Agenda Item 2__ CABINET Minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on Monday 05 October 2015 at the Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer at 10.00am. Members Present: Mrs S Arnold Miss B Palmer Mr N Dixon Mrs A Fitch-Tillett Mr T FitzPatrick (Chairman) Mrs J Oliver Mr J Rest Also attending: Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds Mr V FitzPatrick Mrs P Grove-Jones Mr P W High Mr N Pearce Officers in Attendance: 48. Mrs M Prior Mr R Reynolds Mr R Shepherd Mr N Smith The Chief Executive, the Corporate Directors, the Head of Finance, the Head of Business Transformation and IT, the Leisure and Cultural Services Manager and the Democratic Services Team Leader APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Mr N Northam 49. MINUTES The minutes of the meeting held on 7th September 2015 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman 50. PUBLIC QUESTIONS Mr I Ponton asked a question regarding Agenda Item 12: North Norfolk Leisure Facilities Strategy. Mr Ponton asked Cabinet to consider including a new build option for a pool in Fakenham. He explained that this option had been included in the overall strategy document but not within the recommendations in the executive summary. Mr Ponton said that both pools in Fakenham were now closed and that the strategy document strongly identified Fakenham as an area for swimming facilities. He went onto say that the viability of re-opening the Academy pool needed to be questioned. The Splash Pool at Sheringham had two alternatives listed within the recommendations and was listed as a short-term rating, whilst Fakenham had a medium term rating. Cabinet 05 October 2015 Therefore a request was being made to include a new build option within the recommendations together with a short-term rating. The Leader said that these issues would be dealt with under Agenda item 12. 51. ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS The Leader informed members that due to tight timescales the contract award for the Council’s insurance provision was taken under delegated powers. There had been a joint procurement exercise between NNDC, Great Yarmouth Borough Council and South Norfolk District Council and the contract had been awarded to Zurich Municipal for a period of three years. The new arrangements needed to be in place for 1 October 2015 and the Leader confirmed that this was now the case. 52. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST None 53. MEMBER QUESTIONS The Leader confirmed that Members could ask questions as each item arose. 54. CONSIDERATION OF ANY MATTER REFERRED TO THE CABINET BY THE OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE OR COUNCIL FOR RECONSIDERATION None 55. CONSIDERATION OF REPORTS FROM THE OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE None 56. CONSULTANCY TO SUPPORT THE IMPLEMENTATION OF A COUNCIL-WIDE DOCUMENT AND RECORDS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM The Leader, Mr T FitzPatrick, introduced this item. He said that the document management system (DMS) was a critical component of the Digital Transformation and Business Efficiency Programme and early successful implementation was essential. Undertaking a pilot project, followed by a phased rollout across the Council was the best way of ensuring rapid delivery without incurring excessive costs. It was proposed by Mr T FitzPatrick, seconded by Mrs J Oliver and RESOLVED To authorise the Corporate Director (NB) to procure a Document Management System, initially through a pilot, followed by the Council-wide rollout. That, the £60,000 cost is funded from the previously identified Business Efficiency and Digital Transformation budget. Reasons for the decision: The approach of engaging third party expertise to assist existing council staff to deploy a pilot project followed by a separate wider rollout is assessed a being the Cabinet 05 October 2015 most appropriate to ensure rapid delivery of essential technology whilst retaining control of future costs. 57. CONSULTANCY TO SUPPORT THE IMPLEMENTATION OF A WEB CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM The Leader, Mr T FitzPatrick, introduced this item. He explained that the Business Efficiency and Digital Transformation Programme included a work-stream to improve web technology. In order to deliver against this work-stream, a request was being made to release previously identified funding to support the provision of third party expertise for the deployment and configuration of a content management system for the Council’s web site which would make it easier for residents, businesses and customers to interact via the NNDC website using a variety of mobile devices. It was proposed by Mr T FitzPatrick, seconded by Mr J Rest and RESOLVED To approve the release of £44,000 of capital funding, previously identified in the Business Efficiency and Digital Transformation Programme, to allow officers to procure third party support to deploy a content management system for the Council’s web site using the Council’s procurement processes. The project to be complete by February 2016. Reasons for the decision: The approach of engaging third party expertise to assist council staff to deploy and implement a responsive web site supports the rapid delivery of the council’s Business Efficiency and Digital Transformation Programme. 58. DRAFT CENTRAL NORFOLK STRATEGIC HOUSING MARKET ASSESSMENT Mrs S Arnold, Portfolio Holder for Planning introduced this item. She explained that the Assessment sought to quantify the amount of new homes that would be required in the area between 2012 and 2036 and comprised one of the evidence documents that would be used to prepare policies for the new Local Plan. It was proposed by Mrs S Arnold, seconded by Mr J Rest and RESOLVED to Notes the contents of the Assessment, accepts it as evidence to inform the preparation of the Local Plan and other policies and authorises publication. Reasons for the decision: The Assessment has been prepared in accordance with best practice and is a robust assessment of future housing need and demand which will be used to prepare the Local Plan. 59. NORTH NORFOLK INDOOR LEISURE FACILITIES STRATEGY Miss B Palmer, Portfolio Holder for Leisure introduced this item. She explained that the report made a number of recommendations which provided the Council and other providers and operators of leisure facilities across the District with options as to future investment needs and opportunities in the provision of new indoor sports and Cabinet 05 October 2015 leisure facilities. The Strategy document also provided an audit of existing indoor leisure facilities and Miss Palmer said that she was pleased to see that there was a good spread of facilities