUNCIL: That Council adopts the North Norfolk Housing Strategy (Making Best Use of the existing Housing Stock) document ITEM 14: PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT – DELIVERY OF ANNUAL ACTION PLAN Q1 DECISION To note the current position with the waste and cleansing contract as set out in the briefing note shown at appendix 3 of the report. Decision List - Cabinet – 10 September 2012 Sheila Oxtoby Chief Executive 01263 516000 RECOMMENDATION TO FULL COUNCIL: That two additional planning assistants be recruited on a temporary basis for a 12 month period pending the outcome for the peer challenge, to be funded from a combination of the HPDG earmarked reserve and the proposed national fee increase from October 2012. That additional support for planning enforcement, is progressed with the Borough Council of Kings Lynn & West Norfolk. Decision List - Cabinet – 10 September 2012 RECOMMENDATION TO FULL COUNCIL (September)