across the District and that the reach was also very good. In response to the points raised by the public speaker, Mr Ponton, Miss Palmer acknowledged that there were a number of issues regarding swimming facilities in Fakenham. She said that she fully supported the aspirations of the local community but that a mix of funding would be required to achieve them, She concluded by saying that the Council would take the consultants recommendations into account when going forward with the strategy. In seconding the proposal, the Deputy Leader, Mrs A Fitch-Tillett said that she completely endorsed the recommendations. Sports and leisure was vital for the health and wellbeing of the District, although it should be borne in mind that it was not a statutory obligation. The Leader invited Members to ask questions: 1. Mr R Reynolds said that he was pleased to see two of his fellow ward members in attendance and that he was very supportive of their efforts. He said that the reopening of the Fakenham Academy pool was an important consideration. New build was also an option but it should be sustainable. 2. Mr N Dixon said that he welcomed the reference to mixed economy in terms of the provision of facilities. He added that it was also important to look outside the District to ensure that all possible resources were harnessed. 3. Mrs P Grove-Jones spoke about her ward, Stalham. She said that she had met with the consultant some time ago and pointed out that a large proportion of leisure activities were supported by volunteers. She also referred to the Dual Use Sports Centre (DUSC) in Stalham where the provision for the public was very limited as the school took priority and often cancelled bookings if they required the facilities. The Leader replied that this would be looked into as it was important that the provision was right for the town. Before moving to the recommendations, the Leader asked Mr Ponton if he wished to respond to any of the comments. Mr Ponton said that it was still not clear that whether the points that he made earlier were being taken on board and in particular whether the new build option for a pool for Fakenham was a possibility. Miss B Palmer replied that the new build option was one of a number of options being considered. The Leader said that this was not the final strategy document and that it would be used to inform the strategy going forward. He said that the recommendations had been revised to reflect this: It was proposed by Miss B Palmer, seconded by Mrs A Fitch-Tillett and RESOLVED to 1. Note the submission of the report by Neil Allen Associates and to take their views into account when formulating the Council’s way forward for the future with regard to sports and leisure 2. To task the Corporate Director (SB), working under direction from the Portfolio Holder to identify and agree the relevant project work streams required to produce an indoor leisure facilities strategy. Reasons for the decision: Cabinet 05 October 2015 Sound management of the Council’s sports and leisure assets; co-ordination and promotion of existing indoor sports facilities to ensure value for money provision and good levels of participation in sport given the demographic profile of the district and in support of the Council’s corporate objective in promoting sport and wellbeing; inform future investment decisions regarding the provision and operation of new indoor sports facilities in the district over the next twenty years. 60. COMPULSORY PURCHASE OF THE FORMER SHANNOCKS HOTEL, SHERINGHAM The Portfolio Holder for Legal Services, Mrs J Oliver, introduced this item. She explained that the report made the case for the compulsory purchase of the Shannocks Hotel site in Sheringham, which despite the efforts of the Council was in a very dilapidated condition. Mrs Oliver went onto say that various methods of improving the property had been explored to no avail. The owners continued to show no willingness to bring the property back into use and only a very limited willingness to improve it. It was a huge concern to local residents as it was a blight on the seafront. Mr N Dixon, on seconding the proposal, said that the property was a blot on the landscape that needed to be addressed. It was hoped that the Council would not need to resort to a compulsory purchase order as it was not an action that should be undertaken lightly. The Leader invited Members to speak: 1. Mr R Shepherd, Local member for Sheringham South said that he had been fighting this issue since 2013. The Council’s Enforcement Board had worked very hard to tackle the problem and he welcomed the commitment to compulsory purchase the property. 2. Mrs P Grove-Jones asked why the owners had refused to engage with the Council at all. The Corporate Director (NB) replied that the Council had tried to engage with the owner several times and had even given them an extended timeline to complete works to the property but they had still not complied. It was proposed by Mrs J Oliver, seconded by Mr N Dixon and RESOLVED: 1. That subject to point 5 below the Corporate Director (NB), after discussion with 2. 3. 4. 5. Cabinet the s151 Officer and the Portfolio members for Planning, Property and Assets and Legal Services, is delegated the power to conclude an agreement with the owners of the former Shannocks Hotel, Sheringham, to sell the property to the Council, stating clear timescales for the owners to respond and to complete the sale. If no such agreement is reached, that the Corporate Director (NB), is instructed to proceed to make an application for a Compulsory Purchase Order on the property and to take all necessary or desirable steps to achieve that. That following acquisition, the Corporate Director (NB), will bring a further report back to Cabinet for a decision regarding options for redevelopment That, the purchase cost and CPO fees will be funded from capital resources from which virement of the necessary funds is authorised. The purchase price will not exceed independent valuation and the CPO on costs at the upper limit identified in the report. 05 October 2015 Reasons for the decision: 1. There is an expectation by the Secretary of State that Councils will seek to reach voluntary agreement on purchase prior to a Compulsory Purchase being authorised. 2. To enable the property to be acquired for redevelopment or bringing back into use, thus removing this long-term empty property which is presently causing blight in the local area. 3. To enable Cabinet to make an informed decision on the future use of the property. 4. To make the necessary financial provision for purchase 5. To ensure CPO remains a cost effective option. The Meeting closed at 10.30 am _______________ Chairman Cabinet 05 October 2015